Tekuté zlato prírody

Napísal Katarína Winklerová 11. február 2025

Včely majú neoceniteľný význam pre naše životné prostredie. Od ich práce – opeľovania, závisí až 75 % našich plodín. Bez týchto malých pracovitých hrdinov by sa značne znížila úroda mnohých základných potravín. Aj to je jeden z dôvodov, prečo je ich ochrana nevyhnutná.


V Lidli nájdete med od včelárov, ktorí sú ich strážcami. Okrem toho, podporujú udržateľné hospodárstvo.

Ľudia sa často vyhýbajú včelám z viacerých dôvodov. Kvôli ich žihadlu, ktoré môže vyvolať alergickú reakciu, v extrémnych prípadoch môže byť aj smrteľné. Často sú však označované ako nežiaduce spoločníčky pri stolovaní vonku. Tento hmyz zabezpečuje v prírode akýsi balans. V posledných rokoch však v niektorých oblastiach dochádza k alarmujúcemu poklesu ich početnosti. Príčinou je zmena počasia, používanie pesticídov či straty biotopov. „Nie je žiadnou novinkou, že biodiverzitu v súčasnosti zásadne ohrozujú niektoré poľnohospodárske postupy. Ako spoločnosť preto preberáme zodpovednosť nielen u nás, ale aj u našich dodávateľov. Rôznorodosť ohrozených živočíšnych a rastlinných druhov a biotopov môžeme zachovať spôsobom, akým ich získavame, spracúvame a ponúkame,“  uviedol vedúci úseku komunikácie Lidl Slovenská republika, Tomáš Bezák.

Úspechy Lidl včelníc

Lidl kontinuálne usiluje o ochranu včiel a ich životného prostredia prostredníctvom svojich aktivít a CSR projektov. Už niekoľko rokov spolupracuje s projektom Včelí kRaj z Liešnice, ktorý pomohol umiestniť včelnice pri troch logistických centrách reťazca a teraz už starej slovenskej centrály v Ružinove. „Včelám sa v týchto lokalitách darí. S ich chovom nemáme vôbec žiadne problémy. Dobré je to aj po zdravotnej stránke. Med, ktorý sa doteraz podarilo vytočiť spoločnosť využíva ako milú pozornosť či už pre svojich partnerov, alebo čiastočne pre zamestnancov,“ uviedol včelár a zakladateľ projektu Včelí kRaj, David Turčáni. 

Okrem toho, diskontný reťazec zabezpečil hmyzie domčeky pre samotárske včely a iný hmyz. Tie sú umiestnené pri viac ako 37 predajniach a doplnené o informačné tabule, ktoré vysvetľujú biodiverzitu a význam včiel.

Zázračná sila medu

Podľa odborníka Turčániho, je med prírodným zázrakom s mnohými zdravotnými benefitmi. Ako prírodný antioxidant chráni telové bunky, podporuje imunitný systém a pôsobí protizápalovo. Účinky na seba pri jeho pravidelnej konzumácii nenechajú dlho čakať. Najlepšie, ak si ho naordinujete hneď ráno. Či už samotný na lyžičke, alebo zmiešaný s vodou, prípadne s vychladeným čajom. Dôležité je vyhnúť sa jeho tepelnej úprave, aby si zachoval svoje cenné vlastnosti. Okrem iného, med pomáha tráveniu, zlepšuje spánok a prispieva k prevencii chorôb. Nepomáha však len zvnútra – svoje miesto má aj pri liečení popálenín a rán. V kombinácii s ďalšími včelími produktami, ako sú peľ, propolis alebo perga, je jednoducho prospešný pre naše zdravie a imunitný systém.  Príjemným bonusom je jeho sladká chuť.

Pre sladšiu budúcnosť

Každý z nás môže prispieť k ochrane včiel a ich prirodzeného prostredia. Ako?

1.     Obmedziť používanie chemických postrekov

2.     Vytvoriť zdroj vody pre opeľovače

3.     Podporiť miestnych včelárov

Turčáni tiež zdôraznil, že neopomenuteľná je i výsadba rastlín, ktoré poskytujú nektár a peľ. „Či už je to kvetináč na okne jednoizbového bytu v meste, malá komunitná záhradka alebo rozľahlý sad, každý kvet sa počíta. Ak včely a iné opeľovače dnes od nás niečo potrebujú, je to práve kvitnúca krajina. V rámci situácie s biodiverzitou by som dal do pozornosti napríklad veľmi pozitívny trend v Európskej únii, ktorým sú biopásy v poľnohospodárskej krajine. Ukázalo sa, že majú pozitívny vplyv nielen na včely a ďalšie opeľovače, ale aj na ďalšie živočíchy, napríklad vtáky,“ zhodnotil.

