Nekašlite na to! Pri kašli vám pomôžu tieto prírodné sirupy

S kašľom sme sa za posledné roky stretávali viac, než by nám bolo milé. Postarala sa o to covidová pandémia a v posledných týždňoch aj chrípka. Kašeľ je jedným z príznakov viacerých vírusových a bakteriálnych ochorení.


Organizmus ním prečisťuje dolné dýchacie cesty a sliznice zbavuje baktérií a nadbytočného hlienu. Ako sa s ním účinne popasovať? Kašeľ najčastejšie spôsobuje infekcia horných dýchacích ciest, chrípka, nachladnutie, astma.

Lekára by ste mali navštíviť, ak:

- Suchý kašeľ trvá dlhšie ako mesiac
- Chronický kašeľ sa zhoršuje
- Mierny kašeľ sa zhorší
- Kašlete bolestivo a vykašliavate hlieny
- Máte horúčku
- Kašlete po užívaní liekov


Kašeľ je vždy nepríjemný, najmä keď je suchý a dráždivý. Taký kašeľ nás môže postihnúť náhle, aj keď nám „vyschne v hrdle“. Vtedy prichádzajú na pomoc cukríky, pastilky či tabletky proti kašľu a na vykašliavanie či riedenie hlienov. „Cmúľanie cukríkov podporuje tvorbu slín, viac prehĺtame, a tým zvlhčujeme hrdlo. Preto nám pri akútnom kašli, napríklad v suchej miestnosti, pomôžu trebárs obyčajné mentolové, prípadne bylinkové cukríky,“ vysvetľuje PharmDr. Anna Jauschová z lekárne Liberi.

Domáce sirupy proti kašľu

Naša prírodná lekáreň je však plná „prípravkov“ proti kašľu. Dobre ich poznali naše prastaré mamy a účinné sú aj dnes.

-        Cibuľový sirup

Ošúpanú cibuľu nakrájajte na tenšie plátky. Tie vkladajte do zaváraninového pohára a striedavo zalejte medom – vrstva cibule, vrstva medu. Pohár dajte na radiátor alebo do rúry vyhriatej na max. 50 °C. Keď cibuľa pustí šťavu, máte sirup hotový. Užívajte 1 lyžicu každé 2 – 3 hodiny.

-        Zázvorový sirup

Postup je podobný, ako pri cibuľovom sirupe, no namiesto cibule použite zázvor a na tenko nakrájané ošúpané plátky citróna. Med môžete zmiešať so škoricou.

-        Majoránkový alebo tymianový sirup

Tieto bylinky majú príjemnú, upokojujúcu chuť, uvoľňujú dýchacie cesty a pomáhajú najmä pri dusivom kašli. V 2 dcl vody rozpustite 150 g cukru, zvarte na sirup a pridajte lyžicu sušenej majoránky alebo tymianu. Na miernom ohni povarte asi 3 minúty, potom nechajte vylúhovať do druhého dňa, preceďte a podávajte. Použiť môžete aj šalviu.


Ak nemáte kapacitu či nadanie robiť si domáce sirupy, vhodné prírodné bylinné sirupy nájdete aj v lekárňach. „Takéto bylinkové sirupy pôsobia ako pohladenie na podráždené hrdlo a účinné látky v nich pomáhajú organizmu zvlhčovať sliznice aj hojiť zápaly. Obsahujú len čisto prírodné produkty, ako skorocel, šípky, mätu, lipový kvet, materinu dúšku či smrek. Sú preto vhodné nielen pre dospelých, ale aj deti od 1 roka,“ vysvetľuje doktorka farmácie Anna Jauschová a dodáva: „Napríklad šípky so skorocelom podporujú imunitu, mäta zasa pomôže vyčerpanému organizmu zrelaxovať. Výborne zvlhčujú hrdlo a hltan, pomáhajú zvládnuť suchý aj vlhký kašeľ. Pri kašli, tak ako pri iných ochoreniach, netreba zabúdať na pitný režim, pomáha tiež zvlhčovanie vzduchu.“ Takéto sirupy pomôžu účinne zmierniť príznaky spojené s nachladnutím, teda nielen kašeľ, ale tiež bolesť v krku, podráždenie hlasiviek alebo zachrípnutie.

Ďalšie spôsoby boja proti kašľu

Uľaviť od kašľa si môžete aj inými prostriedkami.

