Ráno sa počíta každá minúta: Dokonale upravené vlasy raz dva

Napísal Jana Naščáková 12. november 2024

Každá z nás veľmi dobre pozná hektické rána, kedy máme na úpravu vlasov naozaj málo času a kedy je každá minúta drahá. Aby sme vám pomohli zvládnuť takéto situácie rýchle, efektívne ale aj štýlovo, prinášame niekoľko jednoduchých a praktických tipov, ako si upraviť vlasy za pár minút!


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1. Najrýchlejšia klasika: cop s objemom

Pre rýchlu a elegantnú úpravu vlasov je objemný cop ideálnou voľbou. Tento klasický účes zvládnete behom chvíľky, pričom výsledok vyzerá veľmi upravene. Stačí jemne natupírovať korienky na temene hlavy a použiť suchý šampón alebo fixačný sprej – tým docielite väčšieho objemu a dlhotrvajúceho účinku. Cop umiestnite do strednej výšky na zadnej časti hlavy a obmotajte prameň vlasov okolo gumičky, aby nebola vidieť. Vytiahnuť si tiež môžete pár predných prameňov pre zjemnenie celého účesu. Nakoniec zafixujte účes lakom na vlasy, aby vydržal celý deň. Cop sa hodí jak na formálne udalosti, tak aj na bežný deň, kedy potrebujete vyzerať dobre s minimálnym úsilím.

2. Valček na vlny bez použitia tepla

Ak si prajete nádherné vlny, ale nechcete svoje vlasy zaťažovať teplom, vyskúšajte valček na vlny. Tento trik je ideálny, ak máte ráno naozaj len pár minút. Večer si umyte vlasy, použite tužidlo a nechajte ich vyschnúť tak, aby boli trošku vlhké. Následne ich namotajte na valček. Ráno len stačí vlasy rozmotať, ľahko ich prečesať prstami a máte prirodzene vyzerajúce vlny, ktoré vydržia celý deň. Je to skvelý a rýchly spôsob, ako dosiahnuť krásne vlny bez poškodenia vlasov. Rozhodne nechoďte spať s mokrými vlasmi, ktoré sú krehké a náchylnejšie k poškodeniu!

3. Vysušte a nastylujte zároveň

Ak vaše vlasy ráno nutne potrebujú umyť a vyfénovať, je dobré mať vo svojej kúpeľni multifunkčný prístroj, ktorý vie viacero vecí naraz a ušetrí tak veľa času. Napríklad BaByliss Air Wand 3v1 kombinuje niekoľko funkcií: vyfúka, narovná a dodá objem pomocou rôznych nástavcov. To znamená, že nahradí fén, žehličku aj kulmofén, čo vám ušetrí kopu času i priestoru na poličke. Naviac vďaka režimu Ultra-Care, ktorý automaticky strieda teplý a studený vzduch, sú vlasy chránené pred poškodením a naviac zostávajú zdravé a lesklé.

4. Suchý šampón pre rýchle osvieženie vlasov

Práve pre tie dni, kedy by si vaše vlasy už zaslúžili byť umyté, ale jednoducho nestíhate, zachráni vás suchý šampón. Tento kúzelný pomocník dokáže počas niekoľkých sekúnd absorbovať prebytočnú mastnotu z vlasov a dodať im objem a textúru. Jednoducho nastriekajte suchý šampón ku korienkom, nechajte ho pár minút pôsobiť a potom vlasy dôkladne prečešte či vyfúkajte fénom. „Nie všetky suché šampóny sú však rovnaké. Ak ste majiteľkou tmavých vlasov a bojíte sa, že na nich bude sucháč vidieť, zvoľte špeciálne určený pre gaštanové až hnedé vlasy, ktoré nezanechávajú stopy. Nikdy to s aplikáciou suchého šampónu nepreháňajte. Nadmerné množstvo môže spôsobiť matné až ťažké vlasy,“ vysvetľuje kaderníčka Magdaléna Rousová.  

