Halloween či Dušičky? Ponúkame návod, ako sa zabaviť s deťmi.

Napísal Kristína Chudá 31. október 2024

Z každého rožku trošku! Páliť sviečky, úcta a spomienky venované zosnulým. Sviatok Všetkých svätých (1. november) a Dušičky – Pamiatka zosnulých (2. november) na Slovensku majú veľmi silnú tradíciu. Či už si to priznáte alebo nie, tieto sviatky sú skôr pre nás dospelákov, ale čo deti?


Majú prázdniny a  potrebujú zábavu, smiech a stále byť v akcii. Pre ne je sviatok Halloween, okrem iného, aj v znamení strašidelných príbehov. Počuli už vaši drobci legendu, ktorá sa viaže k tomuto sviatku? Že nie? Tu je!

K Halloweenu sa viaže aj legenda o Jackovi s lampášom. Jack bol lakomý kováč, ktorý sa rád spoločensky unavil. Jeden večer, keď mal opäť poriadne „pod čapicou“, si po neho prišiel čert. Jack však bol šibal, ktorý si z každého vystrelil a takmer každého dokonale prekabátil. Aj samotného diabla. Čert mu musel prisľúbiť ešte desať rokov života. Po desiatich rokoch sa objavil a chcel Jacka viať so sebou. No Jack mal posledné prianie a to, že chcel od čerta, aby vyliezol na strom a utrhol mu jabĺčko. Takto prefíkane donútil diabla, aby vyliezol na strom, Jack rýchlo položil krížiky okolo kmeňa stromu a diabol uviazol v strome. Pekelník mu musel sľúbiť, že keď Jack zomrie, nepôjde do pekla. Hneď ako to diabol sľúbil, Jack odstránil krížiky a diabol zliezol z jablone. O mnoho rokov neskôr, Jack zomrel a šiel k perleťovým bránam Neba. Svätý Peter mu povedal, že bol veľmi krutý a že viedol na zemi nešťastný a bezcenný život a preto do neba nemôže vstúpiť. Diabol svoj sľub dodržal a do pekla mu nedovolil prísť. Jack nemal kam ísť, potuloval sa v temnom Holandsku medzi nebom a peklom. Čert sa však nad ním zľutoval a podaroval mu uhlík z pekelnej pahreby. Ten si úbohý kováč vložil do lampáša z vydlabanej repy.

K tomu správnemu detskému, žartovnému a trošku aj strašidelnému Halloweenu patria tekvice, čarodejnice, ktoré podľa povier sprevádzajú na cestách zlých duchov. Ľudia sa ich báli a verili, že na Halloween majú čarodejnice najväčšiu moc. Masky a kostýmy slúžili k zmäteniu zlých duchov, mačka bola považovaná za posvätnú bytosť už Egypťanmi, ktorí ju uctievali ako bohyňu úrody. V stredoveku boli čierne mačky vnímané ako maznáčikovia čarodejníc, a tak ako symbol Halloweenu pretrvali dodnes. A samozrejme, nezabudnite na perfektné Halloweenske hry. Aké sú tie správne?

1. Halloweenske scrabble

Podstatou tejto hry je zostaviť jedno slovo z písmen, ktoré má hráč k dispozícii v zásobníku. Položením slova na hraciu plochu môžu vzniknúť ďalšie slová. Je Halloween tak si treba upraviť aj pravidlá. Takže ako znie nové pravidlo? Podstatou tejto hry je zostaviť jedno slovo (ktoré má čokoľvek spoločné s Halloweenom) z písmen, ktoré má hráč k dispozícii v zásobníku. Čo vy na to?

2. Vieš kto alebo čo som?

Táto hra je zameraná na rozvoj slovnej zásoby a kognitívneho myslenia. No opäť trošku upravíte pravidlá. Na malé papieriky hráči napíšu čokoľvek, čo je s Halloweenom spojené, papieriky vhodia do košíka, poriadne zamiešajú a hra sa môže začať. Ten, kto si papierik vytiahne, začne predvádzať pomocou pantomímy. Želáme príjemnú zábavu.

