Pery k bozkávaniu: Valentínsky manuál od odborníkov

Napísal Mgr. Alexandra Štullerová 14. február 2025

Valentín je za dverami a sviatok lásky si vyžaduje nielen darčeky, ale aj jemné, zdravé a zvodné pery. Ako ich dostať do formy, aby boli pripravené na romantické bozky? To radí farmaceutka Mgr. Pavla Horáková, vedúca online poradne MojaLekáreň.sk.


Zima vie perám poriadne zavariť! Mráz, vietor a suchý vzduch im dávajú zabrať, pretože pery nemajú mazové žľazy, ktoré by ich prirodzene chránili pred vysušením. Kľúčom k jemným perám je hydratácia, ochrana a regenerácia,“ hovorí farmaceutka.

Opary a kútiky? Vitamíny sú vaša tajná zbraň!

Ak chcete mať pery zdravé, doprajte im dávku vitamínov B, C a D a nezabudnite na zinok,“ odporúča Pavla Horáková. Tieto živiny podporia nielen krásu, ale aj obranyschopnosť pier. Čo ak vás trápia opary? Majte po ruke antivírusové masti ako Zovirax, Herpesin alebo Vectavir a použite ich hneď pri prvých príznakoch.

Popraskané kútiky? Tie často spôsobuje nedostatok vitamínov, dehydratácia alebo časté olizovanie pier. „Dôležité je posilniť imunitu, nestresovať sa a dopriať perám balzam s lanolínom, bambuckým maslom alebo panthenolom. Skvele funguje aj prírodný med alebo kokosový olej,“ radí farmaceutka.

Olizovanie pier? Rýchla cesta k suchej púšti!

Olíznutie pier na chvíľu pomôže, ale v skutočnosti ich ešte viac vysuší,“ varuje P. Horáková. Namiesto toho si zaobstarajte balzam, ktorý obsahuje bambucké maslo, včelí vosk, aloe vera alebo panthenol – tieto zložky pery vyživia a ochránia pred nepriaznivým počasím. „Dostatočný príjem tekutín je kľúčový pre zdravie pleti a pier. Ak telo trpí dehydratáciou, pery sa rýchlo stávajú suchými a popraskanými,“ hovorí P. Horáková.

Čo nezachráni kabelka, to zvládne špajza, dokonca okamžite!

Keď vám dôjde balzam, stačí zájsť do kuchyne! Med je prírodný zázrak – hydratuje, hojí a má antibakteriálne účinky. „Skvelé je zmiešať ho s bambuckým maslom alebo kokosovým olejom a dopriať perám poriadnu výživu,“ odporúča farmaceutka. A čo ak pery potrebujú extra starostlivosť? „Vyskúšajte jogurtovú masku s medom, nechajte pôsobiť 10–15 minút a potom jemne umyte. Alebo si doprajte peeling z medu a trstinového cukru – odstráni odumreté bunky a zanechá pery dokonale jemné,“ radí Horáková.

Tip na záver? Jemná masáž pier prstami, mäkkou kefkou, alebo kockou ľadu zabalenou vo vreckovke. Pery sa prekrvia a budú neodolateľné!

Nech sú pery pripravené na Valentína!

✅ Vitamíny B, C, D a zinok udržia pery zdravé.
✅ Med hydratuje a chráni.
✅ Olivový a kokosový olej perám dodajú výživu.
✅ Trstinový cukor a káva fungujú ako prírodný peeling.
✅ Dostatočné množstvo vody je kľúčom k jemným perám.

Tak čo, ste pripravení na Valentína plného bozkov?

Zdroj foto: Freepik

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Donette %PM, %24 %962 %2025 %22:%mar napísal Donette

    They present stability and may help isolate the deltoid muscular
    tissues effectively, making them a staple in shoulder
    muscle exercises. Rear delt dumbbell rows may even activate back musculature
    and the lats as nicely. Whereas if you’d like to use lighter weights with out compromising shoulder activation, then the standing press is ideal.
    The standing press is also nice if you’d prefer to strengthen your core and
    improve overhead stability for sport. If you wish to strengthen your shoulder muscles, I suggest incorporating
    the 4 basic susceptible shoulder workouts known as the
    I-Y-T-W collection. This includes workouts like shoulder presses, dumbbell raises, and
    This advanced version of a pushup works a spread of muscles and the shoulders while additionally
    giving your core an intensive exercise. For individuals with shoulder
    tendinitis, exercise can significantly improve their quality of life by reducing ache, expanding their vary of motion, and recharging capabilities.
    Thanks to train, they'll take part in participating hobbies and work on their every day occupations with less ache.

    His specialty is helping individuals build muscle to enhance their power and general health, with
    clients including faculty, professional, and Olympic athletes.

    Use a relatively light weight that permits you to raise the weights without momentum.
    If you don’t have a devoted machine for reverse shoulder flyes, you can do reverse
    cable flyes as an alternative. The only distinction is that you
    just use a regular cable machine and carry out the exercise in a standing position as a substitute of seated.
    With Out center and posterior improvement, the shoulders
    will look slim from both the front and the aspect.
    It can even lead to imbalances, which is why bodily therapist and strength coach John Rusin recommends paying as much attention—or even more—to the
    rear and lateral deltoids. If you incorporate these cable shoulder workout routines
    into your exercise regimen and do it consistently, the results will speak for themselves.
    It permits for focused muscle growth and supplies an overall 3D look to
    the shoulder.
    Let’s delve into this and see what the science says about one of the
    best shoulder workout routines. The finest foundational train for shoulders is the Barbell Overhead Press as a result of we
    can create overload and scale with heavier weights
    over time. As A Result Of this may be a heavy compound movement, you'll wish to make sure to take enough
    relaxation instances between shoulder units. Barbell presses must be the
    mainstay of your shoulder programming and will assist you to build wholesome shoulders over time.

    This exercise instantly correlates to higher again power,
    so working on the rounded shoulder physique is also beneficial.
    Read on to learn to do every exercise with skilled
    suggestions, units, reps, and the precise muscular tissues worked with
    each train. On average, the minimum mobility classes you'll be able to goal for are
    2-3 times per week.
    For this exercise, you'll need sufficient shoulder mobility and stability, and good
    trunk stability and thoracic spine mobility. This was certainly one
    of Arnold Schwarzenegger's go-to exercises on shoulder day.
    With one arm presses, you will want to stabilize your core to remain standing
    straight together with your backbone aligned.

    Additionally referred to as a pike push-up or down-dog
    push-up, this transfer is sort of a push-up for your shoulders;
    you're in a pike place doing push-ups.
    The anterior deltoid is located on the front of the shoulder and is answerable for lifting the
    arms forward. It is involved in any pressing motion, particularly overhead pressing.
    The lateral deltoid runs alongside the outer edge of the shoulder and facilitates lifting the
    arms to the perimeters, creating the shoulder's broad look.
    Lastly, the posterior deltoid is positioned behind the shoulder and plays
    an important function in lifting the arms backward and outward.
    There are many variations of machine lateral raises, most of
    that are good. Comparable to a cable lateral increase, they provide fixed tension within the facet delt
    all through the entire range of motion. Nonetheless, machine lateral raises differ
    in offering extra stability, permitting you to use
    heavier masses.

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