Venus Jahanpour

"Iránky sa realizujú predovšetkým v rodine, ale sú v nej skutočnými "vládkyňami"; určujú celý chod domácnosti, rozhodujú o peniazoch aj o výchove detí."

>> Móda >> Aktuálne >> Venus Jahanpour

femme: Pani Venus, vašim rodiskom je Irán, študovali ste vo Švédsku a už viac ako trinásť rokov žijete na Slovensku...
V. Jahanpour: Začiatkom deväťdesiatych rokov som bola na "študentskej výmene" v Olomouci. Tam som stretla svojho manžela, ktorý je britským občanom a v tom čase sa v Čechách a na Slovensku venoval umeleckej práci. Ocitli sme sa teda na Slovensku a dnes je to už trinásť rokov, čo tu žijeme aj so svojimi tromi dcérami. Obaja tu máme prácu a vyzerá to tak, že sme (neplánovane) zapustili hlbšie korene... Zatiaľ bývame v prenajatom domčeku v Stupave, no chystáme sa postaviť si vlastné bývanie.

femme: Pochádzate z moslimskej krajiny. Môžete porovnať spoločenské postavenie iránskej a slovenskej ženy?
V. Jahanpour: Asi nemusím popisovať rozdiely v obliekaní a správaní sa žien na verejnosti, to je všeobecne známe... Zaujímavejšie je, že existuje "niečo", čo pri porovnávaní postavenia slovenskej a iránskej ženy vyznieva v prospech moslimského "spôsobu života": Na Slovensku majú ženy síce ústavne zabezpečené všetky práva, ale v praxi majú oveľa menšiu "moc" ako ženy v Iráne. Iránky sa realizujú predovšetkým v rodine, ale sú v nej skutočnými "vládkyňami"; určujú celý chod domácnosti, rozhodujú o peniazoch aj o výchove detí. Slovenské ženy sa starajú o rodinu a zároveň chodia do práce, pretože obyčajne musia; a hoci ťažké bremeno domácich prác a ostatných rodinných povinností leží hlavne na ich pleciach, o rodinných záležitostiach samostatne nerozhodujú.

femme: Ako je to vo Švédsku?
V. Jahanpour: Rozdiely v postavení žien v Iráne a Škandinávii sú veľké. Niečo je podľa môjho názoru lepšie, niečo horšie. V Iráne, tak ako na Slovensku, žije rodina zomknutejšie. V Iráne žijú dcéry a synovia v rodičovskom dome až kým si nezaložia vlastné rodiny a rodičia im hradia všetky výdavky (bývanie, jedlo, ošatenie, štúdium...). Vo Švédsku odchádza väčšina mladých ľudí hneď po skončení strednej školy z domu a usilujú o maximálnu samostatnosť. Keďže sú tu dostupné študentské pôžičky, mnoho mladých ľudí študuje. Rodinné väzby sú vo Švédsku pomerne voľné a dôsledkom toho je, že množstvo starších ľudí žije veľmi osamelo. Švédsko je však bohatá krajina a môže poskytovať rôzne sociálne vymoženosti. Napríklad slobodná matka je v tejto krajine bežnou, spoločensky akceptovanou skutočnosťou. Všetky zákony tu myslia na úlohu ženy-matky a spoločenské postavenie matky je rovnocenné spoločenskému postaveniu zamestnanej ženy či muža. So ženami sa vo Švédsku všade počíta.

