Súťaž o balíček dekoratívnej kozmetiky Avon

Pamätáte si ten pocit, keď ste si kúpili nový rúž, plné očakávania, a potom ste zistili, že farba na perách je úplne iná ako na tyčinke? S rúžom Avon Ultra je tomu koniec. Obľúbený rúž prešiel inovatívnou premenou, a to aj vďaka vám! „Požiadali sme 3000 žien z celého sveta, aby nám povedali, čo je pre ne najdôležitejšie pri kúpe rúžu. A viete, aká bola najčastejšia odpoveď? Túžba mať rúž, kde farba, ktorú vidíte na rúži, je farbou, ktorú dostanete na pery,“ vysvetľuje Özlem Çitçi, marketingová riaditeľka spoločnosti.

Avon na frustráciu milovníčok rúžov, ktorá sa ukázala v prieskume, zareagoval naozaj excelentne. Rúž Ultra má teraz o 25 % pigmentu viac.[1] Pre vás to bude znamenať, že na pery prenesiete presne takú výraznú a takú intenzívnu farbu, akú vnímate po otvorení rúžu. A nie sú to len domnienky. Sedem z desiatich žien potvrdilo[2],  že Ultra Matte je najpigmentovanejší rúž, aký kedy vyskúšali!

Farby, ktoré ožívajú sú dostupné pre všetkých

Odtiene rúžov Ultra pasujú ku každému tónu pokožky. Okrem toho, že krásne hrajú farbami aj vyživujú. Matný a trblietavý rúž obsahujú vitamín E, avokádový a sezamový olej, v krémovom rúži je sezamový olej nahradený jojobovým. Samozrejme, s každým budú vaše pery dôsledne hydratované. A dobrou správou je, že Ultra má priaznivú cenu. Bude dostupný len za 5,99 eur.  

Staňte sa sebavedomejšou

Dokonalý rúž perfektne doplníte ceruzkou Ultra Colour a váš make up bude pôsobiť ako od profesionálnej vizážistky. Krémová textúra ceruzky sa ľahko nanáša a zaručuje presné linky. Vďaka vysokej pigmentácii bude farba na perách pôsobiť sýto a žiarivo a na ústach bude presne v takej farbe, akú ste si vybrali. A to všetko bez rozmazávania. Ceruzka na pery Ultra Colour je teraz v špeciálnej cene za 3,49 eur. 

Nekonečné možnosti pre váš pohľad

Novinku má Avon aj pre vaše oči. Oslnivú zmenu na svojom pohľade dosiahnete s paletkou očných tieňov Ultra Quad – za špeciálnu úvodnú cenu 7,49 eur. Štyri odtiene v každej paletke – od matných po trblietavé – umožnia vytvoriť nekonečné množstvo očarujúcich lookov. Experimentujte s farbami a vytvorte si vlastný jedinečný štýl či už na bežný deň alebo výnimočný večer. A to všetko s ľahkou aplikáciou a minimálnym úsilím. Navyše, recyklovateľný obal poteší aj planétu a vaše svedomie. Aplikácia tieňov je jednoduchá – pomocou prstov či štetca ich navrstvíte bez drobenia a neporiadku.

A aj okná do vašej duše si zaslúžia kontúry. Pridajte im hĺbku a výraz s ceruzkami na oči Glimmerstick – 3,49eur. Variáciám sa medze nekladú. Nakombinujte klasické, výrazné alebo diamantové odtiene, a skompletizujte svoje čaro.


Všetky produkty kúpite na www.avon.sk alebo u svojej Avon Lady.

Milé naše čitateľky

s kozmetickou spoločnosťou AVON sme pre vás pripravili súťaž, do ktorej sa môžete zapojiť do 5. marca 2025.

Vyhrajte balíček dekoratívnej kozmetiky AVON, ktorý obsahuje:

-       Tekutý rozjasňovač na tvár a telo/Rose Quartz

-       Paletka očných tieňov Ultra/Purple

-       Ceruzka na oči/Savage Jade

-       Glimmerstick rúž Ultra Shimmera/High Beam

-       Rýchloschnúci lak na nechty/Nude Secret

Súťažná otázka: Napíšte nám, o koľko percent pigmentu má viac rúž Ultra?