-        Zemiakové obklady

Pri dlhotrvajúcom, neutíchajúcom kašli používali naši predkovia aj zemiaky. Dva veľké zemiaky uvarili v šupke, ešte teplé ich roztlačili v bavlnenej látke (môžete použiť klasickú kuchynskú utierku) a prikladali na hruď ako teplý obklad.

-        Bylinkový kúpeľ

Pokiaľ nemáte teplotu, už spomínaná majoránka, šalvia či tymian vám pomôžu aj vo forme kúpeľa. Na liter vriacej vody použite 2 lyžice byliniek, vlejte do vane s teplou vodou a pridajte šálku soli. V kúpeli relaxujte len kým je voda teplá. Potom sa zabaľte do teplej deky a ľahnite si do postele. Zemiakový obklad má po takomto kúpeli ešte vyšší účinok.

-       Med a klinčeky

Med upokojí podráždené hrdlo, klinčeky tlmia bolesť. Tri polievkové lyžice medu nalejte do pohára, vložte doň 5 – 6 klinčekov a nechajte cez noc odstáť. Ráno klinčeky vyberte a užívajte lyžičku medu niekoľkokrát denne.

Foto: pexels, pixabay

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Anabolic Steroid stack %AM, %21 %065 %2025 %00:%mar napísal Anabolic Steroid stack

    There's a reason cable hip adduction is amongst the Best Hip Adduction Exercises.

    Hip adductors support balance and alignment by strengthening the muscular tissues in your inner thigh.
    It's an area typically overlooked, yet an necessary one nonetheless.
    Now that we’ve discussed why you should use leg machines let’s
    take a look at 12 of the most effective leg machines for health club and residential use.

    So, there are many causes to include train machines in your exercises.

    And if you’re looking to build strength in your legs, the leg fitness
    center machines are a helpful software that will help you do this.
    If you're seeking to get the same advantages at home as in the fitness center, you need to
    think about adding a great leg press machine or
    Smith machine to your home workout house. These two machines supply
    sufficient versatility you could work almost all
    your decrease body muscles.
    It is amongst the best isolation exercises for constructing mass and energy in the hamstring
    muscle tissue. As part of lower-body coaching, it's usually carried out for average to high reps,
    a minimum of 8–12 reps per set. If you’re on the lookout
    for a straightforward cable leg workout and exercises to build mass and energy in your
    legs, then cable stiff leg deadlift is a nice staple train to get you began. The cable
    deadlift is a incredible variation of the standard barbell deadlift.
    It provides a novel training stimulus and benefits, effectively activating the posterior chain muscle tissue (glutes, hamstrings, lower back).
    Don’t fear; you can do plenty of workouts on the cable machine to construct up some serious leg exercises.

    The hamstring is part of the posterior chain group of muscular tissues and is located to the back of the upper leg.
    This massive and powerful muscle is responsible for extending the
    hip, bending the knee, and serving to keep the physique balanced whilst walking,
    running, and moving. There are many muscles, both
    massive and small, that make up the entire musculature of the leg.
    Nonetheless, the primary muscle tissue answerable for movement of the decrease body are the quadriceps,
    the hamstrings, the gluteal muscle tissue, and the calves.
    The legs comprise powerful muscles that help motion, steadiness, and stability.

    They allow strolling, operating, jumping, and on a regular basis tasks like standing and climbing stairs.

    Looking for the last word cardio machine that can help you crush
    your fitness goals? It doesn’t matter if you’re right here to burn fats, construct endurance or tone up.
    At EōS Fitness, we know everyone’s fitness journey is exclusive, and so are
    your goals. That’s why we’ve got the right lineup of cardio machines that can assist you tackle each problem, massive or
    small. Hip abduction is the movement of the leg away from
    the midline of the physique. This makes the hip abduction machine the one with the pads positioned on the
    skin of the thighs.
    Each time you lean back and pull the bar to your abdomen on the end
    of your rowing stroke, your abs muscular tissues have to engage to take care of stability and end the pulling effort.
    The ab bench is a straightforward but extremely sensible piece of health club gear, one that may assist you to take the effectiveness of your core coaching periods to the subsequent stage.
    The core slider machine is constructed particularly to encourage a crunching motion (bringing your knees to your chest) whereas offering maximum assist on your upper and lower physique.

