Zdravý interiér od podlahy až po strop

Podľa Svetovej zdravotníckej organizácie trávime až 90 % nášho času vo vnútri budov. Je preto nesmierne dôležité, aby bol interiér udržiavaný v čo najlepšej kondícii. Pri výstavbe skúste používať materiály, ktoré podporujú zdravú a príjemnú mikroklímu.


Ak plánujete rekonštrukciu, zamyslite sa nad tým, ako zvýšiť kvalitu vášho bývania. Odborníci z Hornbachu vám poradia, ako na to.

Aby ste si udržali svoje fyzické zdravie pod kontrolou, je dôležité zdržiavať sa v čistom prostredí bez toxínov, nečistôt a baktérií. Zdravá domácnosť ale nie je iba o tom, ako často upratujete. Aj keď si to zvyčajne ani neuvedomujeme, na naše zdravie vplýva mnoho ďalších faktorov, medzi ktoré patria aj materiály použité vo vnútri našich príbytkov.

Začnite od podlahy

Hoci si mnohí ľudia dávajú záležať na tom, aby svoj domov ochránili pred rôznymi alergénmi, často prehliadajú skutočnosť, že vinníkom môže byť aj samotná miestnosť. Podlaha spolu so stenami zaberajú najväčšiu plochu v interiéri. Je preto dôležité pre aký materiál sa rozhodnete pri nášľapnej vrstve či povrchovej úprave. Aby ste vybrali čo najvhodnejšiu podlahovú krytinu, musíte poznať výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých možností.

  • Keramická dlažba a prírodný kameň

Dvaja hlavní predstavitelia tvrdých podláh sú vhodnou hypoalergénnou voľbou pre ľudí s problémami dýchacieho aparátu. Pri výbere ale dávajte pozor. Porézne alebo hrubo opracované povrchy môžu zachytávať nečistoty, prach či iné alergény. Voľte preto predovšetkým hladké povrchy, ako je napríklad mramor a žula. „Bez ohľadu na to, akú dlažbu alebo kameň vyberiete, venujte pozornosť predovšetkým obsahu VOC (prchavé organické zlúčeniny) v lepidle a škárovacej hmote. Dôležité je aj to, aby bola škárovacia malta vodoodolná a zabraňovala vzniku plesní na jej povrchu,“ upozorňuje Richard Klička, odborník z oddelenia stavebnín projektových marketov Hornbach.

  • Drevo

Podlahy z dreva sú už stovky rokov stabilnou a obľúbenou voľbou. Sú odolné, univerzálne, dajú sa renovovať, a sú považované za jedno z najvhodnejších riešení aj pre alergikov. Aj tu ale platí, že pri ich ošetrovaní a renovácii vyberajte nátery bez obsahu VOC. „Pri správnom ošetrení sa na drevenej podlahe nebudú zachytávať mikroorganizmy, ako sú roztoče. Prach, či iné nečistoty sa dajú veľmi jednoducho odstrániť pravidelným čistením,“ hovorí odborník. Okrem zdravotného hľadiska predstavujú drevené podlahy aj riešenie s veľmi nízkym environmentálnym dopadom, avšak iba v tom prípade, ak majú PEFC certifikát. „Tento medzinárodný certifikát podporuje trvalo udržateľné a zodpovedné lesníctvo ale aj kontrolované ďalšie spracovanie dreva. To zaručuje, že lesy budú zachované aj pre budúce generácie. Kúpou takéhoto produktu si vyberáte produkt vyrobený z prírodného obnoviteľného zdroja. V predajniach Hornbach kladie veľký dôraz na trvalú udržateľnosť a preto u nás nájdete drevené produkty zásadne s týmto certifikátom,“ vysvetľuje Richard Klička.

  • Prírodné linoleum

Podlaha je vyrobená zo 100% prírodných surovín, a vyznačuje sa dobrou elasticitou, tepelnoizolačnými vlastnosťami a mimoriadne širokým výberom farieb a dekorov. Nestráca vzor ani po zošľapaní. Vďaka prírodnému pôvodu ide o podlahu vhodnú pre astmatikov a alergikov, a je zároveň vynikajúcou ekologickou voľbou podlahovej krytiny. Pred kladením podlahy je ale dôležité nechať materiál prispôsobiť sa podmienkam v miestnosti, aspoň na 24 hodín.

