Milujem tvoje lži

Napísal Milan Buno, literárny publicista 03. jún 2018

Adriane Macháčovej práve vyšla kniha Milujem tvoje lži, v ktorej píše o tom, ako chceme všetci poznať svojich rodičov. Mladá hrdinka Katarína je totiž dcéra alkoholičky a vychovala ju babička. Po jej smrti sa rozhodne, že vyhľadá svojho otca a od základov zmení svoj dovtedajší  život. Verí, že  konečne zlomí svoj neradostný osud...

Katarína nájde po smrti starej mamy v zaprášenom kufri list od otca, ktorého nikdy nepoznala. Verí, že stretnutie s ním môže všeličo zmeniť. 

Boris Klen ju pozve na večierok, kde chce dcéru predstaviť snobskej rodine a niektorým vybraným spolupracovníkom. Všetko však dopadne inak, ako si Katarína vysnívala. Kto má záujem na tom, aby dievča navždy zmizlo zo života úspešného podnikateľa?
Jeho manželka Klaudia, dcéra Lujza alebo ktosi tretí? 
A akú úlohu v hre o Katarínin život zohráva Zlatica Vitarovićová? 

„Tento román je pre mňa ako autorku prelomový, nakoľko po prvý raz sa čitateľovi jedna z postáv prihovára v prvej osobe,“ vysvetľuje Adriana Macháčová. „Rozprávanie Kataríny je retrospektívne popretkávané celým príbehom. Túto zmes neutrálneho rozprávača s pohľadom dievčaťa som zvolila preto, aby boli otázky a odpovede intímnejšie. Katkine príbehy čitatelia nespoznajú tak, ako sa skutočne diali, ale ako ich sama, zo svojho pohľadu, prežívala.“

Ľudia zo všetkého najviac ohovárajú šťastie.

Françoise Saganová

ADRIANA MACHÁČOVÁ napísala romány Cudzie vzťahy, Žena vplyvného muža, Dobré dni sa začínajú v noci / V slepej uličke, Striptíz duší, Nebezpečný muž, Nikdy never ryšavke, Hubertove ženy, Milostný poker, Keď láska zabíja, Tieň pochybností a A teraz ma pobozkaj. V časopise Slovenka jej vyšiel krátky román na pokračovanie s názvom Prečo práve ja? 
S publicistom Róbertom Dydom vydala romány Šokujúca aféra, Vieme prví a Škandál v lepšej spoločnosti. 
Knihy Adriany Macháčovej vychádzajú aj v českom a nemeckom preklade.

Začítajte sa do novinky Milujem tvoje lži:

Piatok 22. septembra, 18.35

Rúž sa jej vyšmykol z ruky, cinkol o roh kozmetického stolíka a dopadol do dlhého vlasu sivého vlneného koberca. Paula sa poň zohla. Zastonala. Puzdrové čierne šaty ju zvierali ako kazajka. Neznášala ich, hoci v nich vyzerala dobre a dali vyniknúť jej štíhlej postave.

   „Paula, už si hotová?“ opýtal sa Milan za jej chrbtom.

   Zvrtla sa a neprítomne naňho pozrela. Už teraz bola unavená a deprimovaná z večera, čo ju čaká. Večierok u manželovho šéfa bude naisto veľkolepý, mala by sa tešiť. Kopa zbohatlíkov, čo lyžujú vo Švajčiarsku, smažia sa na jemnom piesku lagún súkromných ostrovov okolo Tahiti a narodeniny oslavujú v Las Vegas. Niekedy premýšľa, či sa im to naozaj takto páči, alebo ich ustavične niečo núti vymýšľať si exotické výlety a žúry v nezvyčajnom prostredí, len aby urobili okolo seba rozruch. 

   „Hádam sa ten starý chren neposerie, keď prídeme o minútu neskôr,“ odvrkla. 

   Nikdy sa s Milanovým šéfom nestretla. Z jeho slov si ho predstavovala ako malého, tučného Napoleona, ktorý si výzor kompenzoval veľkým, sebavedomým egom. Dnes konečne spozná uznávaného bosa renomovanej stavebnej firmy a niekoľkých Milanových kolegov aj s ich manželkami.

