Harmonizácia tela, duše a mysle? Vyskúšajte ajurvédu.

Napísal Michaela Conzarová 19. máj 2024

V poslednom čase sa na Slovensku  veľa hovorí o ajurvéde.  Čo vlastne toto slovko obsahuje? Je to náuka o živote a predstavuje najstarší celistvý lekársky systém o zásadách zdravého  spôsobu života.


Ajurvédska medicína (procedúry a masáže) sa začala používať pred viac ako 3000 rokmi v Indii. Jej holistický („celotelový“) prístup je považovaný za jeden z najstarších liečebných postupov na svete a nachádza svoje miesto a uznanie na celom svete aj dnes.

Viete, čo je Ajurvéda?

Ajurvéda je medicína pochádzajúca z Indie a je súčasťou najstaršej zachovanej múdrosti ľudstva, ktorú poznáme pod jedným názvom, „Védy“. V súčasnej dobe, čím ďalej tým viac, nachádza svoje miesto a uznanie liečebných účinkov a procedúr v celom svete. Preklad slova ajurvéda jasne naznačuje jej obsah – Ájuh znamená život a Véda, podobne, ako v slovenčine, znamená poznanie, vedu.

Ajurvédske masáže sú súčasťou liečby pomocou ajurvédy. Ajurvédske masáže harmonizujú telo, dušu a myseľ. Pri väčšine ajurvédskych masáží sa používa veľké množstvo teplého prírodného oleja. Olej otvára póry a viaže na seba toxíny, ktoré potom odvádza z tela preč. Ajurvédske masáže majú liečivý a detoxikačný charakter.

Aj vy si môžete vyskúšať účinky na svojom tele i duši v Centre Azalea Medica (predtým BIOSMED) v priestoroch hotela Nivy v Bratislave. Čo všetko ponúkajú v tomto centre sme sa porozprávali s jej majiteľkou pani Oľgou Ricotti.


Oľga  Ricotti a masér Abel Centrum Azalea Medica

femme:  Kedy ste sa rozhodli skamarátiť s Ajurvédou a čo bolo spúšťačom?

Oľga  Ricotti: Pochádzam zo slovensko talianskej rodiny. Počas života veľa cestujem a spoznávam nové kultúry. Na mojom ročnom pobyte v orientálnych krajinách a Novom Zélande som spoznala môjho partnera, ktorý má pôvod z Indonézie a zaoberal sa ajurvédskymi masážami a procedúrami.

femme:  Ajurvéda to nie sú len masáže, ale aj rôzne výrobky, aromatické oleje, mastičky, čaje, máte ich v ponuke?

Oľga Ricotti: V ponuke máme kvalitné výrobky talianskej kozmetiky LAKSHMI, produkty starostlivosti o pleť, telo, vlasy, v súčasnosti aj opaľovaciu kozmetiku. Taktiež sa nezabúda na mužov a ich starostlivosť o pleť. Voňavá arómaterapia z éterických olejov a  100% kvetinové vody, nechýbajú rôzne výživové doplnky vo forme kapsúl alebo čajov.  

femme:  Aké masáže a procedúry odporúčate?

Oľga Ricotti: V ponuke máme rôzne typy procedúr, od ajurvédskych cez tibetské až po klasické Bali procedúry. Väčšinou ide o olejové masáže, klient si môže vybrať napríklad aj masáž s medicínskym prístrojom Oxygenaregenerans alebo procedúru s bylinnými batôžkami. Pre ľudí, ktorí preferujú suché masáže, je vhodná púdrová masáž pomocou minerálneho a bylinkového prášku.

femme:  Vyskúšať sa dá aj  rituál  Shirodara takzvaná masáž tretieho oka. Môžete nám priblížiť o čo ide?

Oľga Ricotti: Shirodara je starobylá tradičná ajurvédska procedúra takzvaná masáž „tretieho oka“, kde sa používajú cenné oleje a vykonáva sa pomocou nahriateho oleja, prípadne inej tekutiny, ktorá pomaly steká tenkým pramienkom do oblasti „tretieho oka“ a na vlasy. Ktoré je centrum vnímania a koncentrácie vitálnej energie. Rituál shirodara je veľmi prijemný a upokojujúci.

Zdroj foto: Centrum Azalea Medica

femme:  Príroda je dar.  Aké oleje, či iné prostriedky  používate pri masážach?