femme: Ste matkou troch dcér a na Slovensku ste založili anglickú materskú škôlku; s výchovnými problémami sa teda stretávate každý deň... Môžete jednotlivé krajiny porovnať z tohto hľadiska?
V. Jahanpour: Chlapci sú v Iráne vychovávaní v duchu ich budúceho postavenia v spoločnosti. Voči ženám sa teda cítia byť nadradení, zároveň však vedia, že sa musia postarať o prosperitu všetkých členov rodiny. Celkovo sa však život vo väčších iránskych mestách približuje k európskemu modelu.
Švédsko je krajina "voľnosti", čo sa prejavuje aj pri výchove detí: obe pohlavia sú vedené k samostatnosti a odlišnosti sa nezdôrazňujú. Má to paušálnu platnosť: od výberu hračiek, cez správanie až po výber povolania. Aj materskú dovolenku si vo Švédsku veľmi často berú "na výmenu" obaja rodičia, niekedy je dokonca na materskej dovolenke len otec. Na Slovensku sa podľa mojich skúseností robia vo výchove veľké rozdiely: chlapcom sa priveľa vecí toleruje, nekrotí sa ich nevhodná agresivita a sú rozmaznávaní; dievčatá sú príliš zavčasu vedené k zodpovednosti a starostlivosti. V dospelosti sa to prejavuje tak, že slovenské ženy žijú akoby pre mužov a nemajú svoj vlastný život; napriek tomu, že väčšina dievčat študuje a Slovensko má veľmi vysokú zamestnanosť žien. Pri spomínanom trende vo výchove však nemôžu z dievčat vyrásť samostatné, sebavedomé bytosti. Nesprávna výchova spôsobuje, že sa ženy snažia uspokojiť predovšetkým predstavy a potreby mužov, nech už je ich ekonomická situácia akákoľvek.

Ďakujeme za rozhovor.


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    It has a slight heel-to-toe drop, which makes it a good match for any routine in which you’re combining energy training with different movements,
    similar to running. The Adidas Powerlift 5 supplied so much for its value,
    and it was nonetheless cheaper than the $147 common for weightlifting sneakers at $120 a pair!
    It felt so light, fairly supportive at the heel, and supplied one of the thickest outsoles ever.
    However, it’s important to know if a pair of weightlifting sneakers deserve
    a place in your health club bag. As Mark Ireland, British Weightlifting L2 and CrossFit Degree 2 Coach at Tribe London explains, before buying your first pair, it’s necessary to grasp why individuals use lifters.
    ‘They are not some magical fix that will help you Squat Snatch
    200kg,’ he explains, ‘but somewhat a device which, when used correctly, might help help your Olympic and
    other lifts’. Which is the place a pair of good high quality, reliable weightlifting shoes comes into play.

    The synthetic/mesh material offers a snug, snug match, while the stable rubber sole offers a non-slip surface for optimum traction. Among
    powerlifting sneakers we’ve worn and lab-tested,
    Adidas The Total’s zero-drop heel and low-to-the-ground stance show it’s
    the most effective for deadlifts. It offers us the confidence to raise heavier or longer since its low nature, vast base, and grippy
    outsole make it optimum for this sort of carry. This is met with a sturdy yet light-weight
    rubber sole, which is designed to grip to the surface and maintain you steady whereas lifting heavy weights.

    The biggest asset of the Adidas Power Excellent II Weightlifting
    Footwear is the ADIWEAR outsole. If you need a pair of footwear
    to assist you in all your sports activities activities, look no further than the Nobull Men’s Weightlifting Sneakers.

    You can use them for functional coaching, climbing, operating, and naturally,
    weightlifting, amongst different sports activities.
    The Adidas Performance Drehkraft Weightlifting Sneakers are
    for athletes who're critical in their weightlifting coaching.
    You don’t have to be a professional athlete to reap the benefits they offer, however you'll have the ability to ensure that if you were one, your needs would have been met by these
    This increases stability and helps to maintain you more grounded on the floor.

    One of the most important complaints in regards to the Romaleo 3
    was to do with the foot lockdown. Nike determined to do away with the twin straps of the
    previous version and exchange it with a single metatarsal strap.

    Even although this strap was slightly wider than the straps used on the
    Romaleo 2 and did away with the overlap that some folks complained about, it
    did not provide the identical full foot safety.

    The zero.75-inch heel peak provides wonderful support and stability, allowing athletes to carry heavier weights with correct form.
    As with working or different sports, the footwear you put on while lifting weights
    are crucial to your efficiency. Unlike working or basketball sneakers, which often feature cushioning underfoot,
    an excellent pair of weightlifting footwear should have a tough, flat sole with a barely elevated
    But that barely softer rubber delivers nice grip, as our feet stick so nicely to wooden and
    rubber floors, particularly throughout our squat
    workouts. You can relaxation assured that the powerlifting footwear we hail
    as the most effective are the ones that we utilized in our lifting sessions and that we tested in our lab.
    Finally, it is as a lot as you to decide how much help you need or
    need out of your lifting footwear. Nevertheless, just
    because the sole is skinny and flexible doesn't suggest the shoe is
    flimsy. It offers durability, excellent traction and even a layer of thermoplastic polyurethane (used within the soles of safety
    shoes) welded around the toes to guard your forefoot from crashing weights.

