Zoznámte sa s revolučnými varnými doskami odolnými proti poškriabaniu

Už na minuloročnom veľtrhu IFA pritiahla nemalú pozornosť novinka od spoločnosti Electrolux. Priamo na mieste prebiehala praktická ukážka odolnosti nového povrchu, ktorý bol vystavený drhnutiu drôtenkou na čistenie panvíc a hrncov.


Očakávané indukčné dosky teraz prichádzajú na český trh. A to hneď v niekoľkých variantoch. V ponuke nechýba ani model s integrovaným odsávačom. Odolná povrchová úprava však nie je jedinou novinkou.

Povrch SaphirMatt

Inovatívny povrch v elegantnom prevedení MattBlack, teda matnej čiernej farbe, je odolný proti odtlačkom prstov a škvrnám. Súčasne je 4x odolnejší proti poškrabaniu a čistí sa 2x rýchlejšie, než sme boli doteraz zvyknutí u štandardnej sklokeramiky. Dosky si vďaka tomu uchovávajú dlho svoj pôvodný vzhľad. Navyše sú vďaka tomuto novému matnému dizajnu v kuchyni ešte menej nápadné.


Bezdrôtové pripojenie s odsávačom Hob2Hood

Šikovná funkcia prepájajúca varnú dosku s odsávačom pár Electrolux zabezpečuje automatickú aktiváciu odsávania po zahájení varenia a možnosť ovládať odsávač priamo z dosky. Keď už hovoríme o ovládaní – všetky modely používajú veľmi prehľadný a komfortný ovládací panel DirectTouch so separátnymi slidermi pre jednotlivé varné zóny.


Nielen integrovaný odsávač

V ponuke značky Electrolux nájdete indukčnú dosku s povrchom SaphirMatt, ktorá obsahuje integrovaný odsávač pár. Je široká 83 cm a má dve dvojité varné plochy. Pri odsávači ide využiť funkciu Breeze pre osvieženie vzduchu v kuchyni po skončení varenia. Model Electrolux sa integruje do pracovnej dosky, aby s ňou bol v jednej rovine.

Pre viac informácií o konkrétnych modeloch a objednávky kontaktujte spoločnosť Electrolux. www.electrolux.sk

1.     Kombinácia varnej dosky a odsávača pár 800 Bridge SaphirMatt, KCC84450CZ

Indukčná varná doska 800 Bridge s eXTractor má viac možností umiestnenia a ponúka vám väčšiu slobodu v rozvrhnutí vašej kuchyne. Odsávač pár nemusí byť umiestnený nad varnou doskou a môžete si tak navrhnúť kuchyňu podľa vlastných predstáv a bez obmedzení.


Uvoľnite miesto svojim nápadom a dovoľte im rozkvitať vďaka slobode v dizajne kuchyne. Nainštalujte si varnú dosku s odsávačom pár tam, kde sa vám páči. Závesný odsávač pár už nemusí byť nad priestorom na varenie. Užite si v kuchyni viac slobody.

Špeciálne nové sklo udržiava vašu varnú dosku dlhšie ako novú s menším množstvom škrabancov. Elegantná čierna povrchová úprava SaphirMatt je odolná proti odtlačkom prstov a škvrnám a navyše sa jednoducho čistí.

Funkcia Breeze osvieži vzduch po ukončení varenia vo vašej kuchyni pri nízkej hladine hluku. Teraz si môžete po jedle odpočinúť alebo sa zabávať v príjemnom prostredí bez nepríjemných pachov z varenia.

Filter 2v1 obsahuje uhlíkový a tukový filter, ktorý pomáha udržiavať v kuchyni čerstvý vzduch. Odnímateľný filter je možné jednoducho umývať v umývačke riadu a na dlhodobé používanie regenerovať v rúre.

Sústreďte sa na varenie. Odsávač pár sa automaticky prispôsobí podľa toho, ako zvýšite alebo znížite úroveň výkonu varnej dosky. Technológia Hob2Hood® vám umožňuje zamerať sa na jedlo, zatiaľ čo váš odsávač pár a varná doska zladia svoj výkon.

1.     Varná doska indukčná séria 700 SenseBoil SaphirMatt, EIS62453IZ

Indukčná varná doska 700 SenseBoil® stráži vašu vriacu vodu. Automaticky upraví nastavenia teploty detekciou vody blížiacej sa k bodu varu a zníži stúpajúcu hladinu bublín na stabilné perlenie. Môžete sa tak sústrediť na prípravu chutných jedál namiesto sledovania bodu varu.