  • Korok

Korok je všestranný materiál, ktorý akoby príroda stvorila pre podlahy. „Korková podlaha je jednou z najudržateľnejších podlahových krytín, aké si v súčasnosti môžete vybrať. Je teplá, elastická, odolná voči prachu a nečistotám. Je príjemná pri chôdzi, čo ocenia ľudia s problémami pohybového aparátu. Pretože je podlaha mäkšia, výborne pohlcuje vibrácie, a tým šetrí chrbticu a kĺby. Korok je zároveň nenasiakavý, vďaka čomu je odolný proti plesniam. Rovnako ako drevené podlaha, si bude ale vyžadovať údržbu povrchového náteru,“ vysvetľuje Richard Klička.

  • Laminát a vinyl (PVC)

Obe dlažby sú vhodné pre domácnosti alergikov. Vinyl sa dokonca používa aj v zdravotníckych zariadeniach, pretože je k dispozícii aj so špeciálnou hypoalergénnou a antibakteriálnou úpravou, ktorá je doložená certifikátom o neškodnosti. Tieto podlahové krytiny nezachytávajú alergény, a vo všeobecnosti sa veľmi jednoducho čistia. Najväčším rizikom pri syntetických podlahách bolo použitie lepidiel. Väčšina podláh sa ale skladá systémom klik, čím sa eliminuje potreba použitia lepidiel.

Stavte na kvalitné a zdravé farby na stenu

Počuli ste už o ekologických a bio farbách? Ide o netoxické alternatívy, ktoré obsahujú veľmi nízke alebo žiadne percento prchavých organických zlúčenín (VOC), vďaka čomu zlepšujú kvalitu ovzdušia v interiéri. Vyrábajú sa z ekologicky šetrných alebo organických materiálov, ako sú napríklad citrusy, laky, balzam, mliečne proteíny či draselné vodné sklo. „Ich použitie je rovnaké ako pri tradičných interiérových farbách, s tým rozdielom, že nemajú žiadny zápach a majú dezinfekčný účinok. Predovšetkým farby vyrobené z bio surovín ocenia ľudia s dýchacími ťažkosťami alebo alergiami. Okrem pozitívneho vplyvu na zdravie obyvateľov domu sú ekologické a bio farby zároveň šetrné k životnému prostrediu, čím sa minimalizuje ich uhlíková stopa,“ vysvetľuje Monika Linghartová, odborníčka z oddelenia farby, laky v projektových marketoch Hornbach.

Ak sa obávate, že takéto alternatívne farby budú mať nižšiu kvalitu krytia, obavy nie sú na mieste. „Ekologické a bio farby sú v súčasnosti preferovanou voľbou, odhliadnuc od toho, či máte alebo nemáte alergie. Ide jednoducho o zdravú možnosť, ako vymaľovať váš interiér tak, aby bol okamžite obývateľný. Eko a bio farby sa nanášajú rovnakým spôsobom ako iné interiérové farby, a to predovšetkým pomocou valčeka,“ hovorí odborníčka z Hornbachu.

Môžu byť nábytok a bytové doplnky problémom?

Bytové textílie, ako napríklad koberce, závesy, záclony či čalúnený nábytok môžu pre silných alergikov predstavovať relatívne veľký problém, a to predovšetkým vtedy, ak nie sú frekventovane čistené. Na eliminovanie týchto alergénov nemusí ale časté upratovanie stačiť. Predovšetkým profesionálne čistenie čalúneného nábytku môže byť z dlhodobého hľadiska finančne náročné. „V prípade silných alergikov by bolo vhodné zvážiť výmenu nábytku, buď za kožený alebo napríklad drevený. Napríklad paletové pohovky sú v súčasnosti mimoriadne atraktívne. Ich výhoda spočíva nielen v možnosti vyskladania pohovky, aká sa vám hodí, ale tiež možnosti jednoduchšej údržby. Prach sa v nich totiž neusádza tak, ako v klasických pohovkách. Matrace v klasických pohovkách je síce možné vyčistiť, veľké množstvo roztočov a prachu sa ale nachádza v samotnom tele pohovky. Paletové kreslá či pohovky viete utrieť mokrou handrou, a matrace poriadne vyprášiť na čerstvom vzduchu,“ dodáva Richard Klička.

