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Napísal Mercure Bratislava/Signature 19. august 2014

Grilované špeciality sú obľúbenou pochúťkou väčšiny Slovákov. Ak máte chuť na zmenu alebo by ste privítali rozmanitejšie kombinácie, máte viac možností.

V poslednom čase stúpa obľuba grilovanej zeleniny. Hodí sa ako príloha ku grilovanému hovädziemu či bravčovému mäsu, ale veľmi chutná je aj ako samostatný chod. „Pri výbere zeleniny môžeme vyskúšať aj zaujímavé plody, ktoré sa bežne negrilujú. Okrem obľúbenej papriky či cukiny sa na grilovanie hodia aj baklažány, mrkva, paradajky, mladé cibuľky či špargľa,“ radí šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko. Doba prípravy rôznych druhov zeleniny sa však líši. Predvarenej špargli alebo kalerábu stačí 15 až 25 minút, mäkkej zelenine ako cukine alebo baklažánu 7 až 12 minút, zemiakom doprajte aj 50 minút. Grilovaná zelenina najlepšie chutí so studenými marinádami, dresingmi alebo dipmi. Jej jemnú chuť príjemne doplnia korenisté a ostré chute, ktoré dodávajú napríklad chilli papričky, dijonská horčica, koňak alebo balzamikový ocot.

Zaujímavou prílohou ku grilovaným jedlám je čatní. Ideálne sa hodí ku grilovaným syrom alebo kuraciemu mäsu. „Čatní by malo obsahovať menšie či väčšie kúsky ovocia alebo zeleniny. Môže byť pikantné, sladkokyslé alebo úplne sladké,“ vysvetľuje šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko, „Je možné pripraviť ho z mnohých druhov zeleniny alebo ovocia. Zo zeleniny sa využíva hlavne plodová zelenina, ako sú paradajky, papriky a rôzne druhy tekvíc. Pri ovocí je výber oveľa širší, pretože tu nájdeme plody, ktoré majú dostatok dužiny. Najčastejšie to bývajú slivky, ringlóty, broskyne a marhule, dá sa však použiť aj exotické mango, pomaranč alebo banán.“ Čatní sa ochucuje hrozienkami, cibuľou, cesnakom, octom a rôznymi druhmi korenia. Najpoužívanejším korením je zázvor, muškátový kvet a škorica.

Grilovaná zelenina s uhorkovo - mätovou salsou a baklažánovým pyré

P O T R E  U J E T E: 1/2 strednej cukiny, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 1 paradajka, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 3 – 4 väčšie šampiňóny, 5 ks špargle, 1 uhorka, 1 strúčik cesnaku,štipka cukru, nasekaný tymián, šťava z citróna, olivový olej, soľ, korenie, 1 lyžica bieleho jogurtu, 1 čajová lyžička medu, čerstvá mäta, 2 ks baklažánu, 2 lyžice smotany na šľahanie

P O S T U P: Cukinu nakrájame na 0,5 cm plátky, papriku na väčšie štvorce, ktoré zbavíme kompletne bielej vnútornej dužiny. Vykrojíme zelenú vrchnú časť na stredne veľkej paradajke a prekrojíme ju na polovicu. Šampiňóny očistíme od stopky a pokvapkáme citrónovou šťavou aby pri grilovaní veľmi nezhnedli. Na špargli odkrojíme drevité časti. Všetku zeleninu pokvapkáme trochou olivového oleja, pridáme nasekaný tymián, soľ, korenie, štipku cukru a trochu pretlačeného cesnaku. Rozložíme na stredne rozpálený gril, priebežne otáčame a grilujeme dovtedy, aby  zelenina po odobratí z grilu stále držala tvar a veľmi nezmäkla

Príloha 1: Uhorkovo – mätová salsa
Očistíme jednu uhorku a odstránime z nej stred. Pokrájame na malé kocky, pridáme biely jogurt, med, soľ, korenie a nakoniec nasekanú mätu. 

Príloha 2: Baklažánové pyré
Pozdĺžne rozkrojíme baklažany, ich vnútro narežeme na mriežku, posolíme, okoreníme, pokvapkáme olivovým olejom a zabalíme oproti sebe do hliníkovej fólie. Dáme piecť do pahreby a pečieme až kým nebudú úplne mäkké. Potom lyžicou vyškriabeme vnútro a rozmixujeme so smotanou na šľahanie. Ochutíme ešte cesnakom, citrónovou šťavou a prípadne aj soľou a korením.

Foto: Reštaurácia Signature hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum

Grilovaný oštiepok s balzamikovým sirupom a pomarančovým čatní

P O T R E  U J E T E: 350g údeného oštiepka, 50 g hladkej múky, 1 dcl balzamikového octu, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 170 g hnedého cukru, 1 lyžica medu, 5 pomarančov, bobkový list, nové korenie, celá škorica, šťava z limetky, postrúhaná kôra z 1 citróna

P O S T U P: Oštiepok si nakrájame na asi 0,5 cm kúsky a grilujeme na rozpálenom grile asi 15 - 20 sekúnd z každej strany. Aby sa nám plátky neprilepili, môžeme ich predtým trochu vyváľať v hladkej múke alebo zemiakovom škrobe.

