Motivácia je základ pri chudnutí

Napísal Monika Mičúchová 28. december 2023

Keď začíname s chudnutím, cítime sa motivovane, možno aj nadšene. Máme v hlave jasnú predstavu o tom, aké super by bolo byť štíhlejšou a čo všetko by sme mohli robiť Ak chcete schudnúť prebytočné kilá, prvým správnym a dôležitým krokom je zmena vlastného myslenia.


Pustiť sa do chudnutia niekedy býva čertovsky ťažké. O udržiavaní motivácie počas cesty k vysnívanej postave to potom platí dvojnásobne. Skúste si spísať všetky dôvody, prečo chcete schudnúť. Môže to byť čokoľvek. Počíta sa úplne všetko. Všimnite si, že niektoré z pohnútok sú vnútorné, zatiaľ čo iné sú vonkajšie. To je úplne v poriadku. Motivácia je proces, kde sa jednotlivé faktory prelínajú.

Motivácia je zázrak. Dokáže s našou mysľou robiť zázraky. Ako sa správne motivovať? Poďme sa pozrieť konkrétne na niekoľko tipov, možností, prostriedkov a overených rád, ktoré vám pomôžu získať a udržiavať motiváciu na začiatku chudnutia, počas chudnutia aj vtedy, ak sa nebude dariť.

Áno alebo nie? Držím teda diétu, či nie?

Je normálne, že keď sa rozhodnete chudnúť, tak budete spočiatku oplývať veľkou dávkou energie a motivácie. Toto nadšenie udržiavajú počiatočné úspechy, ale ako náhle sa z procesu stane rutina, začne sa prejavovať strata elánu a motivácie. Myslite na to, že žiadnu diétu nedržíte. Chcete sa cítiť dobre a byť plní energie. Chcete sa stravovať a žiť zdravo. Je to o novom prístupe k sebe samému. Následne sa vám bude aj lepšie chudnúť. To je to, čo chcete, to je to, o čo vám ide.

Každé ráno začnite pohárom vody

Pitný režim dodržujte aj v priebehu dňa – pite najlepšie vodu alebo čaj. Nečakajte na to, kým budete cítiť smäd. Pohár či fľašu s vodou majte vždy po ruke. Pitný režim má zásadný vplyv na celý váš deň. Funguje proti bolesti hlavy, celulitíde, zbavuje telo nečistôt,  tak isto pomáha pri chudnutí.

Zvládnem to, pretože chcem

Nepotrebujete žiadne zázračné čaje, chudnúce tabletky ani osobného trénera. Je to len o vašej pevnej vôli. Vždy keď budete mať chuť poľaviť vo svojom snažení, alebo ak už schudnete a zistíte, že opäť priberáte vplyvom nesprávneho životného štýlu, prečítajte si, prečo ste začali. Všetko je to vo vás, v tom, čo ste si zaumienili a v čom chcete pokračovať a uspieť. Prečo ste túžili schudnúť, čo všetko sa tým vo vašom živote zlepší.

Odmeňte sa, tešte sa

Je dôležité, aby ste si nastavili reálne ciele. Radujte sa nielen z počiatočných veľkých, ale aj z malých úspechov. Každá pozitívna zmena sa počíta a každé kilo dole vás vo vašej snahe o zmenu životného štýlu poženie vpred. Chudnutie nie je jednoduchou záležitosťou. Preto sa za čiastkové úspechy pochváľte a náležite odmeňte. Môže to byť wellness, masáž, nejaký výlet či zaujímavé jedlo, ideálne čo najzdravšie. Ak spravíte niečo pre seba, čo sa vymyká vášmu „normálu“, nezabudnite sa odmeniť. Aj balíček proteínových Tortitos s kuracou príchuťou môžu padnúť vhod.

Nebuďte na to sami

Pochváľte sa výsledkami aj svojmu okoliu a blízkym. Ak budete o svojich zmenách a odhodlaní veľa hovoriť, máte väčšiu šancu svoje záväzky dodržať. Je prirodzenou ľudskou vlastnosťou, že potrebujeme pochvalu a pozitívnu spätnú väzbu, aby sme vo svojom konaní vytrvali. Preto o svojom cieli povedzte rodine a kamarátom. Iste vás radi podporia.