   „Prestaň!“ zavrčal Milan. 

   „Čo je? Nemrač sa, veď ho tak sám voláš,“ zatiahla znechutene.

   „Dnes nie! Rozumieš, dnes nie!“ varovne vztýčil ukazovák. „Veľmi dobre vieš, ako mi na tej návšteve záleží. Potrebujem sa ukázať v dobrom svetle, inak je povýšenie v zadku. Ide o moju budúcnosť!“ dodal dramaticky.

   Paula si zahryzla do spodnej pery, aby sa nerozosmiala, a s neskrývaným sarkazmom si Milana premerala od hlavy až po päty. Už ani nevie, prečo sa zaňho vydala. Nejasne sa jej vybavil čiernovlasý, pekný, vysoký, mladý muž, ktorému sa pod úzkymi rukávmi košele napínali svaly. Hlavu mal plnú ideálov a plánov. Po šestnástich rokoch manželstva má doma vypĺznutého kocúra, čo zráža opätky a hrbí chrbát pred každou autoritou. Desať rokov sedí za tým istým stolom, monitoruje verejné stavebné zákazky v Európskej únii a vyhľadáva potenciálne príležitosti, po ktorých by mohol ich podnik skočiť. Nebyť jeho odhadov, zrejme by sa Klenovej firme tak dobre nedarilo. Keby bol Milan priebojnejší, už dávno by oddeleniu šéfoval a mal by podstatne vyšší plat aj kompetencie. Takto sa k hornej špičke nikdy neprepracuje.

   „Kto tam vlastne bude?“ opýtala sa ľahostajne.

   „Ktorú si mám dať?“ Milan z vešiačika stiahol dve kravaty. „Modrú alebo červenú?“ prikladal si ich postupne k hrudi. 

   Paula prstom ukázala na modrú v jeho ľavej ruke. „Kto tam teda bude?“ opýtala sa ešte raz.

   „Už som ti to predsa hovoril,“ odsekol.

   „Nie, nehovoril!“ zaprotestovala.

   „Nepočúvala si ma!“

   „Tak mi to povedz ešte raz.“

   „Dvaja Klenovi zástupcovia a šéf ekonomického odboru. Všetci s manželkami,“ zasyčal, zaväzujúc si kravatu.

   „Ktorého z nich máš nahradiť?“

   „Nebuď protivná!“ vyštekol. „Radšej si švihni,“ posúril ju. „Už bude trištvrte. Taxík čaká.“

   Paula pozrela do zrkadla a naniesla si na pery ostročervený rúž.

   „Inak, od asistentky som zistil,“ pokračoval Milan, obzerajúc sa v zrkadlových dverách veľkej šatníkovej skrine, „že Klenova žena sa volá Klaudia a má...“

   „Budem hádať,“ skočila mu Paula do reči. „Má kozmetický salón!“ zvolala posmešne.

   „Nie,“ mávol rukou, akoby odháňal dobiedzavý hmyz.

   „Tak butik v centre,“ tipovala.

   „Realitnú kanceláriu,“ informoval ju sucho. 

   „Fí, pozoruhodné,“ afektovane hvizdla. „Koľko majú tých nehnuteľností, že potrebujú vlastnú realitnú kanceláriu?“ opýtala sa žlčovito.

   Milan zvraštil vysoké čelo: „Čo ťa žerie?“

   „Nič!“ odvrkla.

   „Daj si pohov, Paula, a buď v pohode.“ 

   „Čo mi tým idiotským buď v pohode chceš naznačiť?“ 

   „Hlavne nerozoberaj, ako sa otvárajú nožnice medzi ľuďmi, čo je tvoja obľúbená téma,“ rozhodil rukami.

   „Nechápem prečo? Podľa teba to nie je vážny problém?“ 

   „Nie je to naša vec!“ uzemnil ju. 

   „Vieš vôbec, ako niektorí ľudia živoria?“  

   „Tragédia,“ uškrnul sa. 

   „Somár!“ šepla Paula. 

