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Napísal Mercure Bratislava/Signature 19. august 2014

Grilované špeciality sú obľúbenou pochúťkou väčšiny Slovákov. Ak máte chuť na zmenu alebo by ste privítali rozmanitejšie kombinácie, máte viac možností.

V poslednom čase stúpa obľuba grilovanej zeleniny. Hodí sa ako príloha ku grilovanému hovädziemu či bravčovému mäsu, ale veľmi chutná je aj ako samostatný chod. „Pri výbere zeleniny môžeme vyskúšať aj zaujímavé plody, ktoré sa bežne negrilujú. Okrem obľúbenej papriky či cukiny sa na grilovanie hodia aj baklažány, mrkva, paradajky, mladé cibuľky či špargľa,“ radí šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko. Doba prípravy rôznych druhov zeleniny sa však líši. Predvarenej špargli alebo kalerábu stačí 15 až 25 minút, mäkkej zelenine ako cukine alebo baklažánu 7 až 12 minút, zemiakom doprajte aj 50 minút. Grilovaná zelenina najlepšie chutí so studenými marinádami, dresingmi alebo dipmi. Jej jemnú chuť príjemne doplnia korenisté a ostré chute, ktoré dodávajú napríklad chilli papričky, dijonská horčica, koňak alebo balzamikový ocot.

Zaujímavou prílohou ku grilovaným jedlám je čatní. Ideálne sa hodí ku grilovaným syrom alebo kuraciemu mäsu. „Čatní by malo obsahovať menšie či väčšie kúsky ovocia alebo zeleniny. Môže byť pikantné, sladkokyslé alebo úplne sladké,“ vysvetľuje šéfkuchár hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum Michal Hečko, „Je možné pripraviť ho z mnohých druhov zeleniny alebo ovocia. Zo zeleniny sa využíva hlavne plodová zelenina, ako sú paradajky, papriky a rôzne druhy tekvíc. Pri ovocí je výber oveľa širší, pretože tu nájdeme plody, ktoré majú dostatok dužiny. Najčastejšie to bývajú slivky, ringlóty, broskyne a marhule, dá sa však použiť aj exotické mango, pomaranč alebo banán.“ Čatní sa ochucuje hrozienkami, cibuľou, cesnakom, octom a rôznymi druhmi korenia. Najpoužívanejším korením je zázvor, muškátový kvet a škorica.

Grilovaná zelenina s uhorkovo - mätovou salsou a baklažánovým pyré

P O T R E  U J E T E: 1/2 strednej cukiny, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 1 paradajka, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 3 – 4 väčšie šampiňóny, 5 ks špargle, 1 uhorka, 1 strúčik cesnaku,štipka cukru, nasekaný tymián, šťava z citróna, olivový olej, soľ, korenie, 1 lyžica bieleho jogurtu, 1 čajová lyžička medu, čerstvá mäta, 2 ks baklažánu, 2 lyžice smotany na šľahanie

P O S T U P: Cukinu nakrájame na 0,5 cm plátky, papriku na väčšie štvorce, ktoré zbavíme kompletne bielej vnútornej dužiny. Vykrojíme zelenú vrchnú časť na stredne veľkej paradajke a prekrojíme ju na polovicu. Šampiňóny očistíme od stopky a pokvapkáme citrónovou šťavou aby pri grilovaní veľmi nezhnedli. Na špargli odkrojíme drevité časti. Všetku zeleninu pokvapkáme trochou olivového oleja, pridáme nasekaný tymián, soľ, korenie, štipku cukru a trochu pretlačeného cesnaku. Rozložíme na stredne rozpálený gril, priebežne otáčame a grilujeme dovtedy, aby  zelenina po odobratí z grilu stále držala tvar a veľmi nezmäkla

Príloha 1: Uhorkovo – mätová salsa
Očistíme jednu uhorku a odstránime z nej stred. Pokrájame na malé kocky, pridáme biely jogurt, med, soľ, korenie a nakoniec nasekanú mätu. 

