Test: Snažíte sa zapáčiť až príliš?

Napísal femme, Slovart 21. apríl 2024

„Ženy sú v porovnaní s mužmi o 80% náchylnejšie snažiť sa až príliš zapáčiť okoliu a cítia sa vinné, ak sa im to nedarí,“ hovorí Jana Kempová autorka knihy NO!: how One Simple Word Can Transform Your Life/Nie!: Ako môže jedno jednoduché slovo zmeniť váš život./


Urobte si tento test, aby ste zistili, či sa snažíte až priveľmi, a získajte tipy, ako sa z toho dostať.

1. Je extrémne dôležité páčiť sa všetkým.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

2. Prispôsobím sa, aby som sa vyhla konfrontácii.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

3. Pristihnem sa, ako si hovorím „mala by som“ alebo „je treba“.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

4. Radšej kritizujem seba, než by som mala obviniť seba.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

5. Svoje skutočné pocity si nechávam len pre seba.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

6. Na večierku radšej pomôžeme hostiteľke, ako by som relaxovala a bavila sa s ostatnými.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

7. Je pre mňa ťažké prácu delegovať.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

8. pri komplimentoch sa cítim nepríjemne.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

9. Ospravedlním sa , aj keď mám pravdu; len nech je pokoj.

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.

10. Bolesti hlavy mávam:

a) Občas.

b) Často.

c) Vždy.


Za každú odpoveď a) si dajte 1 bodov, za každú odpoveď b) si dajte 2 bodya odpoveď c) si dajte 3 body.

10 až 15 bodov– Nemáte problém povedať nie.

Na zozname úloh doslova lipnete, zostávate sústredená na svoje priority. Ste sebavedomá a asertívna – ceníte si hranice svojho osobného života. Preto s ľahkosťou dokážete povedať áno aj nie. „Vyvážené typy ako ste aj vy zažívajú menej konfliktov na pracovisku i v rodine a dokážu sa vyhnúť stresu, lebo si so svojimi mnohými rolami vedia vynikajúco poradiť,“ hovorí Kempová. Tento typ osobnosti (osobnosť typu A – človek žijúci v neustálom strese, náchylný na kardiovaskulárne ochorenia) však má problém s flexibilitou. Aby te boli flexibilnejšia, vyskúšajte tieto rady:

- počkajte 24 hodín, kým dáte odpoveď na niečo, o čom si nie ste istá. Časový odstup vám pomôže ujasniť si priority.

- Nájdite jednoduchšie riešenie. Namiesto drahocenného času venujte občas na dobročinnú akciu radšej peniaze. Alebo namiesto vypekania koláčov na charitatívne podujatie zvoľte jednoduchú cestu – kúpte ich.

- Skúste trochu ubrať a prehodnoťte svoje reakcie. Vyjadrenia „keď budem môcť“ alebo „možno niekedy v budúcnosti“ dáte druhým najavo, že ste otvorená príležitosti pomôcť, a zároveň to nemusíte urobiť hneď.

16 až 20 bodov– Držíte sa strednej cesty.

Viete obveseliť ľudí okolo seba a zároveň si nájsť čas aj pre seba. V čom tkvie tajomstvo, že viete potešiť ľudí bez toho , aby ste sa stresovali? „Dobre vyvinutý cit pre sebareflexiu vám umožňuje postupovať podľa svojich plánov a určovať si priority bez pocitu viny,“ hovorí Kempová. Ale aj tí najrozvážnejší jedinci majú občas problémy s rovnováhou. Keď sa to stane:

- Delegujte. Ak niečo nemôžete urobiť sama, navrhnite alebo si zaistite niekoho , kto to dokončí. Takto zostávate v hre, no nenesiete plnú zodpovednosť.

- Oddýchnite si. Keď ste doma, vypnite mobil aj notebook, aby ste mohli byť plne k dispozícii svojej rodine.

21 až 30 bodov– Celá sa rozdávate.

Pýtate sa, prečo len dávate a dávate? Vedci hovoria, že toto tajomstvo sa ukrýva v mozgu! Až 60% žien má vysoko vyvinutú emocionálnu pravú hemisféru – časť mozgu, ktorá ovplyvňuje budovanie vzťahov. Tu je niekoľko overených spôsobov ako nehovoriť stále áno:

- Precvičujete si schopnosť povedať nie na malých veciach, aj keby to bolo zo začiatku len pred zrkadlom. Pomôže vám to získať sebadôveru a postupne si vytvoríte návyk.