Správnu odpoveď nájdete v článku vyššie.

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Odpoveď na súťažnú otázku

[1] Vzťahuje sa len matné a krémové rúže v porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi receptúrami Ultra matných a Ultra krémových rúžov.

[2] 7 z 10 žien súhlasilo na základe slepého domáceho testu, ktorý sa uskutočnil medzi 121 spotrebiteľmi v Spojenom kráľovstve v období od 4. augusta do 3. septembra 2023.

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    This simply means you prefer to take your breath, set your brace, and get tight at the high of the raise before you bend
    right down to seize the bar. The key mistake individuals make is wrapping their strap "over the barbell" instead of "under the barbell." When wrapping your strap,
    at all times loop under the barbell first. In different words, the
    bar wrap should loop away from you, and then come again towards you over the bar.
    Lifting straps will slow down the method of constructing calluses
    because your skin is not in direct contact with knurled metal.
    As such, friction shall be between the strap and the bar, rather than between your hands and the bar.
    It is feasible to transcend these weight limits, but you run the danger of durability changing into an issue, or the load rolling out of the hook in case your
    barbell rotates. Both of those dangers could cause the weight to
    drop unexpectedly, which might injure you.
    The Gymreapers Lifting Straps are affordable cotton straps
    with a snug neoprene lining, a secure match, and multiple colour options.
    These closed loop lifting straps made from
    cotton, can be utilized repeatedly, and are a favourite for Olympic lifters.

    Our WBCM V1 weight lifting wrist straps can be found in a variety of colours, look stylish, and may
    help up to 770 lbs.
    We pride ourselves on delivering all orders, together with customized requests, with promptness and
    the distinctive service you anticipate. For extra particulars on our product offerings, explore our choice
    below or contact our dedicated gross sales staff. We’re right here to assist you and make sure
    you find the proper rigging sling for your needs.

    They will take your deadlifts and other heavy lifts
    to a different stage.
    Like other straps with size choices, I suggest sizing down if you’re between sizes.
    Setting these straps up is easy and similar to the
    Versa Gripps with the 6.25″ flap length. You’ll pay barely extra for these than other lasso-style nylon straps,
    but you’re getting a sturdy and respected product. The straight wrist support is also straightforward to use with
    a heavy-duty nylon and velcro strap.
    Cotton is the most common lifting strap material and carries a couple
    of benefits. First, cotton is comfy on the pores and skin because of its softer traits.
    While some cotton straps are thicker and stiffer than others, they’re usually comfortable out of the
    box. Research have shown that sporting lifting straps can improve max energy,
    velocity, and pressure (1). Additionally, another examine showed that
    sporting lifting straps with a weightlifting belt
    improves deadlift kinematics, time to complete, and
    ranking of perceived exertion (2). The IronMind straps are constructed
    with heavy-duty nylon, making them stiffer and extra durable than cotton or leather-based.

    However, if you’re on a finances, you can still get excellent positive aspects by opting for heavy-duty cotton lifting straps, corresponding to SKDK Lifting Wrist Straps.
    If your wrists harm while using lifting straps, they could be too loose.
    This causes them to lack the help you need, shifting extra
    load and force onto your wrist joints. The best part about having lifting straps
    is that they won’t weigh you down or take up a lot space in your health club bag.
    They’re additionally fairly priced, and a single
    pair of durable straps will final years. One of the issues
    that I like most in regards to the Iron Bull
    Strength Lifting Straps is that they are very adjustable.
    The straps have a Velcro closure permitting you to customise the match to your needs.

    Darkish Iron Fitness Weightlifting Leather-based Suede Lifting Straps are appropriate each for leisure lifters and seasoned lifters.

    What differentiates Dark Iron Fitness Wrist Straps from different straps is their materials.

    IronMind Strong-Enough Lifting Straps will fulfill the needs of essentially the most competitive lifters similar
    to strongmen and powerlifters. Due to NeoTec expertise, its building is sturdy and cozy.
    The design of the Critical Steel Fitness Determine 8 Deadlift Straps 
    is for advanced lifters. They are great for casual lifting and can also
    help you break private information (PRs) and go heavy.
    For example, switching from an overhand grip to
    a blended grip or hook grip could remedy the problem immediately.