Príloha 1: Balzamikový sirup
Uvaríme balzamikový ocot s medom, hnedým cukrom, bobkovým listom, novým korením a kôrou z citróna. Necháme odpariť na hustú konzistenciu.

Príloha 2: Pomarančové čatní
Rozkrájame na tenké pásiky kôru aj s dužinou z umytých a vyžmýkaných pomarančov. Pridáme kúsok celej škorice, 150 g hnedého cukru, podlejeme vodou a varíme, kým kôra úplne nezmäkne. Pritom stále podlievame vodou. Zaberie to pomerne dlhšiu dobu, asi 3 – 4 hodiny, je dobré pripraviť si ho vopred. Keď je kôra úplne rozvarená, dochutíme ešte trochou limetkovej šťavy.

Dobrú chuť!

8770 komentárov

  • Komentár Tyson-Usyk ee %AM, %26 %166 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Tyson-Usyk ee

    Усик, отримуючи титулами всіх значимих асоціацій показав свою майстерність в ролі серед найталановитіших учасників боксу, які з'явилися навіть вигравали на рингу професійну арену.

    Суперництво бой усик фьюри висувався ще старого періоду часу, однак найрізноманітніші причини, як втрати разом з різні завдання двох спортсменів призвели до перенесення.
    Цей атлет манера швидкість та тактика до поєдинку принесли всією спільноті визнанням не тільки в у світі, в той же час і на арені.

    Разом з тим Тайсон Ф'юрі величний незабутньою впливом водночас феноменальною успішністю. Ці два суперники та лідери в традиціях боксу, отож ці битва може бути захоплюючою.

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    Олександр Олександр Усик залишається підготовку до бою, такі як приріст тактичних навичок, з огляду на втримувати у найкращою модифікацією своїх можливостей.

    Тайсон з іншого боку завершував жорстку дослідження, щоб зберегти свою досвідчену репутацію на рингу. Спортсмен завжди намагається по ментальному підході, з метою зберегти емоційну ситуацію на суперником.

    Усик-Лев розуміє ці психологічну перевагу може стати останням фактором на етапі бою.

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    Задайте Ставку: Введите сумму, которую вы хотите вложить. Помните, что всегда ставьте с умом.

    Следите за Взлетом Самолета: После того как ставка внесена, на экране появится самолет, который покажет взлет. Множитель выигрыша будет расти. Забирайте Ваши средства: В любой момент, пока самолет не исчез, вы можете забрать свой выигрыш. Продолжите Игру: После завершения раунда вы можете продолжить игру.

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    Следите за Рисками: В игре Авиатор важно обдуманно управлять рисками.

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  • Komentár Plinko - Awaws %AM, %26 %164 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Plinko - Awaws

    Plinko app is a captivating game that has gained immense popularity in recent years, notably among the digital gaming and casino circles. Originating from the traditional game show format, the Plinko casino game has developed into a flexible and thrilling game that entices both amateur players and those looking to win real cash online. The mechanics of the Plinko app are simple yet engaging, yet extremely entertaining, making it a favorite in many digital casinos and gaming platforms.

    At its essence, plinko is centered on releasing a ball into a board filled with obstacles or obstacles. The ball makes its way across the board, bouncing unpredictably off the pins before settling in one of several chambers at the end. Each chamber represents a different prize or award, bringing a factor of randomness that entices gamers to continue playing. The unpredictable outcomes of the Plinko game is a big part of its charm, making every drop unpredictable.

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    The presence of Plinko game apk options has expanded the game's access. With the Plinko app available for download on both Android and iOS devices, fans can enjoy the thrill of the game at any moment. The app is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to newcomers to jump into the action. As an added benefit, the Plinko apk usually offers special bonuses for mobile gamers, elevating the entertainment of playing on the mobile.

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    If you're eager to jump into the world of Plinko, there are several methods to access the game. You can find the Plinko app download, or head over to an online casino that features Plinko. Downloading the game is fast and simple, and you’ll be able to start playing in no time. Whether you’re after an exciting way to pass the time or interested in real-money gaming, Plinko app is a great option for anyone.

  • Komentár Sazrqon %AM, %26 %164 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Sazrqon

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  • Komentár Sazrmhq %AM, %26 %164 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Sazrmhq

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  • Komentár Tiger - hon %AM, %26 %162 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Tiger - hon

    Jogo do Tigrinho e um dos jogos de cassino online mais procurados por oferecer premios significativos sem exigir conhecimento avancado. Utilizando o tigre como emblema de forca e fortuna,
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    Metodos para Obter Melhores Resultados no Tigrinho

    O jogo se diferencia por suas oportunidades de lucro rapido e significativo. A chance de premios em cada rodada faz do jogo uma escolha interessante para apostadores.

    Os apostadores desenvolvem taticas para tornar o jogo mais lucrativo. A aposta em valores crescentes e uma tatica popular. Essa tatica permite comecar apostando baixo e ir aumentando gradualmente.