3.  Sladkosti in the Dark

Halloween je sviatok plný strašidelných príbehov, tekvíc, čarodejok a v neposlednom rade aj sladkostí. Chcete pre svoje ratolesti zábavu? Uschovajte vo vašej obývačke čokoládové dobroty, cukríky, ovocie, karamelky zhasnite v celom dome či byte a hurá na sladké dobrodružstvo.

4. Tekvicový golf

Pravidlá golfu sú jasné, trafiť jamku. No tekvicový golf je trošičku iný. Miesto jamky budú deti triafať do „úst“ tekvice. A čo k tomu potrebujete? Jednu strašidelne vyrezanú tekvicu s otvorenými ústami, jednu golfovú loptičku a golfové palice. A keď nie sú? Môžu byť akékoľvek iné palice, ktorými sa dá triafať do loptičky. Želáme veľa zábavy.

Či už Dušičky alebo Halloween, skúste do Dušičiek vniesť trošku toho Halloweenskeho šantenia a naopak, do Halloweenu vneste spomienky na svojich milovaných.




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    They keep the top of your higher arm bone firmly inside the shallow socket of the shoulder.
    Sturdy shoulders play a key position in your total ability and capacity to raise weights,
    improve your stability and steadiness, and lead to better posture and upper-body alignment
    and symmetry. Keep conservative with the quantity of weight
    you utilize and give attention to utilizing your shoulders—not your legs—to increase the bar.
    At the top of the carry, the bar ought to be locked out above your head and barely behind it.

    So to make sure we are creating well-rounded shoulders, we’ll guide you through quite so much of shoulder exercises, hitting different muscular tissues from totally different angles.

    This makes your shoulder muscular tissues really stretch out,
    which different shoulder workout routines don’t.
    The key to the success of the Post Delt Fly lies in the fixed rigidity provided by the resistance
    bands. This tension ensures that the rear deltoids are engaged throughout the whole movement, offering a comprehensive workout for
    these muscle tissue.
    Nevertheless, it’s fallen out of favor recently, with many trainers saying it’s bad in your shoulders.
    The fact is, in case you have adequate higher body mobility, you need
    to be in a position to do that exercise safely and comfortably.
    Nevertheless, if it bothers your shoulders, you can do regular shoulder presses
    It’s concerned in extra functions together with complicated actions,
    like lifting your arm and rotating it when your elbow
    is at a 90-degree angle. What’s more, I’m going to address probably the most requested questions related to deltoids and shoulder exercises.
    I’m also going to offer you the most effective workouts and workout ideas in your deltoids, whatever the
    tools you might have readily available. Whether Or Not you could have a full fitness center or simply your body weight, I’ve obtained a deltoid workout
    for you. Although the deltoids won't be your prime precedence in relation to muscle building and strength coaching, it is vital that you
    don’t overlook them.
    This exercise uses the identical type, however instead of
    returning to the floor after a quick pause, your aim is to hold the handstand position for as long as you'll have the ability to.
    We will be remarking on what muscular tissues are being labored
    for each of the 9 workout routines. Your shoulders include three major muscular tissues, generally recognized as the
    Deltoids or Delts. If you need to look your greatest from a physique composition perspective,
    you’ll have to maintain a lower body fat percentage and a good amount of
    muscle mass. All The Time do not overlook that the workout and workout
    routines you perform are just one piece of the puzzle.
    Your backbone ought to keep impartial in the course of the train, with the ability
    through the carry coming all out of your shoulders.
    It you discover bodyweight dips too challenging, you also can make the exercise extra accessible by utilizing a resistance band.
    The incline bench press is a variation of the normal flat bench
    press. It is performed by inclining the bench to an angle, sometimes between 15 and forty five levels.

    Many people consider the delts are relatively small compared to major
    muscle groups like your pecs or lats, however in actuality,
    they are more sizeable than both. It’s a tough truth to simply accept, however
    there’s solely a lot you can do in pursuit of
    broader shoulders. The least you can do to simplify your workouts is push your self as far as you possibly can.
    These muscles stabilize the shoulder joint and management
    internal and exterior rotation. Progressive overload,
    the place each session is a bit more challenging than the final, is a crucial predictor of continued hypertrophy.
    You can progressively overload your deltoids by adding more
    weight, doing more reps, improving your type, or experimenting with tempo and pauses.
    A calorie surplus is where the variety of calories consumed exceeds the number
    of energy burned. This will provide the physique with extra calories
    than it truly requires which can improve muscle restoration after
    energy coaching sessions. With Out this surplus, creating muscular dimension is difficult, if not unimaginable.

