Ako zmierniť príznaky alergie? Vyskúšajte tieto účinné tipy

Kým mnohí ľudia vnímajú jar ako najkrajšie obdobie roka, pre alergikov je doslova nočnou morou. Po zimnej prestávke sa počas februára a marca začína obdobie kvitnutia rastlín. To je sprevádzané produkciou peľu, ktorý je jedným z najznámejších alergénov.

Otázka tak znie – ako na jar a v lete zmierniť príznaky alergie? Prinášame vám niekoľko účinných tipov, ktoré fungujú!

Alergie a domácnosť

Najjednoduchším spôsobom, ako sa vyhnúť alergickej reakcii, je zamedziť kontaktu vášho tela s alergénom. V prípade peľu by to znamenalo, že počas celej jari by ste nemohli chodiť von. Ani to vám však nemusí pomôcť. Peľ sa totižto prirodzene vznáša v ovzduší a ľahko sa dostane aj do vašej domácnosti.

Nahraďte záclony žalúziami

Pri otvorenom okne sa peľ dostane do interiéru, pričom s vysokou pravdepodobnosťou sa zachytí práve na záclonách. Kvôli tomu ho budete mať v domácnosti neustále, čím svoje alergické reakcie len podporíte. Nehovoriac o tom, že hrubé záclony negatívne ovplyvňujú prúdenie vzduchu v okolí okien, čím urýchľujú vznik ďalšieho alergénu – plesní. Preto odporúčame využívať žalúzie, ktoré sa dajú ľahko utrieť a zbaviť peľových čiastočiek.

TIP: Ak sa nechcete vzdať závesov, snažte sa ich pravidelne čistiť. Vždy na jar a na jeseň v období najväčšieho výskytu alergénov ich zaneste do čistiarne. Alebo zvoľte kratší variant a tenší materiál. Závesy sú pekným doplnkom v interiéri.


Zdroj obrázka: pixabay.com

Dbajte na správnu vlhkosť

Príznaky alergie nevyvoláva len peľ z bežných exteriérových rastlín. Často ich spôsobujú aj výtrusy húb. Že žiadne huby doma nemáte? Vedzte, že s veľkou pravdepodobnosťou ich nájdete v tmavom kúte kúpeľne, prípadne za skriňou. Rôzne druhy plesní sa prirodzene nachádzajú v každej domácnosti a ich výskyt je ovplyvnený najmä vlhkosťou. Čo robiť, aby ste ich eliminovali a ušetrili sa tak od alergickej reakcie? Vlhkosť v interiéri by mala byť na úrovni 45 až 60 %. Dosiahnete ju pravidelným vetraním, prípadne elektronickými odvlhčovačmi vzduchu.

Alergény priamo v posteli

Medzi časté alergény, ktoré sa prirodzene vyskytujú v domácnosti, patria aj roztoče. Mikroskopické chrobáčiky, ktoré žijú práve v posteli, keďže sa živia zvyškami odumretej ľudskej pokožky. Ich výskyt pritom nie je nijako ovplyvnený jarou – doma ich máte počas celého roka. Aby ste ich pobyt u vás doma eliminovali, je dôležité spať na správnom matraci. Odporúčame antibakteriálne matrace vyrobené zo špeciálnej peny, ktorá odpudzuje roztoče a ďalšie alergény.

Dobrými antibakteriálnymi vlastnosťami sa vyznačujú aj matrace vyrobené z latexovej peny. Na zlepšenie ich odpudivosti voči roztočom je dobré použiť aj poťahy s obsahom Aloe Vera alebo strieborných vlákien. Tie je možné pravidelne prať, čím zlikvidujete všetky potenciálne alergény.

TIP: Môžete zvoliť aj antibakteriálny matrac sú vyrábané kombináciou materiálov, ktoré nepodporujú alebo priamo eliminujú výskyt roztočov a baktérií.


Praktický tip: Okrem antibakteriálneho matraca nezabúdajte ani na kvalitné posteľné obliečky, ktorých najširší výber nájdete na portáli BIANO. Odporúčame voliť posteľnú bielizeň vyrobenú z organických materiálov, ktoré sú prirodzene hypoalergénne. Patrí medzi ne napríklad bavlna, ľan, bambus alebo hodváb.

Ako zmierniť príznaky alergie prírodnou cestou?