    This means you are doing all the work and can get your most energy benefits in each workout.
    There are many cross-trainer sneakers that would work for quite so
    much of health workout routines. Nevertheless, sneakers designed for weightlifting give you a steady
    foundation and might typically assist you to get into higher positions within the
    If you wish to get the most bang for your buck out of your sneakers, you can’t go incorrect with Chuck Taylors.
    There are more modern styles obtainable in the Adipower line,
    and I've linked to them below. And, as you'll be
    able to see from my photographs, these are shoes I've tested myself.

    FlyEase expertise was originally designed for individuals with disabilities.

    If you have really extensive feet, you might have to go a
    dimension up or select a unique mannequin. The backside
    of the shoe appears exactly like a Romaleo 2 design with some fashionable, "sharper"
    edges for a model new sleek look. The elevated stability may be felt because the shoe's
    sole is slightly longer and wider than the shoe in some elements.
    These sneakers have been designed for many who don’t need to purchase
    a separate pair of shoes for each and every activity they are into however in one
    that has them lined for all. The Nordic Lifting Weightlifting Shoes have been made with only
    one objective – to help you lift as a lot as your body allows.

    These all-black sneakers will take away all of your stability
    points that come from your present shoes in addition to your excuses to
    make your new PRs as soon as possible. The stability they supply will assist you to keep the perfect posture whereas lifting.

    The Savaleos from Nike would have been a lot higher if it had
    been more accommodating of wider ft. Throughout our smoke take a look
    at, we noticed that not a lot of smoke was able to escape via the upper material.
    Going to non-air-conditioned gyms while sporting this shoe may be a sweaty
    catastrophe. Rating all the sneakers on this record requires
    critical wear checks and lab evaluation. Yes,
    we deliver the footwear to our independent shoe testing
    laboratory for micro-level examination of their essential components.
    We check the technologies used and double-check their durability,
    breathability, flexibility and other options.
    If you’re on the lookout for a snug and classy pair of sneakers
    that won’t break the financial institution, the WHITIN
    Men’s Wide Minimalist Barefoot Sneakers might be simply
    what you want.
    For example, a weightlifting belt can stabilize your
    core during squats and deadlifts and barbell clips secure your weight plates on a barbell so that they don’t fall off.
    In most instances, you’ll get related performances from deadlift slippers and deadlift footwear.
    They’re each minimalist styles of footwear, which will help cut down the vary of
    motion in the deadlift whereas rising ground feel, which could be helpful
    for power production and balance. What I would suggest is exploring how exactly you intend to use your deadlift sneakers.

    Using weightlifting footwear alone isn't a direct think about
    determining muscle size. Muscle growth, also referred to as hypertrophy,
    primarily results from a combination of things, including resistance training, vitamin, genetics, and total exercise programming.
    With better steadiness and stability, this could assist you to lift
    heavier weights. Whereas most trainers come with a built-in arch for foot support, weightlifters truly benefit extra from flat footwear.

    As talked about earlier, this shoe is intended for intermediate weightlifters.
    Its construction is less aggressive than that of another
    weightlifting sneakers, and it may possibly moderately be worn during accessory work, together with conditioning.
    To determine if weightlifting shoes are the correct
    match for you, take into consideration how
    usually you will use them and the way much wear and tear you anticipate to place them
    via weekly. The compressible rubber-based heel of regular sneakers just isn't optimum for catching or shifting weight.
    There are numerous numerous heel alternatives for lifting
    sneakers, together with EVA, TPU, stacked leather, and wooden, to
    mention a few.
    This shoe supplies plenty of ground feedback during squats, lunges,
    and deadlifts, and the tread does a good job general of promoting
    grip for different lifting settings. The Tolos Archetype is my top choose for one of the best flat shoe for lifting.
    This model is a minimalist shoe, so if you’re not wanting a shoe with plenty of
    flexibility, floor feel, and a low stack peak, then you’ll want
    to think about different choices.
    Perfect for CrossFit, the Reebok CrossFit Lifter offers exceptional stability and grip,
    making it good for varied, dynamic exercises. The major distinction between men's and
    women's footwear is width, and ladies's footwear
    also sometimes weigh much less, which impacts the design of the midsole.
    Your concept of what is comfy shall be different out of your pal's, so don't
    depend on others' opinions when shopping for footwear.
    These glove-like shoes might look goofy, but it's
    powerful to beat their airy, "Am I even wearing shoes?" feel.
    Plus, they're a private favorite of Jack Coxall, CSCS, a licensed power and conditioning specialist and co-founder of
    Health Lab.
    Meet Melanie Lozano, with a deep-rooted dedication to transforming lives
    via health, Melanie performs an important role in shaping the journal's vision. Her ardour for wellness and dedication to creating
    a platform that celebrates achievements, offers steering,
    and fosters a supportive neighborhood outline FitnessLife Journal.

