Stalking je ako nočná mora

Poznáme ho najmä z amerických filmov, ale ani slovenským čiernym kronikám nie je tento jav neznámy... Obeťami sú predovšetkým ženy. Kriminológia a psychiatria definujú stalking (stopovanie) ako dlhodobé prenasledovanie a obťažovanie inej osoby, čím sa znižuje kvalita života tejto osoby a ohrozuje jej bezpečnosť.


Rôzne podoby stalkingu poznáme z viac či menej kvalitných amerických filmov, ale prípady dlhodobého prenasledovania a vyhrážok sú aj súčasťou slovenskej reality. Stalker, teda prenasledovateľ, svoju obeť neustále kontaktuje, kontroluje a snaží sa nad ňou uplatniť svoju moc. Vytrvalo číha a môže sa objaviť kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek - v mieste bydliska, v práci, na ulici, pri nákupoch... Súčasne svoju obeť neustále atakuje - telefonátmi, SMS-kami, e-mailami alebo výhražnými symbolickými odkazmi (rozbité okná, poškriabané auto, vulgárne čmáranice na dverách, ubližovanie domácim miláčikom...).

Stalkermi sa stávajú bývalí partneri, kolegovia, susedia alebo celkom neznámi ľudia, ktorí si obeť jednoducho vyhliadnu, pričom nemusí ísť o celebritu. K typickým prenasledovateľom patrí opustený milenec; muž, ktorý má rôzne psychické problémy a nie je schopný trvalého partnerského vzťahu; človek, ktorým v dôsledku určitého konfliktu lomcuje pocit ukrivdenosti, zlosť a nenávisť; osoba bez životnej náplne, ktorá sa na niekoho upne; alebo takzvaný predátor, ktorý si vyhliadne obeť, zbiera o nej informácie a sníva o agresívnom sexuálnom útoku. A hoci je stalking predovšetkým "mužskou záležitosťou", známe sú aj prípady žien - prenasledovateliek, ktoré svojou agresivitou nezaostávajú za svojími mužskými "kolegami".

Ty­po­lo­gic­ky poz­ná­me pá­cha­te­ľov, kto­rí sa na poš­ko­de­né­ho po­ze­ra­jú ako na pros­trie­dok slú­žia­ci k napl­ne­niu ich túž­by po pom­ste. Čas­to si svo­je obe­te vy­be­ra­jú ná­hod­ne, ale na zá­kla­de po­dob­nos­ti s inou oso­bou, kto­rá im spô­so­bu­je prob­lé­my. Naj­me­nej po­čet­nú sku­pi­nu pá­cha­te­ľov tvo­ria sexuál­ni útoč­ní­ci, kto­rých hlav­ným mo­tí­vom je sexuál­ne us­po­ko­je­nie.

Odborníci ženám radia:

1. Nezbližujte sa s mužmi, ktorých labilná psychika a pocity menejcennosti naznačujú, že nedokážu uniesť partnerský rozchod.

2. Ak sa stanete obeťou stalkingu, zrušte s prenasledovateľom všetky kontakty a informujte o svojom pocite ohrozenia políciu, ktorá musí urobiť záznam.

3. Ak prenasledovateľ pozná vaše zvyky a trasy, po ktorých sa pohybujete, zmeňte ich do takej miery, ako je to len možné.

4. Všetky výhražné správy od stalkera si odložte, telefonáty si nahrávajte a poškodené veci si odfotografujte, najlepšie za prítomnosti svedkov.

5. Vonku sa vo večerných hodinách a na opustenejších miestach pohybujte iba so sprievodom a vždy noste zo sebou obranný sprej.