Ani najlepšia prevencia alergie v podobe antibakteriálnych matracov, posteľnej bielizne a správnej vlhkosti nemusí zaručovať, že sa nepríjemnej reakcii vyhnete. Je dôležité, aby ste podporili aj váš organizmus. Práve ten totižto môže za to, že sa u vás alergická reakcia objaví. Problémom je imunitný systém, ktorý príliš citlivo zareaguje na určitý vonkajší podnet – alergén. Medzi typické imunitné obranné mechanizmy patrí zvýšenie produkcie hlienu, kašeľ, kýchanie, svrbenie kože či vznik vyrážky.

Na to, aby ste alergickú reakciu dokázali zmierniť, potrebujete nejakým spôsobom regulovať činnosť imunitného systému, ktorý ju vyvoláva. Dnes na tento problém existuje množstvo rôznych účinných liekov. Avšak, v takom prípade vaše telo zbytočne zaťažujete neprirodzenými chemikáliami. V prvom rade by ste sa preto mali snažiť s alergiou bojovať prírodnou cestou.

Vyskúšajte kvercetín

Kvercetín je prírodná zlúčenina, ktorá sa prirodzene vyskytuje v niektorých druhoch ovocia a zeleniny. Jeho najväčšie percentuálne zastúpenie nájdete v kapary, no obsahujú ho aj cibule, jablká, paradajky či bobuľoviny. Bolo vedecky dokázané, že dokáže efektívne zmierniť najčastejšie príznaky alergie, pričom pôsobí aj preventívne. Za zmienku stojí najmä skutočnosť, že ovplyvňuje fungovanie imunitného systému a znižuje produkciu histamínu a protilátok IgE, ktoré vyvolávajú alergické reakcie. Navyše, pôsobí protizápalovo a odbúrava voľné radikály.


Zdroj obrázka: pixabay.com

Prijímajte veľa vitamínu C

Pre správne fungovanie imunitného systému, a teda aj redukciu nežiaducich alergických reakcií a elimináciu zápalov vo vnútri organizmu, je kľúčovým aj pravidelný príjem vitamínu C. Nájdete ho predovšetkým v citrusových plodoch a kapuste. Veľmi dobrým prírodným zdrojom sú tiež šípky.

Otužujte sa

Možno by ste to nepovedali, no otužovanie sa má skutočne citeľný vplyv na odolnosť a fungovanie imunitného systému. Pravidelné vystatovanie sa nízkym teplotám, napríklad v podobe studenej sprchy, zocelí vašu imunitu a pomôže jej ľahšie sa vyrovnávať s alergénmi. Reakcie vášho tela tak budú menej „prehnané“ a nepríjemné.

Vyskúšajte to!

Spôsobov, ako zmierniť príznaky alergie na jar a zároveň aj počas celého roka, je ešte ďaleko viac. Avšak, niekedy stačia aj malé zmeny a výsledky sa dostavia veľmi rýchlo. Vyskúšajte preto aspoň niektoré z našich tipov pretaviť do vášho života a uvidíte, ktoré budú fungovať najlepšie!

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    The incline dumbbell row is probably the most lower back-friendly bent-over row various.

    That’s as a result of you’re mendacity inclined on an incline
    bench, which takes the lower back out of the motion. In this
    text, we reveal the 12 best bent over row alternate
    options so you'll be able to construct the again of your desires
    without destroying your spine and preserving your workouts difficult and efficient.

    Some of the best bodybuilders have used them to construct backs that look like mountain ranges.

    But, bent-over rows have a downside, too, they usually put plenty of strain in your decrease back.

    Even so, it is doubtless safer to get an inexpensive resistance band anchor to avoid any issues.
    Resistance bands are versatile items of health gear which may be basically
    elastic cords. One potential downside is that you simply
    want an elliptical machine to do that train. That means either
    investing in your individual elliptical machine or becoming a member of
    a gym. Each hammer Strength machines and free weights have their execs and cons.
    The trapezius, usually generally known as the traps, is a kite-shaped muscle that covers the top half of your mid again.
    I merely can't have an inventory of again workouts with out including Chin-ups or Pull-ups.
    I’m selecting Chin-ups right here because the narrower, underhand grip extra carefully mimics a Chest Supported Row, however
    you can’t go wrong (ever) with a Pull-up both. Attempt to limit rotating the torso as a lot as possible when doing Renegade Rows.
    It’s natural to want to open the torso towards the facet of the arm
    you’re rowing with – try to fight towards this and keep as square as potential.
    The initial setup and stance for Barbell Bent Over Rows ought to be particular to the lifter’s deadlifting and/or Olympic lifting goals.
    Having equivalent setups and grips shall be great for the lifts to hold over to the compound actions.

