Krehká krása v Bratislave

Zväz výrobcov skla a bižutérie je národnou bižutérnou a sklárskou asociáciou Českej republiky. Združuje 45 výrobných, obchodných firiem a remeselníkov, jeho členmi sú 4 stredné umelecké školy, Technická univerzita Liberec a Múzeum skla a bižutérie.


 Zdroj fotografií:  archív SVSB

Od roku 2024 je členom aj prvá slovenská firma - výrobca vianočných ozdôb Okrasa Čadca. Na pozvanie agentúry CzechTourism Slovensko dnes SVSB predstavil v Bratislave svoje aktivity v oblasti turistiky.

Svaz výrobců skla a bižuterie

(ďalej SVSB) chráni záujmy svojich členských firiem a zastupuje ich pri rokovaniach na celoštátnej, krajskej i medzinárodnej úrovni. Jeho hlavné aktivity sú najmä v oblasti podpory marketingu a obchodu. Zväz je zakladajúcim partnerom projektu Libereckého kraja Crystal Valley, jeho predseda pôsobí v poradnom zbore a zúčastňujeme sa všetkých spoločných akcií na podporu cestovného ruchu, organizuje účasti členských firiem na výstavách a veľtrhoch, najbližšou akciou je napríklad účasť 6 firiem na veľtrhu Lifestyle Week, Tokyo v januári 2025. V období november až december 2024 sa zúčastnil a zúčastní na podujatiach v Prahe, Strakoniciach, Oyibine, Zwickau a iných.

Medzi top činnosti zväzu patrí organizácia módnej prehliadky Made in Jablonec, národnej výstavy Krehká krása a prevádzka Centra bižutérie Krištáľový raj.

Módna prehliadka Made in Jablonec

Od roku 2010 sa módna prehliadka Made in Jablonec stala fenoménom na národnej i medzinárodnej úrovni. Jej koncept je unikátny, pretože na tvorbe modelov sa podieľajú odevné a bižutérne firmy, umelecké školy aj individuálni dizajnéri. Zväz zostaví 2 členný tím, ktorého úlohou je vytvoriť 3 modely podľa hlavného zadania. Výsledkom je každoročne 60 až 70 modelov, ktoré zväz začlení do módnej show a tú potom prevádzkuje po jeden rok. Za 14 rokov tak vzniklo cca 800 modelov. Made in Jablonec je hlavným marketingovým nástrojom zväzu, ročne ju naživo uvidí až 5000 divákov.


Zdroj fotografií: Josef Véle, archív SVSB

Premiéra Made in Jablonec 2025 sa bude konať v Jablonci nad Nisou 29. januára 2025. Po dlhšej dobe privítame aj dizajnérku zo Slovenska - Jitka Klett predstaví unikátne sklenené šaty, vytvorené v spolupráci so sklárňou Novosad&syn z Harrachova. Od roku 2025 začne zväz spolupracovať na medzinárodnom projekte so Školou umeleckého priemyslu v Trenčíne,“ dopĺňa predseda Zväzu výrobcov skla a bižutérie, Pavel Kopáček.  Viac informácií tu.

Národná výstava Krehká krása

SVSB je aj hlavným usporiadateľom národnej výstavy Krehká krása v Jablonci nad Nisou, ktorá sa od roku 2011 koná každoročne vždy v auguste. Výstava je prehliadkou bižutérneho a sklárskeho priemyslu Českej republiky a jej cieľovým zákazníkom je návštevník Jablonca nad Nisou, najmä rodiny s deťmi. Na tohtoročnom ročníku sa prezentovalo 50 vystavovateľov a návštevnosť za 4 dni dosiahla 14 000 osôb. Výstava je predajná a okrem toho má rozsiahly sprievodný program, ktorému dominujú módne prehliadky Made in Jablonec. Vďaka podpore štatutárneho mesta Jablonec nad Nisou a Libereckého kraja si zväz môže dovoliť vskutku ľudové vstupné 100,- CZK, deti do 15 rokov v sprievode rodičov neplatia vôbec. Viac informácií tu.

Centrum bižutérie Krištáľový raj

Od roku 2022 prevádzkuje SVSB veľké bižutérne centrum situované uprostred Jablonca nad Nisou na ploche 500 m2. Jeho dominantnou časťou je predajňa, ktorá ponúka produkty 46 českých bižutérnych a sklárskych firiem, celkovo ide o 9500 položiek. Popritom ponúka verejnosti a organizáciám workshopy, predvádza výrobu a v priebehu roka organizuje niekoľko propagačných eventov.