   „Okej, už stačilo!“ Milan ju rázne zastavil zdvihnutou rukou. Ešte chvíľa a rozhorí sa medzi nimi ďalšia hádka. Už vírila v ovzduší ako tornádo. V poslednom čase sa nevedia normálne porozprávať. Celý týždeň jej ustupuje. Obrnil sa nevšímavosťou, len aby mu dnešný večer vyšiel a nedorazili na návštevu ako dve rozzúrené hyeny.

   „Urob mi radšej ešte jeden drink,“ požiadala ho Paula.

   „Už si mala dosť!“ 

   „Dva poháriky vodky s džúsom je dosť? Nebuď smiešny, jeden si ešte môžem dať. Alkohol má priaznivé účinky na činnosť srdca. Nechcem, aby ma tam kleplo,“ zasmiala sa. 

   „Nemala by si chľastať! Evidentne máš dosť! Odchádzame!“ Milan sa znechutene zvrtol. Dupotajúc prešiel spálňou a cez úzku chodbu k vchodovým dverám. Pod pazuchu si strčil nekresťansky drahú fľašu jantárového koňaku Courvoisier pre šéfa a do ruky vzal našuchorenú kyticu červených ruží pre hostiteľku. „Paula!“ zareval na ženu a poklopal špičkou topánky po sivých dlaždiciach. 

   „Už idem,“ hlesla a prstami si začesala plavé vlasy. Neochotne vstala a vhupla do lakovaných čiernych ihličiek. Bolo jej na vracanie. Ešte jeden pohárik by si mala dať, napadlo jej, nech je pripitá. Aspoň by nevnímala, čo sa okolo nej deje a hovorí. 

   Úspech a bohatstvo iných ju zraňovali. Vyštudovala právo, ale nikam to nedotiahla. Po materskej zakotvila na právnom oddelení jednej z veľkých bánk a zjednodušene povedané, v spolupráci s exekútorom pripravuje neplatičov a dlžníkov o strechu nad hlavou. Fakt záslužná činnosť, pomyslela si trpko. Koľko ľudí ju musí nenávidieť! 

   Obaja s Milanom akoby nič neurobili správne. Vlastne, opravila sa v duchu, ich pätnásťročná dcéra sa vydarila. Paula sa pousmiala pri spomienke na Nikolu. Verila, že v živote bude priebojnejšia a úspešnejšia než jej rodičia. V septembri nastúpila do prvého ročníka gymnázia a už teraz vedela, že sa chce stať lekárkou.

   „Paula!“ ozvalo sa z chodby o poznanie nervóznejšie.

   Sivé oči vyvrátila k stropu a schmatla červenú listovú kabelku. 

   „Už som tu,“ prekráčala do chodby. „Kde mám kľúče?“ očami prebehla po dlhej skrinke na topánky. 

   „Tu!“ Milan ich zvesil z vešiaka a otvoril dvere. „Choď už, zamknem,“ zavelil. 

   Paula sa rozladene vydala dolu schodmi. Doriti, načo som súhlasila, že s ním pôjdem ku Klenovcom? Bude to mizerný večer a strata času! Prečo som neodmietla? spytovala sa v duchu, no vzápätí nepríjemné otázky zatlačila do úzadia, veď odpoveď na ne dobre poznala. V posledných mesiacoch s mužom nikam nechodia. Obaja sa tvária, že žijú život zaneprázdnených ľudí, ktorých pohlcuje práca. Nebola to však pravda. Na robotu sa len vyhovárajú, ich vzťah pomaly chladne. Majú čo doháňať. Prvým krokom bude návšteva. Trápna návšteva! Dôležité však je, že naruší ich stereotyp a stane sa z nej téma, možno správna a vhodná, o ktorej sa budú môcť do noci zhovárať. 

   Čo neurobí manželka pre rodinnú pohodu, uškrnula sa v duchu a potlačila ťažkú bránu.