    You’ll often see people decrease the bar too quickly, utilizing momentum
    and their posterior chain to power the weight up out of the
    bottom portion of the lift.
    The t-bar row is supposed to primarily work the muscle
    tissue of your center back and lats and to take action effectively, your torso
    must be bending forward till it’s simply above parallel
    to the bottom. Nevertheless, it’s an superior
    different to the t-bar row as it’s going to work the muscles of your again, in addition to your triceps lengthy
    head and rear delts. Nonetheless, when you don’t
    have entry to those, we’re going to recommend some alternate options for t bar
    row exercise that are just as efficient for developing a
    a lot bigger bac. It may be carried out utilizing a barbell loaded right into a landmine attachment or on a devoted t-bar row machine.
    The inverted row is a good body weight exercise for working your back muscular tissues especially the upper again. Overall
    alternating the barbell row out of the workout routine may
    help stop injuries and promote higher muscle balance and development as well as
    being efficient at breaking by way of plateaus. In truth, Pendlay started doing barbell rows when he was competing in powerlifting.

    The added chest support from the T-Bar machine pad eliminates your
    ability to ‘cheat’ reps by rocking the torso to create
    momentum. Options present variety, accommodate totally different tools availability, and can handle particular wants like
    harm limitations or desire for sure actions. A draw back is that
    you just do have to search out and go to a swimming pool or other physique of water
    to have the flexibility to do that train. Compared to using a rowing machine,
    swimming is even simpler in your knees and decrease again. One Other benefit is
    that treadmills are typically more budget-friendly
    than rowing machines. Although often barely cheaper, similar to a rowing
    machine, the stationary bike does require a decent investment.

    To allow for a greater range of movement, stick to smaller plates and just add more of
    them. We’re not referring to heavy weights right here but quite the size of the plates.
    Hold the load load mild to moderate (with the exception of pull ups that are determined by your individual bodyweight).
    The incline inclined y elevate train is perfect for working the muscle tissue of your lower traps.

    You can position your elbows at totally different angles out of
    your physique however by holding them out wider will provide you with probably the most upper again engagement.
    If you actually wish to fireplace up your lats then renegade rows are the way to go.

    I like Chin-Ups here barely over Pull-Ups simply
    because the underhand grip gets the biceps more concerned.
    Lean again barely more than you usually would
    for a Lat Pulldown and row. Focus on controlling the load
    again to the top of the rep so you don’t end up rocking everywhere.
    You can use both arms on the bar, one arm at a time, stand slightly off to the side for Pendlay Rows or
    use a Lat Pulldown attachment.
    Patrick Dale, PT, ex-Marine, is a Coaching Editor with 30 years of
    experience in Personal Training and Strength & Conditioning.
    A former British Royal Marine, gym owner, and health skills assessor, he is dedicated to delivering
    informative, dependable content material. In addition,
    Patrick is an skilled author who has authored three health and exercise books,
    dozens of e-books, 1000's of articles, and
    a number of other health movies. He’s not simply an armchair fitness professional; Patrick practices what he preaches!

    Regardless Of its widespread adoption, the bent over row
    does present a number of disadvantages which have
    led lifters to hunt out various actions. When it involves
    the bent over row, an acceptable different should pull the arms horizontally, so that the
    elbows find yourself behind the physique. Strive these 12 bent-over options
    to find the best workouts for constructing the back of your goals whereas minimizing
    your threat of damage. To optimally stimulate your
    again muscular tissues for energy and muscle gains whereas
    also permitting for full recovery between exercises, you want to prepare
    your back every 3-4 days or twice per week.
    In contrast, the pull-up entails vertical pulling where the elbows are pointing straight down. Horizontal pulling
    is best for lat thickness, whereas vertical pulling higher promotes
    lat width. This motion is much more joint pleasant that the inverted row because you get to maintain your hands in a
    neutral position (palms facing) which is better for your shoulders.

