Skôr ako vstúpite do manželstva...

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Zamyslite sa, a zároveň počúvajte inštinkt.


- Prečo navrhujete alebo súhlasíte so spoločným bývaním? (Útek od rodičov alebo demonštrácia dospelosti nie sú dôvody na partnerské spolužitie. Nájdite si podnájom s priateľkou.)

- Dokážete byť v partnerovej prítomnosti natoľko uvoľnená a prirodzená, že sa v spoločnej domácnosti budete cítiť ako doma? (V rámci spoločného chodenia sa uplatňuje rôzna miera štylizácie. Ak nie ste si istá sama sebou a na partnerovi vám určité prejavy "lezú na nervy", na spoločné bývanie radšej zabudnite.)

- Máte jasnú predstavu, ako si s partnerom rozdelíte domáce práce a náklady na bývanie a služby? (Ak to chcete riešiť "až potom", nie ste na spoločné bývanie pripravená.)

- Máte s partnerom viac-menej spoločné predstavy, ako si byt zariadiť? (Ak si myslíte, že on "musí" súhlasiť so všetkým, čo vy navrhnete, budujete základy skrytého násilia.)

- Aký vzťah má váš partner k alkoholu a drogám? (Viete na túto otázku odpovedať alebo si myslíte, že na ňu viete odpovedať?)

- Rátate s tým, že ani vy, ani váš partner nebudete stále upravení, voňaví, v dobrej nálade a nebudú vás obchádzať choroby a rôzne nevoľnosti? (Ak nie ste schopná stotožniť sa s predstavou, že jeden z vás bude niekedy vyzerať "pod obraz" a náladu bude mať "pod psa", zabudnite na spoločnú strechu nad hlavou. Musíte dospieť, alebo bývať sama.)


- Plánujete svadbu, lebo patrí k vašej predstave o živote alebo preto, že sa to od vás očakáva? (Ak pri rozhovoroch o svadbe presviedčate samu seba, že sa nemáte čoho báť, so svadbou rozhodne počkajte.)

- Ste v blízkosti svojho partnera šťastná alebo vás teší predstava, že získate status vydatej ženy? (Ak sa vydávate iba preto, aby ste svojmu okoliu niečo dokázali, je to krok do prázdna. Vy a iba vy budete žiť s tým, za ktorého sa vydáte.)

- Dokáže sa váš partner ospravedlniť? (Ak je to neomylný "chlapák" na pohľadanie, stiahnite sa skôr, ako bude neskoro.)

- Poznáte priateľov svojho budúceho manžela? (Ak neviete, s akým typom ľudí sa váš partner priatelí a ako sa jeho priatelia správajú k svojím priateľkám a manželkám, zistite si to.)

- Cítite s mužom, ktorési si chcete vziať za manžela, výnimočnú spriaznenosť alebo sú vaše city "také normálne"? (Ak váš budúci manžel nemá nič, čo by ho vo vzťahu k vám výrazne odlíšilo od iných mužov, so svadbou sa neponáhľajte.)

- Ako váš partner vníma ťažko vyčísliteľné investície do rodiny, ktorými sú tehotenstvo, pôrod, starostlivosť o dieťa? (Ak si váš partner neuvedomuje, čo to všetko znamená a ešte ráta aj s vaším finančným príspevkom do domácnosti, nechajte ho v rukách osudu a poohliadnite sa po niekom inom.)


- Máte už zodpovedanú otázku, do akej miery sa znesiete s jeho rodinou a do akej miery sa znesie on s tou vašou? (Ak si myslíte, že je to vedľajšie, opýtajte sa na to žien, ktoré sú už vydaté.)

- Hovorili ste spolu o chorobách, ktoré sa v oboch rodinách vyskytli? (Spoločne zdieľaná budúcnosť a rodičovstvo si vyžadujú prediskutovať aj túto tému.)

- Poznáte názor človeka, ktorý vám po svadbe "bude chcieť hovoriť do života", čo si myslí o postavení ženy v rodine a spoločnosti; čo si myslí o rozdelenej starostlivosti o deti; čo si myslí o vašom postoji ku kariére alebo k domácnosti? (Odborníci radia: Bez poznania týchto odpovedí na vstup do manželstva ani nepomýšľajte!)

- Je váš budúci manžel schopný rešpektovať, že si necháte svoje pôvodné priezvislo? (Ako asi bude vyzerať život po boku archaicky zmýšľajúceho muža, keď vyprchá vzájomné očarenie?)