Senzor varu rozpozná, kedy voda v hrnci dosiahne bod varu. Automaticky prispôsobí intenzitu ohrevu tak, aby sa masívne bublanie stlmilo na kontrolované varenie. Vy tak nemusíte sledovať hrnce a môžete sa venovať príprave chutných jedál.


Špeciálne nové sklo udržiava vašu varnú dosku dlhšie ako novú s menším množstvom škrabancov. Elegantná čierna povrchová úprava SaphirMatt je odolná proti odtlačkom prstov a škvrnám a naviac sa jednoduchšie čistí.

Vďaka ovládaniu jednotlivých zón máte prípravu svojich obľúbených jedál úplne pod kontrolou. Jednoducho upravte nastavenia – od aktivácie detskej poistky Child Lock a nastavenia timeru až po použitie funkcie PowerBoost pre rýchlu prípravu jedál.

Pomocou funkcie PowerBoos si pri varení zabezpečíte rýchlu a intenzívnu dávku tepla, čo je ideálne, keď potrebujete priviesť vodu k bodu varu alebo rozpáliť panvicu. Varte rýchlejšie, ako predtým.

Pri varení môžete používať všetky zóny súčasne, ale nie všetko sa varí rovnako dlho. Nastavte si čas varenia na každej zóne zvlášť a môžete si byť istí, že sa nič nespáli ani nerozvarí. Po uplynutí nastaveného času sa zóna sama vypne.

Zdroj foto: Electrolux

3 komentárov

  • Komentár gitea.Tmartens.dev %AM, %25 %288 %2025 %05:%mar napísal gitea.Tmartens.dev

    The hammer curl is among the hottest exercises among bodybuilders and regular weightlifters.
    Use the workouts on this article to construct arms you may be proud of,
    even if you don’t have access to weights or workout equipment.
    Strong biceps translate to higher efficiency on pulling actions such as the deadlift, bent-over row, and seated row.
    They will make you better at compound movements
    and allow you to break by way of power and muscle plateaus.
    The brief head originates on the shoulder blade, whereas the lengthy head originates simply above
    the shoulder joint. These two heads merge right into a
    single muscle belly, which inserts onto the radius — the larger of your two forearm
    The increase in temperature will assist cut back the
    risk of rips and tears and deliver more pink blood cells
    – and due to this fact oxygen and nutrients – to
    the muscle whereas it is working. However if you'll like thicker,
    fuller wanting arms, you want to work all areas of the bicep.
    The quick head arises from a projection on the scapula called the coracoid.
    So inform that to the subsequent person who smirks at you when they see
    you on your third set of curls. The purpose I chose EZ Bar curls
    with a reverse grip is as a end result of, as demonstrated on this 2015 study by
    Staudenmann et al., the brachialis inserts onto
    the ulna somewhat than the radius. Additionally, because you’re pulling the burden at a diagonal angle, you’re not
    permitting your biceps any probabilities to chill out and relaxation.
    You can use a barbell instead of a pair of dumbbells
    when you prefer.
    For such a small muscle group, the biceps actually demand attention beyond its measurement.
    Well-developed biceps improve the aesthetics of your physique,
    and for a lot of, the biceps is a symbol of health and strength.
    Be sure you employ heavy sufficient weights to hit the rep ranges
    offered. This will make certain you don’t overload yourself in your next health club workout.
    Examine out this text about some of the finest exercises to train the
    triceps utilizing dumbbells. The skull crusher is an isolation exercise that recruits the triceps, particularly all heads of the tricep.
    It is a well-rounded motion that may help your bench press as a end result
    of its place and execution.
    They symbolize power and are satisfying to coach; you see
    and really feel them working. That instant suggestions is gratifying
    and motivates you to push somewhat more durable.
    EZ bars can be useful for novices as a result of they enforce correct kind and are easier on the joints.

    Similarly, by rotating your wrist inward as you curl the dumbbell up, you interact extra of the inside biceps muscular tissues.
    The good factor about disciplined biceps workouts
    is that you simply not solely achieve well-developed biceps but in addition promote increased overall well
    being and fitness ranges. Equally, understanding the biomechanics,
    benefits, and variants of the workouts in your routine permits you to maximize the gains from your effort.
    The brachialis and brachioradialis may not be the celebrities of the show, but coaching
    them will take your arm improvement to the next stage.
    A thick, well-developed brachialis pushes the biceps upward for a
    taller, fuller look. Meanwhile, the brachioradialis connects your forearms to your
    higher arms for a cohesive, powerful aesthetic.
    Grip the handles of a suspension trainer and lean again along with your physique straight and heels planted.

