Ako riešite problém? Otestujte sa.

Váš partner to prehnal a niekto vám ulomil stierač... Ako sa odreagujete? Používate ako "náplasť" nákupy? Je nákupné centrum váš psychoterapeut?


1. Aká je vaša "hotovosť" pri bežných nákupoch?

a) Minimálna; iba na nevyhnutné veci. /8 bodov
b) Podľa rozpočtu na nákupy. /4 body
c) Ako kedy; platievam kartou. /1 bod
d) Vždy mám väčšiu rezervu. /6 bodov

2. Kedy chodievate do nákupných centier?

a) V období sezónnych zliav. /2 body
b) Vždy koncom týždňa. /5 bodov
c) Kedykoľvek. /3 body
d) Nechodím tam. /8 bodov

3. Chodievate na nákupy s konkrétnym zámerom?

a) Čo to znamená? /0 bodov
b) Mávam zo sebou zoznam vecí, ktoré potrebujem. /2 body
c) Vždy viem presne, čo chcem kúpiť. /9 bodov
d) Rozhodujem sa podľa ponuky. /1 bod

4. Kupujete akciový tovar?

a) Zľavy si nevšímam, kupujem, čo potrebujem. /5 bodov
b) Kupujem, čo mi robí radosť. /3 body
c) Áno, akcie sú fajn vec; človek ušetrí. /8 bodov
d) Neverím na kvalitu zlacneného tovaru. /9 bodov

5. Kupujete na splátky?

a) Áno, treba myslieť aj na infláciu. /5 bodov
b) Nie, nikomu nebudem platiť viac ako je nevyhnutné. /8 bodov
c) Musím, nikdy by som väčšiu sumu nenašetrila. /4 body
d) Iba niektoré veci, napríklad elektroniku. /3 body

6. Čo vám na nákupných centrách najviac vadí?
(Za každú z vybraných možností si pripíšte bod.)

a) Vnucovanie a "oblbovanie".
b) Špinavý, obchytaný tovar.
c) Absurdné ceny, ktoré by nezodpovedali hodnote tovaru ani po piatich zľavách.
d) Prevaha zahraničného tovaru.
e) Stereotyp ponuky.
f) Priveľa ľudí a pútačov.
g) Nemožní predavači.
h) Vyrevúvajúca hudba.
i) Predstieranie exkluzivity.
j) Neprehľadnosť.

7. Čo máte na nákupných centrách radi?
(Za každú z vybraných možností si pripíšte bod.)

a) Ponuka rôzneho tovaru na jednom mieste.
b) Sezónne zľavy.
c) Ochotní predavači.
d) Inšpirácie.
e) Pekné prostredie.
f) Akcie, súťaže a darčeky.
g) Hektickosť a dobrú hudbu.
i) Kvalitný, módny tovar.
j) Doplnkové služby.

8. Ako krotíte svoju nakupovaciu vášeň?

a) Nemávam nakupovacie vášne. /7 bodov
b) Nejdem do nákupného centra. /9 bodov
c) Cieľavedome limitujem svoje výdaje. /3 body
d) Nijako. /5 bodov

9. Na ako dlho vám zvyčajne vystačí veľký nákup potravín?

a) Na to sa nedá odpovedať. /9 bodov
b) Minimálne týždeň. /2 body
c) Základné potraviny tak akurát, špeciality ani dva dni. /6 bodov
d) Čo sa kúpi, to sa zje... /5 bodov

10. Máte nakupovaciu zásadu?

a) V jednej ruke peniaze, v druhej ruke presný zoznam. /5 bodov
b) Nemám. /9 bodov
c) Kupujem len zlacnené veci. /1 bod
d) Nepôjdem nakupovať, neminiem. /3 body


97 - 62 bodov: Neznášate všetko veľké, drahé, hlučné a plné ľudí... Nákupne centrá vás nelákajú a pokladať tento priestor za miesto relaxácie je podľa vás úplne chorá predstava. Rešpektujete však dobu a petíciu za ich zrušenie by ste neiniciovali. Keď chcú ľudia márniť čas v obchodoch, majú ich mať! Inde je aspoň viac miesta...