Príloha 2: Baklažánové pyré
Pozdĺžne rozkrojíme baklažany, ich vnútro narežeme na mriežku, posolíme, okoreníme, pokvapkáme olivovým olejom a zabalíme oproti sebe do hliníkovej fólie. Dáme piecť do pahreby a pečieme až kým nebudú úplne mäkké. Potom lyžicou vyškriabeme vnútro a rozmixujeme so smotanou na šľahanie. Ochutíme ešte cesnakom, citrónovou šťavou a prípadne aj soľou a korením.

Foto: Reštaurácia Signature hotela Mercure Bratislava Centrum

Grilovaný oštiepok s balzamikovým sirupom a pomarančovým čatní

P O T R E  U J E T E: 350g údeného oštiepka, 50 g hladkej múky, 1 dcl balzamikového octu, 3 ks papriky rôznych farieb, 170 g hnedého cukru, 1 lyžica medu, 5 pomarančov, bobkový list, nové korenie, celá škorica, šťava z limetky, postrúhaná kôra z 1 citróna

P O S T U P: Oštiepok si nakrájame na asi 0,5 cm kúsky a grilujeme na rozpálenom grile asi 15 - 20 sekúnd z každej strany. Aby sa nám plátky neprilepili, môžeme ich predtým trochu vyváľať v hladkej múke alebo zemiakovom škrobe.

Príloha 1: Balzamikový sirup
Uvaríme balzamikový ocot s medom, hnedým cukrom, bobkovým listom, novým korením a kôrou z citróna. Necháme odpariť na hustú konzistenciu.

Príloha 2: Pomarančové čatní
Rozkrájame na tenké pásiky kôru aj s dužinou z umytých a vyžmýkaných pomarančov. Pridáme kúsok celej škorice, 150 g hnedého cukru, podlejeme vodou a varíme, kým kôra úplne nezmäkne. Pritom stále podlievame vodou. Zaberie to pomerne dlhšiu dobu, asi 3 – 4 hodiny, je dobré pripraviť si ho vopred. Keď je kôra úplne rozvarená, dochutíme ešte trochou limetkovej šťavy.

Dobrú chuť!

8759 komentárov

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  • Komentár Mouse - hon %AM, %25 %170 %2024 %03:%nov napísal Mouse - hon

    O Jogo do Ratinho e Fortune Mouse: Orientacao Completo para Tirar Proveito do Experiencias de Jogo

    Ao longo dos passados periodos, o setor de jogos virtuais tem experimentado um aumento significativo, envolvendo um grande numero de usuarios que buscam entretenimento e, ocasionalmente, a oportunidade de ganhar lucros em dinheiro. Dentre as alternativas de games que vem atraindo consideravel fama, destacam-se o fortune mouse demo e o Fortuna do Rato, ambos disponibilizados em varias plataformas de jogo. Esses jogos oferecem mais do que diversao, mas tambem a possibilidade de obter recompensas para aqueles que tem habilidade, calma e uma parte de fortuna. Abaixo, abordaremos as caracteristicas mais importantes elementos desses games, compreendendo suas mecanicas, os momentos ideais para jogar, orientacoes para experimentar as versoes demo e taticas para aumentar as chances de vitoria.

    O Jogo do Ratinho e popular por sua disponibilidade e por proporcionar uma jogabilidade que integra fortuna e estrategia. Esse jogo ficou especialmente amado entre os jogadores que desejam um entretenimento agil e agradavel, mas que tambem pode trazer a possibilidade de obter algum dinheiro. Para quem e novo no jogo pela primeira oportunidade, e altamente recomendavel comecar pela versao versao demo do jogo do ratinho. A versao de demonstracao e uma opcao sem custo que possibilita conhecer o game, aprender as diretrizes, compreender a dinamica e ate mesmo elaborar taticas sem a necessidade de gastar dinheiro. Isso e particularmente vantajoso para aqueles que estao comecando, que podem conhecer com o jogo antes de passar para as apostas com dinheiro real. A versao demo tambem serve bem para aqueles com mais pratica, pois permite a criacao e o teste de novas abordagens para melhorar as probabilidades de ganho.