    If coupled with a healthy eating plan and a steady cardio regime, the bent-over row is a superb exercise, and I would suggest implementing
    it into your training now. If you carry out a bent-over row and your lower back or core offers out
    earlier than your higher and middle again, doing a chest-supported
    row may be higher. Lastly, when you don’t have access to a barbell, a barbell row would not
    be possible. We recommend performing this train near the start of a again or higher physique
    workout. If you don’t have entry to a lat pulldown, you can also do pull-ups instead.

    The T-bar row is a cornerstone train for lots of bodybuilders
    and is an excellent method to build again width and thickness.
    It’s not the best exercise to master, but it's a very rewarding one.
    Strength training machines have come a really good distance within the last one hundred years.
    Where they used to be big, clunky, uncomfortable, and barely effective, they're now state-of-the-art
    and let you target your muscular tissues with laser-like precision. With
    all the other muscles you should train to construct a
    balanced physique, it’s simple to miss the
    rear deltoids. After all, you can’t see them within the mirror, so they’re usually out of
    sight and out of thoughts.
    Altering up your train selection can make your program more pleasant and versatile.
    It is also useful to have different workout routines to fall back on if you end up traveling and coaching in a new
    space or if the tools required is in use and you're brief on time.
    One Other helpful progression is to do negative pull-ups, where
    you perform only the eccentric (lowering phase). Stand on a bench or box to carry your body weight above the bar
    and decrease yourself as slowly as you presumably can.
    To execute seated cable rows with proper form, it’s important to focus on your again posture.
    Hold a impartial backbone throughout the motion, avoiding any
    extreme stress on the lower again by ensuring that your back forms a straight
    line from your head down to your tailbone. Bent over rows primarily work the muscles
    of the higher again, rear of the shoulders, and
    the biceps. The again muscular tissues targeted by bent over
    rows are the lats, posterior deltoids, rhomboids,
    and the trapezius. The pulling movement also makes use of the quick and long heads of your biceps as secondary muscles to complete the exercise.
    One of the massive things that sets this train other than the barbell row,
    in addition to the position, is the alternating dumbbells in every
    hand. As one arm rows up, the opposite arm presses down with the burden on the ground.

    The bent-over row variations include the Pendlay row, the Smith machine bent-over row, and other
    high-level variations. Nevertheless, a common mistake just isn't beginning with a decrease weight when performing it for the first time – doing that will help forestall accidents.
    Your elbows shall be nearer to your torso, along with your arms closer together.
    You’ll even be pulling the bar to your
    decrease abdomen – lower than with a regular
    bent-over grip. A hamstring is a group of muscles situated on the again part of
    your thigh. It performs a supportive function by stabilizing the hip
    joint and helping to hold up proper posture and stability
    in the course of the motion. The bent-over row primarily works the rhomboids, trapezius, teres minor, teres main,
    infraspinatus, and latissmus dorsi.
    Whether Or Not you’re lacking correct equipment or are
    just in search of a unique movement to add some selection to your program, by no means stress, there are at all times
    options. By far the largest mistake I see with
    T-Bar Rows is athletes I coach suppose that as a end result of there's a pad to help their chest,
    they don’t need to have good posture. You ought to still have the
    identical posture – back and core engaged –
    as you would when you didn’t have a pad supporting you.
    By far the biggest mistake I see with Hammer Rows is athletes I coach assume that as a outcome of there is
    a pad to help their chest, they don’t have to have good posture.
    They start rocking and rolling their complete body to try to get their chest up
    to the handles. The most common mistake I see athletes make when doing Single Arm Dumbbell Row just isn't maintaining a flat again.
    Spinal stability is also essential for serving to reduce ache within the
    neck and back, and it is important for serving to cut back the chance of harm in and out of doors the
    gym. Resistance bands present a conveyable and challenging different to
    weights. I love Barbell Bent Over Rows as a back-building exercise, but generally
    Barbell Rows are simply not an choice. The last exercise on the listing isn’t a horizontal row like
    Bent Over Barbell Row, but it’s too good of an train to depart off.