7446 komentárov

  • Komentár JoshuathypE %AM, %06 %404 %2024 %08:%jún napísal JoshuathypE

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  • Komentár Leonardglozy %AM, %06 %403 %2024 %08:%jún napísal Leonardglozy

    Различные виды массажа применяются в неврологической, ортопедической и травматологической практике
    Доктора отмечают более активную положительную динамику пациентов при применении массажа совместно с классическим лечением

    Кроме того, с помощью курса массажа можно избавиться от сопутствующих симптомов – головокружения, головных болей, снижения устойчивости к физическим и интеллектуальным нагрузкам

    Запись на различные виды массажа в Кунцевском лечебно-реабилитационном центре можно выполнить наиболее удобным для вас способом:
    воспалительных процессов; повышенной температуры; кожных заболеваний; ссадин и ран в области спины; опухолей; воспалений лимфатических узлов, сосудов

    У этой процедуры несколько противопоказаний
    К основным относят острые инфекционно-воспалительные заболевания, нарушения свертываемости крови, болезни сосудов, тромбоз

    С помощью этого метода удается нормализовать выделение желудочного сока, уменьшить метеоризм, привести в норму стул, справиться с функциональными нарушениями кишечника
    Он способствует ускоренному выведению токсинов, избытка жидкости, что положительно сказывается на иммунных силах организма
    Врач может порекомендовать его для повышения выносливости и устойчивости к нагрузкам тем, кто занимается спортом
    Перенесенные ранее травмы и операции также являются основанием для прохождения курса массажа – он позволяет ускорить процесс восстановления нормального тонуса мышц
    Важно дождаться полного заживления тканей и снятия острых симптомов

  • Komentár Paul %AM, %06 %394 %2024 %08:%jún napísal Paul

    The courting routines of Eagles are intricate and also include impressive
    airborne display screens. These screens build up connections between buddies.