Oľga Ricotti: Pri masážach sa používajú špeciálne masážne oleje kozmetiky LAKSHMI, ktoré sú rozdelené podľa typu pokožky človeka na VATA, PITTA a KAPHA. Pri bandážach dolných končatín si klient môže vybrať medzi bandážami s detoxikačným alebo osviežujúcim účinkom, alebo účinkom na rozpúšťanie tukových buniek.

femme:  Kto sa u vás venuje masážnym procedúram?

Oľga Ricotti: Máme špecializovaného maséra Abela, ktorý je vysoko profesionálny. Narodil sa v Holandsku. Jeho otec pochádza z tropického ostrova Indonézie – Bali. Od detstva prichádzal do priameho kontaktu  s tradíciami exotickej balianskej masáže inšpirovanej starovekými indonézskymi liečiteľmi. Umenie exotickej masáže sa traduje z generácie na generáciu. Život  v neporušenej prírode ho inšpiroval spoznávať jej výnimočnú liečivú silu a harmóniu. Dlhodobo pracoval a pôsobil v rámci svojho odboru v Austrálii a Novom Zélande. V posledných rokoch pracoval ako vysoko kvalifikovaný masér a terapeut v luxusnom 5* hoteli v Dolomitoch v Taliansku.

femme:  V ponuke máte aj liečbu kvetovými esenciami tzv. Bachovú terapiu...

Oľga Ricotti: ... je súbor 38 esencií z kvetov, ktoré liečia rôzne duševné a emocionálne stavy. Bachove esencie sú vynikajúce pre detský vek aj pre dospelých. Pomáhajú harmonizovať psychickú nerovnováhu a sú prírodné bez kontraindikácií.

femme:  Organizujete aj školenia pre ľudí s holistickym prístupom k liečeniu...

Oľga Ricotti: V našej firme Akademia Azalea medica organizujeme školenia pre profesionálne kozmetičky, masérov a holistických odborníkov. Donášame  novinky z ajurvédy a work shopy, ktoré presne robí firma Lakshmi Taliansko.  

femme:  Nadviazali ste spoluprácu aj s lekármi?

Oľga Ricotti: Kedže máme v ponuke aj výživové doplnky....áno, spolupracujeme aj s lekármi a lekárňami.

femme:  Určite mnohých bude zaujímať aké máte ceny a otváraciu dobu...

Oľga Ricotti: Procedúry sú rozdelené na hodinové a polhodinové. Presný cenník nájdete priamo v centre. Polhodinové procedúry sa špecializujú na konkrétnu časť tela  (napr. na chodidlá, hlavu, ramená a šiju alebo samostatne chrbát), stoja do 30€, hodinové procedúry sú väčšinou celotelové a stoja od 49,90 - 66,90€. Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu. 

Kontakt: 0915 47 33 55  mail: Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript.

Head manager  Olga Ricotti  00421 919 030 933

Vic informácií na www.azaleamedica.sk

Ilustračné foto: Freepik

4 komentárov

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    Barbell curls differ from dumbbell curls primarily in the way
    in which the bar distributes tension throughout each
    forearms simultaneously. Bicep workouts with barbells are likely to utilize
    heavier weights and require higher physique stability
    to take care of good kind. Dumbbell curls offer a larger vary of motion and brachii isolation, however barbell curls foster overall upper physique
    power more successfully. You can incorporate many of those
    actions into a beginner bicep exercise and use extra intensity strategies should you need a complicated
    workout. To improve the rate of muscle development in your training routine, be sure you are performing some heavy curls utilizing a barbell.

    The barbell drag curl keeps the bar near your physique as you curl, rather than curling it in an arc.
    This subtle shift retains your arms in place, eliminating momentum
    and putting extra tension on the biceps. The
    fat-grip barbell biceps curl takes a normal barbell curl to the next
    stage by rising grip demand. By including fat grips, this variation requires more work from the
    forearm flexors, brachialis, and biceps, leading to improved arm and
    grip energy.
    So by doing bicep 21s, you’ll additionally improve your capability to carry out further reps and units
    on different workout routines too as a result of your
    biceps could have higher endurance for resistance coaching.
    The preacher curls contain placing your higher arms on the bench and flexing your elbows.
    They let you carry out controlled and focused reps and assist develop your biceps’ measurement and look.
    To create the best bicep workouts with dumbbells,
    you should prioritize the grip of your wrists and body place to carry out movement from
    completely different angles. These are big elements in making free weight bicep workouts successful, whether constructing measurement or definition. The dumbbell hammer curl is
    a good exercise that trains the lengthy head muscle of the bicep.

