Viete, ako rýchlo sa dá naozaj zaľúbiť?

Napísal Kristína Chudá 26. november 2024

Máte pocit, že ste sa zamilovali už po pár minútach, čo ste videli nejakého muža? Alebo naopak, randíte a stále nie a nie sa zamilovať? Ako rýchlo v skutočnosti tento čarovný stav vzniká a čo ovplyvňuje jeho nástup?


Zamilovanosť má niekoľko fáz?

Časová os zamilovanosti je vzrušujúca a môže byť veľmi rôznorodá. Je logické, že na začiatku nového vzťahu sme zvedaví, ako to bude v našom prípade. U mnohých ľudí táto zvedavosť vyplýva z túžby overiť si, či sa ich romantické spojenie vyvíja normálnym tempom.

Existujú vzťahy, ktoré začnú priateľstvom a zamilovanosť príde postupne, zbližovaním. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začali vzťah so vzbĺknutím zamilovanosti alebo sa len pripravujete na to, kedy môže prísť ten správny čas a či vôbec, je dobré pochopiť, ako láska vo vzťahu rozkvitá. Čo je zodpovedné za ten moment, keď pocítite spolupatričnosť, zamilovanosť a nielen povrchné „páčiš sa mi“? I v tom majú prsty hormóny a komplikované pochody v našom mozgu.

Tu sú priznania žien a mužov:

Marcela  „Nie každý sa zaľúbi na pohlaď a láska prichádza až neskôr.“

Bloger „Niekedy láska príde neskôr. Láska v niektorých prípadoch príde neskôr, ľudia sa majú radi od začiatku ako sa stretnú len sú tam prekážky aby sa dali dokopy. Keď sú slobodný, bez vzťahov tak to ide hneď. Horšie a náročnejšie je to keď sú už v manželstve alebo vo vzťahu.“

Aďka  „To závisí od okolností, ako sa to začiatku sa mi nepáčil, vôbec nebol môj typ, nechápala som prečo chce byť so mnou, bolo mi to divné, blbé a vyhýbala som sa mu, ale časom čím viac som ho spoznala som sa neskutočne zamilovala....“

Simona „Kamoš má manželku, s ktorou sa zaľúbili až neskôr… teda možno to bola láska na prvý pohľad ale uvedomili si to až po strašne dlhom čase alebo priznali si to po dlhom čase. A teraz sa smejeme, že koľko im to trvalo sa dať dokopy.“

MariánMôj otec bol do mamy zaľúbený už od puberty, mama ho brala ako kamoša, mala iných frajerov, rozprávala mu o nich, proste vôbec o ňom takto neuvažovala. Až potom keď mala nejakých 17-18 to prišlo a veľká láska. Podobne kamoška mala na základke spolužiaka, ktorému sa už vtedy páčila, potom boli spolužiaci aj na strednej, stále nič. Potom niekoľko rokov ani neboli v kontakte, ona mala medzitým iných. Po rokoch sa stretli, chalan mal opäť záujem, ona dlho nič. A potom jedného dna to prišlo, pamätám si, ako sme sa stretli v čajovni a zvestovala mi, že sa doňho zaľúbila.“

ĽubošVšetky moje vzťahy, aj aktuálny, začali kamarátstvom a postupne prerástli do niečoho viac... Ale rovnako zamilovať sa nemusíš za 5 min. Ale príťažlivosť tam musí byť a keď sa viac spoznáte, tak sa i zamilujete. Áno, je to možné, že to príde neskôr, ale páčiť by sa ti mala hneď, istá chémia by tam mala byť už na začiatku.“

Soňa96My sme boli s manželom najprv len kamaráti. Zaľúbili sme sa do seba až po cca roku, keď sme sa hlbšie spoznali.“

Či chcete alebo nie, všetko závisí od mozgu

Neznie to síce veľmi romanticky, ale je to tak. „Mozog je zameraný na prežitie a reprodukcia je vrcholom prežitia. Preto je mozog prirodzene vytvorený tak, aby sa zameral na reprodukciu, aj keď to vedome nemáte v úmysle,“ hovorí Loretta G. Breuning, PhD, emeritná profesorka na California State University a autorka viacerých zaujímavých kníh. Ak chcete ovplyvniť toto jednosmerné zameranie mozgu, je potrebné ho „rekvalifikovať“. Podľa odborníčky je to možné zvýšením hladiny serotonínu, dopamínu, oxytocínu a endorfínu.