Vitamínová bomba 

Obľúbený diskontný reťazec Lidl už dlhé roky spolupracuje so slovenskými dodávateľmi a zameriava sa na kvalitné lokálne produkty. Med kvetový, získaný od overených včelárov, osloví každého, kto hľadá prírodnú sladkosť s výnimočnou chuťou. Spolu s čerstvými citrónmi, nabitými vitamínom C, tvoria skvelú kombináciu, ktorú oceníte nielen v zime, ale aj počas roka.

Vedeli ste, že:

  • Hoci každý med je vo všeobecnosti veľmi zdravý, predsa len sú medzi nimi typy, ktoré sú bohatšie na antioxidanty a celkovú biologickú aktivitu – v celosvetovom meradle hovoríme o manukovom mede, na Slovensku a v Európe o medovicovom mede z jedle.
  • Je ideálnou voľbou namiesto „bieleho jedu“ – rafinovaného cukru.
  • Čím je med „mladší“, tým viac sa prejavujú jeho zdravotné benefity.
  • Vďaka vysokému množstvu prírodných cukrov je med sám sebe konzervantom.
  • Aj keď sa med nekazí, jeho biologická aktivita časom slabne. Odporúčanie odborníka Turčániho preto je – zjesť ho do jedného roka.

Zdroj foto: Freepik

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    This demands a well-conditioned athlete who can keep going at excessive intensity
    levels throughout the competition. Earlier Than we delve into the variety of groups from every region, let’s have
    a fast overview of how CrossFit group competitions work.

    In a staff competition, a group of athletes competes together to complete a collection of
    workouts. These exercises check various aspects of health,
    together with power, endurance, agility, and more.
    When it involves CrossFit competitions, one of the most exciting occasions is the CrossFit Regionals.

    Whether it’s engaged on weaknesses or specializing in particular expertise, ensure every training session has
    a objective. The CrossFit Regionals have been round
    since 2009 and have advanced into a extremely aggressive
    and intense event. Initially, there have been only nine areas however as the sport has grown in popularity,
    more areas have been added. As of 2019, there are now 18 regions with
    hundreds of athletes competing for a spot at the CrossFit Video Games.
    One widespread query among CrossFit fanatics is how many
    athletes qualify from every area to compete on the
    CrossFit Video Games.
    In some extremely competitive areas, only a handful of athletes may make the cut, whereas in others, the quantity might be
    significantly larger. It is important to understand the specific qualification criteria in your area to increase your probabilities
    of securing a spot. Resting before a CrossFit competitors is crucial
    for optimum efficiency. The number of rest days you must take will rely in your particular person training program and recovery wants.
    The quantity of folks that qualify for the CrossFit Regionals
    varies relying on the region and the specific class.
    Usually, the top athletes from every region, decided by way
    of the CrossFit Open, transfer on to compete within the Regionals.
    The exact variety of qualifiers can range from a
    couple of people to several dozen, relying on the dimensions and
    competitiveness of the area.
    Qualifying for CrossFit Regionals is a difficult and rewarding accomplishment.
    It takes a mixture of bodily fitness, psychological toughness, and dedication to coaching.
    Once the Open is completed, the top opponents from each
    area transfer on to the next stage – The Web Qualifier (for individuals)
    or Regional Online Qualifiers (for teams).
    This stage consists of a quantity of exercises that have to be completed within a
    specified time-frame and submitted online for scoring. Participating in the CrossFit Open is an thrilling
    alternative for athletes to showcase their abilities and
    compete towards others from all over the world. For many, the final word goal
    is to qualify for the CrossFit Regionals, the place the
    competitors intensifies and the prospect to safe a spot in the CrossFit Video Games turns into a actuality.
    In this article, we will explore the qualification course of
    for the CrossFit Open and provide useful insights on securing your spot in the Regionals.

    It takes a novel mixture of skill, dedication, and strategy to make it to Regionals,
    and on this article, we’ll dive into the necessities and strategy of qualifying.
    Whether you’re a seasoned CrossFit athlete or just getting started, understanding the road to Regionals can provide you a new
    level of motivation and inspiration for your health journey.