    This is a stronger place for the arms to perform a bicep curl, because
    it also recruits the brachialis and brachioradialis muscular tissues as a end result of grip used for this
    Only throughout relaxation can cells called fibroblasts
    repair and rebuild the muscle tissue. Subsequently, it’s very important to permit enough time to rest to maximise muscle development.
    If you were to coach biceps each single day, the muscle group
    would get overworked, and you'd doubtless experience muscular fatigue, which could hinder efficiency throughout periods.

    The brachioradialis and brachialis are the primary muscles engaged,
    together with the biceps brachii. With a dumbbell in each
    hand, palms dealing with forward, curl the weights while keeping your elbows and again stationary.
    This exercise primarily targets the long head of the biceps, emphasizing the
    peak. With minimal momentum and keeping your upper arms
    tight to your physique, curl one of the bells upwards, turning your palm inwards, until your pinky
    finger is close to your shoulders (B). Squeeze here hold the dumbbell on this place whilst
    you curl the second dumbbell up. Once each dumbbells are up, decrease the first
    arm again to the beginning position and repeat.

    Go for an excellent stretch at the backside earlier than forcefully
    extending your arms and engaging your triceps for a powerful contraction. A complete range of motion is paramount for maximizing
    the advantages of this train. Doing so creates the next degree
    of pressure on the biceps to stimulate muscle development.
    Broad and muscular shoulders, together with well-developed arms, are often seen as the epitome of an athletic physique.
    These muscle groups enhance the overall visual attraction of your entire
    higher body. You can select from our huge record of exercises to create your
    individual customized at residence bicep exercise.
    This is because you'll be able to naturally raise more resistance on incline curls
    than spider curls. The single-arm tricep extension is an isolation exercise that lets
    you work on every arm individually and helps enhance strength imbalance and muscle symmetry.
    You can perform this exercise in a quantity of methods utilizing a dumbbell, barbell,
    or cable. You can combine isolation workout routines with compound movements to construct burly arms.
    You can do it on push day to coach your triceps along with your chest
    and shoulders. The shut grip bench press is one of my favourite tricep workouts that assist me develop sculpted triceps.

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    If you want to enhance the dimensions or power of your biceps muscles, contemplate adding cable
    workouts to your routine. The Behind-the-Back Cable Curl, also
    known as the Bayesian curl, is identical idea because the incline dumbbell curl.

    Your arms will curl together with your elbows behind you,
    which emphasizes the long head.
    Focus on the 3-6 rep range for 4-6 sets to build and develop power earlier than switching to a extra
    hypertrophy rep range of 8-12 reps for 3-6 units. A cool
    thing about hammer curls is that it additionally works
    your forearms to a greater diploma, especially the large brachioradialis muscle on the thumb aspect of your forearm.

    Arnold occasionally supersetted biceps and triceps,
    although usually solely during pre-contest coaching.
    This additional demonstrated his agency belief in the
    advantages of coaching opposing muscle tissue
    collectively, an idea recognized by Joe Weider before
    him and heaps of bodybuilders nonetheless today.
    Preacher curls hit the biceps another way, so they should be used in conjunction with the usual curl at
    any point in your arm exercises. Try finishing 10 to fifteen reps per set, with a max of four units total.
    For boulder-sized biceps, drag curls should be a key move in your workout routine.
    Our exercise lists are created by figuring out one of the
    best exercises for muscle progress, core strength, and total well
    being and well-being. Observe these step-by-step directions to get the most from all of the workout routines in your shoulder and biceps exercise.
    This training schema tends to align most carefully with hypertrophy
    coaching recommendations, but it's going to additionally improve
    back and biceps strength. The biceps lengthy head and quick head both originate on the scapula, which is your shoulder blade.

    The machine provides constant pressure throughout the range of movement, allowing for controlled, isolated contractions.
    This makes it one of the best bicep exercises for these serious about hypertrophy.
    The standard barbell curl is the granddaddy of biceps workout routines.

    It lets you carry heavier than most workouts, making
    it a should have for size and power. This variation targets the long
    head of the biceps, adding total thickness to your arms. Keep your elbows at your sides,
    keep away from excessive swinging, and management the decreasing for optimum rigidity.