Pod­ľa § 360a ods. 1 Tres­tné­ho zá­ko­na, kto iné­ho dl­ho­do­bo pre­nas­le­du­je ta­kým spô­so­bom, že to mô­že vzbu­diť dô­vod­nú oba­vu o je­ho ži­vot ale­bo zdra­vie, ži­vot ale­bo zdra­vie je­mu blíz­kej oso­by ale­bo pod­stat­ným spô­so­bom zhor­šiť kva­li­tu je­ho ži­vo­ta, tým, že

a) sa vy­hrá­ža ub­lí­že­ním na zdra­ví ale­bo inou uj­mou je­mu ale­bo je­mu blíz­kej oso­be,

b) vy­hľa­dá­va je­ho osob­nú blíz­kosť ale­bo ho sle­du­je,

c) ho kon­tak­tu­je pros­tred­níc­tvom tre­tej oso­by ale­bo elek­tro­nic­kej ko­mu­ni­kač­nej služ­by, pí­som­ne ale­bo inak pro­ti je­ho vô­li,

d) zneu­ži­je je­ho osob­né úda­je na účel zís­ka­nia osob­né­ho ale­bo iné­ho kon­tak­tu, ale­bo

e) ho inak ob­me­dzu­je v je­ho ob­vyk­lom spô­so­be ži­vo­ta,

pot­res­tá sa od­ňa­tím slo­bo­dy až na je­den rok.

Ob­jek­tív­na strán­ka ci­to­va­né­ho tres­tné­ho či­nu spo­čí­va v dl­ho­do­bom pre­nas­le­do­va­ní, kto­ré je spô­so­bi­lé vzbu­diť u iné­ho dô­vod­nú oba­vu o je­ho ži­vot ale­bo zdra­vie, ži­vot ale­bo zdra­vie je­mu blíz­kej oso­by ale­bo pod­stat­ným spô­so­bom zhor­šiť kva­li­tu je­ho ži­vo­ta. Je tiež pot­reb­né poz­na­me­nať, že na trest­ný čin ne­bez­peč­né­ho pre­nas­le­do­va­nia pod­ľa § 360a Tres­tné­ho zá­ko­na sa vzťa­hu­je vý­nim­ka zo zá­sa­dy ofi­cia­li­ty up­ra­ve­ná v § 211 ods. 1 Tres­tné­ho po­riad­ku, kto­rá vy­ža­du­je súh­las od poš­ko­de­né­ho so za­ča­tím či pok­ra­čo­va­ním v tres­tnom stí­ha­ní.

Zdroj foto: Freepik

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    You work the identical muscles at the endpoints but at weaker lengths and in positions that might hurt the joints.
    Some vary of movement does seem necessary although to permit negative
    work and different effects revealed when inspecting types of muscle contraction. This
    calls into query the necessity for a lot of workouts to develop the upper again. Shoulder melancholy, which occurs on vertical pulls, subtracts or lessens the contribution from many of those muscular tissues but nonetheless includes the latissimus dorsi.

    The decrease whole contribution isolates the lats more so,
    with isolation always leading to issues. It does require a greater range
    of movement for them, but this is not essentially a good factor.

    A full range of movement ought to encompass a lockout on the
    descent and be raised as excessive as your lower belly.
    You can even use a chest-supported row machine if
    you have access to one. The dumbbell row is not just top-of-the-line
    upper back workout routines however one of the best dumbbell exercises, period.

    Building these muscular tissues thickens the perimeters of the neck and improves neck stability.
    This muscle runs from the upper cervical vertebrae to
    the top of the shoulder blade (scapula). It helps elevate
    the scapula and assists with neck side-bending and
    rotation. A well-developed levator scapulae contributes to the fullness between the neck and shoulders.
    The lower lats may be difficult to activate effectively as a result of an absence of mind-muscle connection,
    making it difficult to totally contract the muscle fibers during each repetition.
    Strengthening these muscles enhances the thickness and power
    of the again of the neck. If you wish to construct a a lot bigger and stronger again, now
    you know exactly what to do. So next time you’re in the gym working
    back, concentrate on the 3 steps above, and I assure
    that you will note better ends in your back growth. 1) Develop Your Rear DeltsAlthough not technically
    a "back" muscle, well-developed rear delts are literally
    a key a half of again thickness.
    That mentioned, whereas there is not any denying the power of pull-ups,
    there is multiple approach to carry out them. Named after
    the late bodybuilder John Meadows, this unilateral rowing exercise is great for increasing back width and addressing muscular imbalances.
    By specializing in one aspect at a time, the Meadows row enhances mind-muscle connection and forces greater stabilisation.
    The heavier the weight, the extra ramp-up sets you want on the
    way there. Seated good mornings are an excellent accent carry for individuals who lose their squats and
    front squats ahead. I at all times use an EliteFTS Safety Squat Yoke bar for these, but a straight
    bar, thick bar pad, and lifting straps are workable substitutes.