5. Rýchle plážové vlny

Plážové vlny sú obľúbeným účesom, ktorý dodá vašim vlasom ľahkosť a objem. Ak máte ráno trošku času naviac, môžete si vytvoriť rýchle plážové vlny pomocou kulmy. Stačí natočiť len niekoľko väčších prameňov vlasov, rozčesať ich prstami a pre extra textúru použiť morskú soľ v spreji. Tento styling je ideálny pre vytvorenie nedbalého, ale pritom štýlového vzhľadu, ktorý je vhodný pre akúkoľvek príležitosť.

6. Víťaz v praktickosti – uhladený drdol

Aktuálny trend „ulíznutého“ drdolu je o elegantnom a sofistikovanom vzhľade s minimalistickým nádychom. Nielen že ho vykúzlite za pár minút, naviac vydrží celý deň a je veľmi praktický napríklad aj na šport. Stačí pomocou gélu alebo stylingového krému maximálne vyhladiť vlasy – väčšinou sa češe s cestičkou uprostred – a pevne zopnúť dozadu do nízko položeného drdolu na zátylku. Drdol si vás získa svojím čistým vzhľadom a svojou všestrannosťou, hodí sa totiž jak na formálnu udalosť, tak aj pre každodenné nosenie- pôsobí veľmi moderne a chic!

Super tip na uhladenie a extra objem, to je výsledok od BaByliss Air Power Volume AS95E

Objavte revolúciu v úprave vlasov s BaByliss Air Volume – nástrojom pre objem a dokonale hladké vlasy. Táto multifunkčná kefa kombinuje výhody vysúšača a stylingového nástavcu! Rýchlo a jednoducho vytvaruje vlasy od korienkov, dodá im objem a extra lesk. Vďaka dvom režimom – Wet Mode a Dry Mode – je naviac vhodný na suché, ale aj mokré vlasy. Wet Mode umožňuje sušenie a úpravu mokrých vlasov v jednom kroku, zatiaľ čo Dry Mode je ideálny pre oživenie suchých vlasov kedykoľvek počas dňa.

Pokročilý duálny iónový systém, ktorý kombinuje kladné a záporné ióny, eliminuje krepatenie a poletovanie vlasov, čím zanecháva vaše vlasy hodvábne a vyživené s luxusným leskom. S 3 nastaviteľnými teplotami a 2 stupňami rýchlosti si môžete prispôsobiť styling presne podľa svojich predstáv. BaByliss Air Volume je perfektnou voľbou pre objem a vyhladenie s profesionálnym výsledkom.


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1 Komentár

  • Komentár Sallie %PM, %20 %637 %2025 %14:%mar napísal Sallie

    Protein ball will last a couple of days at room
    temperature in an air-tight container however as much as per
    week within the fridge. We do doubt that you simply
    will not eat them all faster than that though.
    Soy is greater than just a vegetarian option for protein. Feedlots across the nation are utilizing soybeans to
    feed their cattle. Whey protein isolate is decreased in fats and lactose,
    which makes it a fantastic option for lactose-intolerant people.
    The concentrations of protein on this whey are sometimes 90% or greater.

    My dad stated no, jiu jitsu is all the time going to be there however softball isn’t gong to stay right here.
    Play for your high school as a end result of it isn’t going
    to be here. So in high school I performed softball, after which after
    I really pursued the MMA stuff. Though society likes to criticize carb
    consumption for ladies, they want carbs simply as much as anyone else.
    Electrolytes are the unsung heroes of hydration, enjoying a pivotal function in sustaining the balance of fluids in and around your
    On a serious note, I feel my body sensing that competition is soon and it's time
    to buckle up and grind onerous. This offseason is dramatically completely different from last 12
    months mentally however I gained so much bodily.
    I just have to steadiness every thing out for once I must peak.
    Stimulant-free pre-workout dietary supplements allow us to shift from fast fixes to a focus on long-term performance and
    overall health. By avoiding potential unwanted aspect effects like poor sleep and hypertension, you put money into your physique, your thoughts, and your
    weightlifting profession.
    Even though the amount of protein per serving will differ (as does the quantity of BCAAs), we are ready
    to infer this about Earth-fed muscle Whey protein.
    Each taste could have a unique naturally occurring BCAA profile.
    Based on the flavors in this evaluate, listed here are the estimated scoops you need to
    drink post-workout. When put under stress, the body produces the hormones cortisol and corticosterone.
    These can inhibit mind exercise corresponding to reminiscence and spatial studying, but L-theanine works to
    lower corticosterone and keep away from this interference altogether.

