Z histórie spodnej bielizne...

Už v starom Grécku a Ríme sa objavuje istý druh spodnej bielizne - ženy si pruhmi látky ovíjali prsia, aby sa im pri chôdzi nehýbali. Dôvod, prečo v stredoveku vzniklo spodna bielizeň, bola snaha chrániť vrchný odev pred telesnou nečistotou.


Tvorila ho jednoduchá košeľa, ktorej pôvod možno hľadať v antike. V 14. storočí začala byť (tak ako vrchný odev) výraznejšie tvarovaná, pozostávajúc z viacerých, samostatne strihaných kusov. Zdobila sa výšivkami a čipkami. V 17. storočí, vďaka látkam dovážaným z Turecka, sa spodné košele začali šiť z ušľachtilých materiálov - hodvábnych saténov a damaškov.

Na prelome 16. a 17. storočia sa (v španielskom odeve) objavuje prvý korzet: vystužený kovovými prútmi, oceľovými platňami a vypchávkami; nosili ho ženy aj muži. Renesančná doba prispela k rozvoju spodnej bielizne aj vznikom špecializovaného nočného odevu: bola to plátenná košeľa a čepiec; v náročnejšej podobe vyšívaná striebrom, zlatom a zdobená čipkami. V čase baroka a rokoka vznikla šnurovačka - vystužená veľrybími kosticami, so šnurovaním na prednom i zadnom diele.

V 18. storočí si začali ženy obliekať tzv. pobyty, určitý druh spodnej bielizne, ktorá sa zalomila okolo trupu od chrbta a viazankami sa uzavrela v prednej časti trupu. Tieto pobyty boli často vystužené a v rokoch 1750 – 1760 sa stali známe ako korzety. Korzet sa stal obľúbený u aristokratickej šľachty. Malý pás bol symbolom krásy a v čase baroka a rokoka vznikla šnurovačka - vystužená veľrybími kosticami, so šnurovaním na prednom i zadnom diele. Toto všetko spôsobovalo veľkú bolesť u väčšiny žien, v niektorých prípadoch dochádzalo k poškodeniu vnútorných orgánov.


V 20.storočí dochádza k rozvoju výroby spodnej bielizne. Dizajnéri museli medzi sebou súťažiť v kvalite daného tovaru. Prispeli k tomu aj nové materiály a iná filozofia myslenia. Preto niet divu, že korzet v tom klasickom ponímaní úplne ustúpil zo šatníka v 30-tych rokoch v Európe aj v Amerike. Nahradený bol opaskami, ale prežil ako istý druh kostýmu, či "sexy" spodnej bielizne.

V súčasnej dobe nám nevystačí znalosť jedného termínu pre túto spodnú bielizeň. Môže byť napríklad k pásu, k bokom, s ramienkami i bez, ale aj s rukávmi a podobne. Ponúkame vám niekoľko výrazov aj s popisom na ich rozlíšenie.

- silno vystužený odev, s predným alebo zadným zapínaním bez ramienok, tvarujúci partie pásu, žalúdka a brucha
- vyhotovuje sa na mieru a je v ponuke špecializovaných predajniach

- existuje vo vystuženom aj nevystuženom prevedení bez ramienok, dĺžka môže siahať až k bokom

- je vyhotovený z elastického materiálu, vyhotovený z jedného dielu s ramienkami a podväzkami, tvaruje poprsie, pás, brucho a boky

- tesne priliehavý návlek siahajúci od pásu po bedrá, zhotovený z elastického materiálu, z podväzkami alebo bez podväzkov

- jednodielny kus bez rukávov, v kombinácii tielka a nohavičiek, často sa zapína v rozkroku, vyhotovený je z elastického materiálu, vo voľnej verzii je to "kamizola"


Ďalší kus spodnej bielizne prinieslo napoleónske obdobie - spodné nohavice. Boli voľné, naberané a siahali do polovice lýtok. Šili sa z jemného bieleho plátna a na spodnom okraji ich zdobili volány a čipky. Táto podoba spodnej bielizne pretrvala až do začiatku 20. storočia.