    Bear In Mind, your objective is to heat up, not aerobic
    fitness, so preserve a low to reasonable exercise intensity.
    You wish to protect your energy for the principle bodybuilding again workout.
    The final items in the puzzleare the muscles round yourshoulder blades, that
    are thefoundation for each upper-bodylift. Research from the Universityof Minnesota discovered they increaseoverall strength.
    They also giveyou the rounded shoulders (andforearm shots) of Rafael Nadal.
    Suppose you want racks (and racks) of barbells, kettlebells and dumbbells to
    pack size?
    Dedication to enhancing back muscle thickness plays a critical function in boosting an athlete’s performance
    across numerous sports. Stronger, extra developed muscles present the facility and stability wanted for explosive actions, whether or not it’s propelling via
    water in swimming or maintaining kind during a heavy
    Olympic raise. Constructing a thick and powerful again isn’t nearly aesthetics; it’s a cornerstone
    for useful strength and on a regular basis wellness.
    Relaxation intervals are essential for permitting
    your muscles to recuperate and develop.
    Envision pulling the bar "through" your body for somewhat additional engagement of the middle again. This is one other technique that may allow you to exhaust your again muscles, resulting in more progress and thickness.
    Upright Rows are wonderful for constructing the traps and shoulders when performed with correct kind.

    To minimize the danger of shoulder impingement, maintain your elbows beneath shoulder top and use an EZ bar or dumbbells for a safer grip.

    Strongman exercises usually are not only effective for building thickness in the again but additionally for enhancing total energy
    and athleticism. Incorporating these dynamic actions into your
    training regimen can present a refreshing change of pace from
    traditional weightlifting workout routines and contribute
    to well-rounded muscular development. To
    carry out a pull-up properly, grip an overhead bar
    with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

    The barbell row holds court when it comes to targeting
    the again muscles. My absolute favourite rowing movement is one-
    or two-arm dumbbell rows, face down on an incline bench.
    When choosing exercises in your again training periods, go for rowing movements over
    vertical pulling workouts to maximise your gains in thickness
    and total again development.
    Or, if you'd like a customizable intermediate muscle-building program, try our Outlift Program.
    If you’re in a place to progressively overload your
    again workout routines, adding a little little bit of weight or squeezing out an extra rep, that’s a great signal that you’re doing enough work to stimulate muscle progress.
    Engaging in controlled cable rows – whether or
    not with one arm or both – allows for targeted muscle activation whereas minimizing
    the danger of harm. Pull variations similar to bent-over rows,
    one-arm rows, and seated rows goal totally different muscular tissues within the again. They interact the
    rhomboids, teres main and minor, as nicely as the decrease
    trapezius for a extra sculpted and defined look.
    Hadi Choopan, the Iranian sensation, has gained a reputation for his incredibly dense and detailed back, serving to him rise
    quickly through the bodybuilding ranks. His back’s combination of mass and definition has made him a top contender on the global stage.
    Roelly Winklaar, some of the muscular bodybuilders in fashionable times, is thought for
    his jaw-dropping size and dense again. Winklaar’s again has been one of the
    most dramatically improved in recent years, showcasing both
    width and insane thickness. Levrone’s rear double biceps pose showcased his dense middle again, considered one of his strongest areas,
    together with the overall steadiness of his again muscular tissues.

    Observe this with dynamic stretches concentrating on your back
    muscle tissue and surrounding areas. Carry Out movements like arm circles, torso
    twists, and shoulder rolls to loosen up and activate the muscle groups you may be focusing on during your
    workout. To perform this exercise, sit on an incline bench with dumbbells in each
    hand hanging down. Retract your shoulder blades and pull
    the weights toward your sides, maintaining your elbows near your physique.
    Transitioning from the Dumbbell Bent-over Row, one other excellent
    exercise for constructing a thicker again is the Dumbbell Hammer Grip Incline Bench Two Arm
    Row. This workout targets your lats, rhomboids,
    and traps whereas additionally participating your biceps.