    Para aqueles que se acham preparados em sua capacidade de vencer, existe o jogo do ratinho com premios em dinheiro, onde o usuario pode investir e, a partir de sua habilidade e da sorte, adquirir lucros. E fundamental, no entanto, jogar de forma consciente ao apostar, lembrando que o intuito inicial do game e o lazer. Alem disso, uma orientacao util e estabelecer um limite e seguir fielmente, evitando apostar mais do que se pode perder.

    Uma das duvidas que frequentemente surge entre os jogadores e qual o melhor horario para jogar o jogo do ratinho. Muitos acreditam que, tal como ocorre em jogos de apostas ou em alternativas de apostas, existe um horario mais propicio para jogar. Em modo geral, esse tipo de estrategia envolve jogar em horarios de menor movimento na plataforma, como na madrugada ou nas primeiras horas do dia. A razao por detras disso e que, em horarios de menor concorrencia, o funcionamento parece mais propenso a dar vitorias para preservar o interesse dos usuarios ativos. Embora nao seja um fato confirmado, e o desfecho das partidas muitas vezes seja aleatorio, muitos jogadores tem experiencias de exito em momentos de menor movimento.

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    O Jogo do Ratinho Online traz uma boa possibilidade para aqueles que gostam de jogar com facilidade e sem complicacoes. Diferente dos jogos de cassino tradicionais, que exigem presenca fisica, o Jogo do Ratinho pode ser jogado em qualquer momento, e varias plataformas oferecem ate mesmo promocoes e eventos que podem melhorar as chances de vitoria. Dentro dessa opcao, encontra-se a possibilidade de jogar de forma gratuita, excelente para quem joga por lazer ou para aqueles que ainda estao aprendendo sobre o jogo. Essa versao gratis permite um jogo sem riscos, onde o jogador nao corre riscos financeiros, podendo treinar e curtir sem comprometer o orcamento.

    Para aqueles que buscam uma experiencia de aposta mais intensa, o game do ratinho com aposta permite ao jogador apostar valores reais, com a possibilidade de aumentar o valor investido. Embora essa modalidade seja empolgante, e importante agir com cautela, pois as apostas trazem perigos. Muitos jogadores aconselham iniciar com quantias menores e ir subindo aos poucos, a medida que se adquire mais habilidade e seguranca. O fundamental e lembrar que a sorte tem um papel significativo no Jogo do Ratinho, e as apostas devem ser feitas com cautela e responsabilidade.

  • Komentár Tyson-Usyk fs %AM, %25 %156 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Tyson-Usyk fs

    Усик, володіючи званнями володаря титулів усіх основних організацій виявив свою майстерність в якості один з найяскравіших боксерських зірок, що коли-небудь змагалися на світ боксу.

    Бій александр усик планувався до попереднього сезону, однак численні умови, серед яких травми разом з всі зобов'язання кожного суперників забезпечили перенесення.
    Цей спортсмен техніка пружність разом план в контексті бою заробили йому авторитет не лише в нашій країні, але і водночас всі підмостках.

    З іншого боку Тайсон Фьюри заслужений своєю привертанням уваги плюс першою позначкою. Обидва суперники — лідери в історії боксерському світі, отже свої суперництво може бути епічною.

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    Олександр Усик-Лев взагалі підготовку, та покращення функціональних навичок, з метою втримувати у найсильнішою стадією своєї особистості.

    Тайсон проте завершував сильну тренування, з метою продовжити свою непереможну статистику по світі боксу. Ф'юрі неодноразово намагається у психологічному аспекті методах, з метою забезпечити психологічну перевагу перед суперником.

    Усик-Лев усвідомлює цю психологічну перевагу може останням чинником в ході бою.

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    Игра Авиатор для Азартного Вдохновения и Значительных Побед.

    В том случае, если стремитесь найти азартную игру, которая обеспечит много шансов и шансы на значительный выигрыш, то Авиатор игра – это то, что нужно.