Spodná bielizeň tvorila v minulosti veľmi dôležitú súčasť výbavy nevesty - zhotovovala sa v takom množstve, aby vystačilo po celý život. V posledných rokoch 19. storočia sa však život nečakane zrýchlil, a aj móda sa začala meniť v nebývalom tempe - a tak starostlivo pripravovaná bielizeň vyšla z módy skôr, ako ju majiteľka stihla vynosiť. Zároveň sa zrodilo hnutie za ozdravenie ženského odevu a začal sa boj proti korzetu a nenormálne štíhlemu drieku, ktorý bol kritériom krásy európskych žien od čias gotiky.


Roky 1925 - 1950

Po prvej svetovej vojne spodná bielzeň nadobudla viac-menej dnešnú podobu: Ženy začali nosiť tvarované podprsenky, podväzkové pásy a elastické korzety (body), ktoré zpevňujú telo bez toho, aby ho deformovali; no a niekdajšia spodná košeľa sa zmenila na kombiné.

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Steroid Trenbolone Acetate %PM, %20 %970 %2025 %22:%mar napísal Steroid Trenbolone Acetate

    What are the necessities for participating in the Crossfit Open? Anybody can take part within the Crossfit
    Open so long as they're no much less than 14 years old.
    You additionally don't need to be a Crossfit affiliate fitness center member or have any prior experience with competitive fitness.
    Qualifying for CrossFit Regionals is not an easy feat, but it is an extremely rewarding experience for many who make it.
    The journey towards Regionals requires hard work, dedication, resilience, and mental toughness.
    Mental toughness comes from constant training,
    setting objectives, pushing past limits, studying from failures, staying positive, and
    having confidence in oneself. Many athletes seek assist from a nutrition coach to create a customized plan that meets
    their particular needs.
    Setting achievable targets will assist athletes keep motivated and centered all through their training.
    It can additionally be crucial to trace progress regularly and make changes when needed.
    The 2023 individual and staff NOBULL CrossFit Video Games Semifinals will decide who shall be invited to compete on the finals in Madison, Wisconsin,
    at the finish of the season. Qualifying for CrossFit Regionals doesn't assure a spot in the CrossFit Games.
    To compete in the Games, athletes should end among the many top performers at their respective
    Regionals. The variety of qualifying spots for
    the Games varies depending on the area and the general number of members.

    The CrossFit Video Games consists of a quantity of phases, with the CrossFit Regionals being a pivotal step in the qualification course of.

    The number of qualifiers varies primarily based on the region and the
    overall number of athletes competing. This means they need to use a registered judge at an affiliate or submit an official video submission. The 10 CrossFit Semifinal occasions are seeded with
    qualifying athletes from every continent.
    It takes a unique combination of ability, dedication, and strategy to make it to Regionals, and on this article, we’ll dive into the requirements
    and means of qualifying. Whether you’re a seasoned CrossFit athlete or just
    getting started, understanding the street to Regionals can provide you a brand new level
    of motivation and inspiration on your health journey. So let’s lace up our
    Nanos and prepare to discover the way to qualify for CrossFit Regionals.

    Inside each area, there are a quantity of training zones the place athletes can compete.

    These training zones are typically positioned in major cities or metropolitan areas
    inside every state.
    Each region's Twitter web page will issue play-by-play, score updates and different essential info close to real time.
    Come to Games.CrossFit.com for full regional protection every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
    The yellow line connecting the 4 services is definitely
    a fully enclosed walkway that permits attendees to move between venues regardless of season. Between this and hearing that the roads round MVP Area
    are generally closed for big events, it could make transferring between venues comparatively easy.
    A look into the final five weeks of Regional competition in 17 regions internationally.

    The prime 60 individual rivals should submit video of Open Exercise 14.four.

    This calls for a well-conditioned athlete who can keep going at
    excessive intensity levels throughout the competition. Before
    we delve into the variety of teams from each area, let’s have a quick overview of how CrossFit team
    competitions work. In a group competition, a group of
    athletes competes together to complete a series of exercises.
    These workouts check numerous features of fitness,
    together with strength, endurance, agility, and more.