Krištáľový raj sa vypracoval na jedno z najväčších turistických lákadiel Jablonca nad Nisou, v roku 2023 ho navštívilo 20 500 osôb a tento rok očakávame až 25 000 návštevníkov. V centre vás čaká unikátna ponuka výhradne českého tovaru, kde sa o vás postará profesionálny tím predajcov. Viac sa dozviete tu.

Workshop Krehká krása v Bratislave

V rámci prezentácie predstavil v Bratislave aktivity SVSB, projekt Krehká krása i prehliadku Made in Jablonec predseda predstavenstva Zväzu výrobcov skla a bižutérie, Pavel Kopáček. Centrum bižutérie Krištáľový raj predstavila Hana Semelková, umenie fúkania sklenených snehových vločiek predviedla účastníkom naživo dizajnérka Marie Horčičková a Adéla Zezuláková zo Strednej odbornej školy remesiel a služieb Jablonec nad Nisou sa venovala fúkaniu vianočných ozdôb.


„Prezentácia tradície výroby jedinečného českého skla, ktoré je zapísané i v UNESCO, rovnako aj prezentácia bižutérie, ktorá stále patrí k populárnemu a žiadanému českému vývoznému artiklu, je skvelým precedensom a vzorom, ako sa postaviť ku svojmu kultúrnemu dedičstvu a tradíciám. Teší nás, že prezentácia je najmä pozvánkou do nádherných českých regiónov, ktoré už preslávila remeselná zručnosť ich obyvateľov,“ dodala na margo workshopu pre zástupcov novinárov a cestovných kancelárií riaditeľka agentúry CzechTourism Slovensko, Nora Gill.

Zástupcovia novinárov a cestovných kancelárií sa po prezentácii zúčastnili workshopov, kde si vyskúšali fúkanie a dekorovanie vianočných ozdôb i navliekanie vianočných náramkov.

Zdroj fotografií: Josef Véle, Martin Kubišta, archív SVSB


1 Komentár

  • Komentár %PM, %20 %612 %2025 %13:%mar napísal

    These channels facilitate quick and interactive
    shopper engagement. Athlete and customer testimonials showcased on these platforms help
    to create a dialogue, allowing for direct
    interplay. This two-way communication enhances
    buyer expertise and encourages deeper loyalty.
    These metrics provide insights into the influence of their strategies.
    Efficient measurement and evaluation are crucial for Athletic
    Greens to refine its advertising efforts. By utilizing A/B testing and gathering buyer suggestions, the
    brand can improve customer expertise and optimize its strategies.

    However, there are some notable variations between the
    2 products. No, you don’t have to refrigerate Athletic Greens as a outcome of it isn't a pre-made green drink.
    Athletic Greens storage is fairly simple since
    it is just a dry greens powder, so you possibly can simply retailer it
    in your pantry. However, you should combine it in with cold water or chilly juice because the taste is usually
    fairly bad if the green drink is warm…you definitely want it
    to be cold on the time of consumption. Suppose about that for a second…our
    prime ranked green powder complement supplies 50% more greens per serving,
    and but, it still costs less than Athletic Greens.
    This value is simply too excessive until the product will get considerably stronger a while soon, which isn't likely to occur.

    The value is absurd until they considerably enhance the quantity
    of nutrients.
    Our blog is dedicated to exploring these dynamic intersections, providing our readers with insightful, up-to-date,
    and engaging content material that enriches their skilled and private lives.
    In 2024, Athletic Greens is focusing on trends corresponding to elevated personalization and data-driven marketing.

    The model is also leveraging user-generated content material and
    enhancing its digital presence to align with evolving consumer preferences.
    Emphasizing sustainability and transparency has turn out to be another essential side
    of their strategy. This approach permits Athletic Greens to determine which
    version resonates extra with its audience. The insights gained
    from these tests inform selections about messaging, design, and promotional channels.
    Frequent testing leads to data-driven changes, which finally increase advertising efficiency and customer engagement.

    Some are pleasantly stunned by the bubble gum taste, while others aren't as thrilled.
    One review went as far as saying that it tastes like grass clippings blended with bubble gum.
    The firm suggests that you just put one spoon of Athletic Greens
    into 5-10 ounces of chilly water and drink it every morning.
    You can use apple juice, unsweetened nut milk, or shakes,
    but it must be taken on an empty abdomen very first thing in the morning.
    Athletic Greens supplement incorporates less than 1g of sugar per serving and is
    low in allergens. Read our Athletic Greens evaluation to search out out what this unique supplement does, and whether or not
    it can assist you to enhance a selected side of your well being and well-being.
    Dietary Supplements have taken the world by storm, and the market has grown considerably.