    Что Такое Игра Авиатор?
    авиатор казино – это классная краш игра, где ваш успех и победа зависят от интуиции и скорости и удачи и интуиции. Игра заключается в том, что вы делаете ставку и смотрите на самолет, который взлетает.

    Как Управлять Игрой Авиатор? Играть в игру Авиатор не вызывает трудностей. Вот первые шаги, которые помогут вам начать играть:

    Определите Ставку: Введите сумму, которую готовы ставить. Помните, что всегда ставьте с умом.

    Смотрите за Взлетом Самолета: После того как ставка установлена, на экране появится самолет, который начнет набирать высоту. Ваш множитель будет расти. Забирайте Ваши средства: В любой момент, пока самолет взлетает, вы можете забрать средства. Сделайте Новую Ставку: После завершения раунда вы можете сделать новую ставку и продолжить игру.

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    Что Привлекает в Игре Авиатор?

    Увлекательный Геймплей: В Авиаторе каждый момент полон эмоций. Легкость и Удобство: Игра легко освоить. Шансы на Победу: Возможности для крупных выигрышей зависят от вашего подхода и интуиции. Взаимодействие в Реальном Времени: В игре Авиатор процесс идет в реальном времени.

    Следите за Рисковыми Моментами: В игре Авиатор важно контролировать риски и выигрыши.

    Наблюдайте за Изменением Множителя: Анализируйте, как ведет себя множитель в раундах.

    Воспользуйтесь Бонусами: Воспользуйтесь бонусах и акциях, чтобы увеличить выигрышные шансы.

  • Komentár Plinko - Awaws %AM, %25 %125 %2024 %02:%nov napísal Plinko - Awaws

    Plinko online game is a popular game that has attracted immense popularity in recent years, especially within the digital gaming and casino groups. Evolving from the traditional game show format, the Plinko game has evolved into a dynamic and thrilling experience that attracts both occasional players and those seeking to earn real money online. The fundamentals of the Plinko app are deceptively simple, yet highly engaging, solidifying its place in many internet casinos and gaming platforms.

    At its essence, lucky plinko is centered on releasing a ball into a grid filled with spikes or objects. The disk travels across the grid, bouncing unpredictably off the pins before falling in one of several compartments at the end. Each slot indicates a different payout or award, incorporating luck into the game that entices gamers to continue playing. The total randomness of the Plinko online game is what makes it exciting, making every drop unpredictable.

    One of the key reasons why the Plinko casino game is widely played is the convenience with which participants can enjoy it. Today, you can conveniently play a online version of Plinko, giving you the chance to play from the comfort of your home or while mobile. Online versions of Plinko casino typically provide a variety of features and customizations that elevate the overall gameplay, from different themes to special rounds. Additionally, gamers can select from playing a Plinko demo for free or engaging in a Plinko game real money version, depending on their preferences.

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    One of the key draws of online Plinko is the wide range of possibilities available to users. Whether you're eager to gamble with a free Plinko game, or you're ready to jump in and earn money with Plinko, there’s a version that suits your needs. The demo of Plinko is perfect for understanding how the game works without the need for financial investment. Gamers can enjoy the Plinko trial to understand the game’s principles, before deciding to move on to the real-money version.

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    If you're eager to start your Plinko journey, there are many options to access the game. You can look for the Plinko app download, or navigate to an betting platform that features Plinko. Downloading Plinko is fast and simple, and you’ll be ready for action in no time. Whether you’re after a casual gaming experience or hoping to win some money, Plinko is the ideal game for anyone.

  • Komentár Tiger - hon %AM, %25 %093 %2024 %01:%nov napísal Tiger - hon

    Jogo do Tigrinho e uma plataforma de apostas virtuais que se destaca pelo seu apelo por sua combinacao de diversao e oportunidades de lucro. Com tematica centrada na imagem do tigre, que representa sorte,
    tigrinho site possui graficos vibrantes e uma interface simples de entender.

