Ste úspešná, ste krásna a ste mama v tých najlepších rokoch

Napísal Kristína Chudá 02. október 2023

„Kedy chcem mať dieťa, v 25-ke, 30-tke či dokonca neskôr? Chcem vôbec dieťa?“ Toto sú snáď otázky každej jednej ženy na planéte. Kedy je teda ten správny čas? Chcete si materstvo ozaj užiť? Majte deti po 30-tke, deti vyrastú a v 40-tke si materstvo užijete plnými dúškami.


Vedci zistili, že medzi časom gravidity a dĺžkou života matky existuje súvislosť. Ak otehotniete ako 33 a viacročná, máte šancu dožiť sa vyššieho veku. Ďalší výskumníci z Aarhuskej univerzity v Dánsku zistili, že ženy, ktoré otehotnejú po 30-tke majú deti, u ktorých je menšia pravdepodobnosť, že budú trpieť na vývojové ťažkosti alebo problémové správanie. 

Ak vám ale na vašej narodeninovej torte svieti už 40 (a viac) sviečok a doma vám pobehuje vaša ratolesť vo veku 8 či 9 rokov, nezúfajte milé dámy. Váš život je v plnom prúde a začína ďalšie úžasné obdobie vášho života. Veď byť mamou po 40-tke je pre ženu ten najlepší vek. Neveríte? Aké benefity prináša materstvo plné energie po 40tke?

1. Väčšie deti

Byť mama malých detí je super. Noci plné plaču a rána s tmavými kruhmi pod očami, kde nepomôže ani ten najlepší make-up filmových hviezd. Miesto parfumu máte detské prdíky a miesto skvelých večerov s pohárikom vína pri dobrom filme len mliečko, plienky a uspávanie.  Samozrejme, tieto roky boli úplne úžasné a to mnohými spôsobmi. Sladká vôňa hlavičky vášho dieťaťa, vtipné „hlášky“ vášho drobca a milujú vás takým spôsobom, akým nikto iný nemôže. Ale to všetko sú tie roky, kedy zabudnete sama na seba. Vaše vlasy sa stávajú detským koníčkom, šaty sa stávajú jogovým rajom a začnete zabúdať na to, kto ste. Keď máte niečo po 30tke, dá sa to zvládnuť a niečo po 40kte budú vaše noci už kľudné ako za slobodna. Dieťa vo veku 8 či 9 rokov sa už vie samo o seba postarať a čo je hlavé, už nepotrebuje ani nočné uspávanie či nočné kŕmenie.

2. Ste sama sebou

Keď ste mladá, väčšinou hľadáte samú seba. Zisťujete, kto vlastne ste a čo chcete. Po štyridsiatke to už ale viete celkom isto. Máte svoj vlastný štýl obliekania, záľuby, a nepozeráte sa ani na to, čo si kto myslí o vašej výchove, nech už je akákoľvek. Pravdou je, že ak prestanete riešiť iných, budete mať v seba samú oveľa väčšiu dôveru, a to vrátane rozhodnutí, ktoré sa týkajú vašich ratolestí.

3. Silná rodina

V živote každého človeka príde obdobie, kedy máte pocit, že sa proti vám postavil celý svet. No stále je tu vaša rodina - manžel, deti aj rodičia. Práve vďaka nim a svojmu veku dokážete životné prekážky prekonať lepšie ako kedykoľvek predtým.

4. Máte zasa veľa času

Nie je to fajn? Len tak si sadnúť, mať čas a čítať si knihu? Máte čas dostať svoje vlasy opäť a zasa pod kontrolu a to každých šesť týždňov, máte čas na svoje koníčky a ak ten čas nemáte, jednoducho si ho môžete nájsť. Váš drobec už celkom nie je drobcom a už nepotrebuje, aby ste sa mu venovali nonstop. 

5. Ste múdrejšia a skúsenejšia

Po štyridsiatke si môžete svoj život opäť užívať ako v dvadsiatke, no s tým rozdielom, že teraz sa vyvarujete mnohých mladistvých chýb. Za tie roky ste už nabrali množstvo skúseností, zmúdreli ste, takže ak sa vám prihodí čokoľvek, len tak ľahko vás to nerozhodí a určite si budete vedieť poradiť ako s výchovou detí, tak aj mnohými ďalšími problémami.