Pohyb je zábava, nie trápenie

Pohyb je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou každej premeny. Nielenže vám pomôže páliť kalórie, ale celkovo prospieva fyzickému aj duševnému zdraviu. Najlepší pohyb je taký, ktorý vás bude tešiť a nebude problém v ňom vydržať. Vyberte si takú aktivitu, ktorá vás bude baviť. Myslite na všetky pozitíva, ktoré získate, ak si ponaťahujete telo, posilníte svaly, okysličíte mozog, a predovšetkým získate vypracovanejšie telo.

Alfou omegou je kvalitný spánok

Choďte včas spať. Spánok pred polnocou je najkvalitnejší. Aj hodina takého spánku vám dá viac ako niekoľko hodín spánku po polnoci. Nedostatok spánku veľmi preukázateľne zvyšuje apetít. Ak budete unavení, máte väčšiu tendenciu hľadať energiu v nezdravých potravinách. Dávajte si však pozor na ostré svetlo. Notebook, tablet alebo mobil vymeňte pred spaním za knižku, časopis alebo napríklad počúvanie rádia.

Aj napriek tej najlepšej motivácii sa môže stať, že sa vám nepodarí udržať svoju morálku pri chudnutí na 100 %. Nevzdávajte to však a pokračujte tam, kde ste skončili. Chudnutie je dlhodobý proces, ale keď prinesie ovocie, je to ako z rajskej záhrady.

5 komentárov

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    Try variations like single-leg or reverse in your hack squats routine.
    Every variation targets totally different muscle tissue and may challenge you in your daily workout routine.

    I typically practice by implementing this sort of squat due to
    its valuable advantages. Not only can it's efficient for constructing quadriceps
    and different muscular tissues, but it’s additionally an efficient method
    to exercise. This concern isn’t particular to hack squat machines, however somewhat
    leg improvement machines of all stripes, together with
    leg extension machines, calf elevate machines, and leg press machines.
    Advanced lifters that don't have access to a hack squat machine can use front squats with a barbell to realize comparable
    results. It also can help you gauge your energy and improve muscle coordination.
    Bear In Mind that the back squat program is designed to extend the again squat, and when you're training
    deadlifts and constructing fatigue, this might mitigate your squat performance.
    Not solely are you lifting heavy masses, it places a lot of stress on the lower again which can additionally be a point of concern with
    the again squat. If you aren’t confident enough to strive barbell again squats yet or simply lack
    the steadiness and suppleness to program them into your workouts, the hack squat is a superb different.

    If nerves are getting the most effective of you earlier
    than you squat, try using a hack squat before you're employed as much as a barbell.
    The hack squat helps you keep away from some of the decrease back activation that you’d get from a traditional squat.
    F760 - From the heavy gauge steel, to the economic grade
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    Your best choice to maximise your own home fitness center tools's
    effectivity and usefulness is to purchase a combo machine, just
    like the Pressure USA 45-Degree Leg Press/Hack Squat Combo.

    The hack squat involves standing on the plate, leaning again onto the
    pads at an angle, with the load placed on prime of you by positioning yourself under the shoulder pads.

    Investigating hack squats, you may be questioning if you can make a simple squat
    swap between this machine and your on an everyday basis barbell squats.
    It might help you should you eventually determine to get out of the machine and take things on to the fitness center ground to work with free weights.

    In comparison, spinal load and stress on the erector spinae (lower again muscles) were the lowest in the course of the hack squat.
    This proof led researchers to imagine the hack squat is the only
    option for knee and spine stabilization. You have a a lot greater danger of injuring yourself by performing a front squat than a hack squat.
    As A Outcome Of the burden is held excessive and in front of you throughout a front
    squat, your lower back is pressured to work very exhausting to take care of management of the weight.

    Make certain to always use weight clips whenever you use
    a barbell, to stop the plates from sliding off. Brian Ward is a fitness author, founder & editor of TheWorkoutDigest.
    He has been lifting weights & writing about health for over 5 years.
    He has been a contributor for several well being and fitness
    publications, including,
    Be certain to purchase a product that is specific to your size and purposes.