    Or, if you’ve already gained your first 20–30 kilos, take a look at
    our Outlift Intermediate Hypertrophy Program.
    One of the main causes folks's biceps don't
    grow as huge (or as quick) as they would like them to, is that they fail to recognise that the bicep is actually broken down into more than one half.

    But if you'll like thicker, fuller looking arms, you should work all areas of
    the bicep. 2️⃣ Resistance Profile – Movements with
    smooth and constant pressure throughout the full vary of movement are preferred over those
    who lose pressure at certain factors. Let’s have a
    glance at a dumbbell biceps train record with an example train choice for each.

    Close-grip curls target the lengthy head of the biceps, which provides the biceps that nice peak whenever you flex.
    When it involves building muscle, you want two issues, resistance and time under tension. Your physique doesn’t
    know what sort of resistance you're making use of to it.

    Hold moving — just don’t by chance run into your coffee desk.

    This one’s excellent for these who can’t quite
    do a daily pull-up (yet). You’ll want a bar or rings set to
    about waist height to do that transfer. Put your right hand on the ground and push up until your arm
    types a straight line from shoulder to ankle. (Only the facet of your foot and the
    palm of your hand ought to touch the ground.) Hold for
    as lengthy as you can. Planks work your core for positive,
    but they also give your biceps a serious boost.
    Strive together with these curls twice a week as you're employed your arms, leaving room for
    a rest day in between. Regardless of what you weigh, that's most likely
    extra weight than your biceps are used to lifting, curling, or benching.
    If you’re lifting a reasonable weight, purpose for 10 to 15 reps
    per set and scale up as you achieve strength. In order to build the sleeve-busting biceps
    you’re working towards, there’s one muscle that needs to be activated that always goes unnoticed in other exercises.
    Not only do bent-over rows present a killer
    bicep exercise, but additionally they target tough muscular tissues in your back.
    The greatest bicep workouts may be done in the gym, at house, and some even with
    out a lot gear or area. Working your posterior deltoids,
    face pulls also hit the muscle tissue throughout and between your shoulder blades,
    which are the middle trapezius and rhomboids.
    The biceps are arguably the preferred muscle in the human body.
    Ask even a child to point out you a muscle, and they’ll probably elevate their arms and begin flexing
    like a bodybuilder. These push-ups distribute the action to your front half, giving your biceps a
    tougher exercise. A complete chest and bicep routine that hits the targeted muscle teams from all different
    angles for the best ends in the type of muscle features and power.

    I rank drag curls within the C-tier as a result of their restricted effectiveness compared to more traditional
    bicep workouts. "In our twenties, males can develop muscle and acquire strength steadily, assuming training and diet are enough and constant. After around 35, decrease intercourse and development hormone ranges combined with raised stress ranges make growing larger biceps a bit tougher," explains Grimley.

    But don’t stop at the usual underhand curl—your
    arms will swell with delight if you vary grip position, range of movement, and execution style.
    There’s a misconception that muscle building is done totally through the training session. At first,
    you might solely be in a position to perform one
    or two reps, or possibly none in any respect.

    Going too heavy on this raise will throw you off stability and pull you
    toward the cable machine. Use a average weight and focus
    on squeezing your biceps with every rep. Do 3-5 units for reps.
    You cannot complete a biceps train listing with out mentioning Arnie.
    The Governator carried out a complicated variation of
    the concentration curl in the cult-classic documentary Pumping Iron (1977).

