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Napísal Mercure Bratislava/Signature 19. august 2014

Grilované špeciality sú obľúbenou pochúťkou väčšiny Slovákov. Ak máte chuť na zmenu alebo by ste privítali rozmanitejšie kombinácie, máte viac možností.

V poslednom čase stúpa obľuba grilovanej zeleniny. Hodí sa ako príloha ku grilovanému hovädziemu či bravčovému mäsu, ale veľmi chutná je aj ako samostatný chod. „Pri výbere zeleniny môžeme vyskúšať aj zaujímavé plody, ktoré sa bežne negrilujú. Okrem obľúbenej papriky či cukiny sa na grilovanie hodia aj baklažány, mrkva, paradajky, mladé cibuľky či špargľa,“ radí šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko. Doba prípravy rôznych druhov zeleniny sa však líši. Predvarenej špargli alebo kalerábu stačí 15 až 25 minút, mäkkej zelenine ako cukine alebo baklažánu 7 až 12 minút, zemiakom doprajte aj 50 minút. Grilovaná zelenina najlepšie chutí so studenými marinádami, dresingmi alebo dipmi. Jej jemnú chuť príjemne doplnia korenisté a ostré chute, ktoré dodávajú napríklad chilli papričky, dijonská horčica, koňak alebo balzamikový ocot.

Zaujímavou prílohou ku grilovaným jedlám je čatní. Ideálne sa hodí ku grilovaným syrom alebo kuraciemu mäsu. „Čatní by malo obsahovať menšie či väčšie kúsky ovocia alebo zeleniny. Môže byť pikantné, sladkokyslé alebo úplne sladké,“ vysvetľuje šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko, „Je možné pripraviť ho z mnohých druhov zeleniny alebo ovocia. Zo zeleniny sa využíva hlavne plodová zelenina, ako sú paradajky, papriky a rôzne druhy tekvíc. Pri ovocí je výber oveľa širší, pretože tu nájdeme plody, ktoré majú dostatok dužiny. Najčastejšie to bývajú slivky, ringlóty, broskyne a marhule, dá sa však použiť aj exotické mango, pomaranč alebo banán.“ Čatní sa ochucuje hrozienkami, cibuľou, cesnakom, octom a rôznymi druhmi korenia. Najpoužívanejším korením je zázvor, muškátový kvet a škorica.

Grilovaná zelenina s uhorkovo - mätovou salsou a baklažánovým pyré

P O T R E  U J E T E: 1/2 strednej cukiny, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 1 paradajka, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 3 – 4 väčšie šampiňóny, 5 ks špargle, 1 uhorka, 1 strúčik cesnaku,štipka cukru, nasekaný tymián, šťava z citróna, olivový olej, soľ, korenie, 1 lyžica bieleho jogurtu, 1 čajová lyžička medu, čerstvá mäta, 2 ks baklažánu, 2 lyžice smotany na šľahanie

P O S T U P: Cukinu nakrájame na 0,5 cm plátky, papriku na väčšie štvorce, ktoré zbavíme kompletne bielej vnútornej dužiny. Vykrojíme zelenú vrchnú časť na stredne veľkej paradajke a prekrojíme ju na polovicu. Šampiňóny očistíme od stopky a pokvapkáme citrónovou šťavou aby pri grilovaní veľmi nezhnedli. Na špargli odkrojíme drevité časti. Všetku zeleninu pokvapkáme trochou olivového oleja, pridáme nasekaný tymián, soľ, korenie, štipku cukru a trochu pretlačeného cesnaku. Rozložíme na stredne rozpálený gril, priebežne otáčame a grilujeme dovtedy, aby  zelenina po odobratí z grilu stále držala tvar a veľmi nezmäkla

Príloha 1: Uhorkovo – mätová salsa
Očistíme jednu uhorku a odstránime z nej stred. Pokrájame na malé kocky, pridáme biely jogurt, med, soľ, korenie a nakoniec nasekanú mätu. 

Príloha 2: Baklažánové pyré
Pozdĺžne rozkrojíme baklažany, ich vnútro narežeme na mriežku, posolíme, okoreníme, pokvapkáme olivovým olejom a zabalíme oproti sebe do hliníkovej fólie. Dáme piecť do pahreby a pečieme až kým nebudú úplne mäkké. Potom lyžicou vyškriabeme vnútro a rozmixujeme so smotanou na šľahanie. Ochutíme ešte cesnakom, citrónovou šťavou a prípadne aj soľou a korením.

Foto: Reštaurácia Signature hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum

Grilovaný oštiepok s balzamikovým sirupom a pomarančovým čatní

P O T R E  U J E T E: 350g údeného oštiepka, 50 g hladkej múky, 1 dcl balzamikového octu, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 170 g hnedého cukru, 1 lyžica medu, 5 pomarančov, bobkový list, nové korenie, celá škorica, šťava z limetky, postrúhaná kôra z 1 citróna

P O S T U P: Oštiepok si nakrájame na asi 0,5 cm kúsky a grilujeme na rozpálenom grile asi 15 - 20 sekúnd z každej strany. Aby sa nám plátky neprilepili, môžeme ich predtým trochu vyváľať v hladkej múke alebo zemiakovom škrobe.