    Inserting the thoughts and physique under stress
    is necessary so as to be taught and develop, particularly in sport.
    Nevertheless, it’s when the hormones in your mind
    start to intrude with each other that this course of can presumably decelerate.

    But if I had to choose only one individual it might be my grandpa.
    He Is 78 and has lived in Oahu,Hawaii his complete life.
    His favourite thing to do is take his boat out
    that he built himself and go fishing.
    You should get plenty of collagen every single day in case you have
    a balanced food regimen of lean proteins, clear carbohydrates and healthy fats.
    Hold observe in a food journal if you need
    help remembering what you’ve consumed daily. That way, you’ll know to increase your amount
    if needed. What is the best piece of health
    recommendation you've been given or wish to give? Best piece of recommendation was to consider the time
    the place you had been all around in the best shape of your life.
    Bodily, mentally, daily mood, vitality, nutrition, sleep
    and so on. At any point in time where you felt like YES, I am a complete badass.

    You might end up chugging it, then, feeling a little unhappy as a result of it was gone so quick.
    No amino acid profile is listed on Thicc Mints or Go!
    However, an amino acid profile is available based mostly on your protein powder of
    choice. As Quickly As had the surgery I was starting
    to see a bit of light on the finish of the tunnel.
    I went to see another physician and they informed me it was worse
    than the docs in England informed me in order that
    was an extra shock issue for me. Im not a cryer by any means however I was crying
    virtually very day. I think it was understanding that
    there have been individuals on the market coaching and
    I can’t do anything. Carbohydrates play a pivotal function in providing vitality, managing gains
    and maintaining you healthy. Carbs are a essential a half of
    any train schedule, regardless of intensity. Unravel the mystery behind these energy-packed wonders and see how they’re the gasoline that powers you through strenuous exercises.

    That the nearer you'll find a way to keep close to that together with your physique
    the slower you're transferring in the course of dying and the farther you progress from it, the quicker you're sprinting towards
    death. I also give this advice along with " Weak is Harmful".
    What are you most having fun with about prepping in your subsequent upcoming comp?
    That I get to open up the garage doorways to the gym and hearken to folks order
    Dunkin Donuts all day as I yell obscenities and slam barbells.

    So, the following time you reach for a glass of water, remember the function of
    electrolytes in keeping your physique in peak situation. Lastly, if you’re in search of an electrolyte enhance publish
    workout (or even submit illness), supplements are a fantastic choice.

    Earth Fed Muscle’s Elixir electrolyte combine is a great solution.
    A restful night time's sleep is crucial for muscle recovery and development,
    and higher sleep means higher performance in the lengthy term.

    Each of them played sports in school, so sports have all the time been an enormous a half of our
    household. I obtained into weightlifting by way of my
    coach now Wilson Fleming.
    Alcohol and sleep deprivation also can decrease collagen ranges.These working
    outside jobs inevitably get more UV ray exposure. It’s no secret
    that men drink alcohol and smoke tobacco merchandise at high charges.

    Males even have worse sleep quality than ladies total.

    He has an efficient way of looking at life with
    good health and a function. Surrounding your self with good firm, being
    grateful and enjoying the little issues life has for you.
    Drum roll please, Cue the smoke and fireworks.... Coed sport I do a lot of wild athletic movements in from olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and a couple components sooner than the conventional
    This soy feed is typically supplemented by different fillers as properly,
    together with animal by-products and hormones.
    Soy protein actually has a somewhat high ranking from the PDCAAS scale
    of 1.0, the same as animal protein. One Other fascinating note to mention with reference to soy protein is that it’s a complete
    protein with a excessive protein of BCAA’s (unlike most vegetable proteins).
    Watermelon is presently the one flavor choice, nevertheless it
    tastes fairly good. It’s somewhat candy, but not overly highly effective.
    You might get somewhat bit of a tingle (which many enjoy), however there aren't any jitters that come along with this pre-workout.
    In addition, there was no crash after working out and you’ll really
    feel regular once it wears off.
    Mix all elements aside from collagen in a small pot over medium warmth.
    Convey to a simmer and proceed to whisk till all ingredients come together.