    Nonetheless, some users have reported enjoying the feel, savoring
    each sip instead of feeling a need to rapidly eat the drink.
    Mixability might differ depending on the individual’s desire, however
    it’s worth attempting completely different methods to search out what works greatest for you.
    It’s true that you simply can’t put a value on your well being,
    but it’s apparent that Athletic Greens could be very expensive, even should you were to
    opt for the Double Hit possibility. With many
    different options on the market being a minimum of a greenback cheaper per serving, you want
    to evaluate if the additional components are worth it.
    Apple powder comes from the true fruit itself, the place the juice has been removed via a
    course of that preserves the goodness which keeps the physician away.

    Apple is wealthy in vitamin C which is an antioxidant that
    protects your cells from cancer. Apples are additionally wealthy in pectin, which is thought to reduce LDL levels of cholesterol and enhance your
    total coronary heart well being.
    We simply don’t know but if all of those components
    work properly together or if any counteract each other.

    Additionally, AG1 claims to use elements that work synergistically,
    enhancing each other’s benefits. This is actually the case
    with their two probiotic strains which have proven to
    work harmoniously. They are committed to sourcing solely ingredients with the very best bioavailability.

    According to Arrae’s third-party scientific trials, 86% of members felt less bloated after
    taking the tablets, and 74% noticed enhancements
    in their symptoms inside one to 2 hours. As Quickly As once more, these claims require extra research as this
    explicit trial solely examined a small pool of 35 women. One examine
    noticed reduced inflammation for soccer gamers taking
    colostrum, which can result in quicker muscle regeneration after exercise.
    One Other study reviewing 5 randomized managed trials concluded athletes taking colostrum had a 44% lower in upper respiratory
    infections in comparison with the placebo. However, as with every new product, extra
    analysis have to be accomplished to totally help all
    their claims. Very Important Proteins’ collagen source is extracted from bovine (cow)
    or wild-caught salmon as a marine collagen source. One advantage
    of Very Important Proteins collagen is that
    it consists of collagen peptides, also called hydrolyzed collagen, which means it is damaged all the way down to be more digestible within the
    The firm was founded in 2010 by Chris Ashenden, a former private coach and nutritionist
    who was looking for a convenient and comprehensive method to
    assist his shoppers meet their dietary needs.
    Nearly every complement does as lengthy as it's produced by a
    reputable company. This could also be a daring take, however
    I would go so far as to say that should you did buy this supplement, you in all probability would end up using this a refund
    Athletic Greens has over 75 components, together with vitamins,
    minerals, digestive enzymes, herbs, probiotics,
    adaptogens, and superfood vegetables and fruits. Athletic Greens is a complete day by day complement that provides a wide range
    of nutrients, including nutritional vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
    digestive enzymes, and probiotics. It goals to assist total health
    and wellness in one convenient formulation.
    It’s particularly noted for its extensive method, designed to help a broad spectrum of health
    needs. These questions can lead you to products that supply your specific
    desired advantages. For example, you’d search for a product with prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive supporting herbs
    when you wanted to reinforce intestine well being.
    Some reviewers report the product has an earthy and slightly grassy taste, and will taste better combined into smoothies.

    That roundup shares my favourite greens powders thus far, and it’s constantly being updated as and
    once I get despatched the latest greens powders to try out for the Trail &
    Kale blog. If you’ve tried this powder before and on the lookout for an AG1 alternative to
    try out subsequent, head over to my best greens powder
    dietary supplements buyer’s information. It also accommodates a digestive
    enzyme and super mushroom complex which is a blend of adaptogenic mushrooms that are known for their health benefits and
    immunity-boosting properties. The advanced incorporates various kinds of mushrooms, together with reishi and shiitake.

    Yes, Athletic Greens includes superfood elements that assist reduce irritation, enhance digestion, and boost immunity.
    The Athletic Greens company recommends consuming the complement on an empty abdomen within the morning so your
    physique can finest take up the nutrients.