    Most forms of lifting straps will accommodate weights as
    much as roughly 770 lbs. If your grip is a limiting factor that forestalls you
    from lifting heavier or concentrating on the proper muscle tissue, then you may be thinking about lifting straps and lifting hooks.
    Understanding how to use lifting straps could be a little
    tough at first, but when you get snug with them they’ll be an absolute asset to your power
    coaching regimen. If you’ve learn through this text and are confused as a result
    of none of those "lifting straps" look or work like your straps then you may have wrist wraps, not
    wrist straps. Nevertheless, if you already
    have correct grip energy but still battle to carry the bar, lifting straps are a priceless software that will help you in your training.
    Gymreapers Figure 8 Lifting Straps are the ultimate in durability and power.

    Our wrist wraps are designed to be used time and time again, with durable and high-stretch fabrics.
    Whilst Velcro fastenings permit you to customize your wrist assist as you want it.
    For actions like bicep curls or leg presses that do not considerably
    pressure your grip, avoid weightlifting wrist restraints.

    They ought to only be used when lifting bigger weights becomes hampered by your grip strength.

    Utilizing lifting straps carefully will help you obtain more than your bare palms can do on their very own. Many lifters declare they will deadlift 20-30% more weight with straps than with out.

    They find them useful and ideal for his or her needs, like including assist
    to a leaning tree. Investing more money for an excellent and long-lasting strap just isn't
    wasted money if you’re a aggressive lifter. They will offer you enough durability and are appropriate for most lifts.

    Straps are a helpful software only when the
    limiting factor is your grip, not your overall strength degree.
    Maintain in mind, although, that one of the many benefits of deadlifting is creating a more powerful grip.
    Gymreapers are lasso-type straps that may suit most people’s
    However, you don’t always need raw energy
    to make your grip higher. Nonetheless, typically you might feel like you
    could have pulled more weight or accomplished a number
    of more reps, but you couldn’t keep maintain of
    the bar. Tips On How To Use Weightlifting Straps To Realize Energy And
    Make Progress. We have strong engineering
    capabilities and product application specialists that will help you design bridge
    crane, jib crane and davit crane methods. To serve you
    higher, we provide a nationwide direct sales help network.
    Mixed with our own in-house customer support group, we promise customized options delivered with a human contact.