    Melanie's collaborative spirit and dedication to empowering individuals on their fitness journey make
    her an integral a half of our mission.
    The Romaleos 3 may be a great weightlifting shoe for athletes who wish
    to eventually compete in energy sports and want shoes to accompany their targets.
    Adidas weightlifting shoes continue to fascinate individuals,
    as evidenced by these sneakers, which characteristic an extensive base and a high-intensity mid-sole,
    making them highly snug. If you find that your foot strikes around an extreme amount
    of inside the shoe, or when you struggle with maintaining
    steadiness and stability, a wider shoe might provide the additional
    room and help you want. It’s also value noting that some
    manufacturers offer particular measurements or labels indicating whether
    or not a shoe is designed for broad toes, making it easier to pick the
    right fit.
    However since launching a cross-training shoe final year, TYR has
    shortly become identified for its inaugural weight-lifting shoe.
    The patented stability platform helps you are
    feeling stable when you catch weight overhead and clang
    and bang across the bar or bells. In The Meantime, the responsive surge foam alongside the midsole presents sufficient support to protect you whenever you leap packing containers or ropes and run. The breathable mesh higher helps maintain your foot cool even on the most well liked days.

    Due To This Fact, while using running shoes may be
    handy for casual exercises, investing in a pair of weightlifting footwear is important for serious training
    and optimal performance. Discovering the proper weightlifting footwear is often a game-changer for those with extensive
    feet. Traditional weightlifting shoes typically come with
    a slender fit, which can result in discomfort and lowered performance throughout lifts.
    However, several manufacturers have started to deal with this problem, offering models particularly designed for wider toes.

    The shoe’s gentle 10.4 oz (296g) weight feels
    easy to raise and move, whereas the deep grooves in the
    outsole permit us to bend freely. Nonetheless, those who have extra particular calls for when it comes to
    stability ought to try more supportive footwear. The outsole gripped slippery health club floors
    impressively well, with our durometer revealing that the rubber is
    8.8% softer and due to this fact stickier, than common. The stiff heel adds a touch of stability, resulting in secure and controlled movements for
    burpees, lunges, and other lateral movements.
    Moreover, the single-piece sole offers flexibility and
    dependable energy transfer. Adidas Powerlift 3 1W is probably certainly one of the most cost-effective powerlifting and
    weightlifting choices available from this manufacturer.
    They have a gentle leather higher that provides outstanding
    support and increases the durability of your foot. This service is
    strengthened by the laces, which be certain that they do not
    loosen or move misplaced when you are coaching. Lastly, the Metcon now features
    Nike React foam that improves comfort—so you'll be able to train tougher and longer.

    My downside with some of the cross-trainers I tested was that they were both too
    snug in the toe field, did not have the appropriate quantity of grip on the only, or
    had been tight around the high of the foot.
    The Altras were that joyful medium where the toes had room to spread but in addition had a balanced cushion platform that supported the heel and forefoot and had ankle and arch help.
    The higher is made up of a breathable mesh that makes the
    footwear extra versatile and easy to transition to totally different workout routines.

    Even though I’ve supplied newbie and price range Weightlifting sneakers on this article, I advocate going straight for a premium shoe that will final.
    Premium Weightlifting shoes come at a value, however it's worthwhile to pay as they will final many years.
    The Velaasa Strakes are my favourite which I contemplate top-tier due to their high-quality construction and retro wooden heel.

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