    Their distinctive mixture consists of forty natural fruit and veggies, ten probiotics, and
    six digestive enzymes. One of the attainable benefits of Athletic Greens
    is improved gut well being and digestion. Athletic
    Greens has many plant-based ingredients, and
    these superfoods are sometimes supportive of gut health. Most green powders don't style superb, which is simple to grasp based on the ingredients they include being greens,
    algae, and mushrooms. The larger, extra popular manufacturers
    are good at discovering methods to make their green powders taste good.
    Our top ranked greens powder, for instance, makes use of a hefty dose of pure blueberry flavoring to mask the taste of the greens, grasses,
    and algae. Other than the myriad of proposed well being benefits, pros embrace AMRA’s high quality and ethically sourced ingredients
    without utilizing antibiotics.
    There is a plethora of Athletic Greens health advantages customers can anticipate to expertise on account of such a potent mix of superfoods.
    After all, we’re talking about ingesting 10,000 milligrams price of superfoods plus
    digestive enzymes, herbs, and probiotics. That’s a strong combination, which
    is what makes greens powders normally such nice dietary supplements.
    Athletic Greens, also recognized as AG1, can be described
    as a comprehensive day by day health drink. Designed to help foundational vitamin, AG1 is formulated as an all-in-one resolution with quite a lot
    of well being advantages. It might serve those that want
    to support their day by day dietary intake with out having to depend
    on a quantity of supplements. The formulation is based on a combination of vitamins, minerals,
    probiotics, prebiotics, superfoods, adaptogens, and more.
    Athletic Greens has a ton of information on its website, however it’s strictly about its AG1 complement.

    After that, I’ll dive into the inner workings of
    the 2 manufacturers and work out what makes them distinctive.
    This includes comparisons of buyer feedback, promotions, and insurance
    policies. By the time I’m done, I hope you’ve realized enough
    about every to make your ultimate choice.
    Athletic Greens may also be beneficial for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who
    need to fuel their our bodies with important vitamins to
    help efficiency and restoration. The product is designed to supply a
    comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, and different vitamins that
    may help assist vitality levels, immune perform, and total well being and wellness.
    Athletic Greens is a superfood powder that beats out practically every considered one of its rivals with a wonderful
    method and highly potent components. The benefits of
    supplementing with greens powders are countless in case you are taking the best one.

    Take a have a look at this complete Athletic Greens evaluation to see how we determined
    this dietary supplement to be one of the prime three
    finest superfood drinks on the market. Basically, the extra health advantages you’re after, then the more ingredients you want to get in.
    We are continually looking to improve our diet and eat only natural, whole-food, plant-based meals, and this extends to any supplements
    or drinks we take. Supplements and different dietary
    merchandise have become an everyday addition to the diet of many Individuals.
    The most essential thing is to search out the best product as many manufacturers aren't one hundred pc sincere in terms of the extent of
    benefits their formulation provides. AG1 has many vitamins and minerals, together with vitamins C,
    A, and E, the B-complex nutritional vitamins, and minerals zinc, selenium, and chromium.
    AG1 doesn't listing whether or not it incorporates vitamin D or vitamin K or minerals
    iron, iodine, or molybdenum.
    Its AG1 complement contains 75 completely different, useful components that
    include a range of vitamins and minerals. It’s a superfoods complex with 12
    servings of fruits and veggies per scoop. This method includes greater than 20 meticulously selected components, including superfoods, leafy greens, nutritious algae, and cereal
    grasses. Athletic Greens aims to make comprehensive vitamin available to everyone.
    They take delight in using solely the most wholesome ingredients of their blends.
    All things considered, there’s little doubt Athletic Greens deserves to be ranked amongst the highest five finest greens powders
    in the marketplace.
    As described in a evaluate article published in Nutrients, wholesome diets, as
    opposed to western-style diets, have been proven to scale back
    cardiovascular risk factors and cancer. Healthy diets are these wealthy in greens, fruits, complete greens,
    seeds, legumes, nuts, and low in animal meats and saturated fat.
    The core demographic for Athletic Greens consists of health-conscious
    people, health fanatics, and those in search of handy dietary solutions.
    This group typically ranges from younger adults to middle-aged shoppers who worth wellness and high quality merchandise.
    The firm frequently shares information about its dietary science and the sourcing of elements.
    This openness reassures customers about the product’s high
    quality, which is a critical factor in decision-making.

    And with main benefits corresponding to improved digestion,
    power ranges and immune system make it properly well worth the money.

    The advantages of AG1 started to disclose themselves inside just some days,
    with enhancements to digestion and energy levels.
    Among the vegetables and fruits, dark leafy greens, cruciferous greens, citrus, and dark-colored berries appear to have essentially
    the most benefits for well being promotion and illness prevention. Supplementation doesn’t
    provide any advantages if you already get
    adequate calcium within the food plan, such as from dairy merchandise, canned fish with bones,
    and leafy greens. However, most individuals don’t need further vitamin B6 in their food plan to adequate consumption of animal meals
    and fortified products, corresponding to cereal. And you may
    wrestle with bloating, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, or different symptoms.
    Whereas there are heaps of alternatives to Athletic Greens, none of them compare when it comes to high quality and worth for

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