Viac informácií sa dozviete na stránke www.hornbach.sk.

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2 komentárov

  • Komentár Bret %PM, %24 %996 %2025 %22:%mar napísal Bret

    These will hit your elbow flexors with peak pressure at a barely longer muscle length, and they'll allow you to actually focus in your muscles.

    Make use of the chance to even out side-to-side energy imbalances, either by leading together with your weaker facet
    and mimicking that with your stronger side. Or,
    by main with your stronger aspect, and then playing catch-up together with your weaker facet, not stopping until you could have replicated the same number
    of work. Examine out this video showcasing some detailed breakdowns of our high biceps workout routines.
    Since one brachialis train simply isn’t sufficient for developing huge bicep peaks, you’re also
    going to be performing reverse curls to coach this highly effective higher
    arm muscle. Make sure to use a thumbless grip so that you simply place
    much more rigidity on your brachialis and brachioradialis.

    Maintain this stretch for up to a minute before releasing,
    and repeat up to 3 times. If you experience ache or you
    would possibly be struggling to hold up proper form, stop and get in touch with your bodily therapist for advice.
    The initial harm and irritation of the biceps tendon is known as tendonitis.
    Long-term biceps tendon problems are known as biceps tendinopathy.

    This gives us a stronger contraction coming out of the bottom of the movement as you curl the weights
    again. As I chose exercises for the entire biceps exercise routine,
    you’ll see that I’ve incorporated ones that problem all three of these movement varieties.
    Additionally, the overhead arm place places your triceps in a stretched position, which research says
    helps maximize the development of the lengthy triceps
    head (4). Lengthy story brief, rope overhead cable triceps extensions are a top-tier
    triceps exercise that never fails to deliver awesome results.
    The largest downside of this train is how many people
    perform it – with too much weight and a lack of management.

    This shifts the focus on the exercise to your brachialis and your outer biceps.
    The standing EZ bar curl is more difficult than the EZ bar
    preacher curl, as a end result of it requires engagement of your
    core. It Is also tougher as a end result of, with free weight bicep workouts, you want to pay shut attention to manage and easy motion.
    The machine preacher curl is a wonderful bicep exercise as a
    outcome of it locks your arms in place and ensures you goal the biceps successfully.
    The machine supplies fixed rigidity all through the range of movement, permitting
    for controlled, isolated contractions. This makes
    it one of the best bicep workout routines for those severe about hypertrophy.

    If you're looking for one of the best bicep exercises for isolation, the
    preacher curl is a high contender.
    Males may also concentrate on improving their athletic performance or reaching a sure body aesthetic.

    Ectomorphs, who are probably to have a leaner body sort, might must concentrate on rising their caloric consumption and lifting
    heavier weights to add mass to their biceps. Endomorphs,
    who tend to hold more physique fats, might must give consideration to shedding fat to be able to reveal the muscle
    mass they've. Mesomorphs, who genetically predisposed to achieve muscle simply.

    Bent over rows are primarily known as a again exercise, but supinating your grip
    places extra concentrate on the biceps.
    Heat up your wrists and forearms earlier than performing
    this train to avoid pointless joint strain. Perform this train on your
    knees if you’ve never tried it before. Thicker than the
    typical barbell, these bars are good for biceps coaching.

    It helps focus in your muscular tissues all through the motion and
    improves mind-muscle connection. Also generally identified
    as cranium crushers, mendacity triceps extension hit all heads of the triceps.
    Forcing you to isometrically contract the long head, to stop the burden from pulling the upper
    arm into flexion, means this predominantly targets the long head.
    The flexed shoulder place means the long head is uncovered to
    a loaded stretch, great for muscle development.

    This helps to ensure the triceps is taken through a full range of movement during training.

    It begins with heavy curls, then switches to lighter dumbbell and cable variations.
    It's simply that you simply're most likely doing it incorrect
    – curls will solely get you thus far. In fact, there are a great deal of
    bicep exercises out there, greater than sufficient to make your whole
    training sessions unique, and we will present
    you the best ones. This workout is for you should you train at house (or
    simply love dumbbells). It’s a whole dumbbell arm exercise for building
    your biceps and triceps in the consolation of your home.
    You probably consider the chin-up primarily as an exercise for
    your again exercise. It is certainly a tremendous back-builder,
    however in addition, it’s nice for packing on biceps muscle mass.