Takže milé mamičky a ženy, keď sa ráno prebudíte a máte 40tku na krku, čo na tom? Nestresujte, že ste stará! Nie, ste plná energie, radostí, chuti do života a ste MAMA v tom najlepšom možnom veku, v akom môže mama byť. 

Zdroj foto: Freepik

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Nam %AM, %21 %361 %2025 %07:%mar napísal Nam

    One participant experienced a hypoglycemic fainting episode after the last coaching
    session (placebo group), and thus didn't participate in the post-training exercise testing for security causes; nonetheless, the participant still donated post-testing blood and muscle samples.
    Another participant was unable to finish the post-exercise peak oxygen consumption take a look at because of equipment malfunction. Moreover,
    solely 22 of the unique 29 members agreed to donate blood and muscle samples, and sixteen of those
    members completed the entire examine. See Determine 1 for a flow diagram of members and Table 1 for participant characteristics for many who completed
    the complete examine at baseline. YK11 contributes to a rise in Activated PKB (Protein Kinase B) ranges, which
    considerably influences bone cell proliferation.
    Higher protein consumption correlates with elevated myostatin expression, while reduced protein intake leads
    to a decline in myostatin. (Snijders et al., 2013) Myostatin acts as a regulator for muscle
    growth; when the body detects all anabolic alerts being activated,
    it logically initiates a negative suggestions mechanism, elevating myostatin ranges.
    We at present don’t know what the long-term effects of myostatin inhibition – and numerous purported myostatin inhibitors – in healthy individuals
    may be.
    Regardless Of the promising mechanics behind myostatin inhibitors, real-world results can be inconsistent.
    Research on MYO-T12 shows that the amount in a single
    serving of MYO-X decreased myostatin levels in men in as few as 12 hours.

    One scoop offers sufficient MYO-T12 to keep myostatin ranges decreased for greater than 24 hours.

    Leonard has been within the complement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and
    By the greatest way, other types of flavanoids embody flavones, flavonols, flavonones, isoflavones, and anthocyanidins/proanthocyanidins, all of which comprise their very own famous person compounds.

    For example, apigenin (a kind of flavone) and procyanidin (a sort of proanthocyanidin fashioned by the
    mix of catechin and epicatechin molecules) and may assist struggle in opposition to cancer thanks to their antitumor and anti inflammatory
    properties. A.M.H., L.S.S., H.Q.H., and V.L.F. designed analysis; A.M.H.,
    M.H.Y., and B.C.H. collected and analyzed
    data; X.Z. A.M.H., L.S.S., and V.L.F. take responsibility for the integrity of
    data analysis. In addition to growing older, muscle atrophy may also be brought on by disuse, similar
    to when sufferers are sedentary for long durations.

    Change in Wingate dash performance (mean ± SD) between teams following eight weeks of resistance coaching and
    supplementation. Epicatechin is a naturally occurring compound and has a constructive impact on the body.
    You can get epicatechin naturally from foods such
    as dark cocoa or from more concentrated supplements.
    When it comes to cacao, you have to choose these utilizing cacao nibs
    or an extract for highest potency.
    Two molecules are epimers of each other once they have at least
    two asymmetric carbon atoms but differ by configuration at solely a type of carbons.
    Basically, epimers are equivalent molecules with the same asymmetric carbon atom (and
    its bonds) rotated differently in house (see picture beneath for
    reference). To get probably the most out of the supplement, Enhanced Athlete recommends
    taking 1-2 capsules per day with food. The natural muscle building supplement is free from synthetic fillers, dyes, chemical substances, and
    deceptive proprietary blends, and is made within the Usa of America.

    Moreover, in a section 2 trial performed with boys affected by DMD, important enhancements have been observed in muscle mass, with the group treated with 1 mg/kg every 2 weeks experiencing an approximate mean enhance of
    4–5%. Moreover, improvements were famous in 6-min walk distance (6MWD), bone mineral density, and reductions in fats mass [12, 63].
    However, non-muscle-related opposed side effects together with nosebleeds, gum bleeding,
    telangiectasia, and erythema led to the discontinuation of additional examine [12].
    Myostatin, a potent negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass,
    has garnered vital consideration as a therapeutic target for muscle
    dystrophies. Regardless Of extensive research and promising preclinical results, clinical trials concentrating on myostatin inhibition in muscle dystrophies
    have didn't yield substantial improvements in muscle operate or health in sufferers.