    As Soon As fully combined, remove the creamer from the range and add
    collagen. Stir until easy and permit to cool earlier than transferring to storage.
    Degree up your morning cup of espresso with this simple-to-make and power packed collagen creamer!
    Most creamers are stuffed with fillers, synthetic flavors,
    and loaded with sugar. This recipe will present that creamy kick you search for with out all of the junk.

    Customers have combined opinions about the protein powder's worth for money.
    Some discover it worth the worth and a must-buy, while others say it
    is not very candy and costly. Before diving into my taste evaluation of Thicc Mints and Go!
    Bananas, let’s provide a fast rundown of Earth Fed Muscle’s flavors.
    Here is what we find out about Earth Fed Muscle protein powder.
    Your ingredient profile will vary depending on which flavor you choose.

    Anybody that is aware of him knows the hearth
    he brings to every thing. He evokes me to be disciplined and
    put everything I actually have into weightlifting and life in general.
    He also is always the one I hear cheering for me irrespective of if I go 0/6 or
    6/6. I could be wearing noise cancelling headphones and I would nonetheless have the power
    to hear his clapping it would not matter what.
    Creator BioJack Shaw is the senior health and health author at Modded as nicely as a
    coach and sports fanatic. Males Have High Protein RequirementsCollagen is particularly
    useful for weightlifters as a end result of they put an unusual quantity of stress on their
    bones, muscular tissues and ligaments. A 185-pound man who sits inside all day nonetheless
    has a lot larger collagen requirements than a highly energetic 115-pound lady.
    He needs more protein to fill out his bulkier body.
    Leucine has several roles at a cellular stage.
    Whereas it can assist manage metabolism and tissue regeneration, its
    most important role is arguably its involvement in protein synthesis.
    Leucine is a robust set off of protein synthesis at the mobile degree, through its interactions with a posh known as the mammalian goal of rapamycin (mTOR).

    L-theanine works to scale back anxiety and stress by being an anxiolytic (a drug used to cut
    back anxiety). Nonetheless, other anxiolytics
    together with valerian and hops have sedative effects while L-theanine does not.
    When it involves decreasing stress, L-theanine has been proven to minimize back
    both psychological and physical stress by decreasing coronary heart fee and blood
    pressure. L-theanine interacts with numerous completely different
    chemical compounds in your brain. These chemical compounds, specifically, are
    GABA, serotonin and dopamine.
    Not all protein is created equal, but how do you identify which
    type is best for you? In this text we look at a evaluate of various protein sources and focus on which choices are finest.

    Earth Fed Muscle is back, persevering with its
    custom of limited-time flavors with a classic addition to its Stampede
    pre-workout. Customers respect the standard of the protein powder.
    They find it mixes well, has a good style, and is made with clear components.

    The brand is taken into account dependable and the product
    as promised.
    In order to make whey protein concentrate, the water, lactose and a few
    minerals are extracted. It has more proteins and
    compounds in comparison with whey protein isolate which is why it can be more enticing as a efficiency
    complement for athletes. Nitrogen is important for the formation of amino acids
    in proteins. Overall, it tastes phenomenal, lets
    you keep fuller longer, and only consists of clean ingredients.
    While it does cost about $1.96 per serving it does have the potential that can assist you eat less all through the day.

    If you like going to the health club, taking a jog or doing yoga,
    you’ll need carbs to sustain you. Your body will turn them into glucose — its most well-liked supply of energy.
    You’ll really feel the distinction and your body will thanks.
    However, citrulline isn’t the one amino acid found in our Stammpede.
    You can find a quantity of amino acids in our pre-workout - another certainly
    one of them being leucine.

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