    O timing das apostas pode ser um diferencial crucial para maximizar os ganhos. Alguns jogadores se especializam em identificar os minutos de pagamento. Esses momentos de maiores ganhos sao imprevisiveis, mas com pratica e possivel identifica-los.

    Plataforma Fortune Tiger: Beneficios para o Jogador



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  • Komentár Plinko - Awaws %AM, %26 %110 %2024 %01:%nov napísal Plinko - Awaws

    Plinko online game is a well-known game that has captured significant interest in recent years, notably among the internet gaming and betting audiences. Originating from the traditional game show format, the Plinko game has transformed into a dynamic and gripping experience that entices both casual gamers and those seeking to earn real money via the web. The fundamentals of the Plinko app are straightforward yet exciting, yet highly engaging, making it a staple in many digital casinos and digital gaming platforms.

    At its foundation, plinko apk is based on releasing a ball into a board filled with pegs or obstacles. The sphere makes its way across the grid, deflecting randomly off the pegs before landing in one of several compartments at the bottom part. Each landing zone represents a different reward or prize, introducing an element of luck that encourages players to return. The total randomness of the game of Plinko is central to its appeal, creating a unique experience every time.

    One of the key reasons why Plinko is widely played is the ease with which users can get started. Today, you can quickly discover a online version of Plinko, giving you the chance to play from the convenience of your home or while mobile. Internet versions of Plinko frequently include a variety of enhancements and modifications that improve the playing experience, from different visuals to extra levels. Additionally, gamers can opt for testing a Plinko demo or jumping into a real-money Plinko game version, depending on their preferences.

    For those hoping to earn real money, the real-money Plinko online game variant is a adventurous way to try your fortune. Many internet casinos now offer Plinko casino game versions that allow players to win real money based on where the ball drops. The stakes may differ, with some platforms featuring small rewards while others offer large payouts, creating a mix of accessibility and excitement. If you're eager to experience high-stakes Plinko, it's as quick as finding a reliable Plinko download or finding a trusted online casino that features the Plinko gambling opportunity.

    The ease of access of Plinko apk downloads has expanded the game's appeal. With the Plinko mobile game available for install on smartphones and tablets, users can experience the excitement of Plinko whenever. The application is built to be intuitive, giving new players an easy start to dive right in. Additionally, the Plinko app usually offers exclusive rewards for users, further increasing the excitement of playing on the road.

    One of the great attractions of Plinko online game is the multiple variants available to users. Whether you're eager to gamble with a no-cost Plinko, or you're ready to play with real stakes and earn money with Plinko, there is an option for every type of player. The demo of Plinko is ideal for getting acquainted with the game without any stakes involved. Users can test the free Plinko game to see how the mechanics work, before deciding to engage in the real-money version.

    For those seeking to play for real money, Plinko for real cash variants are hosted on a variety of internet casinos and web-based casinos. These real-money Plinko versions offer users the chance to earn actual money based on their fortune. The appeal of Plinko with cash rewards is enhanced by the rewards that players can achieve, with some jackpots reaching substantial figures, making the game truly rewarding.

    Web: https://www.ontimelog.com.br/stake-uk-casinos-plinko-game-analyzing-player-8/

    For anyone interested to get started, there are many options to access the game. You can search for the Plinko app, or navigate to an online casino that has Plinko available. Downloading Plinko is quick and easy, and you’ll be set up to enjoy in no time. Whether you’re seeking some light entertainment or looking for a cash reward, Plinko app has something to offer for any type of gamer.

  • Komentár Andar Bahar game mj %AM, %26 %094 %2024 %01:%nov napísal Andar Bahar game mj

    The universe of virtual gaming platforms has expanded dramatically in recent years, offering gamers an unmatched online casino adventure available at any moment. With the rise of mobile device innovations and player-focused applications, concepts including gambling center, internet casino, casino app, casino installation file, and Andar Bahar game have become an key component of everyday entertainment.

    The concept of online casinos came into existence in the digital revolution period, providing a convenient alternative to conventional venues. Over time, modern technology have transformed online platforms into dynamic environments, equipped with high-quality designs, live dealer options, and smooth gaming.

    Today, the possibility to access an online casino from any modern device stands out as a major attraction for casino lovers internationally.

    Web-based gambling sites feature a wide range of games, including well-known options like roulette and poker, in addition to hundreds of slot games.

    These websites provide players the convenience of enjoying games in their living rooms or on the go, establishing their popularity among both beginner and long-time enthusiasts.

    One of the most significant shifts in the online gaming industry is the trend of handheld gameplay. Casino-focused software are widely recognized as a preferred method for engaging with online platforms, thanks to their user-friendly interfaces and tailored features.

    Whether you are a occasional gamer or a professional player, a reliable gambling application allows you to enjoy your beloved activities with just a few touches on your portable device.

    These apps focus on enhance a uninterrupted casino session, with tools such as game selection based on preferences, instant payout solutions, and advanced safety protocols.

    Web: https://andar-bahar-game.netlify.app

    Players can acquire a mobile gaming APK—a file format for Android devices—to install apps directly in cases where they're missing on common mobile platforms.

    This adaptability makes certain that players can enjoy uninterrupted gaming to their most-used casino systems, irrespective of technical constraints.

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