    Dicas para Maximizar os Lucros no Tigrinho

    O atrativo principal do jogo e a chance de premios elevados com rodadas breves. Com cada aposta, o jogador tem uma chance real de lucro significativo.

    Muitos jogadores aplicam estrategias especificas para aumentar as chances de lucro. Uma das taticas mais comuns e a aposta progressiva. O jogador vai aumentando as apostas progressivamente, comecando com valores baixos.

    Apostadores habilidosos sabem escolher os momentos estrategicos para realizar suas apostas. E fundamental estar atento aos minutos pagantes do jogo. Identificar os minutos mais rentaveis exige pratica, mas e uma habilidade essencial para os apostadores.

    Plataforma Fortune Tiger: Funcionalidades e Vantagens

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    Este jogo se destaca por ser acessivel e cheio de oportunidades de lucro. A plataforma Fortune Tiger e uma excelente escolha para quem busca diversao e lucro.

  • Komentár Tyson-Usyk k8 %AM, %25 %084 %2024 %01:%nov napísal Tyson-Usyk k8

    The bout between Usyk and Fury is likely to be one of the most anticipated battles in recent memory, and fans from all over are thrilled to see these two champions go head-to-head for the title.

    What is it about the Usyk–Fury fight that has captured so much interest?

    Both fighters possess exceptional fighting styles and impressive achievements, making this upcoming fight especially exciting for boxing fans. Usyk’s speed, endurance, and skill go up against Fury’s strength, adaptability, and tenacity, offering fans a spectacular contrast of styles and strategies in the fight.

    Where will the fury vs usyk date and time? The Usyk–Fury match is likely to be held in a major arena, to accommodate the maximum number of spectators.

    What to expect from the Usyk–Fury fight?

    The Usyk–Fury bout promises to be a significant event in boxing, because both fighters are known for their skills and many accomplishments. This meeting will be a display of strength, tactics, and speed, where each fighter will showcase their best qualities.

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    How will the Usyk–Fury fight influence boxing history?

    This encounter between Usyk and Fury transcends a typical title defense, it stands as a symbolic contest between two highly skilled fighters, each with their own remarkable abilities. Many experts feel that this fight’s outcome will play a crucial role in the legacies of each boxer, given that both Usyk and Fury are already well-known and respected in boxing.

  • Komentár Plinko - Awaws %AM, %25 %073 %2024 %00:%nov napísal Plinko - Awaws

    Plinko online game is a captivating game that has drawn great interest in recent years, notably among the digital gaming and betting circles. Evolving from the original game show concept, the Plinko game has developed into a dynamic and exciting game that appeals to both amateur players and those looking to win real cash online. The fundamentals of the Plinko game are deceptively simple, yet immensely enjoyable, establishing it as a key game in many online casinos and gaming platforms.

    At its essence, plinko app involves dropping a puck into a field filled with spikes or barriers. The sphere makes its way across the grid, ricocheting without a set path off the pegs before landing in one of several slots at the bottom. Each slot indicates a different prize or award, adding an element of chance that keeps players coming back. The total randomness of the Plinko online game is central to its appeal, allowing for varied outcomes with each drop.

    One of the reasons why the Plinko casino game has become so widespread is the accessibility with which players can get started. Today, you can easily find a Plinko game online, allowing you to play from the ease of your residence or on the go. Internet versions of Plinko usually offer a variety of options and modifications that elevate the gaming experience, from different designs to additional features. Additionally, gamers can choose between testing a Plinko demo or jumping into a Plinko game real money version, depending on what they seek.

    For those looking to earn some extra cash, the Plinko online game for cash variant is a exciting way to try your fortune. Many web casinos now offer Plinko for money opportunities that allow players to win real money based on where the ball drops. The potential earnings are variable, with some platforms providing modest payouts while others offer significant jackpots, making the game both accessible and potentially rewarding. If you're keen to try your hand at real-money Plinko, it's as straightforward as finding a reliable Plinko download or finding a trusted online casino that provides the Plinko gambling option.