61 - 42 bodov: Občas máte chuť bezhlavo nakupovať a hýriť... máte chuť stratiť sa medzi množstvom vecí a vynahradiť si "boliestky dňa" všetkým, čo vás zaujme... Nikdy to však netrvá tak dlho a neopakuje sa to tak často, aby vás to zruinovalo. Nákupné povyrazenie vám stačí raz za čas; po každom dokážete pomerne dlho "abstinovať".

41 - 16 bodov: Obchody sú váš život. Veď čo iné už má človek na tomto svete?! Krása pominie, láska sa vytratí, ilúzie odletia... Kupovať nové veci je jediná trvalá radosť... A je úplne jedno, či sa nakupuje vo veľkom nákupnom centre alebo malých obchodíkoch; hlavne, že je kde a za čo nakupovať. Chvalabohu, že žijete v dobe plnej obchodov; ale podľa vás by ich mohlo byť oveľa viac.

1 Komentár

  • Komentár https://www.meetyobi.com/forums/users/abbybodin469356 %AM, %21 %327 %2025 %06:%mar napísal https://www.meetyobi.com/forums/users/abbybodin469356

    A bulking program like we supplied above will do higher to maximize muscle acquire, however it's going to come with some (can be very minimal and possibly even none for sure individuals) fat acquire.
    Be that as it might, if you clear bulk and you ensure you eat sufficient each
    day, it is equally as effective as a unclean bulk for gaining muscle, with out
    question. We recommend no much less than four weightlifting classes per week for most people.
    However, beginners may get away with three days per week.

    Our bulking program is ULPPL, which stands for Higher Lower Push
    Pull Legs. For the help lifts and accessory exercises, you may be working in a hypertrophy
    rep vary. Our plan will mix each rep ranges, which is crucial for a bulking plan.
    This means you’ll do one set of the first lift, relaxation,
    then one set of the second lift, relaxation once more, and repeat until units are
    complete. In fact, you'll have the ability to construct muscle, lose fat and get
    in the most effective form of your life with out even strolling out the door.
    For instance, the body weight staple of press-ups are a great place
    to begin.
    A little little bit of chest, again, shoulders, arms, and legs!
    Every muscle group should be fatigued whenever
    you're carried out with a full-body routine. I used major compound lifts which are greatest for bettering strength and building muscle.

    In addition, I've included no much less than one exercise from each major motion sample.
    For the rest of us, full-body programs and 4-day exercise splits are sometimes
    better, as they're much less committing and
    provide more time for rest and recovery.
    That means you’ll goal as a lot of your muscle fibers
    as attainable and optimize outcomes. Learn, listen and apply
    these pointers and you’ll quickly be on your method to armour-like
    gains. We’re looking at targeting every muscle, each fiber and each angle
    in this comprehensive energy program.
    If you just eat blindly, with out considerably figuring out what
    you are consuming, then you will either not devour enough food or will devour too much.
    The first thing to do when planning your bulking food plan is to search out your day by day calorie expenditure.

    There's no level in cutting if you haven't already bulked.
    The bulking program ought to be centered on gaining
    large quantities of muscle. In the relaxation of the article,
    I’ll walk you through the bulking exercise routine,
    explaining the means to do the workouts. The exercise sheets have
    hyperlinks to tutorial movies, and they change mechanically relying on which workouts you choose from the dropdown menus.

    Whey protein is absorbed quick by the physique, which makes it nice
    for post-workout nutrition. Casein protein is absorbed slowly, which makes it great
    for lengthy intervals when you'll not have something to eat, corresponding to when sleeping.
    As a bulker, proteins should consist of 40% of your total calorie intake.
    Properly in this article we'll go over the essential and advanced strategies of bulking.