- Ako si potenciálny otec vašich detí predstavuje výchovu a čo si myslí o telesných trestoch? (Túto zásadnú otázku veľa žien podceňuje. Následky bývajú nepredstaviteľné.)

- Ako sa bude "narábať" s peniazmi? (Jedna z najzásadnejších otázok.)

- Dokážete odhadnúť (podľa rodičov, starších súrodencov, výberu priateľov, zamestnania...), ako vášho budúceho manžela zmenia roky? (Bude z neho suchopárny moralista a hundroš alebo kultivovaný spoločník?)

Veľa šťastia!

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Whitney %PM, %15 %715 %2025 %16:%mar napísal Whitney

    You’ll discover that your shoulders and triceps will benefit out of your dumbbell chest workouts.
    Cable crossovers are an effective train for focusing on the center chest muscles.
    To perform cable crossovers, stand in the center of
    two cable machines, every with a excessive pulley.
    Take a deal with in every hand and pull them in the course of
    the middle of your chest, preserving your arms straight.
    We highly recommend that you just incorporate some cable chest workouts into your routine.
    Cable exercises are nice for building and strengthening your pectoralis main,
    which is the muscle that makes up nearly all of your chest,
    as nicely as serving to with chest fats loss. The cable crossover machine allows for a
    wide variety of chest workouts thanks to its capability to manipulate angles and
    change attachments. However in case your goal is that ripped internal chest look,
    you'll must add a number of extra moves to your training.
    Here are five of the best complementary chest workout routines in your routine that may help complete that aesthetic higher physique look.
    The Svend Press is my favorite chest isolation exercise, particularly for specializing in the inside pecs.

    The combination of gravity and bodyweight resistance creates
    a natural inward-squeezing movement, making it an efficient train for inside chest development.
    The key to the hex press’s effectiveness lies in its capability to isolate the inner pectoral muscular tissues.
    By angling the dumbbells inward, you shift
    the focus of the train to the center of your chest, forcing these muscle tissue to interact more intensely.

    This exercise increases explosive power and builds up your chest muscles.
    All you need to do is place your arms wider than shoulder-width apart.
    This position will shift the emphasis onto your chest muscular tissues, making them work more durable.
    One Other thing to notice is that in my personal expertise and in my review of the literature, I noticed there might
    be lots of particular person variation when it comes to the most effective workout routines
    for the chest. For example, anatomical variations like how far down your pecs insert in your humerus can decide
    if issues like bench press are a good possibility for you or not.

    So although outcomes from research will apply to most people,
    they don’t account for every individual.
    You’ll want a powerlifting barbell (which can also be used for squats and deadlifts).

    In our detailed guide on one of the best powerlifting barbells, we ranked the
    Rogue Ohio mannequin at number 1, because of its superb versatility
    and sturdiness. Manish is a NASM-certified health and vitamin coach with over 10 years of experience
    in weight lifting and fats loss fitness coaching. He makes
    a speciality of gym-based coaching and has a lot of information about train, lifting method, biomechanics, and more.

    This approach might help you isolate and activate your chest
    muscles extra successfully.
    Chiseling a sculpted chest is a standard aim for lots of health lovers, yet focusing on the inner pecs can usually seem challenging.
    With years of experience in energy and conditioning, I’ve
    developed strategies that concentrate on these elusive muscle tissue successfully.

    If you’re going to be doing a lot of at-home chest exercises,
    it’s completely value it to invest in a set of push-up handles.

    The principal role of the pectoralis main is the adduction (pulling the arm again into your physique after it’s out to the side) and inner rotation of the arm.
    We all know that strong pecs or chest muscles not solely look good but additionally assist us raise extra weight within the fitness center and in everyday life.
    Cable flyes are another nice chest isolation train and alternative to the dumbbell
    chest fly.
    Whereas not many individuals are more probably to do a cable only chest exercise, it
    might be done and in an effective method no much less.
    If all you have access to is a cable crossover
    machine, we promise you can get an distinctive chest exercise in. So
    to conclude, here’s a pattern chest workout you
    presumably can carry out utilizing the exercises I previously discussed.
    Carry Out one chest workout per week, preferably on a Monday
    or Tuesday. You can do some gentle triceps work
    afterward, however you don't have to. They're Going To get plenty of work during the presses in your chest workout, 
    then once more later in the week.
    The single-arm chest fly is probably one of the best workouts in the house
    to get a crazy pressure on the internal portion of your chest.
    Here’re the 9 best inner chest exercises you should carry out
    to get an attractive chest. Nevertheless, there’re some inner
    chest specific exercises you'll have the ability to carry out to put extra tension to the middle
    of your chest where your pecs attach to the sternum.
    If you've shoulder joint issues, it’s essential to seek the guidance of a healthcare skilled or a licensed coach
    to determine which workout routines are safe for you. In some circumstances, modifying exercises or utilizing machines could additionally be recommended to reduce pressure on the
    The pectoralis main covers the entire chest on both sides of the sternum; the decrease portion attaches to the sternum while the higher portion attaches to the clavicle.
    The coracobrachialis lies within the higher middle portion of the arm, and
    the anterior deltoid constitutes the entrance of
    the shoulder. Here, it is time to squeeze the final bit of labor out of your pecs for this workout.