  • Komentár Jeleryday %AM, %06 %359 %2024 %07:%jún napísal Jeleryday


    ===>>GO TO THE STORE===

    п»їBuy Northern Lights Marijuana Seeds USA.
    Buy the best Northern Lights feminized seeds to grow for productive indica harvests. Fast stealth shipping to all 50 states of the US. We have sourced the best Northern Lights seeds for sale from our trusted marijuana seedbanks—ILGM, Seedsman, Homegrown, and SeedSupreme.
    Northern Lights Strain Description.
    Northern Lights is a legendary award-winning marijuana strain that sets the standard by which all indicas are judged. It has dominated cannabis competitions around the globe for decades and continues to be one of the most trusted names in cannabis. Northern Lights slams the body with its powerful, expansive smoke that hits hard. The buds are sweet, fragrant, and nearly pure white with sticky trichomes. Up to 18% THC.
    Northern Lights Origin and Genetics.
    Northern Lights originates from the Pacific North West. It came from a grower known as “The Indian“. The Seed Bank founder and breeder Nevil Shoenmakers got a hold of 11 numbered Northern Lights cuttings. They were described as true-breeding Afghans, dark green in color with a high bud-to-leaf ratio and excellent resin production. Those cuttings were used to breed a wide range of hybrids that were sold by The Seed Bank, leading to the creation of many prized varieties, including the famed Skunk #1 and Big Bud. Northern Lights is a champion contender itself, winning countless awards for over 30 years and going strong.
    Also available in:
    How to Grow Northern Lights.
    Northern Lights grows compact and fast. It is a trouble-free marijuana strain to grow in most climates with a low odor, making the strain ideal for discreet guerrilla growing. Simply provide enough light, water, and nutrients for the plants to flourish. Indoors, Northern Lights flowers in as little as 45 days with yields up to 500 g/m2. Outdoors, the plants are ready to harvest by mid-October at the latest.
    Strain Specifications.
    Aroma / Flavor.
    Citrus, Earthy, Lemony, Piney, Skunk, Spicy, Sweet.
    SeedSupreme, ILGM, Homegrown, Sensi Seeds.
    Euphoric, Exhilarating, Relaxing, Sedative, Upbeat.
    Indoors, Outdoors, Greenhouse.
    Late September, October.
    10% Sativa, 90% Indica.
    53 reviews for Buy Northern Lights Marijuana Seeds USA.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Tom C. – March 10, 2024.
    I’ve been growing Northern Lights for years and it never disappoints. Consistent quality and great yield. It’s probably my all time favorite strain. A must try for any grower.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Rodney M. – December 28, 2023.
    Great seeds! None were cracked or old and they all sprouted beautiful plants. The buds are super dank, just what I was hoping for. Very pleased with my purchase!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Blake G. – November 29, 2023.
    Been chasing that perfect indica vibe and these Northern Lights seeds are legit. Fast shipping and great results. Had a dank harvest this fall and the buds are top quality. Two thumbs up!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Northman – September 22, 2023.
    Excellent genetics, all seeds germinated and grew strong. Got myself a big crop of dank indica buds, just what I was looking for. Smells/tastes great plus a real knockout high. Definitely worth more than what I spent on seeds and growing them.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Austin O. – August 18, 2023.
    Man, Northern Lights seeds are taking me on a nostalgia trip! This beauty is the dame of all dames, strutting her dense, resin coated nugs that smell just like old times – earthy with a hint of pine. Took under two months to harvest, no hiccups in sight, just a easy grow overall. Robust, vivid plants with the potency that’ll take you to heaven and back. Top it off with a mellow high that’s perfect for chillaxing… what more can a stoner want? Five stars across the board!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Craig N. – July 2, 2023.
    Just harvested my Northern Lights ladies and boy, they did not disappoint! These seeds were super reliable and produced some of the stickiest, most aromatic buds I have ever laid my hands on. Thank you for these awesome genetics!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Todd H. – May 23, 2023.
    NL is lit. A breeze to grow and heavy yields, the buds get absolutely smothered in sweet, sticky trichomes. The smoke is smooth, dank, and strong. Give it a try!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Bryce – April 5, 2023.
    I have to say these are one of the best plants I’ve ever grown. They are super easy to grow and produce huge flowers with lots of trichomes covering them. The yields have been great and it seems to adapt to any environment pretty well. The buds are very tight, dense and delicious.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    WS – January 19, 2023.
    Northern Lights is a great strain for all levels of growers. It grows with ease and produces big and heavy buds that are covered in resin. The aroma is sweet and earthy and the effects are strong and relaxing. If you’re looking for an easy to grow strain with great yields, Northern Lights is the one!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Tony W. – December 7, 2022.
    I would recommend Northern Lights to anyone looking for a strong, flavorful, high yielding strain. Extremely easy to grow and easy to grow a lot of. Gives a stoned yet smooth high that is a pleasure to smoke.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Donald – November 25, 2022.
    Northern Lights has always been a favorite of mine, and I have always loved the beautiful big fat flowers and heavy yield. In every way this strain lives up to the name. An all around great plant, and the genetics are great. A strain I could never say no to.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Luis T. – September 28, 2022.
    I had very good results with this strain. Strong, stinky, and hardy as they come. The buds are thick and loaded with sugar and great density. Will not disappoint.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Anonymous – September 6, 2022.
    One of the better indicas I’ve grown. Big dense nugs with very good resin coverage and beautiful heavy snow white fluff over the entire plant. Taste is sweet and fruity. Smooth and dank.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Pomona – August 20, 2022.