    I primarily design exercise plans and share science-based and sensible data that may
    assist you to turn into stronger, functional, and healthier.

    Sam Sulek follows a easy and low-volume workout routine
    that entails coaching every single day for about minutes.
    The means you’ll do it's by splitting these 12 reps into
    mini ‘clusters’ of 3 reps. After each cluster you’ll rest 20 seconds and maintain repping out sets of
    3 until you full all 12.
    If you need even more energy contemplate including entire milk,
    coconut milk, or almond milk instead of water. This plate and serving dimension stuff
    above is simply that will help you get started excited about wholesome food differently and in correct portion sizes.

    We also have vitamin guides, shopping lists,
    and exercises you possibly can download for FREE if you sign up for our e-newsletter.
    Make certain you comply with a meal prep approach to maximize productivity and free up more time
    to spend within the gym.
    The 6-day workout break up just isn't really suitable for newbies, and neither is it needed.

    Most newbies can build muscle with fewer exercises
    per week. Training six instances shall be overkill and is prone to lead to overtraining and burnout.
    Another thing you’ll discover is that that is similar
    to the 6-day coaching cut up in the sense that
    it’s utilizing the identical ‘push-pull-legs’ method.
    This allows you to work all your muscular tissues in these three days.
    This workout is a 3 day cut up routine for mass constructing.
    If you need to get probably the most out of this exercise, you will want to make higher nutritional
    That includes all sources of protein in your food plan, not just meat, eggs, and protein shakes.
    Let’s say you weigh ninety kilograms (198 pounds) initially
    of your bulk. However, energy are solely one of
    the things you must contemplate for a profitable bulk.

    As the pair transitioned into the muscle growth-focussed "lean bulk" section, Thurston progressively increased Graham’s day by day energy
    to around three,000. Whereas it’s essential to eat enough energy and protein in your food
    regimen, dietary supplements can be useful for bulking up and supporting muscle growth.
    You need to observe a bulking exercise plan that features compound workout routines,
    isolation workouts, relaxation, and restoration.
    As a personal coach, I often get requested about the best workout routines to build muscle mass.

    Finally, you’ll must try a quantity of totally different
    coaching approaches to discover out which works finest.
    The fact is that BOTH types of workout are valuable and may work for beginners and extra advanced exercisers.
    So, it’s not as easy as saying one is healthier than the opposite as a result
    of your private circumstances will determine which one is
    the best suited choice for you. However, as quickly as you’ve carried
    out ten or so sets, you reach a point of diminishing returns,
    and every subsequent set is more fatiguing but much less stimulating.

    Even although there’s a high variability from one person to the next, this gives you a good suggestion of the slabs of muscle you can put on in as little as 12-weeks.

    One key complement he adds to his shakes is glutamine, which helps with every thing from aiding your immune operate to
    promoting digestive health to supporting muscle restoration. The second exercise of the
    day is a machine shoulder press. On the third set, do
    a drop set to get in some more volume. Subsequent up is a seated
    dumbbell lateral elevate, and you'll perform a drop set
    on the second set.
    This means you'll have the ability to program a 4-day cut
    up specific to power, hypertrophy, strength & hypertrophy,
    or fat loss. For those that are simply looking to preserve or
    lose fats, a 4 day full physique plan can work simply fine, as long as you don't push yourself too exhausting.
    Basically, you'd focus extra on moderate intensity and efficient exercises.

    You’re also training for effectivity rather than dimension, which
    stimulates a unique type of variations in your muscle tissue.
    For most individuals, we advocate beginning with a full-body program.
    It’s more efficient (only 2-4 days per week instead of 5-6),
    and your body doesn’t NEED extra exercises at this
    level to grow plenty of muscle. As lengthy as you're
    regularly growing the weights or increasing the units and reps you are
    lifting, your muscle tissue will continually adapt
    to get stronger. When you exceed your muscle-building capacity,
    these extra calories are saved as body fats, not as muscle – which isn’t essentially a nasty factor.

