Divadelná komédia KLIMAKTÉRIUM oslávila 200. reprízu

Napísal NK Factory 28. október 2024

Predstavenie malo premiéru 18. septembra 2018 a stále si získava nových nadšených fanúšikov. Fantastické KLIMAKTÉRIUM s Gizkou Oňovou, Zuzkou Tlučkovou či Zuzkou Vačkovou má na konte osem rokov úspešného uvádzania v 154-tich miestach celého Slovenska.


Komédia zabávala a potešila takmer 70 tisíc divákov a stal sa z nej spoločensko-kultúrny fenomén!

Sú divadelné inscenácie zaujímavé, úspešné, výnimočné. Ale len niektoré z nich sa stanú fenoménom. To sa podarilo divadelnej komédii s pesničkami KLIMAKTÉRIUM... a čo?, ktoré uvádza Divadlo komédie v réžii Svetozára Sprušanského.

„Ja som sa o tejto inscenácii dozvedel veľmi dávno, ale šesť rokov trvalo, kým nám poľská autorka udelila súhlas na jej uvedenie. Cestoval som do Varšavy a keď som uvidel tú komédiu, zavolal som Zuzke Tlučkovej. Opísal som jej, že mám hru, ktorá sa končí ódou na ženy v podobe hudobnej skladby Internacionála. A vtedy som tvrdil, že to budeme hrať desať rokov. Zuzka mi nechcela veriť a dnes už máme za sebou osem rokov! V čom tkvie úspech tohto fenoménu? To, že aj o vážnych veciach hovorí s humorom, iróniou a nadhľadom. Má v sebe noblesu a hravosť. A skvelé herecké protagonistky s obrovskou energiou, ktorým toto predstavenie chutí a baví ich,“ skonštatoval  režisér Svetozár Sprušanský.

V predstavení excelujú Gizka Oňová, Zuzana Tlučková, Zuzana Vačková, Daniela Kuffelová, Katarína Brychtová, Jana Valocká, Jeannette Švoňavská a Ľudmila Lukačíková. Práve Gizka Oňová dostala na slávnostnej 200. repríze od režiséra Svetozára Sprušanského ako darček kondóm!


„Užívam si to. Lebo keď niečo hráte po dvestýkrát, je to taký pocit istoty, že sa môžeme spoľahnúť jedna na druhú. Je medzi nami perfektná chémia. Na túto hru sa vždy veľmi teším. Keď som išla do tohto predstavenia ako taká mladica sedemdesiatnička, neverila by som, že to zahrám dvestokrát,“ s humorom opisuje Gizka Oňová.

Herečky už niekoľko sezón križujú celé Slovensko. Prichádzajú za divákmi, aby im ponúkli smiešne situácie, vtipné a chytľavé piesne a pozitívnu energiu. Zuzana Tlučková bola reakciami publika až zaskočená.

„Mnohé diváčky boli v divadle po prvý raz. Po predstavení nám aj so slzami v očiach ďakujú, že sme im priniesli vtipný a ľudsky uveriteľný pohľad na ich trápenia, problémy a stavy, s ktorými zápasia. Že im prinášame humor. Nie výsmech, cynizmus, zhadzovanie. Ale porozumenie,“ hovorí s úsmevom Zuzana Tlučková.

Salvy smiechu a záverečné pozitívne posolstvo hry dáva tejto divadelnej „babskej jazde“ všetky predpoklady, aby naďalej potvrdzovala svoje „liečivé účinky“.

„Všade nás vítajú s otvorenou náručou. Je to až dojemné. Predovšetkým diváčky oceňujú citlivosť a vkusnosť zobrazenia rôznych tém hry. Či už je to starnutie, nadváha, vzťahy s deťmi, nenaplnené partnerské vzťahy, diskriminácia žien po istom veku, zdravotné problémy, návaly a iné,“ opisuje herečka Zuzana Vačková.

