Medzinárodný deň bez nohavičiek sa blíži. Aké sú naše zvyky v ich nosení?

Leto je už za dverami, a teplé počasie láka ženy odložiť si ich spodnú bielizeň. Obliecť si sukňu či šaty „naostro“ je podľa expertov dokonca hygienické. Avšak nosením jedných nohavičiek počas viacerých dní si ženy koledujú o rôzne zdravotné problémy.


Podľa výskumu si až pätina žien nohavičky nemení i niekoľko dní, a polovica z nich si ich necháva na sebe i následne počas noci. Štvrtina žien si zase svoju bielizeň neprezlieka po športe či cvičení.  

Od roku 2000 sa každoročne oslavuje 22. jún ako tzv. Medzinárodný deň bez nohavičiek. Tento sviatok nabáda ženy, aby sa oslobodili od spoločenských konvencií, a užili si deň bez spodnej bielizne. Takpovediac „naostro“ chodí mimo svojej domácnosti čoraz viac žien, predovšetkým cez leto. „Ženy odkladajú nohavičky kvôli pohodliu, voľnosti, či „vetraniu“. Neobliekajú si ich aj kvôli tomu, aby im nič nepresvitalo, či aby sa im nerysovali nevzhľadné záhyby. Mnohým sa to taktiež zdá hygienickejšie. Je faktom, že bez nich nedochádza k zapareniu a zapoteniu, a všetko sa vetrá. Ženám, ktoré často trápia kvasinkové infekcie, gynekológovia letné chodenie naostro vyslovene odporúčajú, hovorí Adam Durčák z e-shopu, ktorý predáva erotické pomôcky a zaoberá sa zdravou sexualitou.

Dopriať svojim intímnym partiám prísun vzduchu je pri vysokých teplotách vhodné. Pôsobením tepla sa totiž množia baktérie a ďalšie mikroorganizmy. Ich hladina sa drží na normálnej úrovni, pokiaľ používame správne hygienické prípravky, umývame sa po zapotení a nosíme dobre zvolenú spodnú bielizeň, ktorú zároveň pravidelne meníme – nohavičky každý deň a podprsenku po troch noseniach. V parnom letnom dni alebo po cvičení sa odporúča meniť spodnú bielizeň i viac krát denne. A taktiež je potrebné vymeniť si ju na noc, alebo ideálne spať bez nej.

Desatina žien nosí tie isté nohavičky tri dni a viac

Napriek tomu to vyzerá tak, že pre mnoho žien nie je problém, ak nosia jedny nohavičky po dlhšiu dobu. Napríklad podľa nedávneho prieskumu platformy Derm Review, ktorá sa zaoberá starostlivosťou o pokožku, pätina žien nosí rovnakú bielizeň i niekoľko dní. Jedna z desiatich žien si ju dokonca nemení tri a viacej dní. Viac než polovica, najviac z kategórie nad 55 rokov, si nohavičky nemení ani na spanie. Bezmála štvrtina – tentokrát vo veku do 25 rokov – si zase bielizeň neprezlečie ani po cvičení. Dôvody sú rôzne, či už je to ušetrenie času a nákladov na pranie, až po ohľad na životné prostredie.  

Akokoľvek sa redukcia nosenia bielizne môže zdať praktická, riziko takéhoto počínania je značné. „V dlho nosenej bielizni sa hromadí vlhkosť a teplo, a tým sa baktérie a kvasinky množia. Výsledkom je potom nielen nepríjemný zápach, ale aj vyrážky, svrbenie, kvasinkové infekcie. Častými sú vaginálne kandidózy, infekcie močových ciest, bakteriálne vaginózy, či dokonca život ohrozujúce stafylokokové infekcie,“ varuje Adam Durčák.

O sexshope

Zatiaľ čo sprevádza českú populáciu svetom sexu už 19 rokov, tak na Slovensku je aktívny tretím rokom. Rovnako ako v Českej republike, tak aj na Slovensku sa snaží meniť pohľad na sex a zaoberá sa zdravou sexualitou. V predajni a na e-shope sú odborníci, ktorí vyberajú najzaujímavejšie erotické pomôcky z celého sveta, ktoré sú ideálnym prostriedkom k experimentom s vlastnou sexualitou, posúvaniu hraníc a oživeniu stereotypného sexu. Súčasťou odborného poradenstva je taktiež tvorba inštruktážnych videí a testovanie erotických hračiek.