    For this one, bend your elbows and curl the load towards you as you rotate your wrist.
    We all know guys who can do tons of pull ups and heavy rows, but still don’t have the best biceps muscle mass.
    Since the long head is positioned in a larger stretch place in comparison with the short head, it’s now capable of produce more force.
    The two heads of the bicep are the long head and the
    short head. The lengthy head lies more laterally on the arm,
    and the brief head extra medially (the "inside" of
    the arm).Another muscle that tends to be forgotten is the brachialis.

    It lies beneath the biceps and assists in flexing at
    the elbow. The incline dumbbell curl is considered one of the only a few exercises the place
    you progress your arms behind your body through the movement.

    Do 2 to 4 sets of eight to fifteen reps each, or as beneficial by an exercise physiologist or personal
    coach. Slowly pull the bar down towards your chest, then return to the
    starting position. The entrance pull-down, or lat pull-down,
    works to strengthen and enhance definition of the again muscle tissue, such because
    the latissimus dorsi (lats), trapezius (traps), and rhomboids.
    The single arm dumbbell row targets the muscles of the again, working to strengthen the again and improve posture.
    The reverse cable curl is similar to the cable curl, except you use
    an overhand grip somewhat than an underhand grip.
    This change in grip puts extra emphasis on your brachialis and brachioradialis.
    Below are the five major health benefits of normal biceps workouts.

    The 4 steps below define the means to carry out drag curls safely and successfully.
    Under are the 4 steps to comply with in order to appropriately carry out
    reverse curls. By avoiding common mistakes and applying these strategic tips, you presumably can successfully
    enhance your bicep strength and aesthetics, reaching well-rounded and highly
    effective arms. Be Taught how to avoid common exercise pitfalls and discover
    the optimal rep ranges for progress, whether sluggish curls really make a difference,
    etc. The Bodybuilding.com App is designed that can help you attain your well being and health objectives.
    Exercise with a coach, monitor metrics, and join with different users.
    As we use a supinated hand position and are
    available throughout the physique within the Supinated Cross Physique Curl,
    we are wanting straight on the outer head of
    the biceps.
    There's more to biceps coaching than simply stepping as much as the burden rack and pumping through reps after rep of sloppy curls.
    You would possibly eke by way of a quantity of periods with out good form or
    alternating workouts and feel satisfied along with your efforts, but
    you will not have success for very long. You Will want to understand extra in regards to the muscle tissue and the way you
    will use them during every train variation to produce the results you are hoping for to build a pair of massive, robust arms.

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    How Long Does It Take For Testosterone To Work?

    How Long Does It Take For Testosterone To Work? All Types

    Testosterone is a hormone that plays various roles in the body, including regulating libido, muscle mass, and energy levels.
    When someone starts testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), they often wonder how
    long it will take to notice results. The answer depends on several factors, including the type of
    testosterone product used and individual biological differences.

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment option for individuals who struggle with low testosterone levels due to
    conditions like hypogonadism or age-related decline. The duration it takes for testosterone to work
    can vary, but most people start seeing improvements within a few weeks
    to months.

    Reasons why Testosterone May not be Working in your Body

    1. **Dosing**: Ensuring the correct dosage is crucial.
    Too little or too much can lead to ineffective results.
    2. **Route of Administration**: The method of delivery (e.g., creams, injections) can affect how quickly
    testosterone enters the bloodstream.
    3. **Time**: Everyone's body reacts differently. Some people notice changes quickly, while others may take

    Testosterone Benefits

    Testosterone has several benefits, including increased energy levels, improved mood, enhanced libido, and better cognitive function. These effects can vary depending on the cause of low testosterone and individual health status.

    How long does it take for Testosterone Cream to

    Topical testosterone creams are absorbed through the skin and can provide localized benefits.
    For some users, results may be noticed within a few weeks, while others might see
    improvements after several months.

    How long does it take for Testosterone Gel to work?

    Testosterone gel is also applied topically and can take around 1-2 weeks to show noticeable effects in individuals with low testosterone levels.

    How long does it take for Testosterone Pellets to work?

    Testosterone pellets are surgically placed under the skin and slowly release testosterone over time.

    Results may take a few months to become apparent,
    depending on the rate of absorption.

    How long does it take for Testosterone Injections to work?

    Injections are considered one of the most effective methods for administering testosterone.