Daniela Kuffelová uzatvára vtipné spomienky na ich putovanie po Slovensku: „Predstavenie je o detailoch, ktoré musia do seba zapadať a o súhre a chémii, ktorá medzi nami musí fungovať. A tá funguje v našom prípade fantasticky. Nielen v zájazdovom autobuse, ale predovšetkým na javisku. A to diváci cítia. A mnohí prichádzajú na naše predstavenia aj viackrát.“ 

Tvorivý tím dopĺňa textár Martin Sarvaš, scénická a kostýmová výtvarníčka Diana Strauszová, choreograf Vašo Púčik a hudobný producent Ľubo Horňák. Prečo diváčky priťahuje táto téma vysvetlila autorka predlohy, poľská herečka a kabaretiérka Elžbieta Jodlowská.

„Je to téma, ktorú diváci poznajú. Je to láskavý humor hrdiniek. Oslobodzuje ich spôsob, akým sa o období menopauzy hovorí. A v závere dostávajú niekoľko možnosti, ako so životom a vlastnými problémami „zatočiť“. Mám jednu osobnú skúsenosť. Po jednom z predstavení prišiel za mnou chlapec vo veku 19 rokov a povedal mi, že by chcel, aby jeho rovnako stará priateľka mala toľko energie, čo ja a moje kolegyne na javisku,“ uzatvára Elžbieta Jodlowská.

A čo je najpotešiteľnejšie, aj pokračovanie tohto divadelného hitu – KLIMAKTÉRIUM 2 alebo ošiaľ menopauzy – sa u divákov stretol s rovnako srdečným prijatím a reakciami, ako jej predchodca. Obe predstavenia dokazujú, že ženský svet je svetom humoru, nadhľadu a otvorenosti. KLIMAKTÉRIUM čaká aj na vás! Nenechajte si ho ujsť na javisku, neoľutujete! Vstupenky sú dostupné tu:



Zdroj foto: Dalibor Krupka

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    Pushing your working sets nearer to failure gets much less easy and extra harmful
    as your weights improve. Don’t be afraid to utilize machines to
    use extra depth safely or get a spotter or a coach to get nearer to failure without
    risking injury. He has been passionate about bodybuilding since
    he was 15 years old and discovered the fun of training within the gym.
    Earlier Than we have a look at the top 10, let’s briefly
    cowl the basics of hypertrophy (muscle growth).
    Earlier Than even contemplating physical training, it is imperative that anyone
    seeking to build muscle has an in-depth have a look at their
    nutrition. There are two influential factors when it comes
    to vitamin and muscle progress – a calorie surplus and daily protein intake.

    The primary muscle of the shoulder is the deltoid; a rounded triangular muscle that sits on high of the shoulder girdle.

    Though jumping over to free weights will prove to be a problem on your coordination initially,
    they're better for muscle-building in the long run. As a health
    and health coach, balancing a busy schedule and my dedication to
    widening my shoulders was a problem. But, hitting the health club thrice per week grew to become a non-negotiable a half of my routine.
    One Other profit is the power to focus on your delts from all
    Maximize your progress by utilizing a variety of training tools and methods.
    For instance, you can do front, facet, and rear delt raises utilizing dumbbells, cables, suspension trainers (TRX),
    and resistance bands. Each one impacts your muscle tissue
    slightly differently, and that variety is excellent for muscle
    growth. Some trainers imagine that one train method is better than the others,
    and that’s not true. I noticed real progress after I took my shoulder exercises to the limit.

    In athletes, it usually comes in the form of overuse accidents or improper mechanics.
    The point is that so as to carry out daily and lifting duties optimally, your arm needs a secure base.
    So, right here is the whole Excellent Shoulder Exercise step by step, all units, all reps for you to follow.

    If you are trying to develop all your muscle teams,
    observe a 6-day cut up, as analysis signifies working the muscular tissues twice weekly is ideal
    for hypertrophy1. The finest way to do this is by doing workout
    routines such as overhead presses, lateral raises,
    bent laterals, and reverse flies. The key to
    the Dumbbell Bent-Over Row’s effectiveness lies in the pulling movement.

    When you row, your rear deltoids are activated to manage and
    execute the movement. This exercise doesn’t just have interaction these muscles; it places them via their paces,
    guaranteeing they're worked totally and effectively.

    Your shoulders, appropriately known as the deltoids,
    are made up of three sets of fibers or heads. These heads can work together, however it’s also potential to emphasize each with specific movements and
    Focus on preserving the scapula retracted
    all through the vary of motion (ROM) to maximise middle lure engagement.