Bez ohľadu na príčinu a rýchlosť – zamilovanosť je famózny pocit. Štúdie ukázali, že kombinácia vysokých hladín niekoľkých chemikálií v mozgu vyvoláva pocit eufórie. A vôbec nejde o to, či tento pocit prežívate s novou osobou alebo s človekom, ktorého poznáte už roky. Návaly dopamínu v mozgu odštartujú hotový „festival lásky“. Potom príde na rad oxytocín – hormón lásky spojený s pripútanosťou. Tento koktail zakončuje serotonín.

Aké sú znaky zamilovanosti?

Ak neviete, či ste zamilovaná alebo nie, prípadne prežívate tento pocit po prvýkrát a potrebujete uistenie, tak vás budú zaujímať príznaky zamilovanosti. Áno, je to ten pocit, že nemôžete jesť, nemôžete spať, všetko okrem neho je malicherné a zbytočné. Túžite s ním tráviť viac času, byť s ním fyzicky a emocionálne prepojená, túžite po intimite a náklonnosti.

Na druhej strane, môžete mať obavy, či aj váš partner pociťuje to isté, je to teda veľmi zraniteľné obdobie.

Dá sa skrátiť cesta k zamilovaniu?

Žiaľ, skratky neexistujú. Rovnako, ako nemôžete niekoho prinútiť, aby sa do vás zamiloval, láska si vyžaduje čas na vytvorenie autentického spojenia. A každý človek i každý vzťah je iný – jedna osoba môže byť schopná vybudovať pocity lásky a intimity rýchlejšie ako druhá, úlohu v tom zohrávajú aj skúsenosti.

Okamžité zamilovanie nefunguje vždy

Môže sa stať, že váš mozog vás bude tlačiť do intímneho vzťahu, i keď vaše skúsenosti hovoria, aby ste spomalili. Niekedy sa stane, že mozgové chemikálie vyvolajú okamžité zamilovanie, ale keďže po krátkom čase mozog vyhodnotí, že ste už dosiahli to, čo ste mali, zamilovanosť rýchlo upadne. Zrazu uvidíte partnera v inom svetle a mozog vám začne podsúvať jeho negatíva, hoci má mnoho pozitív.

Preto je výhodou, ak toto ovládate umenie, skrotiť prudký nábeh hormónov a najskôr sa zamerať na to, či si s partnerom rozumiete a „sadnete“ aj v iných oblastiach dôležitých pre spolužitie. Samozrejme – podľa toho, čo od vášho vzťahu očakávate. Sú osoby, ktoré sa preplavujú od jedného zamilovania sa po ďalšie a ďalšie a hlbší význam nečakajú.

Zdroj foto: Freepik

3 komentárov

  • Komentár %PM, %24 %878 %2025 %20:%mar napísal

    Let’s begin this effective leg workout for knee ache with some squats, but not just any squats.
    To kick off your leg exercise, I want you to start with an efficient train that permits you to use heavy weight.
    And the finest way to create an effective leg exercise
    is to introduce workouts primarily based on exercise sort – not just because it’s the featured train of the week on someone’s channel.
    Workouts for leg day that focus on constructing explosive energy similar to Weighted Jump Squats or utilizing a Plyo Swing will instantly transfer
    to your vertical jump.
    Stand together with your toes hip width, holding a dumbbell in every hand.

    Step forward with one leg and decrease your body until your rear knee practically touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to
    the ground. Stand straight up with feet hip-width apart and shins one inch away from the
    bar. Grip the bar with a double pronated or reverse grip, bend knees
    and push them into your straight arms. Deliver
    your chest up as much as attainable and look straight forward.