2 komentárov

  • Komentár %PM, %20 %038 %2025 %23:%mar napísal

    Beneath you will discover a full list of our competitions,
    details concerning the venues, who they are appropriate for and the entry
    forms. Most of our qualifiers close as soon as the competitions attain their maximum number – this implies they sell out rapidly.

    The competitions you need to qualify for, like the British have a time limit
    and no most number. Attached to every of these entry types you will see a "Facebook Occasion Page".

    Thanks to PRs on the Platform for sharing this program with Carry Vault by way of this system submission form.
    If you want to crush PRs, add slabs of muscle, or shed pounds, KIZEN
    has the proper program for you. Most federations are represented, together
    with USAPL, USPA, APF, PA, SPF, OPW, and RPS. It’s not your average health program, contemplating lengthy restoration instances
    aren’t optional. But as we’ve learned, it’s probably the greatest ways to get larger.
    Their workouts give consideration to quality and maximal effort quite than dozens of workouts and lightweight
    Right Here are some regularly requested questions that I often hear when individuals ask what's powerlifting.
    Verify out my high listing of powerlifting women to observe for lifting suggestions,
    advice, and inspiration. In short, there are two main sides of the movements that powerlifters should comply with.

    If powerlifters can accomplish a decreased vary of movement, then they're ultimately doing much less work to
    perform the task. "It Is wonderful to see it grow and especially in older lifters." Ms Clark mentioned there are so much of
    advantages to powerlifting, both physically and mentally.
    The deadlift calls for plenty of work from the complete body, from the posterior chain of the hamstrings, glutes, and decrease again to
    the upper back and grip holding the bar.
    The aim of the squat is to unrack the bar, squat down until the hips are below the knees, and stand straight back up.
    Powerlifting has slowly gained a foothold as one of the
    widespread training strategies for both opponents and common gym-goers.
    Stand behind a barbell along with your ft about shoulder width aside.

    It Is especially motivating for folks to see their numbers
    greater than what they previously lifted. The goal of powerlifting isn't isolating the muscle, but coordinating all of your muscle tissue
    toward a single motion. However first, let's
    speak about a few of the benefits of powerlifting.

    I would highly encourage you to rent a powerlifting coach when starting.
    The major aim of a powerlifting program is to construct your power within the squat, bench press, and
    deadlift, so as to carry as much weight as possible for 1 repetition. British Powerlifting
    has a comprehensive competition programme beginning at local level and
    progressing via nationwide up to British Championships.
    These appeal to a lot of lifters, for instance over 400 athletes competed in the 2015
    British Classic Championships. We ship groups
    to all European and World Championships across all the age groups and disciplines with a excessive degree of success.
    This is a superb venue – the group there are all supportive of notably newbies and this venue
    is probably one of the finest equipped and dedicated gyms in the space.
    We are working this over at some point to begin with as with
    all our first time venues and all lifters of all experience and levels are welcome.

    I encourage you to pick a contest with the least
    amount of travel as potential. If you presumably can sleep in your own mattress
    prior to the competition, this can scale back the stress of having to figure out all these journey details.
    If you're not sure, you'll have the ability to always email your
    State or Provincial Registrar and so they can present that
    information to you. If you reside in Canada, go to the Canada Powerlifting Union and then navigate
    to your specific province. If you reside within the US,
    go to USA Powerlifting after which navigate to your particular state.

    We use the primary competitors to study as a lot as we will
    about being in a powerlifting competition, and the second
    to shoot for numbers that we haven't accomplished beforehand.
    Notice the primary competition does not have any targets around numbers per se.
    The three items I would suggest getting when beginning are knee sleeves, lifting belt,
    and wrist wraps. The optional powerlifting gear is equipment that provides further support so
    you can carry more weight.
    You take your powerlifting complete along together with your weight and multiply it by a coefficient
    to provide the IPF Points. At the tip of the powerlifting occasion, one award for
    women and men is given to athletes based on IPF Points to find out the "Best Overall Lifter".
    As I talked about earlier, athletes compete in a weight and age class and ranked 1st, 2nd, and third based
    on their powerlifting totals. As Soon As you have carried out a couple of local competitions, you may qualify for the State or Provincial Championships.