    All of those will work your abs just like the way free weights do, however as a end result of the barbell is locked to the sliding rail, there may be higher stability and decrease injury
    risk. But abs machines offer you a stable, supported
    place to work from. The machines will ensure that the components of
    your body not in use stay immobile and you have a stable object to brace in opposition to.
    This will assist you to to coach much more effectively and with
    less jerking and shifting which might put your joints in danger.

    Since this exercise machine takes the pressure off, you presumably can focus on getting your type excellent.
    Before pushing, be certain that your legs are at a 90-degree angle to forestall undesirable strain on surrounding muscular tissues.
    The Hack Squat Machine is specifically designed for these with mobility concerns.
    It contains a robust body with a sliding backrest, complemented by
    handles for added help.
    Please sign beneath to substantiate that you have
    reviewed the terms and conditions of this document and
    agree that the knowledge provided is correct and correct.

    In minutes, you’ll have accomplished a full, high-intensity Leg Day workout.
    You could solely make it a part of the means in which at first, but see if you can proceed to improve your hamstring flexibility for higher
    muscle health. Postural points like lumbar lordosis (where your spine curves
    inward excessively) could be affected by weak hamstrings.

    I’m Avi Silverberg and this is the place the place my pals and I nerd out about powerlifting approach.
    On this weblog we share all the issues we want we knew when getting started.
    On a personal degree, I’ve been dedicating myself to
    the world of powerlifting for the past 15 years, having both
    competed and coached on the highest degree.
    He makes a speciality of gym-based coaching and has lots of data about exercise,
    lifting approach, biomechanics, and more. Here are some efficient leg workout routines you
    are in a place to do on this versatile machine.

    The Glute and Ham Elevate Machine, also referred to as the Glute-Ham Developer (GHD), helps strengthen posterior chain muscle tissue,
    particularly your glutes and hamstrings.

    In Distinction To some free-weight exercises, leg curls reduce stress on the
    decrease back.
    The leaning place derives most effectiveness from
    the movement. In a standard standing lateral elevate, the aspect delts are activated only around the midway mark.
    Historically, the bro cut up was the most popular exercise mannequin – merely practice each muscle
    group per day and reap the benefits of the exercise variations to optimize hypertrophy [1].
    Frequently training the legs can provide tremendous
    benefits to the complete physique and subsequently good carry over to every day activities whether or not that’s strolling or climbing the steps.

    Nonetheless, if you're seeking to enhance muscular endurance,
    then it is strongly recommended that you just perform
    between reps with a lighter weight. The cable system belt squat, however, has the burden load positioned instantly in front of the person.
    You stand together with your toes on the block and
    your shoulders beneath the pads. You then stand
    up and down in your toes without bending your knees.
    The belt squat machine provides an various to normal barbell squats and
    has an a variety of benefits, together with higher quadriceps activation and
    fewer spinal compression. The primary muscle tissue labored are the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
    Carried Out correctly, carried out to failure, you shouldn’t
    have any extra left within the tank. Which should make you
    realise that a exercise like this, actually can kind a solid part of a coaching break up.
    Whether Or Not it’s a 5 day PPL or a Bro Cut Up you’re on, machines can offer a nice way to easily regulate the weight down avoiding that period of restoration which ruins a drop set.

    So, the next time you’re on the gym, make the most of these
    highly effective instruments as a half of a complete program for building impressive hamstring
    mass and strength. The secure, seated position prevents
    excessive strain on the decrease back in comparison with free weights.
    It supplies targeted hamstring work with minimal involvement from different muscle teams.
    Geared Up with two adjustable pulleys, the cable
    machine provides varied angles and attachments to work
    all three hamstring muscle tissue. While deadlifts are a staple for building the hamstrings, including power machines to your program is important to make
    your hamstrings greater and extra decisive.
    The leg press is an excellent way for beginners to get the hang
    of leg exercises. The machine is simple to arrange and you
    can improve or lower the burden simply. Primarily targeting the quadriceps at the
    entrance of your thighs, it additionally involves the hamstrings and glutes.

    Besides muscle constructing, a standout good factor about this machine is
    its guided motion, which minimizes harm risks. Guarantee that your
    workouts are well-rounded, with compound and
    isolation workout routines that focus on all of your
    leg muscular tissues.
    Machines, as a end result of they information you thru the movement, require less of a learning curve to perform accurately (and safely!).