    When it involves CrossFit competitions, one of the thrilling events is
    the CrossFit Regionals.
    CrossFit Regionals are a highly anticipated event in the world of CrossFit.
    It is a prestigious competitors that brings collectively the fittest athletes from every region to compete towards one
    another. The high rivals from every region then move on to the CrossFit
    Video Games, the place they battle it out for the title of "Fittest on Earth".
    Are you trying to take your CrossFit coaching to the following
    level by competing within the extremely coveted Regionals?
    If you’re questioning how exactly one qualifies for this pinnacle event,
    you’re not alone.
    Since then, it has turn into a highly anticipated occasion amongst
    CrossFit athletes and followers alike. Focus on method – In competitions like the Open or
    On-line Qualifier the place video submission is required, proper method can play a big function in scoring.
    Apply recovery – Restoration is simply as important as
    training itself to be able to carry out at your best.

    Make certain you are correctly fueling your body with nutritious foods and getting sufficient relaxation. Pay Attention to your physique
    – As mentioned earlier, staying injury-free is essential.
    Be conscious of any indicators of overtraining or
    potential damage and make needed changes in your coaching.

    The Open consists of five exercises over 5 weeks, with one exercise being released each week.

    These workouts challenge varied elements of fitness such as power, endurance, and talent.
    It takes dedication, onerous work and months of coaching to earn a spot at
    this prestigious event. Every region has its own qualifying process, however all of them follow related
    tips set by CrossFit headquarters.
    The top athletes or groups from this stage then transfer on to compete at
    their respective regional events where they may battle it out against other top rivals in their area.
    The number of athletes or teams that advance from this
    stage varies depending on the region’s size and what quantity of spots they've available for the CrossFit Games.

    In addition to physical strength and endurance, agility and velocity play a major function in the
    course of the regionals. Rivals will have to have the flexibility
    to maneuver rapidly and efficiently by way of varied movements, similar to box jumps, burpees, rope climbs,
    and handstand walks. Being nimble and having excellent body control are important for achievement
    at regionals. CrossFit Regionals is an thrilling occasion the place the fittest athletes
    from totally different regions compete for a chance to qualify for
    the CrossFit Games.
    Seek guidance from experienced competitors and coaches to optimize your
    possibilities of making it to the CrossFit Games. Nonetheless, it is
    estimated that across the high 10% of athletes in each area, primarily
    based on their Open rankings, will advance to the Semifinals.

    Be ready for intense workouts that will test your bodily and psychological limits.
    CrossFit Regionals are known for pushing athletes to
    their most potential. The number of groups from every area that advance to the CrossFit Video Games is dependent upon varied elements, together with the size and competitiveness
    of the region.
    Drug testing is required for any particular person athlete or staff to advance to the Video
    Games or to collect prizes. Opponents care about how they place relative to
    their peers at their Regional, since that’s what determines how
    many points they earn and the place they’ll rank within the general
    standings. Claiming first in an event earns an athlete 100 factors, second earns ninety five factors, third ninety, fourth 85, fifth 80 and sixth 75.
    The scale then drops by 2-point increments
    for seventh via thirtieth, after which by 1-point increments from 30th by way of fiftieth.
    The athlete with the most points will claim first in the
    total standings; the top five athletes total on the finish of the weekend earn the best to advance to the CrossFit Games.

    All Regional competitors face the same workouts, whether or not they’re in Del Mar, California, or Madrid,
    It is important to note that athletes often prioritize their health and well-being, making it necessary to take breaks from competitors to recover and regroup.
    The "All Regional" Leaderboard lets you stack rank the athletes towards one another throughout Regionals.
    When you are on the "All Regional" Leaderboard, you probably can kind and examine by an event and see how all the athletes fared towards one another for that particular event.
    This characteristic allows for quick, easy access to who's within the
    prime 5 and headed to the Video Games from every of the various Regionals.
    Additionally, this 12 months for the primary time, you can see
    a cross-Regional comparability that ranks the top athletes in every region in opposition to one another.
    To see the cross-Regional comparability in the "Top Regional Athletes"
    module in the app, choose the "All Regional" choice.