Príloha 1: Balzamikový sirup
Uvaríme balzamikový ocot s medom, hnedým cukrom, bobkovým listom, novým korením a kôrou z citróna. Necháme odpariť na hustú konzistenciu.

Príloha 2: Pomarančové čatní
Rozkrájame na tenké pásiky kôru aj s dužinou z umytých a vyžmýkaných pomarančov. Pridáme kúsok celej škorice, 150 g hnedého cukru, podlejeme vodou a varíme, kým kôra úplne nezmäkne. Pritom stále podlievame vodou. Zaberie to pomerne dlhšiu dobu, asi 3 – 4 hodiny, je dobré pripraviť si ho vopred. Keď je kôra úplne rozvarená, dochutíme ešte trochou limetkovej šťavy.

Dobrú chuť!

8861 komentárov

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  • Komentár furyvsusykdate.org.uk %PM, %11 %695 %2024 %15:%dec napísal furyvsusykdate.org.uk

    Usyk facing Tyson Fury: A Monumental Fight for Undisputed Glory

    The undefeated Fury and Usyk are set to meet in the ring that will define an era. This fight is about more than just titles; it’s a battle for eternal recognition. Fury, an undefeated champion has earned worldwide fame through his unique style and his unmatched skills in the ring. Triumphing against boxing legends like Wilder and Klitschko have solidified his legendary status. On the other hand, Oleksandr Usyk poses a unique challenge to the heavyweight division. On the flip side, Usyk, a southpaw master represents a formidable opponent for Tyson Fury himself, but for the entire division. His journey to global fame started with his domination of the cruiserweights, by conquering all challengers. Don’t miss out for an epic boxing match of the year as Usyk takes on Fury in an unforgettable showdown! See every move live on our website. Be part of the action — visit furyvsusykdate.org.uk now and stream the event with top-notch streaming!

    Across the UK, the fight is expected to begin close to prime time, ensuring maximum viewership. Back in Usyk’s home country, as well as viewers across Europe and the Americas, this will be a must-see event. Where the bout will take place has yet to be confirmed, with suggestions ranging from Las Vegas to Saudi Arabia. No matter the location, fans can be sure: the excitement will be unmatched. Although the focus is firmly on the main event, the Fury vs Usyk undercard is shaping up to be thrilling. Major boxing events are known for strong supporting fights, giving fans a full evening of entertainment.

    In the past, undercards of this caliber have introduced future champions. Boxers seeking the spotlight capitalize on the exposure to impress fans and analysts alike, knowing millions are watching. Though the supporting fights for Fury vs Usyk are still unconfirmed, fans are eagerly guessing. Will there be a heavyweight clash? No matter the final roster, fans can expect fireworks. What sets this bout apart so intriguing is the dynamic between these fighters. The Gypsy King’s unusual blend of height and speed set him apart from other heavyweights. With his immense height and reach advantage, he commands the ring like no other.

    His trilogy with Deontay Wilder showed his durability, bouncing back from adversity to dominate in later rounds. Against Wladimir Klitschko, his strategic genius shone through, proving he’s not just physical but cerebral. Oleksandr Usyk, on the other hand, offers a different kind of threat. Being a left-handed fighter, he uses angles and footwork. Usyk’s punches lack devastating strength, their timing wears down foes. As fight night approaches, Tyson Fury vs Usyk odds are becoming a hot topic.

    Tyson Fury is the slight favorite based on the betting odds, because of his reach and height, his long career in major fights, and his tactical brilliance. Despite the odds, Usyk remains a strong contender doesn’t rule him out, his wins over Anthony Joshua demonstrated his ability in the heavyweight ranks.

    For Fury himself represents an opportunity to cement his legacy. Should he come out on top, Fury’s win would put the finishing touches on a historic career. On the other hand, If Usyk wins would mark him as one of the sport’s greats. Securing two undisputed titles is a feat few can claim.

    Web: furyvsusykdate.org.uk

    This fight is about more than the titles. It’s a meeting of two unique worldviews. Fury’s bold and unapologetic character is in stark contrast to Usyk’s quiet intensity. Such contrasts make the fight more compelling. It’s about more than just skill. Whoever comes out victorious, the legacy of this fight will leave a lasting mark on the sport. This historic showdown is a defining moment. It represents the culmination of their careers. Whether Tyson Fury prevails thanks to his power and game plan, or Oleksandr Usyk triumphs thanks to his skill and resilience, no matter the outcome, this will be a defining moment in boxing.

    The Fury-Usyk battle is more than just a sporting contest. It’s a contest of heart and willpower. These men will give everything they have.