    ACE-031 is a soluble form of ACVRIIB, and numerous studies on an Amyotrophic Lateral
    Sclerosis mouse model have proven a single dose of ACE-031
    increases muscle mass and strength. This fusion protein of ACVRIIB and IgG1-Fc acts by binding to MSTN, and thus, disrupts its inhibitory impact (Campbell et al., 2017).
    Experiments on ACE-031 have been subsequently suspended as a outcome of attainable issues of safety of epistaxis and
    telangiectasia. Ghrelin is essentially produced in gastric oxyntic mucosa
    (DeBoer, 2011), and ghrelin treatment reduces proinflammatory cytokine release in cachexia sufferers
    (Kishimoto et al., 2012). Moreover, increases in anabolic activity by ghrelin improve GH launch and cut back the consequences of inflammation, which
    offers promise for the treatment of cachexia
    (Yanagi et al., 2018).
    Cell recoveries of MIF1- (22%) and MIF2-treated (22%) C2C12 cells were higher than these of non-treated cells (Figure
    3A). To examine the results of MIF1 and MIF2 on myogenic differentiation, 70% confluent cells had been switched from development medium to myogenic differentiation medium supplemented with MIF1 or MIF2 and incubated
    for three days. Myotube formation was elevated for MIF1- (4%) or MIF2- (12%) handled
    cells than for non-treated controls (Figure 3B). Myosin heavy-chain (MYH) mRNA expression was elevated and MSTN mRNA expression was decreased in MIF1-treated cells,
    whereas MSTN mRNA expression in MIF2-treated cells and non-treated controls had
    been similar. MYOD, MYOG, myosin light-chain 2
    (MYL2), and MYH proteins expression were elevated in MIF1- or MIF2-treated cells, whereas MSTN protein expression elevated in MIF1-treated cells however not in MIF2-treated cells (Figure
    The muscle cells shaped muscle fibres, but the presence of myostatin inhibited
    the process. Leucine and HMB, but above all creatine, stimulated activity of the Mighty gene within the
    muscle cells. Some of the principle advantages you'll
    have the ability to count on through the use of this supplement, in accordance with Anabolic Warfare, are noticeable enhancements
    in energy and endurance, reductions in muscle fatigue during your workout, and advances in muscle mass.
    House of Muscle suggests that by taking their complement, you’ll see enhancements in muscle growth and definition, endurance and protein synthesis, and a boost
    in libido and intercourse drive. Scientists believe that exercise
    directly impacts myostatin levels – particularly
    resistance exercise that specifically focuses on increasing muscle energy
    [5, 6]. This is because the complement dose isn’t high sufficient to reduce myostatin levels low enough to see BIG features in muscle measurement.
    It’s essential to notice that myostatin deficiencies don’t just improve muscle mass but additionally make a
    person/animal more ripped.
    Carlon Colker, M.D., found myostatin inhibitors in egg yolk from fertilized chicken eggs.
    Dr. Colker developed a process to optimize the myostatin-inhibiting exercise in yolk membranes, and the resulting
    product is MYO-T12. It's one of the talked-about myostatin inhibitors due to its potential to reduce myostatin levels,
    thereby permitting for elevated muscle development and improved power.

    Epicatechin also promotes nitric oxide manufacturing,
    which improves blood move and nutrient supply to muscles, enhancing total
    muscle operate and endurance. One Other potential concern is that elevated muscle growth will result in an elevated threat of harm
    because of increased stress on the muscle fibers.
    The purpose of this evaluate is to offer an up to date overview of present research on MSTN inhibition in the remedy
    of assorted pathologies. Specifically, we search
    to offer a better understanding of clinical developments and investigate the underlying reasons for the high price of trial failures.