    Maintaining your again flat, extend your hips to face up, pulling the
    bar up along your legs to lockout.
    Two or three good lower-body classes a week that include a minimal of three to
    5 leg workout routines in every session will set you
    heading in the proper direction to gain muscle. The length of
    your leg workouts can vary relying on the method you're taking.
    In Accordance to Ronan, although, spending hours on the fitness
    center to see vital results isn’t needed.

    You don’t need to overload your body with a bunch of exercises
    (or weight). This workout is supposed to be
    carried out as a circuit with relaxation between every train, she explains.
    Standing calf raises are the best all-around exercise for calf muscular tissues for a few causes.

    Nonetheless, it’s important to learn how to use a rowing machine appropriately as a result of improper
    kind can scale back your performance or even lead to accidents.
    With this workout, you combine three of the most effective ab
    workouts with a movement on your obliques into a comprehensive ab exercise for both
    strength and muscle growth. Three to four workout routines
    per exercise is plenty—unless you are dedicating a
    full day to your legs in a break up routine. For every
    exercise, perform 3 units of 6-8 reps. Focus on proper form, excessive resistance, and energy.

    Any good leg workouts which use a set machine are safer than these which use free weights.
    As lower physique workouts go, the barbell front squat is certainly one of the greatest for
    improving all-round health, stability, and efficiency. Great-looking legs require a pleasant stability and symmetry
    throughout all the muscles, and the leg extension train delivers the products when it comes to targeting your quadriceps.
    Embrace the leg curl train as part of your
    common leg day classes in the gym to extend strength and
    definition. Since this is a resistance train that doesn’t
    require weights, it’s safe to perform lunges daily.
    The coaching triggers progress, but your food offers the means.
    If you don’t eat enough, your physique won’t have the constructing blocks to add muscle size.

    Lunge forward as far as you can with your right leg, bending
    your trailing knee so it nearly brushes the floor.
    Use the heel of your proper foot to push yourself off into the next lunge, this time leading along with your left leg.
    Stand along with your torso upright holding a
    barbell across your shoulders.

  • Komentár Nicknames For Anabolic Steroids %PM, %21 %737 %2025 %16:%mar napísal Nicknames For Anabolic Steroids

    "Mastery of technique trumps heavy lifting."
    He emphasizes the significance of understanding the intricacies of every
    motion to maximise outcomes whereas minimizing the danger
    of damage. By specializing in form and intentionality, he believes anybody can unlock their true potential in the gym.

    Usually talking, a sophisticated lifter should have the ability to incline
    bench press with dumbbells that weigh a hundred and fifteen to 130% (both dumbbells
    combined) of their physique weight for a single repetition.
    He’s not simply an armchair health professional; Patrick
    practices what he preaches! He has competed at a excessive degree in quite a few sports, together with rugby, triathlon, rock climbing, trampolining, powerlifting, and,
    most recently, rise up paddleboarding. When not lecturing, coaching, researching,
    or writing, Patrick is busy enjoying the sunny
    local weather of Cyprus, where he has lived for the last 20-years.

    Additionally, it's going to trigger this train to
    lose effectivity and not goal the athlete’s pectoral and chest muscle tissue.
    Some athletes arch their back an extreme amount of when performing a dumbbell bench press.
    Standard dumbbell bench press type requires an athlete to have a slight arch.

    Likewise, doing a press on an upright bench positioned at 90-degrees
    targets your shoulders. To effectively goal the higher portion of your chest, you have to choose an angle someplace between these two angles.

    If you've been doing dumbbell bench press or incline barbell press for some time, you in all probability have a good
    suggestion of how much weight you'll find a way to deal
    with for these exercises. However, that doesn't mean you can lift the
    identical quantity when attempting the dumbbell incline press.

    All you want to carry out the incline dumbbell press is an incline bench or adjustable bench, and a set of dumbbells.