    Strengthening your back also includes focusing on the smaller stabilizing muscle tissue around the vertebral column and
    thoracic cage. Exercises that incorporate a full vary of motion assist improve flexibility in these
    areas whereas building mass. Many gym-goers attempt for a
    strong, muscular again however aren’t sure the method to obtain it.
    This guide provides the most effective exercises tailored to expanding your
    back’s musculature and enhancing power.

    Whether it’s beneath the bar or under the stress of life,
    you’d be amazed at how just getting stronger ends up being a cure for most problems.
    To develop slabs of again meat you’ll want to maneuver massive weights both horizontally
    and vertically. You’ll be strong throughout at nearly everything you do… and you’ll look impressive as hell while you do it.
    Truly spectacular backs are a uncommon sight, although
    there are a lot of broad backs out there. Greg has covered the four main sports activities for six years
    and has been featured on sites similar to Sports Illustrated, Fox
    Sports Activities, SB Nation,, and FanSided.
    Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and energy sports.

    You’ll grab the bar outside of the burden on the thick finish of the barbell—feel free to make use of straps
    if the broader grip makes it powerful to focus in your lats—then assume a bent-over rowing place and
    pull. Shoulder shrugs are a basic train for building bigger, stronger traps by
    directly concentrating on the upper trapezius muscular tissues.
    By lifting heavy weights with managed shoulder elevation, shrugs help create a thicker, more highly effective
    higher again and neck. Now that we have delved into varied back exercises and explored
    their benefits, it is time to put our data into follow.

    For a thicker and stronger neck, pair mobility workouts like this with strength-based
    movements such as neck flexion/extension, weighted shrugs, and isometric holds.
    When your physique repairs confused muscle fibers
    after exercise, it rebuilds them stronger than earlier than. It additionally adapts
    by increasing the muscles' capacity to store
    glycogen (the stored form of glucose), which serves as a key
    power source throughout exercises.
    In this last part, we'll shift our focus from principle to
    action as we dive into the sensible facet of building a wider, stronger back.
    With a give consideration to power building, you'll engage in targeted workouts that can sculpt and strengthen your
    again muscles, helping you develop a broader, more spectacular physique.
    It Is time to translate information into action and transform your aspirations right into a reality.
    Let's get began building the extensive, robust back you've got always needed.
    His again workouts usually included a number of units of heavy compound actions like pull-ups and rows.
    He was also known for deadlifts, which helped build the thickness and strength that defined his lower back.

    By incorporating the Cable Elevated Row into your workout routine,
    you'll be able to successfully have interaction a number
    of muscular tissues in your back whereas selling general muscle growth.
    Moreover, this exercise helps in enhancing posture and
    stopping injuries, that are essential for anyone seeking
    to improve their athletic efficiency. Engage your upper back muscles as you squeeze your shoulder blades together on the prime of the motion. This
    exercise successfully targets muscular tissues within the upper and mid-back,
    biceps, and forearms, contributing to improved general back thickness and strength.
    Executing the Barbell Reverse Grip Incline Bench Row works to develop thickness in your higher again and enhances total pulling energy.
    This exercise prompts key muscle teams together with the latissimus dorsi,
    rhomboids, and biceps for a complete back workout that fosters development
    and strength.
    This bodybuilding again workout is one of many premium exercises in the StrengthLog app, which you'll download
    for free using the buttons below. Whether Or Not you aspire to compete on stage or simply want a powerful and aesthetic again, this article will information you
    thru a comprehensive bodybuilding again workout.

    With 6-rep sets, weights shall be too heavy to use a really long eccentric or concentric phase.
    So, for 6-reps we have to energy the load up and decrease it as managed as we can, normally within the two second range.

    Both days will construct dimension, but the 6-rep sets would be
    the strengthening element to help us add weight on higher rep days.
    With your left side to thepulley, seize the handle with yourright hand.
    Pull the deal with upand throughout your physique until yourhand is over your head.

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