    Lastly, we explore potential inhibitor design choices and
    understudied pathologies that might be higher suited
    to MSTN-inhibition therapeutics.
    Moreover, we postulated a singular mechanism
    for T4 and T3 absorption and launch in myoblasts, in addition to the
    function of TTR as an intracellular T4 sensor during myogenesis.
    Myf5, the figuring out factor of myoblast, is expressed before commitment
    to myogenic destiny. YK11 is an artificial steroid primarily based on the chemical structure of 5-α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a naturally occurring hormone
    that performs a task in creating secondary sexual characteristics corresponding to increased muscle and bone mass.

    Myostatin inhibitors perform by blocking the exercise of myostatin itself, which, in theory, ought to promote muscle growth.
    The primary ingredient in MYO-X is a follistatin-rich
    extract of egg yolk often recognized as MYO-T12.

    It’s a negative regulator of muscle progress and may regulate
    the quantity and measurement of muscle fibers. Talk to your doctor
    earlier than taking any dietary supplements or making major adjustments to your day-to-day routine.
    Keep In Mind that the best way to keep up muscle mass safely is to have interaction in regular exercise, eat a nutrient-dense and nutritious diet that incorporates sufficient protein, and get enough relaxation and recovery.
    However, persisting issues have been raised concerning
    the long-term results of myostatin inhibition (like muscle imbalance
    and respiratory illness risk) based mostly on its influence on livestock and experimental animals.
    Some researchers assume that there are no easy and fast answers to these issues, which
    need to be carefully addressed in future scientific trials [24, 25].

    It wasn't until hardcore bodybuilders started experimenting with myostatin inhibitors that everybody started to comprehend just how
    highly effective they could possibly be for muscle growth.

    At sacrifice, lean physique mass (LBM) was recorded as the carcass mass after removing of head,
    skin, and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Hindlimb muscle
    tissue including the left side quadriceps, tibialis anterior (TA),
    extensor digitorum longus (EDL), soleus, plantaris were collected,
    weighed and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for subsequent analysis.
    The calf advanced (soleus/gastrocnemius/plantaris) from the
    best limb was collected, frozen on cork in liquid nitrogen cooled isopentane and saved at −80 °C for subsequent histological evaluation.
    You see, most roids or anabolics construct muscle by making the muscle cells you've greater
    . Funding for this research was supplied by a NASA Cooperative
    Settlement NCC8-242 to BioServe Space Applied Sciences
    and in sort contributions of myostatin inhibitor from Amgen Inc.
    Thank you to the Leinwand Laboratory in the Department of Molecular, Mobile
    and Developmental Biology on the College of Colorado at Boulder for support with methods development and access to laboratory resources.
    Due To This Fact, sustaining muscle during weight loss is important to maintaining a wholesome weight over time.
    Hence, when performing a therapeutic realignment of the spine and distal joints, tight muscles and weak muscles dramatically influence the result
    of therapeutic interventional assist.
    While myostatin inhibitors like peptides and SARMs are gaining recognition,
    you can also decrease your myostatin ranges naturally
    by way of foods and supplements. And whereas the evidence
    is either anecdotal or comes from animal fashions, these natural choices are nonetheless an excellent place to
    start out. Myostatin, also referred to as progress differentiation factor 8 (GDF-8), is a member of the TGF-beta
    superfamily. Whereas that sounds like the alternative of what you’re looking for in your
    fitness story, myostatin actually performs a vital position in sustaining muscle homeostasis and
    preventing uncontrolled growth.
    Nevertheless, elevated ranges of CRP lead to a discount of the
    muscle cell size and lead to sarcopenia [132].