    The hammer chest press takes a little stress off the shoulders
    whereas emphasizing the inside and decrease pec major. The movement is quite comparable
    as a daily db bench press except your hands might
    be held in a hammer grip (neutral grip with palms going through in) and you ought to have your arms at about 90˚.
    With hammer grip chest presses, you'll have an even greater ROM as a
    result of you'll be able to deliver your palms closer collectively at the prime of the movement.
    This is a normal bench press by way of type and body positioning and every little thing.
    The only difference is you will use bands to hang weights
    off the ends of both sleeves of the barbell. By
    doing this, you will be utterly changing the dynamics of stability.

    Already know about the flat bench press and want to good the
    form? Or in search of an train that's glorious for chest and chest day,
    properly flat bench press is among the many finest chest workout routines.

    When done correctly, a flat bench dumbbell press has immense benefits on your
    energy and endurance.
    Bear In Mind, the aim is to strengthen and build, not to break down and harm.
    Keep In Mind, consistency and progressive overload are key to seeing continued improvements in your Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
    performance and total higher physique improvement.
    Always listen to your body and regulate your workout
    plan as needed to keep making positive aspects while
    minimizing the risk of overtraining or damage.
    His mission is to inspire fellow "onerous gainers" to
    transform their own bodies and stay's by simplifying coaching and vitamin to get outcomes quick.

    Additionally, aim to eat at least 1 gram of protein per lb of physique weight.
    Determine your maintenance calories utilizing the TDEE calculator and add 5-15% to
    determine your daily bulking calories. This is how much you must
    be consuming daily to build muscle and strength.
    Performing the train incorrectly can lead to accidents to the
    pectorals or shoulders. Using too much weight can tear the pectoralis major muscular tissues or overload
    the shoulders and harm the joint. To stop harm, lifters want
    to make use of correct type and only use as a lot weight as they can safely manage.
    Most of the accidents stem from using too much weight or poor form.
    It’s a platform for varied exercises utilizing dumbbells,
    resistance bands, or body weight. By incorporating variations of the flat bench
    press, you'll have the ability to target particular areas of these muscles for a well-rounded chest
    You will not want much more house beyond the space required for the bench itself.
    Additionally, you might also strive other bench press variations to
    emphasize completely different muscular tissues in the
    chest, arms, and shoulders. I began going to the gym
    three weeks ago and made a schedule with somewhat help from r/bodybuilding.

    So to my question, at present was chest day so I began doing dumbbell press and dumbbell flys.
    While taking a break I observed that everyone doing dumbbell press and flys have been doing incline dumbbell press and flys.
    My question witch are better, are they the identical and should I do both.

    1– With a dumbbell in every hand, set up for dumbbell bench presses as
    We will go over totally different variations of bench presses further under, however because the flat
    bench press is the primary chest press train, it deserves essentially the most element on kind.
    Plus, a lot of these similar cues apply to all the opposite
    chest presses, as you will note, and if they don't we'll make notice of it.
    All that mentioned, grasp the flat bench press first and your life will be a
    lot simpler when you begin studying and implementing the incline and decline bench press into your workout program.
    If you discover the incline bench press uncomfortable, an excellent various is the incline dumbbell press.
    It works the same muscle teams, however some people find it more snug and that they'll train by way of a longer vary
    of movement than with a barbell. Most folks raise with a barely longer vary of movement within the incline bench press compared to the flat bench press.
    You can simply decrease the bar further earlier than it stops towards your physique.

    You will want to focus rather more on stabilizing the barbell as you lower it and
    press it. This is nice for activating your main movers another way, however more so
    it will increase the demand on all of your stabilizing
    muscular tissues. This is a good way to develop total strength
    that may translate to stronger extra secure standard presses.
    Your arms ought to be at about 45˚ from your torso
    when doing a normal flat bench press.
    Patrick Dale, PT, ex-Marine, is a Coaching Editor with
    30 years of expertise in Personal Training and Strength & Conditioning.
    A former British Royal Marine, fitness center owner, and fitness skills assessor, he
    is dedicated to delivering informative, reliable
    content material. In addition, Patrick is an skilled author who has authored
    three health and exercise books, dozens of e-books,
    1000's of articles, and a number of other fitness
    The close grip barbell bench press shifts emphasis to your triceps.
    It also hits extra of your internal chest (get that good separation between left and proper side).
    The close grip barbell bench press not only develops your triceps amazingly nicely, but it'll additionally improve your power in the standard
    grip bench press. There are many variations of the chest press,
    corresponding to incline and decline bench press.