    You need the elevated muscle mass, however don't know precisely
    what to do to realize that without gaining a lot body fats.
    To get stronger, give consideration to including weight to the bar weekly, even when it’s just a pound or two.
    Of course, you need to never sacrifice good lifting method for more weight.

    Be sensible and, to keep away from damage, do the workout routines in your bulking
    workout plan with proper kind.
    The second leg workout of the week focuses on Chris
    Bumstead's hamstring exercise routine with a bit of again work sprinkled in at the finish.
    The third exercise of the day is a chest-supported t-bar row with a impartial grip.
    The key's getting a full scapular retraction as you pull the weight into your
    chest. You don’t have to cram as many massive lifts into every session.
    Nonetheless, in my expertise, most individuals fail to get good
    results from pushdowns as a outcome of they
    use too much weight. This forces them to lean thus far ahead that they turn what should be a strict triceps extension train into one thing more
    akin to a decline chest press. Bayesian cable curls are a uniquely efficient exercise.

    Firstly, each rep starts with a deep stretch, which analysis
    suggests optimizes muscle hypertrophy (2). Subsequent, the movement ends with shoulder flexion, which hits
    the often-neglected long head of the biceps. Lastly, using cables instead of freeweights
    retains your biceps underneath near-constant tension.
    Recommendations - My favorite protein shake for post workout is the
    Met-Rx meal substitute. The Berry Blast flavor has an superior style that can't be beat.
    It has a great mix of whey and casein protein, and along with two cups of skim
    milk, your physique could have sufficient protein to last some
    time. Supplements are just what they are named, a complement (addition) to your
    workout and food plan.
    You should’ve additionally gained three or
    more kilos of body weight. If you haven’t, consider adding extra
    energy to your diet. If you’re unaccustomed to a routine
    composed mostly of compound movements, you’ll need to pay particular attention to your
    rest durations between units, as well as your sleep and rest days.

    Isolation exercises accomplished well will assasinate the goal muscle, far more than a compound one will,
    just because all of your power will be directed to that single muscle or muscle group.

    After three straight weeks on this program, take one week to
    train with lighter weights within the range of 12 to fifteen reps to
    permit for lively recovery. Unlike plenty of celebrities that demonize eating for enjoyable, Ritchson indulges in his favorite foods once in a while.

    Due To This Fact, Alan Ritchson was assigned an assistant to assist
    him with meal prep and dietary necessities. On days the place he cannot go
    outdoors, the 40-year-old runs on a treadmill.
    Working has tremendous well being advantages apart
    from these talked about above and Ritchson just isn't the one to move them up.

    Chris Bumstead, age 28, was born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
    At six ft tall, he has a contest weight of 225 pounds.
    In the offseason, he typically gets as a lot as 260 to
    265 kilos. Bumstead is the present champion of the Mr.
    Olympia Basic Physique division.
    This is an actual opportunity to build a V-tapered, basic bodybuilder look.
    In four weeks, you might not essentially be stage ready… however you’ll
    be well in your way. The results of a unclean bulk is a supercharged freak of a physique, but fluffy and overly-fat.

    And as quickly as you’re completed, the next cycle has to be a reasonably aggressive weight minimize to shred the fats and showcase your onerous work.
    Try this 4-Week Muscle Bulking Transformation Plan and build muscle, energy and confidence.

    Understanding how to properly bulk is one-half of bodybuilding, the opposite being
    how to reduce. Even though this program has heaps of great data, it's geared toward a bulking routine.

    What you eat earlier than training is equally essential as what you eat after that.

    Thanks to the combination of powerful elements D-Bal
    increases nitrogen retention in your muscles.
    There are some wonderful bulking stacks on the market, too, made by respected
    supplement companies. With this exercise, the load of the barbell is placed totally in your shoulders, with only a
    little little bit of assist from your higher again, higher chest, and triceps.

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