    The triceps are responsible for locking out the arms on the prime of a standard bench
    press. The squat is respected by powerlifters as essentially the most troublesome carry to master.

    The following workouts embody the large three first, adopted
    by a few of the finest workout routines for various expertise levels.
    If you wish to see how robust you may get, there’s no higher type of training than powerlifting.
    The most commonly seen errors of newbie powerlifters largely revolve round lifting too
    heavy. Pure powerlifters usually are not involved with aesthetics,
    endurance, or agility. They simply need to choose up probably the most weight they
    presumably can.
    They are used to operating novice entry level competitions and now have a wealth of
    skilled lifters who practice and compete
    there. Anyone that can safely perform the squat, bench press, and deadlift can use a powerlifting program.
    Plus, running a beginner powerlifting program can really assist you to enhance coordination and motor recruitment.
    This is a 15 week intermediate powerlifting program from PRs on the Platform.
    It makes use of block periodization and may be run repeatedly
    or used to peak for a powerlifting competition.
    This total is what's used to rank athletes amongst one another.
    So just because somebody might have a powerful bench press, does not essentially mean they're going to
    be a good powerlifter. In addition to weight coaching, powerlifters may pursue other forms of
    training to enhance their performance.
    There aren’t many lifters who aren’t interested in changing into stronger and shifting spectacular numbers on the barbell.

    There are a few sports activities which have some similarities to powerlifting.
    To do this exercise, place a barbell on a rack at around
    shoulder top. Get underneath the bar so it rests on the back of your shoulders
    and neck.
    Below you’ll find a record of powerlifting meets in Big Apple.
    This is an invitation only competition run under WPC rules and
    with any lifter hitting the qualifying requirements to have the ability to enter.
    They are a LARGE recognizing team so you realize you're sorted at every angle.

    Scott and Keenan return to the A/BPU Qualifiers to
    host one other excellent meet in addition to Helen’s cooking on sale!
    When you fill in the on-line entry form you WILL RECEIVE AN AUTOMATED

    Each applications are progressive in nature, to enable them to be adopted constantly
    with the result of increasing energy in thoughts. This transfer ought to be carried out persistently
    both to construct urgent energy and to maintain long-term shoulder function. Be conscious that the
    quantity of weight lifted might be less in a entrance squat due
    to the elevated difficulty of holding the burden in front.
    It’s critical to get the approach proper early on as bad habits can form which are onerous to interrupt.
    That’s what wants time to recuperate after the stress of lifting heavy.

    If you don't obtain it, it's doubtless you've entered your e mail address incorrectly.

    DO NOT e mail to ask should you entry is confirmed in case you have received your confirmation e mail.
    This is the first level of British Championships you'll be able
    to qualify for, the UK Powerlifting Games.

    Two of the most well-liked 6-day exercise splits embody the upper/lower
    and push/pull/legs cut up. A 6-day exercise cut up may
    be very efficient for building muscle, gaining strength,
    and losing fat, so lengthy as it’s programmed well.
    One Other essential side of a powerlifting program on the
    competitive degree is that it ought to construct as a lot
    as a peak, normally involving a powerlifting meet.
    Once More, powerlifting packages vary based mostly on the components described in this
    article. The objective of a powerlifting training program is to get progressively stronger
    in every of the three major lifts. Once the three lifts have
    been accomplished, a special formula is
    used to mix the total weight lifted with the athletes’
    body weight. The barbell bench press is considered the ultimate upper physique exercise by means of shifting the most weight potential.

    Atlas Rising is a complicated 7 week powerlifting program
    with 3 coaching days per week. It is formed from a mix of the Russian Squat Routine for squats, MagOrt for
    deadlifts, and Hepburn Method A for bench press and overhead press.

