Zájazd a jeho reklamácia alebo Cesta k vysnívanej dovolenke

Napísal Miriam Boškovičová 09. júl 2024

Letné dni trávia mnohí Slováci na dovolenke pri mori. Veľká časť z nich už má zájazd s cestovnou kanceláriou dojednaný, zálohu zaplatenú a plavky kúpené. Iní dávajú prednosť last minute ponukám. Čoho by si mali byť slovenskí spotrebitelia vedomí, aby predišli komplikáciám a ich vysnívaná dovolenka dopadla dobre?


Jedna zmluva vládne všetkým

Zájazd je podľa zákona kombináciou najmenej dvoch rôznych služieb cestovného ruchu. Spravidla tak zahŕňa dopravu na miesto aj späť, ubytovanie a môže obsahovať aj dodatočné služby, ako napríklad výlety a exkurzie. Medzi spotrebiteľom a cestovnou kanceláriou dochádza k uzatvoreniu zmluvy o zájazde, ktorá by mala obsahovať všetky špecifikácie daného zájazdu. Nemôžeme však opomenúť, že súčasťou zmluvy o zájazde sú aj obchodné podmienky dané cestovnou kanceláriou, kde bývajú dohodnuté niektoré ustanovenia, ako napríklad podmienky výpovede zmluvy či storno poplatky.

Cestovné kancelárie majú podľa zákona určitú informačnú povinnosť. V zmluve by mala byť uvedená súhrnná cena zájazdu vrátane všetkých daní, poplatkov alebo iných súvisiacich nákladov. Pokiaľ by niektoré náklady uvedené neboli, spotrebiteľ ich nemusí platiť. Rovnako tak by v zmluve malo byť uvedené miesto pobytu, termín začatia a skončenia zájazdu, dĺžka pobytu, informácie o ubytovaní, doprave a stravovaní, jazyku, v ktorom sú služby poskytované, poprípade ďalšie informácie o vlastnostiach všetkých súvisiacich služieb. Ak si spotrebiteľ s cestovnou kanceláriou dohodne osobitné požiadavky na zájazd, mali by byť v zmluve tiež vyznačené. „Odporúčame spotrebiteľom, aby dbali na opatrnosť a zmluvu s obchodnými podmienkami si ešte pred podpisom riadne prečítali,“ odporúča Eduarda Hekšová, riaditeľka spotrebiteľskej organizácie dTest.

Hoci si, na rozdiel od zmluvy, nemôže spotrebiteľ dojednať zvláštny obsah obchodných podmienok, je aj tak chránený zákonom. Ak by v nich bolo dojednanie, ktoré možno považovať za neprijateľné a spotrebiteľ by ho nemohol rozumne očakávať, bude takáto dohoda neúčinná. Zmluva teda platiť bude, ale tak, ako by tam ono neprijateľné dojednanie nebolo.

Stará známa reklamácia

Tak, ako má spotrebiteľ povinnosť zaplatiť dohodnutú cenu, má cestovná kancelária povinnosť poskytnúť zájazd v dohodnutom rozsahu riadne a bez vád. O vadu ide, pokiaľ niektorá z čiastkových služieb cestovného ruchu, ktoré sú zahrnuté do zájazdu, nie je poskytovaná v súlade so zmluvou. Príkladom môže byť nedostatočná kvalita ubytovania alebo nesplnené špeciálne požiadavky spotrebiteľa, ktoré však boli s cestovnou kanceláriou vopred dohodnuté. Všetko, čoho sa chce spotrebiteľ dovolať, by však malo byť uvedené v zmluve.

Vadu by mal spotrebiteľ vytknúť písomne, aby ju mohol v prípade potreby neskôr tiež preukázať. Pritom je spravidla dobré si vadu zdokumentovať, napr. fotografiami alebo videozáznamom. Vhodné je tiež zaobstarať si svedectvo iných návštevníkov, pokiaľ danou vadou trpia tiež. Oznámiť vadu je dobré čo najskôr a to aj počas trvania zájazdu, napr. u delegáta. Cestovná kancelária by sa oznámením mala zaoberať a snažiť sa o okamžitú nápravu vady a zabezpečiť bezchybné pokračovanie zájazdu. Neskoré nahlásenie vady, napr. až po skončení zájazdu, môže byť spotrebiteľovi na škodu.