    The straps are available a choice of colours, are very fairly priced, and the length allows
    you to wrap them across the bar two or thrice. Some discover them comfy and efficient for
    deadlifts, holding with out slipping. Others mention that the fabric is slippery and would not grip the bar
    properly, making it tougher to take care of a robust grip.
    Padding is important to offer an additional layer of safety,
    safety, and comfort.
    The DMoose Lifting Straps are budget-friendly cotton straps with neoprene interior padding and a 24" length. They're out there in a quantity of colors. A massive advantage of the Gymreapers Lifting Straps is that they come with a guaranteed lifetime alternative, which others don’t. Lastly, the Gymreapers straps are available in 9 shade choices, making them a few of the best-looking straps on the market. That is actually what would have to happen so that you can lose your grip with Determine eight straps.
    Nonetheless, it’s great when you don’t want to develop strap reliance earlier than competitions. Nevertheless, the cotton is thick and double-stitched for added durability. You can also find a piece of neoprene sewn into the inside lining when buying cotton lifting straps. This kind of strap isn’t as versatile as others and will not present as a lot security, depending on the size. I don’t suggest it to those on the lookout for a maximum grip benefit until you’re using it for Olympic weightlifting, where a fast release is important. If you like the thought of the Versa Gripp style but don’t wish to pay versa Gripp prices, these are a good selection. They come with a assured lifetime replacement like the other Gymreapers lifting straps on this record.
    They aren’t as efficient for heavy lifting, but they excel elsewhere. Versa Gripps have a singular flap design and are essentially the most premium lifting straps you can buy. The 23″ size of those straps is lots to create a really safe fit, however do not overlook that further length makes it barely extra cumbersome to set up. They also build up extra within the hand except you deliberately don’t absolutely wrap the straps around the shaft. Whereas many lasso-style straps are made with cotton, I’m particularly impressed with how snug these are. They have a gentle texture and are slightly thinner than some, making them essentially the most snug straps I’ve examined. The sewn neoprene lining enhances consolation on the highest of the wrist, though it’s shorter than some I’ve used.
    I’m confident they’d hold up to being tossed in a health club bag with a powerlifting belt, sneakers, knee sleeves, and other gear as properly. Lifting straps will naturally deteriorate over time relying on various components, including materials, frequency of use, coaching intensity, etc. Some corporations provide alternative guarantees, which is a great profit. Lasso straps are essentially the most versatile, and I advocate them to most lifters.
    Some lifting straps include light to medium padding, which is usually neoprene. I have been utilizing the Iron Bull Energy Lifting Straps for a number of months now, and I even have been very impressed with them. They have helped me to lift considerably extra weight on my deadlifts and different compound exercises. The straps are additionally very comfy to wear, even when I am lifting heavy weights. I’ve written a full article regarding the best weightlifting hooks if that’s what you’re in search of. These Olympic lifting straps provides you with minimal assistance when doing pulls, decreasing the probability that you’ll become dependent on them.
    We have carefully constructed our lifting straps after a few years of testing to ensure one of the best consolation and grip. These lifting straps come at a very reasonably priced worth and have an extended strap design. It is the most fitted choice to buy if you’re beginning to get more significantly into lifting and you would possibly be in search of a high quality weightlifting strap. The White Lightning lifting straps are considered one of our greatest selling items because of their clear look, sturdiness, and comfort.
    In most circumstances, it’s grip that goes first, meaning your goal muscular tissues could have done more. Wrist straps let you hold lifting even when your grip weakens. This ensures the goal muscles turn out to be fatigued and grow accordingly. Research present weightlifting belts and wrist straps might help you enhance your lifting capabilities.
    These straps have been utilized by some of the most elite strength athletes on the planet, together with Brian Shaw, Hafthor Bjornsson, and lots of more. These lasso-style straps are made of cotton and come with a 24″ size, making them the longest straps on this listing. While 24″ is nice for creating safety, you might wish to depart some extra to prevent too much bulk within the hand. Pricewise, each versions cost the identical and are comparable to others. Rogue doesn’t explicitly record a guaranty for these straps, but in studying evaluations, they'll ship replacements when you expertise failures. Generally, Rogue is known for their customer service, and if US-made is essential to you, these are a robust choice.
    These weightlifting gloves include additional padding to guard your palms and assist you to achieve a better grip. The three primary strap types are a closed loop, a lasso type, and a figure-eight. Lifting straps are normally made of cotton, nylon, or leather-based and are available in different kinds and types. When choosing lifting grips, give attention to the material around the wrist, as the grip pad is often a normal size.
    The fundamental premise of all forms of lifting straps is that will assist you get probably the most from your train. Kinds Of Lifting Straps – There are 4 primary kinds of lifting straps. You’re about to find what they are, their variations, and the way to choose the proper one. Getting this proper is instrumental to your ongoing success in and out of the gym.
    The nylon model of the Rogue straps is far more sturdy than the cotton. If you’re training with heavy weights, particularly deadlifts, I suggest them over the cotton straps. Nonetheless, nylon is much less snug and doesn’t deal with moisture nearly as properly. Cotton may be a greater option to stop slippage when you sweat a lot. This signifies that they will give you the confidence to lift more, for longer. If you’re seeking to enhance weight but seem to have plateaued, strive a pair of lifting straps.

  • Komentár Melinda Vincze %PM, %06 %726 %2025 %16:%mar napísal Melinda Vincze

    Ultra rúzs most 25%-kal több pigmentet tartalmaz .

  • Komentár Rózsová %PM, %01 %637 %2025 %14:%mar napísal Rózsová

    o 25%

  • Komentár Dana M. %AM, %28 %343 %2025 %07:%feb napísal Dana M.

    O 50% viac pigmentu.

  • Komentár Anna Sagan %AM, %26 %362 %2025 %07:%feb napísal Anna Sagan

    25 % pigmentu viac

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