    For instance, in case your upper chest isn't the place you
    want it to be from an aesthetics standpoint, an incline bench press could be the answer to your issue.
    Or, in case you have pre-existing shoulder pain or
    tightness, then manipulating the angle of the bench may allow you to still perform a urgent movement safely.

    The incline bench press is usually programmed on chest, upper body, or
    push days. Although you possibly can practice the incline bench press
    within the 1-5 rep vary, the 8-12 rep vary is good.
    If aesthetics is your goal, lifting in the 1-5 rep vary isn’t
    going to be probably the most advantageous approach to train.
    Lower the bar as long as you probably can while
    still maintaining an otherwise correct form and don’t expertise any
    discomfort. The aim is to work your muscular tissues by way of a long
    vary of motion, and when you decrease the bar till your
    chest and shoulder muscular tissues are fully stretched, that is lengthy enough.

    For a lot of people, this shall be when the barbell touches the chest, but not for everyone.
    Your anterior deltoids (aka front delts) are activated to a greater
    extent in the incline bench press.
    Typically speaking, newbie and intermediate lifters will see the most effective results by benching twice per week.
    Research show that coaching a muscle group twice
    per week will show better outcomes than as quickly as a week.
    No matter what variation of the bench press you do, just about all the same
    muscles might be activated. Nonetheless, the totally different variations of the bench press will emphasize certain muscle tissue.

    While the Overhead Barbell Press is a good upper body pushing exercise too, the Bench Press permits for greater strength
    simply because it’s simpler to progress with. Hold your shoulders (rear delts) on the
    bench throughout the lift. A good cue is to consider pushing
    yourself away from the bar quite than urgent the bar away from your chest.
    I liken these three bench press variations to squatting by way of totally
    different ranges of movement. When we expose ourselves to different ranges of motion we’re going to coach the tissues used in those ranges to be extra resilient.

    If you want to crush PRs, add slabs of muscle, or lose weight, KIZEN has the proper program for you.
    Now that we’ve lined the main variations between these two workout routines,
    let’s go over the pros and cons of each, which can additional allow
    you to decide which one is finest on your objectives.
    What most trainees do mistaken is to try to use their abdominals and hip flexors in a flexing
    and curling motion. Otherwise, you have little or no management over
    the shoulder advanced and you can't set the scapula. Kal is an ex-skinny man with personal expertise in gaining 30lbs of lean muscle naturally.

    If the angle is more than 45-degrees, the dumbbells will hit too high on their chest.

    If the angle is lower than 45-degrees, the dumbbells will
    hit too long on their chest. When an athlete is on the brink of perform a dumbbell
    bench press, they should know their grip strength and
    points of contact. This train can become dangerous if the dumbbells are too heavy and
    surpass their grip energy.
    He’s been formally reviewing footwear and coaching gear
    for over 7 years and has hand-tested over 400 pairs of shoes.

    Jake is thought on the internet and YouTube for blending his evaluate
    process together with his educational, power sports, and private coaching background.
    As the bench is inclined, the activation of the center and decrease pec decreases, whereas
    the upper pec has to bear the brunt of the work together with
    the entrance deltoid. If your toes are not comfortably flat on the floor, use blocks or weight plates somewhat than inserting your legs on the bench,
    which reduces stability. You can use these charts that
    can assist you get a good idea of how much you possibly can carry.

    Then, you'll have the ability to adjust the
    weight as wanted to suit your health objectives.