    Superior Hormonal Bulking Stack is a high-strength supplement
    mixture designed for skilled users.
    Pull the band aside along with your proper hand, as if pulling a bow, squeezing your again and shoulder muscular tissues and bending your elbow as you do this.
    When it comes to coaching frequency, there are tons of
    variables to keep in mind. For example, your age, your restoration routine, food regimen, and the intensity of your session all impacts how your body will react, recuperate and
    My quad muscle tissue would shake even attempting to stability and decrease down on my left leg or perform a easy heel tap on that one facet.
    I even began quietly singing to myself the Nineteen Sixties ‘Jump in the Line Shake, Senora’
    calypso song by Lord Kitchener, whereas watching my
    quad muscle shake and making an attempt to steadiness.
    The neck incorporates multiple muscular tissues that help head position, posture, and breathing.
    "Centurion" refers back to the 100 kettlebell swings you complete during the workout, and that’s
    on top of the two different shoulder-focused workout routines.

    Along together with your added muscular strength will come accompanying muscle positive aspects as nicely.
    The posterior deltoid sits reverse the anterior deltoid on the rear
    aspect of the shoulder joint, inserting onto the backbone.

    In the typical lifter, the anterior deltoid is usually probably the most developed of the
    three heads. This is as a result of of it being trained heavily throughout pressing
    actions, like the chest press. The anterior deltoid head sits on the entrance of your shoulder joint
    and inserts onto the clavicle. Its major unique function is to facilitate shoulder flexion, which is when the arm
    moves upward in entrance of your physique, like throughout front raises.

    Finally, your posterior deltoids (or rear deltoids) sit in the back of your shoulders where they
    aid shoulder extension—moving your arms backwards. Analysis has proven that
    the staple transfer of old-school muscle-building applications
    like the Blueprint to Mass hits both the front and medial delts greater than other dumbbell press variations.
    Plus, many lifters simply find it more friendly
    to their shoulder joints. Our shoulder exercise is designed to add muscle
    mass to all sides of your shoulders and utilizes each
    low and high-rep units to maximize strength and muscle
    For those who workout from home or outside with out gear, the shoulder muscles is often a troublesome muscle
    group to target (as can back muscles). Nonetheless, with the
    right exercises, you probably can successfully target your shoulders with simply
    your bodyweight. You simply must position your body so it has to press in opposition to gravity.
    This movement targets the outer part of the mid traps together
    with the rear delts. This train will assist enhance your back width and achieve the coveted 3D aesthetics.

    These dumbbell arm workout routines are the most effective in the business for 
    building each muscle of the upper arm. Leap up on two parallel bars or gymnastics rings
    together with your palms facing inward and your arms straight (A).
    In this article, we cowl seven of the best bodybuilding again workouts
    that can help you build mass, power, and definition. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced lifter, these workouts will provide the inspiration for a well-rounded back
    exercise. In my work with skilled baseball teams over the
    past two decades, I’ve seen firsthand how well-intentioned stretching can sometimes
    do more harm than good. But over time, mobility experts realized this stretch was making the shoulder joint excessively unfastened and unstable, growing harm threat quite than preventing it.

    Whereas, in terms of a muscle group like the biceps, which has two heads,
    the vary of motion for both heads is almost equivalent.
    "This exercise can be performed each unilaterally and bilaterally," he continues.
    "If shoulder, and thoracic backbone mobility is a matter; I recommend you begin unilaterally (single arm) since anatomically we now have greater vary of movement when reaching overhead with one arm." Here
    Is that rare shoulder exercise you are able to do every day,
    in large part because it is much less about strength and extra
    about constructing stability within the joint.
    That’s as a end result of, as well as being involved in many shoulder workout routines, it’s additionally
    worked if you prepare your chest. Your deltoids, or
    delts for short, are your primary shoulder muscles.
    Nonetheless, quite than being one single muscle, the deltoids are made up of three
    units of fibers, typically known as heads. While these three heads function together to control
    your shoulder joints, you may also emphasize and develop each in flip (1).
    Whereas there's nothing incorrect with dumbbell lateral raises, cables hold constant tension on your
    muscles, which can produce better hypertrophic
    outcomes and a extra intense pump. This train works best as a high-rep finisher, e.g., reps, so you really really feel the
    burn. Many so-called practical health specialists are very fast to throw shade on the shoulder press machine.