  • Komentár https://ebra.ewaucu.us/ %AM, %20 %048 %2025 %00:%mar napísal https://ebra.ewaucu.us/

    They require more power and management to use, however in addition they present a extra
    intense workout and can help you construct muscle and endurance with the rope flow movements.

    Many of the cable workouts for shoulders are isolation workout routines, which make it very
    easy for anybody to combine them into supersets or triple sets.

    These are when units for two or three exercises are performed
    back to again with no relaxation.
    The rope crunch intensely targets the core muscular tissues, whatever the variation you’re doing.

    This centered engagement can help you get a more toned midsection. Excessive cable curls are particularly good at optimizing the height contraction of the
    biceps. The train places the biceps beneath tension all through the
    complete vary of motion. As A Outcome Of this
    exercise targets each muscle individually, it might be
    very useful for fixing muscular imbalances. Unlike dumbbells or barbells, the place rigidity can drop at certain factors of the movement, cables ensure that the triceps are beneath continuous load.

    Think About adding four to 12 units with an average rep range
    of 10 to twenty for extra average loads. If you’re looking for easy cable machine rear delt workout routines to add to your workout routine,
    the bent-over cable raise is a good staple train to get you started.
    Performing battle rope exercises may be done 2-3
    instances per week, relying on your targets. As A End Result Of
    the ropes are a full-body exercise, I wouldn't suggest doing battle ropes daily as they're
    too fatiguing. Enable your body time to recover earlier than doing all your next workout.

    It’s like doing a run and a weightlifting session at
    the similar time. This will boost your cardiovascular health and your
    endurance, which can translate to better performance each
    with weightlifting and sports.
    We are so accustomed to creating motion in the sagittal plane, that the movement forces a cerebral inflow.
    Enhancements in variability and connection for our central nervous system
    and peripheral nervous system will improve common and global coordination for all times and
    athletics. This full body tri-planar movement is explosive and powerful… and it just looks really really cool for
    the mover and the spectator.
    For example, you can set the cables to stem from the underside to carry out lateral raises or shoulder presses to focus
    on the entrance and facet deltoids. You also can set the cables to stem from larger up to goal side and
    rear deltoids to perform workout routines such as rear delt flyers.

    This brings the depth of the movement up and places extra emphasis on other higher physique muscles like the chest, traps,
    lats, forearms, and shoulders. Face pulls are a superb exercise for the rear deltoids, trapezius, and
    higher again muscles. By targeting the rear delts, this exercise not solely enhances shoulder stability but additionally aids in harm prevention. Remember to regulate each cable machine
    top and grip for variations and at all times prioritize proper kind
    and managed actions during execution.
    Like the tall kneeling wave, the seated wave permits you to grease the groove
    of the arm movement. Nevertheless, the seated waves utterly removes the decrease body as not even the glutes are going to be concerned.
    And, after all, you can simply merely loop the battle rope round
    any easy pole or a squat rack beam. A lot of squat racks even have
    metal hoops on the base as nicely that are excellent for anchoring
    battle ropes. There’s nothing mistaken with wrapping a battle rope around a safe object,
    you simply need it to be easy as if it has an abrasive surface you can injury the rope over time.
    Attach a pulley at about shoulder peak and stand in entrance of the cable machine with your sides going through the
    The product is described as simple to use
    and cozy to grip. Prospects discover the non-public care equipment efficient
    and easy to make use of. They say it works nicely, is well-made, and
    has no meeting required. However, some have combined opinions on the ease
    of adjustment and noise degree. Some discover it
    helpful and sensible, whereas others mention that it pulls in a
    clumsy course, bumps alongside, and the rope is stiff the place
    it goes through the deal with. Prospects discover the exercise band helpful
    for shoulder rehabilitation. It helps with shoulder dislocations, shoulder replacements, and rotator
    cuff surgeries.
    The product is straightforward to use and useful for range of movement points.