    If you really need to construct total-body strength, a free-weight squat is amongst
    the greatest movements you can do. If you’re coaching too hard each time, you could find yourself
    skipping so many health club days that you just don’t progress efficiently.
    Some analysis has shown that the Smith machine is most likely not as efficient at facilitating muscular activation when compared to free weight squats.
    Many Smith machine detractors argue that this isn't a traditional human motion.
    A lesser-known variant of the hack squat (but that truly shares the identical name) is the barbell hack
    squat. Right Here are the six greatest leg press options for conquering leg day.

    Here’s how to step into the hack squat machine and lift like it owes you money.

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    Males are hopping on the collagen bandwagon for a quantity of vital reasons.

    If you discover your bodily or psychological efficiency breaking down prior to stress or main event, try supplementing with tyrosine
    round 60 minutes beforehand. One method to get extra purified tyrosine in your food regimen is by
    consuming our pre-workout supplement, Stammpede. Tyrosine is taken in doses wherever from 500
    mg to 2,000 mg minutes before train. Stammpede sits right around
    there, offering 1,500 mg per serving. In instances of stress, you'll find a way to rely on tyrosine.

    All four flavors are presently rated four.5 out of 5 stars.
    The high two fan favorites are chocolate and vanilla.
    My solely criterion for protein flavors is whether they advertise a picture of the flavour profile.
    Let’s evaluation the two flavors I have proper now. Analyzing the
    complement details in each Earth Fed Muscle protein flavors, you could be skeptical
    due to the low fat and carbs.
    On a critical note, I really feel my body sensing that competition is soon and it is time to buckle up and grind
    exhausting. This offseason is dramatically totally different from final
    yr mentally but I gained lots physically. I simply must balance every little thing out for after I need to peak.

    Stimulant-free pre-workout dietary supplements enable us to shift from quick fixes to a concentrate on long-term performance and overall health.
    By avoiding potential side effects like poor sleep and hypertension, you invest
    in your physique, your thoughts, and your weightlifting profession.
    When it involves carbs, timing matters, so eat a carbohydrate-rich meal about 1–2 hours before your workout
    for an additional enhance. Additionally, post-workout carbs are simply as necessary.
    Having a carb-heavy meal after bodily activity can help replenish your glycogen stores, aiding in muscle
    restoration and lowering sluggishness after exercise.

    Carbs should be your main focus in addition to dietary supplements when seeking to get match and robust.
    Carbohydrates are what gasoline your physique during workouts or through your every
    day life.
    Methionine and glycine might look like independent proteins,
    however they need one another at the particular person and societal stage.

    Sadly, modern Western diets have deviated from an equitable consumption of both amino acids, in favor of a methionine-heavy routine.
    Our overconsumption of skinless, boneless cuts of meat and underconsumption of connective and
    organ tissues signifies that our long run well being can be at risk7.
    Methionine-restricted diets have been proven to increase lifespan in numerous
    organisms, as properly as enhancing persistent inflammation and fat deposition8.
    You should concentrate on what your physique needs when you’re looking to optimize your coaching periods.
    Consider attempting plant protein or grass-fed whey along with complex carbs like oats or
    fruit to speed up your recovery occasions and stay nourished.

    If any of these tendencies apply to you, you may need to compensate by increasing
    your collagen intake. If you suppose you want more tyrosine in your food regimen, you will get it
    from foods similar to chicken, turkey, fish and cheese.
    However, the tyrosine present in food will most probably be sent to your muscular
    tissues identical to the opposite amino acids you consume.
    If you want the cognitive advantages of tyrosine, you’re higher off discovering a
    purified tyrosine complement. An amino acid profile is the only way to know that grass-fed protein makes a distinction. Numerous complement brands
    advertise " grass-fed protein;" Levels protein powder comes to thoughts.
    Carbohydrate-rich meals like pasta, rice, entire grains,
    and bread may help replenish glycogen shops earlier than and after workouts, enhancing endurance and restoration.
    I just need to get this one out of my system and I’ll feel higher.