    This is an entire arm exercise for intermediate or advanced lifters and bodybuilders seeking to add
    lean mass to their upper arms. It contains a combination of the best compound
    movements and isolation workouts to target your biceps and triceps from all angles as effectively as attainable.
    The seated barbell press works all three deltoid heads, while additionally building total higher body power.
    These mobility movements might help to enhance your vary of
    motion earlier than you practice your shoulders with heavier weights.

    Whether Or Not you take on this complete series or cut up them
    up, it can be a great way to begin an higher body session.
    The outcomes indicated that, during the row, the delts have been activated to
    a big degree and larger EMG activity was seen when compared to a quantity of different shoulder workout routines.

    The row appears to be particularly effective at targeting the rear and lateral heads of the delts (2).
    Studies have proven that training each muscle group twice every week,
    no less than 72 hours apart to make sure full recovery is greatest.

    He has competed at a excessive degree in quite a few sports activities, including rugby, triathlon, rock climbing, trampolining, powerlifting, and, most just lately,
    stand up paddleboarding. When not lecturing, coaching, researching, or writing, Patrick is busy enjoying
    the sunny local weather of Cyprus, the place he has lived for the last 20-years.
    Whether you are stuck in a delt-building rut or simply wish to keep away from stalled progress sooner or later, begin including some of these new workouts to your exercises.

    For aesthetics, perform, and joint well being, all three ought to be skilled fairly evenly.

    You now have entry to an enormous library of shoulder workouts, every a proven mass
    and strength builder. Nevertheless, how you use these exercises is each bit as important as the actions themselves.
    Even one of the best workout routines won’t produce the outcomes you want if you
    fail to observe some essential shoulder-building guidelines.

    Your trapezius is the triangle-shaped muscle that runs down along
    your backbone and throughout your shoulder blade. You have both a right and left trapezius; these muscles assist your
    arms and shoulders and are needed to boost your arms. This exercise isolates the rear delts, essential for balanced shoulder improvement.
    You simply need to observe the basic underlying ideas that contribute to muscle growth and perform workout routines that focus on the best area.
    Earlier Than we get into all of the shoulder
    exercises, let’s take a quick look at the anatomy of your shoulders.
    Because figuring out how they operate will allow you to train them much more effectively and really make big gains in that area.
    If you are actually attempting to deliver up your shoulders, do it very first thing each week on Monday while you're contemporary from a day off.

    Well-developed traps can give your back the thickness that's lacking in most informal lifters.
    If you're looking for extra lure concepts, you can check
    out our article on the Finest Higher, Middle, and Lower Entice Workouts.
    If you would possibly be planning on doing these at home, then you need
    to find yourself a set of the Greatest Dumbbells For House Gyms.