    So let’s lace up our Nanos and get ready to discover tips on how to qualify for CrossFit Regionals.
    Inside each region, there are a quantity of training zones the place athletes can compete.
    These training zones are typically positioned
    in main cities or metropolitan areas inside each state.

    No video shall be accepted after April 7, and we encourage athletes to submit video
    as quickly as potential. Full directions and a submission link might be despatched to the highest 60 via e-mail.
    After releasing all individual occasions for Day 1 and Day
    2 of the 2013 CrossFit Regionals, HQ has now unveiled the full occasion schedule for this
    year’s competition. Just like final 12 months, Saturday’s schedule will embrace two occasions for both the male and female rivals.
    Once you've efficiently qualified for the CrossFit Regionals, the next part is the CrossFit Semifinals.
    This stage further narrows down the sphere, with solely a select variety of athletes advancing to the final stage,
    the CrossFit Video Games. In 2021, the CrossFit Open had an unprecedented variety of individuals.

    This final information will help you navigate by way of
    the competitors with ease. CrossFit Regionals could return as continental competitions,
    CrossFit Video Games director Dave Castro has hinted. One of the recent developments in the CrossFit Regionals is the sudden departure of Mal O’Brien, a prominent athlete locally.

    What is the Crossfit Open and the way does it relate to Regionals qualification? The Crossfit
    Open is an internet competition held yearly by Crossfit HQ.

    It consists of 5 exercises over five weeks, and your scores determine
    your rating amongst all participants. In order to qualify for Regionals, you must
    achieve a high sufficient rating in the Open. To be eligible for CrossFit Regionals, athletes should be no less than 18 years old by the start of the competition.
    They must additionally meet the movement requirements set by CrossFit and complete all the required
    workouts within the specified time frames. Additionally, athletes must adjust
    to the CrossFit Video Games drug testing policy.
    One of the methods to qualify for the celebrated Crossfit Games is through participation in Crossfit Regionals.

    These regional events are intermediate competitions that bridge the gap between native competitions and the Crossfit Video Games.
    In this text, we will dive into how athletes can qualify for these regional events and
    what it takes to make it to the highest.
    The number of athletes advancing from the Open to the Quarterfinals
    can vary primarily based on the total number of individuals.
    In the past, the CrossFit Open served as a direct pathway to the CrossFit Regionals.
    The prime athletes from every area, primarily based
    on their rankings in the Open, would advance to the subsequent stage of competitors.
    Remember, correct relaxation and recovery are just as necessary
    as training onerous. Pay Attention to your physique, consult along with your coach, and make sure you’re giving your self the time you have to carry out at your finest.

    MVP Area is configurable such that seating capability can vary between 6,000 to 17,500 people.
    Nonetheless, for sporting events the utmost seating capacity is 15,500.
    Youngsters 12 and beneath are admitted free of cost with
    a ticketed adult.
    Each region's Twitter web page will concern play-by-play,
    rating updates and other important info near real time. Come to Games.CrossFit.com for full regional protection each Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    The yellow line connecting the four services is definitely a completely enclosed walkway
    that enables attendees to maneuver between venues no matter season. Between this and listening
    to that the roads around MVP Area are generally closed for big occasions, it may make moving between venues relatively simple.
    A look into the final 5 weeks of Regional competitors in 17 areas
    internationally. The high 60 particular person opponents should
    submit video of Open Exercise 14.4.
    Athletes should qualify by way of native competitions before incomes the opportunity to compete in their respective training zones.

    When it involves CrossFit, the regional competitions play a
    crucial role in determining the athletes who will transfer on to the distinguished CrossFit Video Games.
    Understanding the breakdown of those CrossFit regions is crucial for both athletes and
    followers alike. CrossFit has gained immense recognition in recent times, attracting health lovers from
    all walks of life. One of probably the most exciting and difficult aspects of CrossFit
    is the competitive factor, where athletes showcase their
    skills and talents in numerous competitions. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of CrossFit Regionals, providing you with
    a comprehensive information to understanding this thrilling occasion. The CrossFit Regionals are
    the subsequent step for athletes who efficiently
    complete the CrossFit Open.
    Only those that can stay focused under strain will have an opportunity at
    qualifying for the CrossFit Video Games. For novices seeking to enterprise into the world of CrossFit competitions,
    it's important to grasp the construction and requirements of those events.