    With the flat, incline, and decline fly, you can even strive one arm flys.
    This will allow you to hone in on one side at
    a time and incorporate your core extra. Like any standing
    cable fly, you'll be able to either stand straight up in a bilateral stance or
    you can get into a staggered stance along with
    your torso leaned slightly forward. Both are going to work your pecs in an analogous method, but the staggered stance goes
    to permit you to go heavier than the "T" kind. Archer
    push-ups have you ever sitting in a classic push-up position however with your arms twice wider than shoulder-width apart
    (or more).
    Setting the bench at an incline allows for greater activation of the shoulders, so you’ll be
    working further muscular tissues on top of
    your pecs with each rep you perform. As with the decline barbell/dumbbell press, the incline press
    is ideally fitted to those sessions the place you need to hit a range of chest muscular tissues to
    assist with general chest definition. If you’re putting together a chest session in the health club
    and want to get maximum influence in your lower pecs,
    the barbell/dumbbell decline press should be added to your exercise routine.
    Chest flyes help open up your chest muscles since they
    permit for an prolonged movement to stretch the muscle tissue past
    the vary of other chest exercises. The plate pinch press is a great pectoral
    exercise for those workouts whenever you actually need to hone in on a range of chest muscular tissues.

    The fly takes that important motion we have already highlighted—adduction—and
    adds resistance. But while the usual dumbbell chest fly is a strong possibility (you'll discover it listed below, after
    all) the exercise does have its downsides.
    Again, the serratus might be concerned in many chest exercises however is not
    part of the internal chest we are trying to develop. This muscle might be active in lots of the workouts used
    to build the inner chest but is not part of the ‘inner chest’ muscular tissues
    itself. This head of the pectorals is also involved in shoulder flexion and adduction. It turns into especially
    energetic when the arm is elevated to the extent of the shoulder.
    The upper portion of the pec main is the clavicular head, originating from the
    collar bone and attaching to the same level because the
    sternal head. This part of the pecs is a major mover of shoulder adduction (bringing the arm nearer to the body) and flexion.
    The following inner-chest exercise is highly efficient and would
    present outcomes if accomplished with correct method and sequence.
    You can perform the inner-chest at home
    in case you have complete equipment in your arsenal.

    The main pectoral muscular tissues, which originate at your collarbone
    and prolong all the greatest way down your sternum, make up the chest
    area. The upper chest connects to the collarbone, whereas the lower chest connects to the latter.
    Let’s begin with a dumbbell movement called the hex press, which is
    a very handy exercise to carry out. All you should do is a pair of dumbbells and a bench,
    or you are in a position to do it on the floor as
    nicely. So, we now have to coach the inner pectoralis muscle tissue (middle chest) in order to get
    a more defined line in the heart of our chest.
    Whereas more mounted equipment like barbells nonetheless positively have their place in an inner chest workout,
    dumbbells, cables, and specialised machines will definitely be required.
    So, all you have to do is pick two to three workout routines and add to your chest
    exercise routine, and you’ll be on the means in which to
    getting a fuller and enticing inside chest. Whether we’re trying to
    construct a broader chest or target the internal chest, dumbbell chest fly is an effective
    exercise to do that job. You can target your inside chest
    1-2 times per week as a half of your overall chest exercise
    routine. Keep In Mind to provide enough relaxation between sessions for muscle recovery and progress.

    Just like incline dumbbell presses emphasised your higher
    chest, so will bar dips emphasize your decrease chest.
    Peak resistance for your pecs happens while they're in a stretched place, which is likely
    optimistic in your chest muscle growth. Since your pectorals are one of
    many largest muscle tissue of your upper body, they are very important to your posture.
    Spending most of your day bent over a computer will tighten your pecs.