- Raz za čas sa odmeníte relaxačnou aktivitou, ako napríklad čítanie alebo pozeranie videa. Budete sa cítiť uvoľnene a naučíte sa dať sami seba raz za čas na prvé miesto.

Z knihy Testy, ktoré vás odhalia – Robin Westen

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    Even though leucine is seen because the "set off" for muscle protein synthesis, the
    other important amino acids are essential to build muscle (2).
    Both supplements play distinct roles in sports activities nutrition and complement one another to reinforce efficiency.
    BCAAs, consisting of three of the nine important amino acids,
    help muscle recovery and reduce fatigue during workouts. BCAA supplementation presents many potential benefits for health enthusiasts.
    These amino acids may lower the barrier for muscle protein synthesis, while also reducing post-exercise
    muscle soreness and delaying fatigue during exercises.
    BRANCHED-CHAIN AMINO ACIDS (BCAAs)During exercise—or any strenuous bodily activity,
    for that matter—branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) breakdown increases.

    We divide that by the entire number of calories within the product to search out the protein share
    per scoop. This protein additionally includes added BCAAs and glutamine, in addition to some digestive enzymes to enhance digestion. With a hundred and eighty energy, Six Star’s protein powder comes out to 67% protein,
    lower than Muscletech and Cellucor, but higher than Body Fortress.

    Prospects have mixed opinions about the dietary supplement's
    value for cash. Some discover it great worth and like it, whereas others say
    it was a waste of cash and won't even use it. The lid
    is almost unimaginable to open, and a few clients feel it's not pleasant
    or not as effective as they want.
    Choosing the proper non-stim pre-workout depends on your particular health objectives.
    Whether Or Not you’re trying to maximize muscle pumps, boost endurance, or help muscle achieve, there’s an possibility for you.
    Nutricost’s Stim-Free pre-workout is our pick for one of
    the best total, offering a well-rounded mix of performance-enhancing ingredients at
    an inexpensive value. In The Meantime, Clear Labs delivers wonderful choices for bodybuilders, endurance athletes,
    and people in search of a creatine-infused formula.
    Creatine is amongst the most well-researched dietary supplements
    for power and muscle progress. Clear Labs Stim-Free contains
    creatine monohydrate in its stim-free pre-workout, making it a superb
    choice for those looking to improve their strength without caffeine.
    L-Citrulline Malate is a key ingredient on this formula, aiding in nitric oxide manufacturing, which boosts blood flow
    and muscle pumps.
    There is no scientific proof suggesting the necessity to cycle creatine.
    Consistent day by day use is extra helpful for maintaining
    muscle creatine ranges and supporting continuous efficiency improvements.
    Pre-workout powders dump plenty of caffeine into your body and typically embrace other optimistic
    results, such as growing blood move. These supplements are probably
    to include sufficient caffeine to disrupt
    your sleep when taken later in the day so don’t
    use a pre-workout for a night gym go to.
    Additionally, keep in mind that there are another components
    that may play a task in determining how efficient these are.
    If you are eating a enough quantity of protein throughout
    the day, the need for BCAAs or EAAs drastically reduces.
    If you’re having hassle getting all your protein in, the best answer is to use a protein powder.
    Some find it good and clear, saying it tastes great
    and gives them a good pump. Others say the quality has been missing, with poor results and
    a lackluster flavor.
    One Other great good factor about BCAAs is that they permit you to train with
    more intensity, and for longer. BCAAs restore serotonin by regulating your body’s tryptophan ranges,
    which reduces fatigue and elevates mental focus. By spending more time in the gym, you will note higher leads to a
    shorter house of time. With leucine and isoleucine, valine is the third BCAA that is involved in protein synthesis.
    It is released through the pyruvate, which ​​ is the output
    of the metabolism of glucose generally known as glycolysis (2).

    When taken collectively, creatine, BCAAs, and caffeine result in important increases in efficiency, focus, energy production, and muscle gain. For example, 
    a research article revealed within the Journal of the
    Worldwide Society of Sports Diet investigated the effect of acute pre-workout supplementation on energy and energy efficiency.