Cestovná kancelária by ako nápravu mala spotrebiteľovi zaistiť alternatívu nevyhovujúcej služby, ktorá je v rámci kvality porovnateľná s pôvodnou dohodnutou službou. Pokiaľ nie je možné alternatívu zaistiť a jediná možnosť je kvalitatívne horšia, cestovná kancelária je povinná spotrebiteľovi ponúknuť primeranú zľavu z ceny týchto služieb. Naopak, pokiaľ je alternatíva kvalitatívne lepšia, spotrebiteľ nie je povinný nič doplácať. „A ak sa cestovná kancelária reklamáciou vady nezaoberá, spotrebiteľ je oprávnený si nápravu zariadiť sám a následne požadovať preplatenie nákladov od cestovnej kancelárie,“ dodáva Eduarda Hekšová. Pritom je dobré zaobstarať si od delegáta písomné potvrdenie, že k náprave zo strany cestovnej kancelárie nedošlo. Ďalej môže byť reklamácia vyriešená aj zľavou z ceny zájazdu. V určitých prípadoch môže spotrebiteľ požadovať aj náhradu ujmy, pokiaľ došlo k podstatnému porušeniu zmluvy o zájazde vinou cestovnej kancelárie. V každom prípade má cestovná kancelária povinnosť reklamáciu vybaviť do 30 dní.

1 Komentár

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    Obedient X3 by Group MuscleForce is a focus-intensifying,
    pump-instigating, hydrating complement that delivers.
    By clicking on the product links in this article, we could receive a fee payment
    without charge to you, the reader. Sponsorships and affiliate commissions assist assist our
    research so we might help you discover one of the best products.
    Verify out our articles on one of the best Pump Pre-Workouts
    and Best Pre-Workouts For Weight Reduction.
    Nonetheless, we at all times counsel beginning with half the manufacturer’s really helpful serving dimension and increasing to a full
    serving once you’ve assessed your tolerance.

    Thermogenesis is the process of heat production that enables the body
    to make use of calories to supply warmth and regulate temperature.
    These embrace Beta-Alanine, Agmatine Sulfate, Betaine, Caffeine,
    L-Tyrosine, and Huperzine A. Jacked Factory recommends consuming one serving of NitroSurge Shred with 6-8oz of water roughly minutes before your workout for best outcomes.

    This stellar pre-workout delivers sooth, clean power to provide for a number
    of nice advantages to your high-intensity coaching and muscle growth while nonetheless being freed from creatine.
    With no artificial flavors or colours, this may be a clear pre-workout to nonetheless
    offer wonderful outcomes. This finely tuned mix of ingredients is the right ratio for hard-training athletes and high-intensity lifters to power performance and
    muscle growth to the next stage.
    Pre-workouts provide a quantity of useful advantages depending
    on the components used. Notice that these can differ between people based on tolerance levels and the kind of train.
    Future releases might aim to use pure flavors and specify the third-party testing organization.
    Components utilized in pre-workouts to enhance power embody creatine, ElevATP,
    and betaine. This organic acid acts as a
    lipid/membrane stabilizer within the physique and
    may help with various anti-oxidant defense methods.
    Taurine also supports cardiovascular functioning and the brain, skeletal muscle, and retina.

    It is used in pre-workouts to enhance endurance and overall performance.
    A pre-workout is a complement that often is out there in a powdered type that folks use to
    enhance their athletic performance. All pre-workouts should have the same frequent
    goal; get essentially the most out of your training session.
    Ever puzzled if you really want a pre-workout to maximize your health club performance?
    These supplements are designed to boost energy, focus, and endurance,
    but they’re not a should have for everyone. You should observe,
    nonetheless, that simply taking these dietary supplements does
    not get you anyplace. By taking pre-workout supplements, you take energy-enhancing ingredients which are supposed to support you in achieving higher targets in your exercises.

    Beneath are some pre exercise dietary supplements that had been tested, but weren’t pretty much
    as good as those listed above. It may help lengthen the period of time where a pre workout is effective and smooth out the crash results of caffeine
    anhydrous. Right Here are some further components that are incessantly seen in pre workouts.

    If you’ve by no means taken a pre exercise powder earlier
    than and aren’t much of a espresso drinker, I’ve received you.
    This is decided by the product high quality, components, dosages, and components related to every
    individual. However, it usually takes anyplace
    between minutes for the total results to happen (20, 21).

    As for doses and efficacy of formulas, this actually is dependent upon how
    every user responds to a pre-workout. For example,
    one person may do exactly fantastic and even favor much less caffeine, while
    others won’t feel a lot with 150mg of caffeine and will need 300+mg per serving.
    Whereas some merchandise are costlier than others, remember that they may have
    more elements, excessive quantities per serving, and high quality can and
    does range between products. Niacin, also identified as B3 can also trigger this tingling sensation typically called ‘niacin flush,’ and
    especially as it’s normally included in pre-workouts in massive amounts.