    The Leg Extension Machine is a piece of fitness center tools designed to target and isolate the quadriceps muscular tissues.
    Leg curls isolate your hamstrings and can make the subsequent train feel rather more difficult.
    For exercise four, do 7 reps from the high quality of motion to midway down.
    You've Got obtained the workouts and workouts, so now let's briefly evaluation the muscular
    tissues you'll be working on the cable machine.
    Constructing energy in your calves will improve ankle stability and general balance,
    and stronger calf muscle tissue will enhance endurance and explosiveness.
    To construct endurance and stamina, you’ll use greater reps of and
    fewer weight. For both, you’ll wish to choose a weight that
    will allow your muscular tissues to succeed in failure by the last rep.

    By using a set aircraft of movement, the Smith machine lets
    you perform exercises using a more consistent kind,
    reducing the risk of joint harm. Many powerlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders
    do this exercise to build greater glutes and hamstrings while developing
    a strong decrease back. - If so, this is likely considered one
    of the greatest Smith machine workout routines you
    are able to do to focus on your lure muscular tissues.

    Nonetheless, when performing Smith machine bench presses, your stabilizer muscle tissue aren't engaged.
    Download our plan to keep your exercises extra structured and environment friendly.

    You can get the 3-day push-pull-split routine in PDF format by clicking on the download button given beneath.

    Get familiar with all these muscles and their perform, so
    you know how to properly engage and target them. It works very well for many who
    want a joint-friendly exercise, because it provides
    a low-impact method to practice the abs. Focus on contracting
    your abdominal muscles all through every train for a extra intense burn and better outcomes.
    Common use of the Captain’s Chair can lead to
    enhanced muscle definition in the abs. This is as a outcome of it engages the core deeply, which is very important for getting ripped.

    Traditional deadlifts are inclined to put much more strain on the again,
    making this train a good various to avoid injuries. This is
    completed utilizing a schedule the place you've two consecutive
    workouts… followed by a day off… followed by three consecutive workouts… adopted by a day with out work.

    The following is a listing of the principle muscular tissues that
    make up the legs and the way they contribute to every day actions.
    In the world of robotics, machine legs are one of the intriguing and rapidly-advancing
    applied sciences. From robotic prosthetics to humanoid robots that can walk and run, machine legs are
    pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of robotics.
    In this weblog post, we'll discover the possibilities and
    advances in machine legs, and discuss the potential
    applications for this technology in our on a regular basis lives.

    Correct diet supports your vitality ranges, enhances muscle recovery,
    and improves total well-being. Common cardio workouts improve coronary heart health and endurance and facilitate calorie burn. Whether you favor a brisk
    walk on the treadmill, an intense session on the elliptical,
    or a biking exercise, Planet Health offers options appropriate for numerous health levels.
    Welcome to one of the best guide for crafting the most effective workout routine at
    Planet Fitness!
    Not solely will you have better body consciousness, you’ll additionally
    help different areas regarding power and stability. As such a extensively used machine, and one during which so many lifters infamously load up the weight stack,
    solely isolates a portion of the quadriceps muscles. If you’re unsure about tips on how to construction your leg workouts on the gym,
    you probably can at all times flip to a Personal Trainer.

    A Personal Coach will offer you a coaching plan and walk you through the way to use each leg machine at the health club properly.

    Unlike other abs sculpting machines, the rowing machine provides
    you dynamic, multi-directional actions, which are wonderful for enhancing core
    flexibility. Kinda like cables, the ab roller allows for quite
    a lot of exercises that focus on different elements of the core.
    The posterior muscles (or hamstrings) within the upper leg are crucial for moving
    the leg back and forth, in addition to rotating it at
    the hip socket. The muscular tissues within the lower leg have superficial and deeper layers that play a key position in toe flexion and extension, as
    properly as leaping, operating, and sustaining good posture.

    Every physique half gets trained every 4th day precisely, which makes
    it the best frequency version of push/pull/legs, just barely beating out Version three by a
    really tiny margin. This third model of the break up is a pure 5-day
    version, where you could have 5 whole exercises per
    week, every single week. But if not, or if making an attempt to make it
    work would just result in you finally lacking workouts as a
    result of it’s too inconvenient for you, then I don’t recommend it.

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