    So I ended up successful that and received cleared right
    after that. As Soon As I was weight-bearing it made every
    little thing lots simpler. Im an impartial individual so being very dependent on other people was really exhausting for
    This sort of protein digests slower than whey, so it will assist you to feel fuller longer.

    While whey is best right after a workout, that is nice between meals, if
    you end up about to quick for an extended time period, or
    before going to bed. This could even assist you to sleep
    better at evening due to the fact that you’ll really feel fuller longer.
    It’s additionally Non-GMO, soy free and hormone free.

    There are many variations seen when evaluating different
    varieties of protein. One study examined the levels of leucine 7 hours post-consumption of whey vs.

    casein. When comparing whey protein vs. casein, casein absorbed
    much slower. Collagen has become such a widely used supplement, for every thing from sports efficiency to skin well being.
    As with so many dietary supplements, greater acceptance of collagen means
    more names, more variations, and extra terminology.
    Here, we’ll attempt to demystify some of these phrases,
    to assist any discerning consumer better perceive their collagen supplements.
    Prospects recognize the clear and easy elements
    of the protein powder.
    L-theanine goes hand-in-hand with caffeine.
    It helps scale back physiological responses to emphasize by inhibiting excitatory responses within the mind.
    L-theanine permits caffeine to work its brain-boosting appeal with out letting it increase your nervousness or blood strain. Another examine on rats showed that L-theanine is in a position to at least partially counteract caffeine-induced sleep
    disturbances in rats. Striving for fitness improvements requires a delicate balance
    between effort and restoration. You can push your self without risking overexertion by listening to your body and recognizing the indicators.

    This balanced approach prevents injuries and burnout and also supports
    long-term success.
    Her information of therapy, diet, and stability continually helps
    her turn out to be a greater coach, athlete and person. My favourite type of workout is a heavy snatch workout and my least favourite is for sure any cardio workout.
    My coaching targets are to proceed to build and keep getting higher by placing in the work everyday.
    I wish to see how far I can go into the sport with clearly the Olympics being the ultimate word goal in the lengthy run.
    (9) This implies that it might be released into the bloodstream
    and take as much as seven hours to fully digest.
    Fortunately, hydrolyzing a protein doesn’t change its amino acid profile at all.
    Collagen peptides will still include all the glycine, proline,
    and hydroxyproline that a full collagen protein would boast.

    The improvements in digestion that come from hydrolysis improve the provision of those amino acids throughout the body.

    This means they’ll be in a position to contribute to skin and ligament health a lot quicker.
    Methionine is doubtless certainly one of the essential amino acids.
    Essential amino acids can’t be produced by the human physique, and need to be supplemented through the
    diet. Methionine is particularly plentiful in animal proteins like eggs, dairy products and commonest cuts of meat.

    So right now I'm engaged on getting my physique fat
    percentage back to 22 or so. Further, consuming protein in the morning has been linked to higher urge for food control and lowered calorie
    consumption all through the day. As we all know, the caloric density and relatively sluggish fee of digestion of protein-rich meals go away you fuller for longer.
    This can be notably beneficial should you're
    making an attempt to handle your weight and/or meals cravings.
    Griddle n’ Grind can be a great source
    of fiber, which works in beautiful synchronization with
    protein to assist reduce cravings. You can simply
    change up the flavors, however these ones had been winners (they were gone in underneath
    a day from our test kitchen) so you're going to wish to hold
    this recipe handy. Using the "Grass-Fed Whey Contains Extra BCAAs" article, we all know it's based on 25 grams of
    protein per serving.
    If you love going to the health club, taking a jog or doing yoga,
    you’ll need carbs to maintain you. Your physique will flip them into glucose
    — its preferred supply of energy. You’ll feel the difference and your body will thank you.

    Nonetheless, citrulline isn’t the one amino acid present in our Stammpede.
    You can discover a quantity of amino acids in our pre-workout - another considered one
    of them being leucine.
    These play a major role in a few totally different elements of
    the brain including emotions, mood, focus, alertness, sleep, appetite,
    energy and other cognitive expertise. Relaxation can be vital for mental and emotional well-being.
    Constantly pushing your self with out sufficient downtime
    can result in mental fatigue, decreased motivation and burnout.