    Convey the weights to your knees in order that the dumbbell ends relaxation on the knees and sit again onto the
    bench in order that the bells are planted on your knees and
    you have a "hammer" grip. Embody these exercises 1-3
    occasions weekly, relying on your exercise break up.
    Ensure adequate relaxation between periods for
    muscle recovery and development. Outcomes rely upon consistency, correct kind, and diet,
    rather than the sort of press.
    The key to gaining these advantages is to remain consistent, keep your self engaged
    through its variations, and follow a healthy lifestyle.
    So as you possibly can see there is not a exact science to calculating your barbell
    bench press based mostly of your dumbbell press. However
    you can determine it out easily by starting mild
    on your bench press and rising from there.

  • Komentár Osvaldo %AM, %16 %443 %2025 %09:%mar napísal Osvaldo

    The First Steroid Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide For Safe And Effective Usage

    First Steroid Cycle: A Comprehensive Guide for Safe and Effective Usage

    A steroid cycle refers to the period during which
    an individual administers a combination of anabolic steroids to achieve specific
    fitness or performance goals. The first steroid cycle is often the most
    common starting point for those new to using these substances.
    It’s important to approach this journey with caution, proper research, and a
    clear understanding of how these hormones work in the human body.

    Understanding Steroid Cycles

    Steroid cycles are designed based on the desired outcome, such as bulking, cutting, or maintaining muscle mass.
    The duration, dosage, and combination of steroids used will vary depending on these goals.
    Below, we’ll explore some of the most common first steroid cycles and how
    they can be utilized effectively.

    Different Goals, Different Cycles

    When starting your first steroid cycle, it’s crucial to
    consider your individual fitness goals. Some individuals may
    prefer a solo steroid cycle, while others might benefit from a
    combination of different steroids to maximize their results.

    Dianabol Only Cycle

    If your primary goal is to bulk up and increase muscle mass,
    the Dianabol only cycle could be an excellent starting
    point. Dianabol, also known as Methandrostenolone, is one of the most widely used steroids
    for its ability to promote muscle growth and enhance strength.
    A typical Dianabol-only cycle might last 6-8 weeks, with doses ranging from 25-50mg
    per day. This steroid works well on its own but can also be stacked with others for more significant

    Winstrol Only Cycle

    For those looking to maintain muscle mass while leaning out, the
    Winstrol only cycle is another popular option. Winstrol, or Stanozolol, is known for its ability to help athletes and
    bodybuilders preserve muscle during cutting phases while providing a hard, defined look.
    A common Winstrol-only cycle involves doses of 25-50mg per day over
    4-6 weeks.

    Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

    For more experienced users or those looking to rebuild muscle after a layoff, the Testosterone Enanthate cycle can be incredibly effective.
    Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most basic and widely used anabolic steroids.
    It works by slowly increasing muscle mass over time, with doses typically ranging from 100-300mg
    per week. This steroid is also highly versatile and can be combined with others for
    a more powerful effect.

    Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol Cycle

    Combining Testosterone Enanthate with Dianabol is a popular choice
    for those looking to achieve rapid muscle growth. The combination of these
    two steroids can lead to significant gains in both strength
    and size, making it a favorite among bodybuilders and athletes.

    This cycle typically involves taking 100-300mg of Testosterone Enanthate weekly alongside 25-50mg of Dianabol daily.

    Testosterone Enanthate and Nandrolone Decanoate Cycle

    For even more impressive results, some individuals opt for the Testosterone Enanthate and Nandrolone Decanoate cycle.
    Nandrolone, or Deca-Durabolin, is known for its ability to promote muscle growth and enhance strength while providing
    a smoother experience compared to other
    steroids. Combining these two can lead to impressive gains, especially when used in a structured manner.

    Understanding Corticosteroids

    While the above cycles focus on anabolic steroids, it’s also important to understand the
    role of corticosteroids. Corticosteroids, such as Prednisone and Hydrocortisone,
    are often used in a supportive role to help manage inflammation and side effects associated with anabolic
    steroid use. However, they should be used with caution and under medical supervision.


    Starting your first steroid cycle can be both exciting and overwhelming.
    By choosing the right combination of steroids based on your goals, you can maximize your results while minimizing risks.
    Remember to always prioritize safety, follow proper administration protocols, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have
    any questions or concerns.

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    If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to explore our collection of additional articles on steroid usage,
    fitness tips, and more!

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