    In some extremely competitive regions, only a handful of
    athletes could make the cut, while in others, the number could be significantly larger.
    It is essential to understand the specific qualification criteria on your area to extend your
    probabilities of securing a spot. Resting earlier than a CrossFit competition is crucial for optimal performance.
    The variety of relaxation days you must take
    will depend on your particular person training program
    and restoration needs. The quantity of people that qualify for
    the CrossFit Regionals varies depending on the region and the specific category.
    Generally, the top athletes from every area, determined by way of the
    CrossFit Open, move on to compete within the Regionals.
    The actual number of qualifiers can vary from a couple of people to a number of dozen,
    relying on the size and competitiveness of the region.
    MVP Enviornment is configurable such that seating capability can range between 6,000
    to 17,500 folks. However, for sporting events the utmost
    seating capability is 15,500. Kids 12 and beneath are admitted freed from cost with a ticketed adult.

    Be Taught the method to play on this year’s Open within the first ever
    adaptive athletes division. Lately, CrossFit Games Head Choose
    and Competition Director Adrian Bozman delivered competition season briefs to Masters athletes ahead of the CrossFit Video Games.

    The first weekend of the 2013 CrossFit Regionals gets
    underway May 17, operating all the finest way to June 9.

    For more data on the exercises, you probably can check out all of the movement normal videos by clicking here.
    There will be a prize purse of greater than $3.3 million (USD) throughout the Individual, Team, Adaptive,
    and Masters divisions spanning the Semifinals and CrossFit Games championships.

    Persevering With the precedent set at the inception of the
    CrossFit Games, feminine and male rivals will receive equal prize money for
    their respective ending positions. For these events, if an athlete failed
    to satisfy the minimal work requirement, they might not be eligible to
    move on to the following occasion.
    Is Katrin Davidsdottir quicker on a handstand-walk occasion than Camille Leblanc-Bazinet?
    One Other key aspect of qualifying for CrossFit Regionals is having psychological
    toughness. The demands of the competitors transcend physical capacity; they check an athlete’s
    mental resilience as well. It is important to train the thoughts as a lot as the body by developing strategies for staying centered underneath strain and pushing via ache.

    These competitions convey together the top athletes from completely different regions to battle it out for a chance to compete
    within the CrossFit Games. As for the upcoming 2023 CrossFit Semifinals, it's challenging
    to supply specific numbers regarding the qualifying
    individuals presently. CrossFit Inc. sometimes releases detailed info closer to the event, outlining the number of advancing
    athletes per area. It is also necessary to have a constructive mindset and
    mental toughness in order to push via the grueling exercises during the competitors.

    What is the Crossfit Open and the way does it relate
    to Regionals qualification? The Crossfit Open is a web-based competition held annually by Crossfit HQ.
    It consists of five workouts over five weeks, and your scores determine your
    ranking amongst all individuals. In order to qualify for Regionals, you have to achieve a excessive enough ranking
    within the Open. To be eligible for CrossFit
    Regionals, athletes should be at least 18 years old by the beginning of the competitors.
    They must additionally meet the movement requirements
    set by CrossFit and full all of the required exercises throughout the specified
    time frames. Additionally, athletes must adjust to the CrossFit Games drug testing coverage.

    The depth of the competitors will play a task in figuring out how a lot relaxation you need.
    If you’ve competed in a very grueling event, it’s necessary to provide yourself ample
    time to recuperate. Your coach knows your coaching program and
    may present steering on the optimal rest interval for you.
    They will bear in mind your overall fitness stage, competitors goals,
    and any particular needs you might have. At CrossFit Regionals, you’ll be competing against a few
    of the greatest athletes in your region. These individuals have worked onerous to qualify for
    this competition, so expect to be challenged by
    their expertise and skills. Teams can encompass each male and female athletes, and they usually compete in four or five-person teams.

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