    Effects can be noticed within days to weeks, as injected testosterone enters the bloodstream quickly.

    Boosting the Effect of Testosterone with Supplements

    Certain supplements, like ashwagandha or zinc, may enhance the effectiveness of testosterone by supporting hormone production and absorption.

    What to do Next

    If you're considering TRT, consult with a healthcare
    professional to determine the appropriate type and dosage
    of testosterone that suits your needs. Blood
    tests to assess testosterone levels are often required before starting

    Warning Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Women

    While this article focuses on testosterone, it's important to note
    that hormone imbalances can affect both men and women. Symptoms like irregular periods,
    mood swings, or fatigue may indicate an imbalance and should
    be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

    The Benefits of Cycle Syncing Your Workouts (+ How To Do It)

    Aligning workouts with your menstrual cycle can optimize performance and recovery.

    Many apps offer tools to help you sync your training plan with your cycle.

    Supplements to Treat Facial Hair in Women (Hirsutism)

    Excess hair growth in women, known as hirsutism, can be managed with supplements like spearmint or zinc,
    which may help reduce androgen production.

    What Are Bioidentical Hormones – Are They Safe and Effective?

    Bioidentical hormones are designed to mimic the body's natural hormone
    levels. While they can be effective, always consult a healthcare professional before starting any
    hormonal treatment.

    Copper IUD Pros & Cons (+ Who Should & Shouldn’t Use it)

    A copper IUD is an excellent contraceptive option for some individuals but may not be suitable for everyone.
    It's important to weigh the pros and cons with your healthcare provider.

    Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms: Is it your Thyroid or Adrenals?

    Adrenal fatigue can present similarly to thyroid issues, making it
    difficult to distinguish between the two. Testing by a healthcare professional is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

    The Best Thyroid Supplements For Weight Loss

    Thyroid supplements may aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism.

    However, consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

    Hypothyroid Supplements That Will Help You Feel Better

    Supplements for hypothyroidism aim to address low thyroid function and can improve symptoms like fatigue and weight gain.

    Thyroid Supplements That Will Help You Feel Better

    While not all thyroid supplements are created equal, some may provide significant relief from symptoms of
    hypothyroidism when used correctly.

    How to Increase Free T3 Without Thyroid Medication

    Maintaining healthy levels of free T3, a hormone
    produced by the thyroid gland, is essential for overall health.

    Lifestyle changes can sometimes improve free T3 levels without medication.

    How To Stop Levothyroxine Related Weight Gain

    Weight gain is a common side effect of levothyroxine, a medication used to treat hypothyroidism.
    Implementing a balanced diet and regular exercise may help mitigate this issue.

    Which Diet is Best for Hashimoto’s? 6 Diets Use & 3 To Avoid

    For individuals with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, certain dietary choices can support thyroid health.
    Avoiding goitrogenic foods like soy and iodine-rich foods may be beneficial.

    How to Lose Weight with Hashimoto’s: Step-by-Step Guide

    Losing weight with Hashimoto's requires a comprehensive
    approach that considers both metabolism and lifestyle factors.
    A combination of diet, exercise, and medical supervision is often necessary.

    Day Thyroid Reset: How To Super Charge Your Thyroid

    A day thyroid reset involves specific actions aimed at supporting thyroid
    function. This can include optimizing sleep, reducing stress, and following
    a nutrient-rich diet.

    The Best Desiccated Thyroid Supplements on The Market

    Desiccated thyroid supplements are formulated to
    provide natural thyroid support. It's essential to choose high-quality products from reputable

    Surprising Side Effects Of Levothyroxine That You Should Know

    In addition to weight gain, levothyroxine may have other side effects like hair
    thinning and mood swings. Monitoring these symptoms is crucial for overall health.

    T2 Supplement Reviews From Over 1,000 Thyroid Patients

    T2 supplements are often recommended by thyroid patients due to their potential benefits in managing symptoms.
    However, always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new regimen.

    T2 Thyroid Supplement Benefits: Why Thyroid Patients Need It

    T2 thyroid supplements aim to support thyroid health and may offer benefits for individuals struggling with hypothyroidism
    or other thyroid conditions.

    T3 Supplement Side Effects: What To Look For

    Supplementing with T3, a metabolite of the thyroid hormone T4, can be risky.
    Monitor for side effects like rapid heart rate and mood swings.

    Foods That Increase Thyroid Function Naturally

    Certain foods, such as seaweed, garlic, and broccoli, may
    support thyroid function. Including these in your diet can help maintain optimal thyroid health.

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