    Transfer your shoulder totally via a pain-free ROM,
    after which slowly decrease your arm back right down to
    the starting place. Carry Out eight to 12 repetitions of this exercise,
    and then progress to the subsequent exercise. First, check together with your healthcare supplier or bodily therapist to
    ensure that these workouts are safe and appropriate for you to perform.
    If any of these workout routines trigger ache, you should cease immediately and consult along with your healthcare provider.
    We hope that we launched you to some new cable back workout routines that you have not
    seen or tried before. The 21 greatest back exercises
    with cables can assist you in your journey of constructing a stronger, healthier again.
    You’ll need to concentrate on making small and quick waves instead of the big
    explosive ones that you’d normally see when working the battle ropes.
    You’ll begin by grabbing the tip of the rope with every hand
    in a handshake grip. You’ll end up taking a wide stance with your feelings and you’ll
    make the rope do simultaneous waves. Before you head out and
    just start whipping ropes round on the gym,
    there are a quantity of particular workout routines that assist
    you to work your shoulders extra specifically.
    The proper workout for you'll depend upon the prognosis and symptoms of the situation inflicting the
    muscle ache. The physiotherapist ought to attempt to determine out what
    caused the ache when it first started and what situations made it higher
    or worse to fastidiously look at the muscle ache in your shoulder.
    After that, the physiotherapist will advocate workouts for you based on the causes of your muscle ache.

    The guillotine press scored comparatively low within the German study.

    It is a variation of the shoulder or overhead press,
    and it’s one of the best workout routines for building dimension and energy.

    So, by including focus curls into your regime of cable arm workout
    routines, you presumably can make certain that your
    exercise is participating the complete arm. If you desire a complete train to add to your
    cable arm exercise regime, hammer curls might help target your brachialis, brachioradialis, biceps, and forearms.
    These cable workouts are low-impact, which means they place less stress
    in your joints while nonetheless providing effective muscle engagement.
    If you battle with any joint sensitivities, then this might be a great arm workout for you.
    To reach your health objectives and strengthen your triceps, tailor your
    exercise program to incorporate pushdowns. Purpose for around 2 to 5 units per week for mild (20 to 30 reps)
    and heavy masses (5 to 10 reps), and a median of four to 12
    units of 10 to twenty reps for reasonable masses.
    I’ll usually do a superset with this train and either
    the cable rope overhead tricep extensions
    or the cable rope tricep press downs. I like reasonable to excessive reps with this train – units of reps per arm.
    This is an exercise not many individuals have done,
    however it’s great for blasting the medial and lateral head of the triceps.
    It’s a singular angle, so it's going to work the muscle slightly differently than a normal single-arm press down. So the necessary thing
    to constructing sleeve-busting arms is hitting the triceps.
    And the cable is the best way to work the completely different
    heads of the triceps because of two main factors – fixed pressure on the muscle and
    the ability to hit totally different angles.
    When a muscle group is affected by shoulder ache, it's typically located above or beneath the joint,
    normal joint motion is pain-free, and joint ache is
    It not solely works your again and shoulders but additionally
    engages your chest and the lengthy head of the triceps.
    This compound train is great for constructing muscle and burning energy, which is
    what we prefer to see in our cable back exercises!

    It is a mixture of a squat and a row so you’ll be working the largest muscular tissues in each your higher and decrease physique within one exercise.

    With moves like rear delt raises for the again,
    lateral raises for the perimeters, and presses up top, you’re masking all of
    it. 6 Best Cable Machine Arm Workouts (Plus a 20-Minute Workout).
    Using a cable crossover machine is an efficient
    way to practice the biceps and triceps. Here’s an in depth have a look at one of the best cable machine exercises for stronger arms, plus a 20-minute sample exercise.
    This is another train to focus on your posterior deltoids, and it’s top-of-the-line for building well-rounded shoulder energy.

    The Battle Ropes Alternating Arm Waves Facet Lunge works your whole
    lower physique each for hypertrophy and strength.

    Not many single items of gym tools have the power to target every
    space of the shoulder. The whipping movement is kind
    of like an explosive rear delt fly to chest fly.