    If you’re on the hunt for a beta-alanine-free pre-workout that
    doesn’t make you itch, you’ve most likely experienced these signs and have determined it’s not for you.
    Vouvounas pointed out that most of those manufacturers
    are fairly related — they have a minimal of 125g of caffeine and beta-alanine, then some type of proprietary mix.

    The mix of Vitamin B6 and B12, plus Rhodiola rosea, is meant to increase work capability, enhance
    recovery, and create longer-lasting, extra appropriate energy.
    Tamar has her master's degree in Nutrition and Train Physiology
    from Teachers School Columbia College and makes a speciality of working with
    plant-based athletes. Her aim is to help folks
    understand how to correctly gasoline their our bodies (and supplement if needed!) to optimize efficiency and well-being.

    Every serving is crammed with caffeine, a formidable 6g of
    citruline malate and a reasonably normal dose of beta alanine (2.5g) – all of that are designed
    to give you that vitality kick and focus. The single-serve packets are
    excellent for many who need a grab-and-go choice, making
    it easy to throw into your gym bag or take while traveling.
    The formula includes 1.6 grams of beta-alanine, beetroot powder and caffeine,
    which offer a solid foundation for power and efficiency enhancement.
    This product had the potential to be a frontrunner within the natural pre-workout category, notably for its progressive use of mushroom-based elements designed to spice up power and focus.

    The caffeine degree is optimal, maintaining focus throughout workouts with out jitters.
    Its distinct stimulation, likely from reasonable caffeine and L-theanine, presents enough power whereas maintaining calmness.
    Some of the strongest pre-workout supplements in 2024 are Crack Reloaded,
    El Jefe, and Wild Fireplace.
    Their merchandise are "health-focused" and while they understand food plan, train, sleep,
    daylight, and hydration are all extra essential, a top quality supplement can "amplify your pure potential".
    To many hardcore caffeine users, this will likely not
    seem like a lot but it’s sufficient together with the high dose of other ingredients such
    as citrulline and beta-alanine. Plus, there’s a testosterone assist complicated together with
    vitamin D, zinc, and boron. This pre-workout powder has
    reliable and natural method containing efficient elements like Citrulline Malate, Beta-Alanine, Taurine, and different energy boosters.
    Women could particularly discover that the energy enhance and stimulant
    results of a daily pre workout might sometimes be too excessive.

    These days, there are slightly higher requirements
    out there—though barely being the operative word.
    Priyankaa is our senior well being and wellness author, specialising
    in expert-tested critiques and roundups on the newest health
    and health products. From strolling boots to operating machines, Priyankaa has
    written about tons of of products and is passionate
    about offering in-depth, unbiased evaluations. Rich in starchy carbohydrates,
    one banana will include round 14g of sugar, made
    of glucose and fructose – two sugar sorts that are excellent for athletic performance.

    Once you’re done right here, we also have a list of the best
    protein powders without artificial sweeteners. We hope that this submit
    helps you get the best bang on your buck when looking
    for a pre-workout that’s successfully dosed and isn’t formulated with ineffective doses
    and filler substances that serve no purpose. Working out
    tougher and longer can outcome in bigger positive aspects; this
    is why many firms embrace endurance components of their pre-workouts.
    A few typical endurance components can include taurine, theanine, sodium
    bicarbonate, beta-alanine, and extra. This is a cognition-enhancing substance that’s cholinergic just like Alpha-GPC.
    It helps cut back the breakdown of acetylcholine which might help improve focus and enhance the mind-muscle connection.
    With 5 flavor choices, the brand presents a good range to select from.
    Regardless Of only having 4 flavors to select from, it sits above the rest
    by means of reported taste. It’s our best-tasting pre-workout if you’re
    on the lookout for one thing pleasant to drink. With 300 milligrams of caffeine and a fat-burning matrix combine, the
    C4 Ultimate Shred is catered in the path of fat-burning and endurance.