    When this occurs, your shoulders will round and your shoulder blades will pull forward, making a hunched posture.
    Tight pecs can also decrease your range of movement for overhead
    pressing actions. As the first muscle mass within the chest, the pectoralis main is
    a key focus for constructing measurement in dumbbell
    chest exercises.
    The quick jolting pressure of clap pushups will assist you to develop explosive energy while also
    bulking up your pecs for a superhero chest.
    Preserving your feet in a wider than a standard pushup place, use just one arm to do a pushup.

    Utilizing slideboards or Valslides, slide one arm out in front of
    you as you decrease your body until your elbow is locked straight.

    While it won’t provide you with anywhere near the gains
    of free weights, it will teach you good form, offers a solid base,
    and can be done anywhere. An various is to do this exercise
    as quickly as a week, however do a lighter second
    exercise in between every exercise. In the lighter exercise, you possibly can reduce each quantity and weights,
    so that you are refreshed and serving to your restoration along the
    greatest way, somewhat than including to the burden. By putting all of them collectively,
    as we’ll do within the next section, you possibly can create an excellent chest exercise.
    Muscle fibers from this entire range come together into
    one single tendon, inserting on the front of your higher arm (humerus).
    At the peak of your pushup, push yourself up off the ground and rapidly clap in midair.

    With dedicated coaching, achieving a sculpted and aesthetically pleasing torso turns into possible whereas also elevating your general higher physique
    strength. Although working out with weights is nice for building
    energy and dimension, you will get a great chest workout with out tools.
    By placing your toes up on a chair, couch, or elevated box, you’ll
    improve the challenge on your higher body as a result of your pecs and arms may have more
    gravity to cope with when urgent back up. After all, push-ups are a
    simple yet efficient bodyweight chest exercise, and should you don’t have entry to weights, the push-up will be your finest guess for targeting the pecs.

    The major function of the pectoralis major is to flex, lengthen, stabilize, and rotate the
    chest muscular tissues to the humerus.
    The small pectoralis minor is in the upper chest,
    covered by the pectoralis main. Lying on the outer
    surface of the ribs on the sides (just below the
    armpits), the serratus anterior is covered by the scapula on the rear and the pectoralis main in entrance.

    After the bench press, it is time to move on to incline dumbbell presses,
    dips, and standing cable flyes. The identical precept of progressive overload nonetheless applies to those exercises, and you should at all times try to increase the load you’re using for a given rep
    goal. For that purpose, one of the best inside chest exercises would technically be any type of press (dumbbell
    or barbell) or fly (with dumbbells or cables) performed at a
    flat or decline angle. All in all, cable machines are a
    versatile, efficient, and environment friendly possibility
    for coaching the chest.
    This specific muscle space is worked best with a combination of incline
    or low-angle movements, with shoulder adduction throughout the midline of the chest.
    Use the information, workout routines, and exercises in this
    article to add size, definition, and energy to your inside chest.
    To construct the internal chest alongside the complete length of the muscle, you’ll have to
    hit it from totally different angles to coincide with the alignment of the muscle fibers.

    Use the professional suggestions for the exercises above, in addition to the coaching ideas beneath as
    a part of your overall inner chest exercise. To focus even additional on a selected part of
    the pecs, the incline press works the higher or clavicular portion of the muscle.
    Secondly, the inside portion of the pectoralis main actually lights up when the arm crosses the middle of the torso.

    Every time you press one thing in entrance of your physique you feel
    like you’re missing some strength. Maybe you’re incorporating the heavy bag into your exercises,
    and your punches don’t have the power and speed you
    anticipated. The anterior deltoid covers the entrance of the shoulders,
    and is particularly sturdy when the arms are in line with the shoulders.

    The coracobrachialis, which lies directly t beneath the deltoid and the pectoralis main, is totally targeted in this train. The
    dips will goal the decrease portion of your pecs slightly bit extra, and likewise provide
    some coaching for adjacent, smaller muscular tissues,
    like your pectoralis minor and serratus anterior.

    You additionally should be sure to overload every area, and work the chest across
    midline, which is amongst the most essential
    elements of its range of movement. These are two great workout routines to target the mid chest fibers for you
    to embrace in your fast chest exercise routine. Cable crossovers are much like dumbbell
    flyes, but they let you the flexibility to work your lower, center and upper pecs in one train without having
    to vary the incline of your bench. Bands allow for accommodating resistance by way
    of the whole range of motion, matching your strength curve.

    This difficult finisher forces you to keep your torso within the correct position so as to hold
    the focus on the chest. You May need a pair of resistance bands or a cable machine setup,
    so that is an exercise finest performed at a fitness center.
    The bench press is the best free-weight train for overall chest development.

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