    My Northern Lights plants are amazing, growing and thriving with no need for extra care whatsoever. Easy to grow, good yield and consistency every time. Northern Lights is a strain that can’t be beat.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Colin B. – August 9, 2022.
    This is easily my favorite strain to grow. Extremely high in potency, but with a great taste, and good looks! The buds are thick and sticky when dried, and can be made into a hash with a lot of taste. The smell and taste of the trichomes are sweet and pleasant and it really stays with you, like no other strain. I’ve grown indoor, outdoor, and am thinking about growing it outdoors again. I’d recommend to anyone.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Shaun J. – July 5, 2022.
    I have been absolutely delighted with Northern Lights. I’ve grown many different strains and this one just has that certain quality that’s so desirable and hard to resist.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Kushy – May 28, 2022.
    Northern Lights has a strong and consistent yield. Very satisfied with the growing process and the quality of the buds.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Joel – May 16, 2022.
    My second grow of NL was a success and the buds were strong and very tasty! Got a great yield!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Anonymous – April 29, 2022.
    Growing northern lights for the first time and I have to say it far exceeded my expectations. These buds are so dank and sticky with thick trichomes which give it a high class look.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Brendan S. – March 29, 2022.
    These seeds are legit, every one of mine sprouted and grows into healthy, robust plants. This strain is definitely a crowd pleaser, lots of people know it and want it. And the buds are frosty with a sweet, earthy, dank smell to them.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Shroomie – February 26, 2022.
    Very nice strain, showed great promise right from the beginning. It’s beautiful, with fat, frosty nugs and a strong aroma that carries on into the taste. Its high is great too, full flavored and smooth. All in all, an excellent strain that’s legendary for a reason.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Keith C. – February 5, 2022.
    This stuff grows very well and is a high yielder too. I was growing this indoors and the nugs just grew and grew. When harvest came, they were heavy and frosty. Really nice high, the buds smell and taste like candy.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Taylor P. – January 9, 2022.
    I grew these indoors and they grew like weeds and yielded like crazy! Very stoked with the quality and resin production. Super stoney and delicious bud!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Makeda – December 28, 2021.
    I grew these twice now and they both turned out very well with massive buds. They are very resinous and have a gorgeous look to them. Everyone that has tried them has loved them. One of my favorite strains of all time!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Daron R. – December 3, 2021.
    These were the first seeds I ever purchased and grew. The yield was phenomenal and the quality, flavor and smell of the bud was out of this world. Also had a very nice high, it was very strong and stoney. I plan on growing these again next season!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Noel M. – November 15, 2021.
    Impressed to say the least! Buds are dark green, very large and covered in trichomes. Smell is sweet and sour, with a piney smell lingering in the background. The effects hit hard and fast. As far as growing this plant, it’s pretty easy to grow and doesn’t need a whole lot to thrive.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Brad D. – November 3, 2021.
    I grew 2 of these outside and had amazing results. They grew really big so I was able to get a lot of bud off each plant. The high is very strong and great for parties or just hanging out.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Loco – October 15, 2021.
    The best seeds I’ve ever bought! Every single seed sprouted and every plant was beautiful and yielded tons of buds! I can’t believe how well these things grew!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Alex H. – September 24, 2021.
    Just finished growing this one. Very easy to grow, great taste, lots of potent bud. Will definitely buy again!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Sammy F. – September 12, 2021.
    I’ve grown many types of weed and I’ve still never seen anything like this. It’s easy to grow, hard to mess up, and returns a massive harvest. Every seed I planted this last time growing it produced a plant enormously heavy with buds.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Rosemary – August 25, 2021.
    I’m very impressed with these Northern Lights seeds. Every single one sprouted and grew into obese bud plants. I had a great yield on these and they all dried dense and resinous. I will definitely be buying more of these seeds in the future!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Isiah G. – August 8, 2021.
    This is the best!! It grows fast and has a nice sweet flavor. Every seed I planted grew into a beautiful strong plant that produced buds heavy with sticky THC laden flowers. An all around winner!!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Erin L. – July 27, 2021.
    The Northern Light seeds are so amazing! I had a lot of success with all of the seeds and each plant grew into a large bud producing monster. The high is so peaceful and happy, I don’t know how anyone could be in a bad mood after smoking some of this strain. Lots of resin on these girls too, one of my new favorites for sure.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Wes B. – July 8, 2021.
    It’s a high yielding strain that grows big colas with huge buds. I highly recommend it for first time growers. Very easy to manage and grow. Gives a good high too.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Kelly A. – June 16, 2021.