    I would anticipate this program to enhance the squat and deadlift,
    but not the bench press or overhead press, which merely can be maintained.
    Furthermore, powerlifting programs will give you a excessive amount of apply with the squat, bench press, and deadlift,
    including a number of variations of those workouts.
    The concept is to develop particular strength in these actions (and solely
    these movements), and likewise work on weak elements
    inside the vary of motion.
    Novices will want to focus on working as a lot as the large three lifts, perfecting approach earlier than progressing
    the masses. There are lots of long relaxation breaks in powerlifting
    workouts, which you’ll need to lift near-maximal loads for reps.
    This determines the competitor with the greatest relative power for the meet.

    The powerlifting total is a result of taking the heaviest squat, bench press, and
    deadlift try lifted in competitors and including them
    together. The number you get might be used to rank
    you among other lifters in the identical body-weight
    and age category. The Nationwide Championships bring together the most effective of all the lifters
    from each state/province and area. These events have
    a rigorous qualification course of, including having to raise
    a particular powerlifting complete on your weight and age class.
    The competition at this level could be very deep with
    several athletes competing amongst each other.
    Athletes will begin powerlifting by competing in a
    neighborhood competitors, which is normally
    run by a gym or powerlifting membership. The competitors just isn't usually that deep, that means a quantity of weight classes might solely have a couple of athletes.

    In competitions, they've three tries to successfully carry a pre-chosen quantity of weight using every carry.
    Don't fear about chopping weight in your first competition in any case.

    Just compete at no matter body weight you stroll around usually,
    even if this is in between two lessons. Let's now speak about competing within the sport of powerlifting – how you
    must mentally approach it, tips on how to register,
    and tips for game day. Over time, a lot of lifters may have particular squat footwear and deadlift shoes.
    Examine out my article on how strong you have to be at
    your first powerlifting meet. Right Here are some of my prime suggestions for powerlifting approach
    if you're getting started.
    Dean Gartland, the unimaginable Irish outfitted lifter with one million years experience within the sport
    (he is very old) is working the world famous Battle of the Boyne as soon as once more in 2025.
    This competition will suit novice lifters with lot of help going around and loads of space
    to warm up and funky your nerves! For the skilled the hosts Eliot and Adam supply high quality
    competitors arrangements, strong spotters and really,
    excellent equipment to carry on. As Quickly As you compete, they will send us the outcomes and we will then ship you the invites
    for the competitions you have certified for. Please submit your qualifying whole to
    for your British Championships invitation. This is a 10
    week deadlift program designed for building up work capacity through the aggressive off-season.
    As a collective of passionate and skilled lifters, the team at Platform Health Club know
    tips on how to run a meet. Steve on his personal has 30 years of competing expertise
    and needed to run this meet to cater for the growing variety of single lift specialists
    within the nation. They host very lifter oriented and supportive competitions and have
    ALL the equpement! A nice compettion for the
    massive hitters as properly as the model new comers and everyone is treated equally.
    1 flight of Bomb Squad which is open to all geared up lifters under the quailfying criteria of the Professional flights.
    The Bomb Squad winner shall be evaluated by intercourse, bodyweight and age coefficient so EVERYONE has an opportunity to win the Bomb Squad Sword.
    A newbie powerlifting program is any powerlifting program that takes
    advantage of the novice lifter’s ability to get well rapidly.

    Our extremely trained coaches are keen about guiding you through
    safe, efficient exercises, tailor-made to your degree and objectives.

    Be Part Of right now to raise your powerlifting journey with skilled guidance, training tips,
    and the camaraderie of passionate athletes nationwide.
    Over three seasons of competing across two completely different age classes and two weight courses, Miss Churchyard has
    set 24 British information, two European data and two world data.
    At this competition first time lifters are extremely welcome as we have the
    space and time to give you and there's a welcoming and supportive
    atmosphere. Those coming again to the sport, having had
    a break or are nonetheless discovering their way will also
    respect the extra relaxed but hyped ambiance.

    Please keep in mind there are equipment and guidelines differences between the
    federations so please check! For the WRPF UK – they
    require you to have a BPU or ABPU membership AT competition in order
    for you to quaify for our personal major competitions.

  • Komentár Sexshop %PM, %25 %697 %2024 %15:%sep napísal Sexshop

    Takisto je náš obľúbený aj NO bra day (deň bez podprsenky)

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