    Dumbbells allow for a larger vary of movement in lure workouts compared to barbells or machines.
    This prolonged movement vary enables extra complete muscle fiber activation,
    extra activation means extra potential for increased development.

    Dumbbells additionally permit for pure movement patterns, accommodating particular person joint mechanics and reducing the
    risk of damage. The pike push-up is considered one of only
    some physique weight entrance delt exercises. It is
    a difficult variation of the normal push-up that primarily targets the shoulder muscle tissue, significantly the front deltoid.

    It additionally engages the upper chest and triceps however to a lesser extent.
    If your front delts are already well-developed compared, that might mean moderating the
    quantity and intensity of any direct entrance delt work.

    It activates all major shoulder areas, excelling for upper physique stability and conditioning.
    The fantastic thing about the Band Pull-Apart lies
    in its direct focusing on of the rear deltoids via horizontal abduction. As you pull the band apart, the rear
    deltoids are activated to control and execute the movement.
    This exercise ensures that these often-overlooked muscle tissue receive the eye they
    want for balanced shoulder improvement. The cable twisting overhead press is one other efficient single-arm cable shoulder exercise.

    It is a very efficient shoulder press variation that works the anterior delt.

    Your pecs are additionally integral to your posture and the
    power you project to the world around you. Well-developed traps will allow
    your chest to naturally open up. Building broad shoulders is a matter of packing
    on muscle in the proper locations. A Lot like building a broadened
    neck, your shoulder span depends on the quantity of muscle you can construct on high of your already present bone
    structure. Most males within the fitness center need thick, broad shoulders that give
    him a body worthy of envy. The posterior delts are primarily a stabilizer for the above workouts, so whereas
    they're labored, they aren't going to be a main mover.

    This is tips on how to get shoulders big enough to hold
    the burden of your accomplishments. The traps play a key function in maintaining good posture and help to both stabilize and transfer, aiding movements similar to shrugging,
    tilting, and moving the neck. The shoulder is a complicated joint containing a quantity of layers of superficial
    and deep muscle tissue. Always consult with a professional healthcare professional previous to beginning any food plan or train program or taking any dietary supplement.

    The content material on our web site is for informational and educational purposes only and isn't meant as medical recommendation or to switch
    a relationship with a qualified healthcare skilled. This is primarily based mostly on studies
    with previously untrained members, and it's
    likely that you'll require barely higher coaching volumes to continue to grow as you get extra skilled.
    Keep Away From using momentum or swinging the weight up using your hips, as that will take away work from the meant working muscular tissues.

    Some examples of variations embrace single-arm raises, chest-supported side raises,
    and dumbbell lateral to-front raises. It’s a variation of the normal
    overhead press, however with a neutral grip as an alternative of a pronated (overhand)
    or supinated (underhand) grip. The dumbbell 
    shrug is a good exercise for constructing shoulder strength, improving posture, and relieving
    neck and shoulder ache. There are many variations of bent-over lateral raise that you could add to your workout routine, and all have their
    very own distinctive benefits. They are performing the
    train while the seated shoulder press is a
    stricter version than standing and prevents cheating the load upward utilizing momentum generated by the legs.

    Robust rear delts be positive that your shoulders can deal with varied movements
    and weights extra efficiently, selling longevity in your fitness journey.
    Each shoulder exercise should begin with you mobilising the shoulder joints.
    Before you touch a weight, spend 5 to 10 minutes activating your
    shoulder muscles and growing your range of movement
    (we love to do plank twists with a attain through for this).

    Furthermore, your delts begin to fatigue after a quantity of sets of heavy chest
    and bicep work. Whereas a row is generally
    used for again growth – specifically the lats, rhomboids and traps – it's also an excellent posterior delt developer.
    This is highlighted by a recent research which investigated the EMG exercise of every head during numerous shoulder-based
    resistance exercises.

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