    This compound exercise also recruits the core muscles to supply stability and assist during
    the motion. If you're in search of an various to the bent-over
    row to keep away from ache, manage an harm, make do with minimal
    gear, or just change things up, we now have you covered.
    Here is our record of the most effective barbell row alternate options to
    assist you construct a powerful, broad again. Transitioning to the T-bar row, this sturdy exercise
    zeroes in on strengthening the upper again and latissimus dorsi with a reduced load on the decrease spine.
    The engagement of mid trapezius and rhomboid muscular tissues through
    T-bar rows promotes scapular retraction and stability, thus helping
    prevent potential shoulder accidents.
    Due to the reality that you want to stabilize the weights while being ready the
    place you can’t generate a lot pressure or energetic tension, the load that you can use is kind of limited with this exercise.
    It’s therefore greatest used as an activation exercise to stimulate a psychological connection together with your back muscles before doing a heavier compound train. While you
    won’t be succesful of use as a lot weight as a barbell row, you can certainly raise some respectable poundages with an arguably better
    and more controlled type which makes it a wonderful different.

    That’s as a end result of pulldowns work the lats through a a lot larger range of
    motion than rows, challenging your lats while they’re in a stretched place.
    To sum it up, achieving a sturdy and wholesome back is
    feasible through various strategies. The optimum
    train is one that aligns with your particular person needs, bodily condition, and workout objectives.
    Really Feel free to experiment with these totally different substitutes in pursuit of wellness—and remember, the trail towards health should be
    approached like an everlasting race somewhat than a
    fast sprint.
    If you are trying to get extra bicep involvement in your
    exercise this exercise is a great various to the t-bar row.
    Relying on the angle of the incline, the chest supported row will goal a unique set
    of again muscle tissue. When done properly, compared to different again exercises, the t-bar row places less of a requirement on the posterior
    chain. This can let you get all the benefits of rowing whereas inserting
    your back underneath a lower risk of harm.
    An Inverted Row is a great bodyweight various for a Chest Supported Row.
    It’s additionally an excellent choice for novices as it’s easily modifiable relying upon the angle at which you set up the row.
    As such, the following substitute exercises to the barbell row are those who possess
    the closest attainable similarity in all however name and equipment used.
    If you can not do pull-ups, progress by utilizing a pull-up machine, lat pulldown machine, or long loop resistance bands
    for assistance. This train is performed on a machine that permits you to row the weight in the course of your abdomen. This exercise
    is carried out on a Smith machine, which is a guided barbell.
    This train can be similar to the bent-over barbell row, but you
    solely use one dumbbell at a time.
    The barbell bent-over row is the obvious selection as a substitution for the Smith machine row.
    It emphasizes the actual same main muscle teams as
    the Smith machine row. This helps strengthen the back muscular tissues, specifically the
    latissimus dorsi (lats), rhomboids, and trapezius muscles (traps).
    Look for an train that enables a similar long vary
    of motion to fully stretch and contract the back muscular tissues.
    In Addition To that, if you are interested in strengthening
    upper physique muscle tissue, the treadmill is likely not what you're looking for.
    That means that the pull-up bar won't really offer you very
    big advantages when it comes to trying to enhance cardiovascular health,
    strengthening leg muscle tissue, and so forth. To do this exercise you want a pull-up bar
    which is mainly a sturdy horizontal bar.
    The high row falls in between the row and pull ups,
    and it targets the lats a bit greater than a
    seated row. But you’ll nonetheless get great activation of
    the upper again, and which means you'll find a way to go fairly
    a bit heavier. It also locks you into a strict vary of movement, and most are able to isolateral movements.

    Even the initial funding is mostly lower compared to the
    identical rowing machine stats. This implies that if you determine to stop using dumbbells or different free weights you can likely promote them for a very similar price as what you
    place into them. Using this machine could look a bit complicated at first however this train is actually very beginner-friendly.
    You may need to find an elevated bench or use packing containers to raise the
    bench to perform this motion. Using 25-pound plates
    will permit a greater range of movement than using 45-pound plates.

    The function of the lats is to maneuver the higher arm down and inward in course
    of the hip.
    Rear delt rows may be performed with dumbbells, barbells, cables,
    or resistance bands. Not Like the traditional barbell row, the pendlay row starts from the
    bottom. The bent over row is an exercise that strengthens the muscular tissues of your center back.
    This carry additionally has the additional advantage of working
    your latissimus dorsi, or lower again, and the muscles in your arms.
    Incorporating this lift into your weekly train routines will strengthen your back and improve your posture.

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