    "Ideally, you wish to place the cable stack pin scenario at roughly hip top. Usually, you need to start with the massive, compound workout routines earlier than moving on to isolation movements. Click right here to return to our full record of energy coaching workout routines. The push press is a great addition to any push-day workout when you wish to incorporate a bit more power and athleticism. This makes the Arnold press best for getting the most bang in your buck out of a shoulder exercise.
    Per workout session, it is suggested to perform 3-4 totally different shoulder workout routines. You can add single-arm exercises when doing a shoulder exercise with a dumbbell at home to correct potential imbalances. Here are some other good methods to do dumbbell shoulder presses at house.
    Your front delts comprise a important portion of your shoulder muscles and are on the forefront when you bring your arms forward to hug someone or bench press a heavy weight. Even if handstands aren’t your primary goal, the workouts are, of course, effective for building shoulder muscle and power. Plus, handstands are an excellent exercise for developing your bodyweight shoulder power, taking your shoulders to the next stage. You’ve now obtained an arsenal of 13 efficient workout routines to hit the traps from every angle with just dumbbells. Make the most of this knowledge by creating your individual exercises, consisting of two to a few workout routines and ten sets.
    As A End Result Of it targets such small muscular tissues, this exercise is normally carried out with lightweight for prime reps, similar to reps per set or more. It’s a difficult exercise to do with heavy weights, so focus on growing the muscles rather than maxing out on a heavy load. Entrance dumbbell shoulder raise workouts may be accomplished standing and seated with a pair of dumbbells. For instance, if you want to do drop units on the barbell bench press, you’ll want a companion to drop the weight from the barbell. Unlike the mounted movement of barbells and machines, dumbbells allow for a wider range of movement and increased stabilization calls for. Lastly, if you’re looking for yet one more efficient shoulder train that you are in a place to do with a cable, attempt the straight arm lat pulldown.
    One Other shoulder train that can be carried out with both dumbbells or a barbell. Shrugs really emphasise your upper traps, which assist to additional develop the dimensions and form of your shoulders. Most guys run into issues when they attempt to do an excessive amount of with their shoulder workouts. They’re performing too many strikes, they choose their workout routines unwisely, they usually don’t take observe of balancing out the muscle teams that form their shoulders as a whole. In addition to delt training ideas, Israetel laid out his prime five workouts for constructing the again and chest, setting the groundwork for an optimum exercise routine. From kind cues to guidance on execution, he unpacks training methods in a method that’s easy to grasp for lifters of all skill levels.
    Lure exercises can go far beyond primary shrugs and be done with a set of dumbbells, and that's what we'll cover right now. The rear deltoid muscular tissues are often essentially the most uncared for and but, they are arguably crucial for ensuring proper posture. They additionally help to keep away from muscle imbalances and decrease your threat of shoulder injuries. Here are my favorite shoulder day exercises, targeting all three heads of the deltoids. By focusing on your delt muscles, you possibly can see enhancements in workout routines like Overhead Presses, Weighted Pull-Ups, and Lat Pulldowns on the cable pulley machine. The primary perform of the lateral delts is to perform shoulder abduction – that is, lifting your arms out to your sides.
    Sam can be Coach’s designated reviewer of therapeutic massage guns and fitness mirrors. The shoulder exercise beneath has detailed instructions that you should observe to get the most out of it. The Unilateral Dumbbell shrug is an effective way to help right any muscle imbalances in the traps. Unilateral Dumbbell Shrugs can help even everything out, together with energy variations. Perform the Body Weight Push-Away, Body Weight Side Lateral Elevate, and Reverse Iron Cross. For a comprehensive strategy aimed at enhancing lean muscle and energy all through your physique, explore our ATHLEAN-X packages. Choose the one which aligns best together with your targets and out there gear.
    In order to benefit from your shoulder exercise and successfully prepare your delts, you want to give attention to a few completely different variables. When you’re looking to strictly develop the center delt you need the traps out of it. However when you’re attempting to train for energy and explosiveness, you need the trap to help because it’s making an attempt to help.
    The cause why it is so efficient at growing big boulder shoulders is because the cable machine offers you with constant resistance, something which most free weights just do not do. If you're seeking to target the rear of your shoulders, and your posterior deltoids, then doing dumbbell reverse flys, or particularly, bent-over dumbbell reverse flys, is the best way to go. The plate front increase is a singular and simple but efficient train for constructing strength and muscle in the front of your shoulder. Nevertheless, in case you have wholesome shoulders, you'll find a way to safely carry out this nice exercise by not elevating your upper arms above shoulder top on the prime of the motion.
    If you loved this post, take a glance at our different guides on the method to grow lagging muscle teams. Training different muscle teams is just as essential for balanced growth. Moreover, assist your health journey with a complete nutrition plan wealthy in protein, advanced carbohydrates, and wholesome fat. This product is intended for people with no less than 2+ years of coaching, diet, and supplement biking experience. Lifters often practice through shoulder ache, hoping what is a uninteresting ache doesn’t turn into one thing extra critical. Sadly, these minor niggles usually turn out to be far worse and much more durable to cope with. Hear, when you have shoulder points and this movement hurts, DON'T DO THEM.
    A place for for people who imagine that proper diet and intense training are all you need to construct a tremendous physique. Talk About NANBF/IPE, INBF/WNBF, OCB, ABA, INBA/PNBA, and IFPA bodybuilding, noncompetitive bodybuilding, diets for the natural lifters, exercise routines and more! All are welcome here however this sub is meant for intermediate to superior lifters, we ask that novices make the most of the weekly and daily discussion threads for your wants. Leap up on two parallel bars along with your palms going through inward and your arms straight (A). Use two boxes or the backs of two sturdy chairs if you’re at house. Slowly decrease till your elbows are at right angles, guaranteeing they don’t flare outward (B). Are lighter weights with more depth better, or do you have to raise massive to get big?

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