    Everything about this strain is perfect to me. They are easy plants to keep compact, adapt well to pruning, and grow vigorously. The flowers are large, heavy, and sticky to the touch with resin. They have wonderful scents, flavors, and effects too!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Tim C. – May 29, 2021.
    These were the easiest to grow out of several cannabis strains I tried and produced the most high quality bud IMHO. I just ordered more seeds because I know they will come through for me.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    John H. – May 13, 2021.
    I grew the Northern Lights indoors and it was super easy to grow and very high yielder. Possibly the most rewarding strain of cannabis I’ve ever grown.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    chrisweed – April 26, 2021.
    love the northern lights….great vigor and growth. love the smell of it….plants growed big buds….coated in trichs….just awesome. will be back for more….for sure.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    April O. – April 13, 2021.
    I’m new to growing and this is my second time doing it. Northern Lights has done extremely well in my garden. I would highly recommend this strain to anyone looking for easy growing and big budded plants.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Fred D. – March 21, 2021.
    You’ll want to try growing this strain at least once as it’s one of the original hybrids with a lot of genetic influence. I find her very easy to take care of, though she likes a lot of light so make sure you’re on top of that to max out yield. It gets big frosted buds that taste great. Definitely worth buying seeds to grow out and see for yourself.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Eric T. – March 9, 2021.
    This is the best strain i have ever grown. I have had it for a couple of years now and its still going strong. The buds grow heavy, humongous and sparkle with trics. If you are looking for something that will keep producing consistently then this is it!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Derek B. – February 11, 2021.
    Wow I didn’t expect Northern Lights to hold up against today’s market, but boy was I wrong! These buds are enormous, shining in crystal, and soaked in resin. 5 stars!!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Andrew J. – January 18, 2021.
    This is a nice strain to start with. Very easy to grow and produces big buds. It does tend to be a little short though, but that’s why it works well for indoor cultivation.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Micah M – January 1, 2021.
    I would say this is a great all around strain. Easy to grow, yields big and smells delicious. If you’re new to growing cannabis or want something low maintenance then give this one a shot.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Jerry G. – December 22, 2020.
    I’ve always loved growing Northern Lights, It’s short stature and heavy production makes it perfect for grow closet or a small space garden.. or even if your trying to grow stealthy. The NL I grew were very heavy producers and were done before 8 weeks. Its buds give off a sweet, fruity aroma that has won me over!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Roger W. – December 4, 2020.
    I first grew this strain back in 1988. It was one of the most beautiful plants I had ever grown with huge buds covered with thick crystals. The smoke was heavy on the lungs but had a great indica stone to it.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Pete S. – November 18, 2020.
    I bought NL seeds earlier this year because I wanted to do a side by side comparison since ive grown NL a few times before. This was definitely more of an indica dominant hybrid in my growing expertise. It grew shorter and stockier than the many sativa dominant hybrids and had significantly more dark green/blueish tint to the leaves. Buds were dense and made very large cola formations just like how I remembered it. I’ve also noticed that it’s a good choice for growing outside since it is more resistant to mold and other things. The smoke was very heavy and provided a couchlock effect as expected and tasted sweet with hints of pine. Overall I’m impressed to return to NL.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Ronald K. – November 7, 2020.
    The flagship of Sensi… back when there were no feminized strains, it was really pretty much one of the best strains ever. Unfortunately I don’t have any old pics anymore… I have grown her over the years again and again… it is still a super strain in terms of yield, strength and power of plants. Anyone who hasn’t grown it yet should try!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Herbert – October 27, 2020.
    One of the best mostly indicas I’ve ever known. Uniform plants with short branches, very sticky, heavy indica a seed plant very good, as clones even better.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Jason N. – October 21, 2020.
    Big juicy colas, she is THICC! Buds smells amazing, absolutely covered in frosty trichomes and the resin content is very good. NL is a joy every time I grow her, if you haven’t grown this one yet you should because it’s one of the classic strains that never gets old!
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Gardenerman – October 15, 2020.
    Grew out Northern Lights a few times and I have to say that it is definitely a favorite of mine. It grows like a champ and the buds are just beautiful. This strain makes me feel very sedated so I try to only smoke it after work.
    Rated 4 out of 5.
    preston – October 10, 2020.
    ive been growing northern lights for over three decades now. incredible strain. ive grown all kinds of strains from all different parts of the world. this is a very hearty plant. you can almost eliminate the need for feeding and still get some great product that will knock your socks off. watch for mold towards end of flower stage, ive lost a few to it. but its well worth it. and she is quite the looker too.
    Rated 5 out of 5.
    Mike L. – October 9, 2020.
    I have grown Northern Lights a few times now and it has become one of my favorite strains. It grows well just about anywhere, I’ve grown it outdoors as well as indoors, give it enough light and nutrients and it will thrive. The buds are very dense and heavy, you will feel stone within minutes after smoking. I have grown a few different phenotypes and all of them had sweet smells and nice tastes.

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