    Visit for more information: [url=http://xn--2n1b910akukhwc.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=stone_01&wr_id=198487]The Gypsy King vs U[/url]
    [url=]Tyson Fury facing off against The undefeated Oleksandr Usyk: The Ultimate Heavyweight Clash for the undisputed heavyweight championship[/url]
    [url=https://thedesinews.net/viewtopic.php?t=543]The Gypsy King vs The undefeated Oleksandr Usyk: The Unmissable Heavyweight Battle for the undisputed heavyweight championship[/url]

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  • Komentár tysonvsusyk.org.uk %PM, %11 %626 %2024 %14:%dec napísal tysonvsusyk.org.uk

    The Gypsy King vs Usyk: An Unforgettable Clash for Boxing Greatness

    These two heavyweight champions are set to meet in the ring of historic proportions. It’s far beyond a championship match; it’s a battle for eternal recognition. Fury, an undefeated champion has earned worldwide fame thanks to his personality and his unmatched skills in the ring. His victories over Deontay Wilder and Wladimir Klitschko have cemented his place among the all-time greats. In contrast, Usyk, the technician poses a unique challenge to boxing’s biggest stars. Meanwhile, Usyk, a southpaw master stands as a unique threat not just for Fury, as a heavyweight contender. His journey to global fame was marked by his undisputed cruiserweight reign, by conquering all challengers. Prepare yourself for a thrilling boxing match of the year as Oleksandr Usyk takes on Tyson Fury in an unforgettable showdown! Catch every punch live on our website. Join the excitement — visit tysonvsusyk.org.uk now and enjoy the fight with top-notch streaming!

    For British fans, the fight is expected to begin late evening, making it ideal for a prime-time audience. For Usyk’s fans in Ukraine, and for fans watching from around the world, this will be a must-see event. The fight’s location has yet to be confirmed, and potential hosts include Saudi Arabia or Las Vegas. No matter the location, one thing is certain: it will be a spectacle. Although the focus remains on Fury and Usyk, the preliminary bouts promises plenty of action. Big-ticket boxing cards include preliminary bouts with top talent, offering an entire night of boxing excitement.

    In the past, preliminary fights on major cards have introduced future champions. Contenders hoping to make their mark often seize these moments to demonstrate their talent, with the world paying attention. Although the lineup for the Fury Usyk undercard haven’t been officially announced, there’s plenty of talk. Might there be a cruiserweight spectacle? No matter the final roster, it’s sure to add to the excitement. What sets this bout apart incredibly exciting is the dynamic between these fighters. The Gypsy King’s unusual blend of height and speed are unparalleled in the sport. At 6’9" with an 85-inch reach, he commands the ring like no other.

    His trilogy with Deontay Wilder proved his toughness, bouncing back from adversity to dominate in later rounds. In his fight with Klitschko, Fury showcased his tactical brilliance, proving he’s not just physical but cerebral. Oleksandr Usyk, on the other hand, offers a different kind of threat. As a southpaw, he uses angles and footwork. The Ukrainian’s shots aren’t the heaviest in the division, but they are delivered with pinpoint accuracy. As anticipation builds, Tyson Fury vs Usyk odds have fans and analysts speculating.

    Tyson Fury is seen as the frontrunner as predicted by many experts, due to his size advantage, his long career in major fights, and his tactical brilliance. Although Usyk is the less favored fighter doesn’t rule him out, his victories against AJ proved that he can handle the physicality of the heavyweight division.

    For Tyson Fury, this fight presents a shot at undisputed glory. If he wins, it would solidify his claim as the greatest heavyweight of his generation. Conversely, If Usyk wins would mark him as one of the sport’s greats. Securing two undisputed titles would be a remarkable feat in boxing history.

    Web: tysonvsusyk.org.uk

    The upcoming showdown is about more than the titles. It’s a battle of contrasting styles. Fury’s boisterous personality stands in stark contrast to Usyk’s composed demeanor. These differences add complexity to the fight. Beyond physical ability, this fight. Regardless of the outcome, the impact of this bout will leave a lasting mark on the sport. This historic showdown is a defining moment. It’s a culmination of years of hard work. Whether Tyson Fury prevails through his strength and tactics, or Usyk secures a victory with his technique and endurance, it’s certain that, this will be a fight remembered for years to come.

    Fury vs Usyk is more than just a sporting contest. It’s a contest of heart and willpower. These men will give everything they have.

    Visit for more information: [url=https://mustafaozdemir.com.tr/index.php?action=vthread&forum=3&topic=3&page=29204#msg447584]Tyson Fury, the heavyweight king facing off against Oleksandr Usyk: The Greatest Heavyweight Battle Showdown for the crown of heavyweight boxing[/url]
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    [url=http://wbbet88.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3374&pid=1281461&page=27770&extra=#pid1281461]Tyson "Gypsy King" Fury against Oleksandr Usyk: The Epic Heavyweight Battle Showdown for the Undisputed Title[/url]

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