    As such, your arms, shoulders (rear delts and front delts in particular), chest, traps,
    and rhomboids will be emphasized the most.
    The nook stone of your lower back, a robust erector spinae is necessary
    to keep our body performing at its finest. One of probably the most noticeable and prominent muscular
    tissues of the back; if you'll like a good-looking, strong back you should construct these unhealthy
    boys. A.K.A the traps, this triangular broad-shaped
    muscle stretches from the occipital bone (base of skull) to the lower thoracic vertebrae
    to the scapula. The primary operate of this muscle group is to
    help the arm and transfer the scapula. This is certainly
    one of our favourite workouts to target the decrease lats.
    You should be succesful of pack on some critical muscle
    with this cable again train. Verify out these Close Grip Lat Pulldown Variations for
    extra nice variations.
    Robust rotator cuff muscles enhance shoulder joint stability and scale back the danger of harm.

    These muscles develop more versatile whenever you stretch them regularly.
    Increased range of motion from flexibility might help
    hold off accidents. Simple shoulder workouts can enhance the power and adaptability of the rotator cuff muscle tissue and tendons.
    Use ice for fifteen minutes following exercise in case you have had shoulder issues in the past to avoid additional injury.
    So, if you would like to acquire a stable stance and improve your steadiness and coordination, battle ropes are
    an impressive implement to do so. The
    best part is, you'll be able to always continue improving in these
    areas with totally different dynamic variations of battle rope workout routines and more explosiveness movements.

    Once More, your healthcare supplier or bodily therapist might help you decide the safest method to progress together with your shoulder train program.
    To carry out the energetic exterior rotation, slowly elevate your hand up in direction of the
    ceiling. Your elbow should remain bent and stay tucked into your aspect.

    Go for maximal contraction at the high of the movement; since your physique can’t assist, your traps
    and back must do all of the work. The rack pull is a deadlift variation the place you set the barbell on an influence rack
    or blocks slightly below the knee or mid-thigh rather than lifting it from the floor.
    We strive to make cardio train accessible, pleasant and fun for all, so that individuals
    all over the place can experience the benefits of a healthy and active life-style.

    Our mission at Elevate Rope is to revolutionize cardio health
    and change the negative perception of cardio workouts worldwide.
    Incorporate these intermediate workouts into your routine
    to keep difficult your self and progressing. One Other great
    tool for placing together a kinesthetic workout at home is the almighty slider — find out about
    how sliders work and the workout routines you are capable of
    do with them here.
    To put together for the pattern shoulder workout with cables, start with 5-10 minutes
    of sunshine cardio like jogging or biking. This helps increase
    your heart fee and warms up your entire physique earlier than specializing in the shoulders.

    Shifting beyond the versatility of angles, let’s concentrate
    on resistance degree, one other key component in cable delt workouts.

    Perfect as part of a warm-up, or as a part of a
    restoration exercise in between excessive effort days.
    There are a wide selection of various sorts of battle ropes with completely different lengths and
    weights. Battle rope’s weights typically vary
    between 16 and 27 pounds with the longer ropes weighing
    greater than the shorter ropes. The most notable
    distinction between the out and in waves and a few of the different variations is the
    in and out waves require moving the arms horizontally.
    This exercise will goal the triceps, biceps, and shoulders more.
    One Other great possibility for some recovering from
    a lower-body damage or someone who solely desires to concentrate on their higher physique
    is the seated waves.
    Sit securely on a bench with your back straight
    and grasp the cable deal with in one hand. Whether Or Not performed while standing or seated, this exercise offers
    versatility in your workout routine, making it suitable for various your coaching fashion. Remember to maintain correct type
    and control all through the motion to avoid damage and maximize effectiveness.

    While this motion is low influence, we recommend beginning with
    a lighter weight, so that you don’t overly stress
    the joints. The Arnold press recruits all
    three deltoid heads by permitting your
    shoulders to move by way of a range of movement. It strikes the shoulder joint via its 
    full vary of motion while participating the target muscle being the
    lateral head of the shoulder. The lateral delts, also identified as the medial deltoid, side deltoids or middle
    delts, are the outermost head of the deltoid muscle giving the shoulders their rounded appearance and shape.
    If you wish to construct capped shoulders and create the phantasm of a smaller waist, then you’ll wish to focus
    on lateral shoulder exercises. Lateral shoulder workout routines are some one of the best movements to construct wider,
    stronger and more rounded shoulders.
    The medial head of the triceps helps extend the elbow, however it doesn’t
    play a role in shoulder stabilization as a outcome of it doesn't
    attach to the scapula. The triceps consist of three heads – the
    lateral, medial, and long head. They all converge at the elbow however begin in totally different places.

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