    It’s our greatest pre-workout for women and men wanting to
    enhance their fat-burning potential. The C4 Final Shred is
    doubtless considered one of the newer pre-workouts from a
    brand that has been operating for 20 years. Each serving provides 3.2 grams of beta-alanine and 3 grams
    of l-citrulline, which is close to the research-backed
    Swolverine's Mango Lemonade Pre-Workout is a non-stim, proprietary blend-free, and clinically-dosed pre-workout formula, that mixes high-quality sports activities vitamin, and potent
    antioxidant-rich superfoods... One of the standout features of Powher is its capability to assist extra intense exercises.
    Its powerful formula provides you with the required energy and endurance
    to deal with difficult exercises, enabling you to
    push beyond your limits and unlock your true potential.
    Sturdy pre-workouts regularly use ingredient dosages that are supported by analysis that shows their
    effectiveness and security. PreSeries BULK BLACK is the epitome of
    a hard-hitting, clinically dosed pre-workout. With one hundred pc method
    transparency, confirmed nitric oxide boosters, hard-hitting nootropics...
    Alpha GPC is dosed at 300 mg, which promotes laser focus during your exercise.
    It is on the market in 5 tasty flavors, together with my personal favorite,
    cherry kiwi. In Distinction To most pre-workouts, there is a testosterone-boosting aspect
    to this product.
    Try light seated rotations, preserving your ft flat on the ground while slowly rotating your higher body back and forth.
    BASED ON YOUR degree of exercise, the general advice is to eat 20 to 30 grams of protein following a exercise and continue to
    supplement throughout the day, Bonci says.
    Individual responses vary based mostly on factors like caffeine
    sensitivity, metabolism, and overall diet.
    I take these sorts of pre exercises about as soon as a week, perhaps twice a week at most.

    One of the reason I love Apollon Nutrition merchandise is that they hardly ever skimp
    on ingredient dosages. They don’t believe in together with ingredients simply so they can slap it
    on the label for marketing functions.
    The pre exercise kicked in anyway, and I felt like I was capable of give attention to my exercise and give my performance some
    extra increase. I’ve at all times been meticulous concerning the ingredients in my pre-workouts, so when I first laid eyes on NitroSurge Black’s clear label, it
    felt like a breath of contemporary air. It has the coveted L-theanine and caffeine combo
    that gives you the most effective results for focusing.
    I additionally like the method it had a high caffeine content material
    whereas providing no artificial sweeteners.
    This pre-workout is great for athletes centered on gaining dimension and strength.

    We’ve not solely researched and analyzed the top pre-workout supplements in the marketplace, however we’ve additionally
    personally examined each of the pre-workout on our listing.
    Our group of experienced personal trainers, nutritionists, and fitness lovers has
    spent countless hours in the gym, testing and evaluating these dietary supplements from a user’s
    perspective. This stuff is pure, effective and a complete no-brainer for enhancing your overall well-being.
    The health of your intestine microbiome impacts principally
    each area of your general well being, from your
    power ranges to your mood to your immune system,
    so you neglect it at your peril.
    Loopy Vitamin stands behind the standard of its product by offering
    a 60-day satisfaction money-back guarantee. This demonstrates their confidence in the performance and effectiveness of their pre-train formulation. Clear
    Labs goes above and beyond to ensure product quality and transparency.
    They conduct third-party testing for his or her dietary supplements
    and supply certificates of analysis and composition on their website for everybody to entry.
    This unique method includes Powher's secret weapon, EnXtra, a caffeine amplifier
    that works in synergy with a small quantity of caffeine, extending the period of its energizing
    Ora Natural's "Renewable Vitality Pre-workout," beta-alanine-free and vegan-friendly, boosts workout vitality with natural vitamins.

    PEScience Prolific is ideal for intense muscle-building sessions with sustained focus,
    not really helpful for those with coronary heart issues.
    "By stimulating excitatory neurotransmitters, [caffeine] jump-starts the brain the finest way that adrenaline does, which sends messages to the the rest of the physique to perform." ONNIT offers substantial exercise enhancement
    with out disrupting sleep, good for those training within the evenings.
    Taking Pumpsurge half-hour earlier than my exercise consistently supplied me with a heightened sense of calm, permitting me to finish my day by day routine with out experiencing fatigue.
    After weeks of use, Pre-Lab Pro offered a average vitality and
    stamina enhance, with none itchy sensations
    during or post-workout as reported by my testing team.

    I added Pre-Lab Pro from Opti Nutra to my record for its impressive vitamin and mineral content.

    I wish to see this ingredient included in pre exercise because it helps the pre
    exercise last more and it helps easy out "crash" results that may
    occur from high doses of caffeine anhydrous. El Jefe hits really nicely,
    offering easy temper enhancement and a solid power boost.
    It finds a candy spot between stimmed out pre exercises which have unfavorable
    unwanted facet effects and ordinary daily driver pre exercises.

    Whatever fitness objectives you have, this is an ideal assist to assist you push for progress.
    We've rounded off our chilled beverage with vitamins B6 and B12, keeping you sharp by contributing to the
    reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Pre-workout or just any time you
    need a pick-me-up — it is a super choice. Not only does it comprise a standardised dosage
    of caffeine, but it also provides L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine
    which can take away any of the unwanted aspect effects with out affecting efficiency.

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