    It has since discovered a place in each bodybuilding
    nerd’s coaching routine.
    Muscle and strength are inbuilt quite lots of set and rep ranges.
    The key right here with body weight bicep workout routines is time underneath rigidity.
    As previously mentioned anywhere between 30 to forty seconds per set is a good
    spark for muscle growth. This can be achieved with extra reps, a slower rep velocity, or
    using pauses and isometric contractions. Try out totally different grip place and attachments to see where you
    feel essentially the most bicep activation. In my experience,
    an efficient bicep workout needs selection, controlled motion, and progression.
    These subtle shifts make a decided difference in what area of your upper arm is engaged to
    the fullest. However what is going to actually improve their
    higher body essentially the most is rising wider shoulders.
    And for a full shoulder workout designed to do exactly that, try this text.
    Well, my recommendation is to prioritize whichever head appears to be lagging essentially the most.
    For some guys, exercising the quick head will help their biceps look wider,
    whereas others would possibly need to give consideration to the
    long head if it's much less developed for wider biceps.
    Because your arms at the moment are attempting
    to internally rotate, the emphasis shifts to the inside a half
    of your biceps, or the short-head. Properly, before I mentioned to flare your arms
    out along your scapular airplane to better
    target the lengthy head.
    "The trick to having good technique is to at all times ‘squeeze’ up, not swing up,"
    Roberts says. As with all biceps strikes,
    the most important mistake is lifting too heavy and doing
    reps too quickly. A tempo is finest." That means two seconds up, a one-second pause, and one other two seconds for the downward movement. So when someone tells you they’re going to provide you a list of the "very best" bicep workout routines, we perceive your skepticism. We know you may take a look at the following decisions by our selected panel of training consultants with a raised eyebrow like you’re The Rock staring down some no good yellow-bellied heel within the squared circle. So, right here is the complete advanced bicep workout for mass step-by-step, all sets, all reps for you to observe. You’ll be alternating these three primary bicep workouts for 24 whole reps in a set.
    One final observe is that the best newbie back and biceps exercises take into consideration the reality that novices ought to carry out fewer exercises per back and bi exercise. Making certainly one of your weekly workout days a again and biceps exercise is a good way to streamline your training each in phrases of time efficiency and practical strength. Naturally, a again and bicep exercise routine targets the biceps as well as the muscle tissue in the back. Assuming you don’t know what a Svend press is, it is simply a press out of a dumbbell (or plate) with your palms collectively from the center of your chest. So, from a vertical place, you press the burden straight out out of your chest till your arms are absolutely extended.
    Since you have to hold the doorframe with a impartial grip throughout door curls, you’re working all of the muscle tissue in the front of your higher arms, not just your biceps. Understanding what actions and capabilities the biceps perform lets you achieve higher results by selecting the right bicep exercises for muscle progress and strength development. In this train, you've the chance to really pump out the last of your biceps and brachialis. Focus on fixed muscle pressure and try to pump as a lot blood as attainable into your muscle utilizing a better rep number. In this text, you'll learn how to practice your biceps successfully.
    Multi-joint actions that contain pulling, such as the deadlift, bent-over row, seated row, etc., require biceps engagement. People that practice at home can carry out the resistance band biceps curls at any level all through their arm workout. Lifters that train at a gym ought to use this as a second exercise in a superset to annihilate their weapons. You’ll mainly be utilizing free weights, doing compound strikes and isolation exercises, with rep ranges from six to 12. All you want for this exercise is a barbell, a set of dumbbells, and an adjustable bench. The incline curl supplies a strong stretch for the biceps however doesn’t supply as a lot pressure as the preacher curl or different workout routines. Still, it’s an excellent addition to your bicep exercises with dumbbells repertoire, particularly for these seeking to target the long head of the biceps.
    Keeping your elbow tucked in, curl the bar with momentum and squeeze your biceps whenever you get to the top of the bar curl. You wish to use this last exercise to assist goal the brachialis and the brachioradialis which are muscle tissue that may help lots in bettering the aesthetics of your arm. The subsequent train might be used to place more emphasis on the short head of the biceps. You could also be questioning what chin ups are doing in an arm routine, but in my view they are probably the greatest workouts to grow your biceps and scientific literature appears to agree with this. When it comes to arms coaching, the biggest mistake individuals make is neglecting each heads of the bicep. Many people are unaware that they're truly composed of two heads.
    We encourage such debate—as long as you don’t miss the main level. That is, this list as a complete constitutes a kick-ass assortment of proven, dependable bicep workouts. Hate on a quantity of if you should, but we predict collectively they may make for the most effective biceps workout you’ve ever accomplished. Jeff Cavaliere is a Bodily Therapist, Energy Coach and creator of the ATHLEAN-X Training Programs and ATHLEAN-Rx Dietary Supplements.
    We created three completely different superset exercises for the biceps; one for constructing mass, one which uses minimal tools, and one which mixes in some straight sets as well for one of the best of each worlds. The drag curl and the straight bar barbell curl pairing is amongst the most underrated biceps supersets—and one which provides you with an incredible pump. Even although the biceps are lively throughout overhand curls, the brachialis and brachioradialis are the prime movers as a outcome of curling with an overhand grip places your biceps in a weak place.

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