    A multivariate biomarker strategy has been proposed as the optimum way for identifying
    losing illnesses, along side clinical indications and manifestations.
    Skeletal muscle (SM) includes ~40% of physique weight and is
    probably the most dynamic organ, with an amazing capability to
    regenerate and repair after damage or trauma [1,2]. SM is answerable for
    the upkeep of postural assist, movement, thermogenesis, and
    blood glucose homeostasis [3,4].
    Individuals engaged in four cycling train sessions per week for 4 weeks for a total of 16 sessions (Table 2).
    Sessions one and three of each week were completed independently on the College of South Alabama Recreation Middle using the prescribed
    depth and duration and completion of every session was reported to check personnel.
    For the coaching classes within the recreation center,
    participants used the True Health CS 800 upright
    bicycle (True Fitness, St. Louis, MO).
    After performing in silico screening, the effects of MIF1 and MIF2 on C2C12
    myoblasts were evaluated, and both peptides had been discovered to enhance myoblast proliferation and differentiation by
    inducing the expression of myogenic marker genes. C2C12 cells have been cultured in progress medium till 70% confluent and the medium was
    then switched to myogenic differentiation medium supplemented with MSTN-protein, Ac-MIF1 or Ac-MIF2-NH2 for
    three days. Fusion indices were calculated for MSTN-protein-treated, Ac-MIF1-treated, Ac-MIF2-NH2-treated, MSTN-protein + Ac-MIF1-treated, and MSTN-protein + Ac-MIF2-NH2-treated cells.

    These information point out that Ac-MIF1 and Ac-MIF2-NH2
    peptides inhibit the impact of MSTN. Several strategies have been used to develop remedies for
    SM-related issues, and computational approaches present a formidable means
    of designing and creating new therapeutics.

    Its effects are influenced by complicated mechanisms together with transcriptional and
    epigenetic regulation and modulation by extracellular binding proteins.
    Due to its actions in promoting muscle atrophy and cachexia,
    myostatin has been investigated as a promising therapeutic goal to
    counteract muscle mass loss in experimental models and sufferers affected by completely different muscle-wasting situations.
    Moreover, growing evidence signifies that myostatin, past to control skeletal muscle growth, may have a role in plenty of physiologic and pathologic processes, corresponding to weight problems, insulin resistance, cardiovascular
    and continual kidney illness.
    EAA increased muscle quality (e.g., grip energy and maximal carrying load) with out corresponding
    changes in markers of mitochondrial biogenesis and neuromuscular junction stability.
    In conclusion, RT amplifies muscle mass and energy by way of adjustments in muscle protein turnover along side modifications in implicated signaling, while EAAs
    enhance muscle high quality via unknown mechanisms.
    Beige and brown adipocytes exist in WAT, contributing to the
    entire body’s power expenditure. Completely Different stimuli (i.e.
    complicated hormonal interaction and numerous environmental factors) lead to WAT
    browning. Vitamin D could be stored in adipose tissue; thus its insufficiency may contribute
    to aberrant adipogenesis.
    Therefore, it can be suggested that way of life modifications may be effective in controlling cachexia in CKD-affected populations by decreasing
    inflammation. Numerous clinical trials should be carried out on this inhabitants to gauge the putative
    protecting and healing effects of nutritional interventions [7].
    Acidosis will increase muscle wasting through the IGF-1 pathway and
    glucocorticoids [16, 168]. IGF-1 suppresses the PI3K pathway, and
    in turn, will increase activation of the ubiquitin ligases enzyme (E3s), which stimulates the UPS protein degradation system [169].

    In this regard, Abramowitz et al. indicated that
    bicarbonate administration might improve physical function and
    reduce urinary nitrogen excretion with none impact on handgrip energy [170].

    Regardless Of these ideas, some literature investigates nutritional interventions that are mentioned beneath.
    Myostatin is a potent negative regulator of muscle development, and an increased circulating focus
    of myostatin has been observed in varied situations, including illness or disuse states [28–31].

    They are continually monitored by our inner peer-review course of and if we see anyone making material science errors, we don't allow them to write for us
    once more. SelfHacked has the strictest sourcing tips within the health trade and we virtually
    solely hyperlink to medically peer-reviewed studies,
    normally on PubMed. We consider that the most accurate data is discovered instantly in the scientific source.

    Whereas choices like SwissChems Myostatin 1 mg
    and PureRawz Myostatin ship noticeable results,
    additionally they carry dangers. It’s very important to pair any supplementation with a solid health routine, balanced
    nutrition, and skilled steerage.
    Administration of this peptide to MDX mice (a model of DMD) significantly increased muscle mass.
    Sulfo-polysaccharide is a nutrient that's marketed to bind to myostatin and
    inhibit its activity in muscle. Sulfo-polysaccharide's lively ingredient is a
    brown sea algae known as cystoseira canariensis.

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