    Incomplete proteins, then again, are missing in a single (or more) of the EAAs.
    Of course, value issues and since dietary supplements can add up and be a real hit on the pockets, we
    sought to convey you high tier merchandise at an affordable
    and reasonably priced price. Whether you’re an informal
    gym-goer or a severe athlete, this budget-friendly possibility supplies
    every thing you have to power by way of your exercises without breaking
    the financial institution. A stim-free pre-workout that still gives you great focus, power,
    and pumps, with out breaking the bank. These effects usually
    emerge inside seven to 14 days, with efficiency benefits changing into extra pronounced after two to 4 weeks
    of consistent use. Analysis demonstrates that these diversifications proceed progressing beyond the preliminary section,
    with significant muscle growth advantages rising after
    eight to 12 weeks compared to placebo teams.
    So make sure you're getting an adequate amount of leucine in your post-workout BCAAs.
    Some of probably the most crucial players in your post-workout vitamin are the branched-chain amino acids.
    Each serving of Post JYM—which I advocate to take inside half-hour
    after each workout—provides 6g of BCAAs.
    As they work by completely completely different mechanisms, it’s completely acceptable to take creatine and BCAAs at the
    same time. In reality, whenever you take creatine, you need to eat plenty of water,
    so since you’ll be consuming so much along with your BCAAs, you'll find a
    way to really mix creatine along with your BCAAS.
    So in case you are taking a glance at enhancing your performance within the fitness center but can solely take one
    complement, without a doubt, you have to be buying creatine.
    As mentioned, creatine is the most effective ergogenic aid there is, so you want to undoubtedly start there.
    Our Creatine Monohydrate offers you with an extremely premium high quality product at a fraction of the value of many other
    Throughout energy manufacturing, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is degraded into adenosine diphosphate
    (ADP) and an inorganic phosphate molecule (Pi). As mentioned above, BCAAs are
    frequent components in pre-workouts so there’s an excellent
    chance your pre-workout already has BCAA in it.

    We’re a team of athletes, vitamin coaches, and registered dieticians
    who like to share our ardour for working out and maintaining a
    wholesome diet.
    Titanium is a tough hitting, stim-heavy supplement with one hundred seventy five mg of DMHA per serving.
    By avoiding these widespread errors, you possibly can safely and successfully incorporate BCAAs, creatine,
    and pre-workout into your health routine. At All Times use these supplements responsibly
    and consult with a healthcare professional
    in case you have any concerns.
    "Ingestion of the pre-workout dietary complement led to vital improvements in anaerobic peak and mean power values compared to the placebo and baseline therapies," the researchers concluded.
    CAFFEINECaffeine is probably the most extensively used ergogenic substance on the earth.
    In addition to its capability to increase energy expenditure and fat
    oxidation, it’s additionally well known for bettering psychological alertness, cognition, bodily endurance, and even strength.
    Although caffeine isn’t one of the latest or sexiest elements available on the market, it certainly stays some of the efficient, particularly
    in a PWO. Creatine, then again, is taken in cycles over a long run; the purpose is to saturate your muscle
    tissue with the stuff to get within the extra reps and go the
    extra distance.
    In fact, we already consume creatine as most of our shops come from our food regimen, whereas the remainder
    is synthesized inside our bodies from different amino
    acids. Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are considered essentially
    the most anabolic of the nine essential amino acids (6), which implies that they promote muscle constructing.
    BCAAs or Branched Chain Amino Acids, are important amino acids that get their name because their
    chemical construction resembles tree branches.

    The BCAAs are a group of amino acids (Leucine, Isoleucine,
    and Valine) that make up three out of the 9 essential amino acids.
    The important amino acids are deemed essential as a outcome of our our bodies
    can’t make them on their very own, so we have to
    consume them by way of meals or dietary supplements to function. It supplies them with an vitality enhance, which is nice for a
    great early morning workout.
    Some components in pre-workout, corresponding to caffeine, might work
    together with certain medications or other dietary supplements.

    It Is essential to research and contemplate potential interactions before taking any new combination of supplements.