    The CrossFit Competitions for Beginners 2023 information supplies a complete overview of what to expect, how to put together,
    and ideas for fulfillment in your first competitors. As
    such, the MVP Area will host the fittest athletes from around the
    world for three days from August 1-3. CrossFit held the East Regionals at
    MVP Arena (then it was referred to as Instances Union Center)
    years in the past so there is history there, however
    I wished to be taught more about the new house of
    the Games.
    Every Regional athlete will obtain one complimentary three-day pass; Teams will
    receive 4 (one per athlete). The second-round invitees could have two days
    to determine whether or not to just accept their individual invite—April 12-14.
    The competition at Regionals gets fiercer every
    year, while the fan experience keeps getting better. This 12 months, expect the stands at
    each Regional to be full of a few thousand CrossFit fans.

    CrossFit Regionals is an annual competition that brings together
    elite athletes from all over the world to compete for a spot within the CrossFit Video Games.

    It serves as a qualifying occasion where athletes showcase
    their expertise, endurance, and power through a collection of
    intense workouts. Crossfit is a high-intensity health program that has gained immense popularity
    lately. This program focuses on useful actions performed at a excessive
    depth degree, and goals to improve general physical health and strength.
    Crossfit competitions take place at varied ranges,
    together with native, nationwide, and worldwide occasions.
    Amongst these competitions are the Crossfit Video Games, which
    serve as the last word check of health for athletes worldwide.

    It takes a well-rounded athlete who can excel in multiple aspects of fitness.
    The high rivals not solely have spectacular numbers on their lifts and
    workouts, however additionally they possess skills such as gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting, and high-level cardiovascular endurance.

    To qualify for CrossFit Regionals, athletes must first go through the CrossFit Video Games
    Open, which is a worldwide online competition. The high athletes from each region, primarily based on their performance
    in the Open, earn a spot to compete in CrossFit Regionals.

    The variety of athletes to qualify from each region varies from 10 to 30 (20 for all U.S.
    regions). Athletes will begin Sunday morning
    with a gruelling chipper workout together with double-unders,
    handstand push-ups, toes-to-bar, shoulder-to-overhead with an axle bar and strolling lunge.

    If you’re questioning who qualifies for CrossFit Regionals and the way the qualification process works, you’ve come to the
    proper place. In this final information,
    we will clarify the standards and eligibility
    necessities for taking part in CrossFit Regionals.
    Crossfit Regionals is a regional-level competitors where the highest athletes compete for a
    chance to advance to the annual Crossfit Video Games.
    To qualify, you should first take part in and rank high sufficient within the on-line Crossfit Open competition. These workouts are rigorously designed to check the athletes’ power,
    endurance, and overall fitness.
    What are the requirements for participating within the Crossfit
    Open? Anyone can take part within the Crossfit Open so long as they are a minimum of 14 years old.

    You additionally do not must be a Crossfit affiliate health club member or have any
    prior experience with aggressive fitness. Qualifying for CrossFit Regionals is not a simple feat,
    but it's an incredibly rewarding expertise for people who make it.

    The journey in direction of Regionals requires onerous work, dedication, resilience, and
    psychological toughness. Mental toughness comes from constant training, setting targets, pushing past limits, studying from failures, staying optimistic, and having confidence in oneself.
    Many athletes seek help from a diet coach to create a
    personalised plan that meets their specific
    These competitions deliver collectively the top athletes from different regions to
    battle it out for a chance to compete in the CrossFit Video Games.
    As for the upcoming 2023 CrossFit Semifinals, it is challenging to provide specific numbers relating to the qualifying individuals presently.
    CrossFit Inc. typically releases detailed information closer to the event,
    outlining the variety of advancing athletes
    per area. It can also be important to have a optimistic mindset and mental toughness so as to push by way of the grueling workouts in the course of the competitors.

    Adaptive athletes from three divisions shall be invited to compete on the 2021 NOBULL CrossFit
    Video Games. There’s a purpose CrossFit athletes log workouts — and it’s not (just) to post them on social media.
    From there, the top 30 men and 30 girls rose to
    the problem and competed in a virtual competitors to earn their place in the finale.
    The final 5 in every division fought to prove themselves the Fittest on Earth.

    In the Teams division, all exercises are variations of the Individual

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