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    One of the main features of Plinko online game is the multiple variants it offers. Whether you're eager to gamble with a Plinko free demo, or you're ready to play for real and play Plinko to earn real money, there are games for all preferences. The Plinko trial version is a fantastic introduction to the mechanics of Plinko without spending real money. Players can test the Plinko trial to understand the game’s principles, and then decide to move on to the real-money version.

    For those seeking to play for real money, Plinko for real cash variants are available across a range of digital gambling sites and web-based casinos. These money-earning Plinko versions allow gamers the possibility to earn actual money based on their gameplay. The thrill of playing Plinko for real money is enhanced by the rewards that are available, certain payouts reaching large sums, making the game truly rewarding.

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    For anyone interested to get started, there are many options to find Plinko. You can download the Plinko app download, or head over to an internet casino that has Plinko available. Getting the Plinko download is fast and simple, and you’ll be ready for action in no time. Whether you’re looking for some light entertainment or interested in real-money gaming, Plinko app is the ideal game for anyone.

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    The fireplace often serves as the heart of a home, creating a warm
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    #### The History of Mantel Clocks
    Mantel clocks, also known as shelf clocks, originated in the 18th century
    as compact timepieces designed to sit atop a fireplace mantel.

    These clocks became popular in European homes for their elegance and practicality.
    Crafted from materials like wood, brass, and porcelain,
    they often featured intricate details, showcasing the craftsmanship of their era.

    #### Why Choose a Mantel Clock for Your Fireplace?
    1. **Aesthetic Appeal**: Mantel clocks come in a variety of designs, from
    traditional to modern, making them a versatile decorative
    piece for any home style.
    2. **Functional Elegance**: Beyond telling time, these clocks add a touch of sophistication to your living space.

    3. **Conversation Starter**: A unique or antique mantel
    clock can spark interest and become a cherished focal
    4. **Balance and Proportion**: Placing a clock on your fireplace
    mantel adds balance to the overall decor, tying the room together.

    #### Types of Mantel Clocks
    1. **Traditional Mantel Clocks**: Featuring ornate carvings and classic Roman numerals, these are ideal
    for vintage or classic interiors.
    2. **Modern Mantel Clocks**: With sleek lines
    and minimalist designs, they suit contemporary homes.
    3. **Chiming Mantel Clocks**: These clocks produce melodic
    chimes, adding an auditory charm to their visual appeal.

    4. **Antique Mantel Clocks**: Perfect for collectors, these clocks are rich in history and craftsmanship.

    #### Choosing the Perfect Mantel Clock
    When selecting a mantel clock for your fireplace, consider the
    - **Size**: Ensure the clock fits proportionally on your mantel without overwhelming the space.

    - **Material**: Match the clock’s material to other elements in the
    room, such as wood, metal, or ceramic.
    - **Mechanism**: Choose between mechanical, quartz, or battery-operated clocks based on your preferences.

    - **Style**: Select a design that complements your room’s decor, whether it’s rustic, modern, or traditional.

    #### Care and Maintenance of Mantel Clocks
    To keep your mantel clock in top condition:
    - **Regular Cleaning**: Dust the clock regularly using a soft, dry cloth.

    - **Winding**: If you own a mechanical clock, wind
    it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    - **Professional Servicing**: For antique clocks, seek professional maintenance to
    preserve their intricate mechanisms.
    - **Placement**: Avoid placing the clock in direct sunlight or near extreme heat to prevent damage.

    #### Where to Find Mantel Clocks
    Mantel clocks are available in:
    - **Antique Stores**: For vintage and unique pieces with historical value.

    - **Home Decor Shops**: Offering a wide range of modern and traditional styles.

    - **Online Marketplaces**: Providing convenience and variety at competitive prices.

    #### Conclusion
    A mantel clock is more than just a timepiece; it’s a statement of style and elegance.
    Whether you prefer a modern design or an antique treasure, these clocks
    can elevate the look of your fireplace and your home.
    With the right choice, a mantel clock can become a cherished heirloom, adding timeless
    beauty and charm to your living space.

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