    Total, taking BCAA and pre-workout collectively could be a
    useful addition to your workout routine. As with any complement, it is essential to follow the recommended dosage and listen to your physique.
    While there are not any identified long-term unwanted effects of taking BCAA and pre-workout
    collectively, overconsumption can result in potential unwanted
    aspect effects such as dehydration or digestive issues.
    It Is at all times finest to seek the assistance of a healthcare skilled earlier than beginning any
    new supplement regimen. They say it is well-made, helps construct
    muscle, and has great elements.
    Since the pandemic, many corporations using creatine of their protein formulas started removing creatine
    from their merchandise as a outcome of it was both too
    costly to incorporate or too troublesome to get. That being mentioned, a few whey protein powders nonetheless use creatine in their formulas, and I’ve reviewed the most effective ones under.
    The sort and quantity of ingredients in pre-workout is what determines
    how long its effects final, along with the specific particular person consuming it.
    Analysis suggests that creatine reaches peak concentration in the physique approximately one hour after consumption and
    remains at elevated ranges for up to four hours.
    Integrating these supplements into our routines, we gathered firsthand insights
    into their efficiency and consumer experience, ensuring our suggestions had been both sensible and reliable.
    Cracked does include some top-notch nutritional vitamins and minerals, which our testers appreciated for overall
    health benefits. Its label divides elements into "Power Matrix," "Intensity Matrix," and "Stimulatory Matrix." Jacked Manufacturing Unit
    Altius stands out as a stimulant-rich pre-workout,
    just like Pre Jym. Whether Or Not that's a pro or a con depends on private taste and how well you deal with stimulants.
    Our testers felt a boost of their exercise performance, although some experienced a short tingling sensation, more so if they had been espresso drinkers.
    Not Like many supplements using caffeine anhydrous from coffee plant seeds and leaves, Bare Power
    opts for caffeine from unroasted coffee beans.
    Pre-workout dietary supplements could additionally be value taking for individuals whose exercise
    routines involve higher intensity actions like energy coaching
    and HIIT. Nevertheless, it’s important
    to be sure that the pre-workout supplement of your selecting is
    third-party examined for heavy metals and other dangerous
    ingredients. Seek The Assistance Of together with your well being care
    provider to determine if it’s secure for you to add
    pre-workout dietary supplements to your wellness
    routine. Not solely is this pre-workout supplement easy to mix and obtainable in multiple flavors, however it additionally supplies naturally-sourced caffeine for a gradual stream of vitality, in accordance with Werner.

    One of the standout options of this pre-workout is its transparency—every ingredient is
    clearly listed with actual dosages, making certain that you’re getting clinically supported quantities of each
    compound. This pre-workout is loaded with L-Citrulline Malate,
    Beta-Alanine, and BCAAs, that are essential for muscle restoration and performance.
    The absence of artificial additives makes it a clean choice for many who are aware of what they put
    into their bodies. Clear Labs PreSeries Stim-Free is a tremendous choice for these looking
    for stimulant free dietary supplements for
    power training, weight loss, and improved performance.
    They say it provides a boost without the jitters and has
    components like green tea and L-theanine that maintain them energized with
    no crash. The taste is smooth and enjoyable, and customers appreciate the lack of jitters.
    Getting sufficient quantities of sleep is one of the handiest things you can do to improve your muscle progress and power gains,
    and also you don’t even have to truly do anything!

    This product is NSF Certified for Sport, which is a third-party testing certificates verifying that it’s free from over 270 substances banned by main athletic organizations.
    Animal-based proteins, together with beef, poultry, wild game, fish, shellfish, eggs, and dairy are
    sources of complete proteins together with choose plant-based proteins, including soy and pea protein. Our bodies additionally need
    protein to support immune function, digest meals, heal
    wounds, synthesize hormones, and build neurotransmitters.
    Keep knowledgeable with the newest news, product evaluations, & expert advice.
    We’re unable to supply private health recommendation, but we’ve partnered
    with JustAnswer who offers on-demand docs to answer your medical questions 24/7.
    Talk online now with a well being care provider and get quick 1-on-1 solutions from the comfort of your sofa.
    We evaluation printed medical analysis in revered scientific journals to reach at our conclusions a couple of product or well being topic.

    Customers respect the product's ability to assist with muscle recovery and soreness.
    They discover it helps construct muscle sooner and reduces
    muscle fatigue after exercises. The product is a must-have for those who work out, as
    soreness usually disappears inside 20 hours. Prospects find the
    nutritional supplement effective for muscle recovery
    and building muscle.
    In reality, many dietary supplements – particularly pre-workout dietary supplements, which we’ll get to next – mix
    BCAAs and creatine. When used correctly and according to the really helpful dosages, pre-workout dietary supplements are usually secure.
    It Is essential to determine on high-quality merchandise and be mindful
    of how your body reacts to stimulants like caffeine. There are not any negative
    interacts between creatine, BCAAs, and pre-workout powders.

    They’re not like protein powders and mass gainers, which should not be combined.

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