    When you get a container of Earth Fed Muscle Grass-Fed protein, there is usually slightly
    medal in the top right corner. In that medal, a
    quantity will point out what number of artificial sugars are
    used or the variety of elements listed within the taste profile.
    As I recall, that is the first time I’ve
    seen a protein company share the idea of blending totally
    different flavors. I imagine that cross-mixing protein flavors could be delicious and enjoyable.

    This soy feed is usually supplemented by different fillers as nicely, including animal
    by-products and hormones. Soy protein truly has a rather high ranking from the PDCAAS
    scale of, the identical as animal protein. Another interesting
    note to say with regard to soy protein is that it’s a complete protein with a excessive protein of BCAA’s (unlike most
    vegetable proteins). Watermelon is currently the only taste possibility, nevertheless it tastes fairly
    good. It’s a little candy, but not overly powerful. You might get slightly bit of a tingle (which many enjoy), but there
    are no jitters that come along with this pre-workout. In addition, there was
    no crash after working out and you’ll really feel regular as quickly as it wears off.

    In latest years his athletic experience has been featured in BarBend, TrainHeroic, SimpliFaster and extra.
    Resting is a important component of any fitness regimen. The body undergoes important
    recovery processes during rest periods, such as muscle repair and energy replenishment.
    When you exercise — particularly in energy training or high-intensity activities — you create microscopic
    tears in your muscle fibers. Rest allows them to heal and develop, boosting your
    performance throughout your subsequent session.
    Males need extra protein, age faster and have
    interaction in collagen-depleting habits more usually than women. Due To This Fact, they should give attention to increasing their consumption to stay wholesome as they become old.

    The symptoms of melancholy can start to occur when the neurotransmitters in your brain turn out to be unbalanced.
    That Creatine is extremely underrated for all athletes.
    While you make a small quantity of choline in your physique, it’s
    not sufficient to provide you with the necessary necessities to perform correctly by itself.
    That’s why you should find a choline supplement.
    As it turns out, ZMA Superior supplies you with choline bitartrate.

    ? Relaxation assured, I focus on providing clear, sincere
    critiques to assist you make knowledgeable decisions.
    We Have been Actually Grass Fed™ for years, and we're committed to the cleanest ingredients, unparalleled taste, and doing
    enterprise like the subsequent era matters.
    The more confused you are, the extra norepinephrine your mind is utilizing.
    Stress can deplete this neurotransmitter, inflicting your focus,
    attention, memory and common cognitive perform to suffer.
    Before we get into the nitty-gritty of its advantages,
    let us go over what tyrosine is strictly.
    Joe Rogan- He can maintain things very fascinating. You may notice together with the totally
    different zinc and magnesium sources we use, we provide a
    couple of additional components including vitamin C, pantethine and choline bitartrate.
    At Earth Fed Muscle, we delight ourselves on setting requirements far above the common supplement firm.

    Heavy banded Clean pulls into Cleans or possibly one thing
    such as single leg banded lunges into single like
    field stomps and jumps. I like being an athlete and I Will practice like that anyday.
    Least favourite must be anything swimming or working
    lengthy distances. Which is humorous as a result of I plan on doing
    a triathlon sometime this 12 months. You know this one is pretty robust
    to reply. I get inspired by a lot of the clients and athletes that put within the work in this gym.

    You could be stunned to find this amino acid in an intra-workout
    at first as it’s known for selling calmness and
    sleep. You can discover it primarily in tea leaves and some kinds of mushrooms.
    Nevertheless, you might also find it in supplement
    form. Increasing the degrees of citrulline in your body could assist
    maximize the advantages from it. But before we get into
    all the advantages of citrulline malate, let's go over what
    it actually does. Men Are Prone to Collagen DegradationMen usually engage in unhealthy habits that lead to collagen breakdown.
    It’s a gym thats really pleased with being that robust, blue collar, grind every little thing out type of fitness center which is actually cool.
    And its definitely made me extra mentally tough in addition to bodily powerful.
    There’s no straightforward days there, thats for sure.
    The Elite program is a staff of competitors from all walks
    of life who're pushing boundaries, embracing change, and residing the #earthfedlife.
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