Módne hity prierezom dejín v skratke

Jedno zo slovenských prísloví hovorí „šaty robia človeka“, talianske príslovie dopĺňa, že „šaty zdôrazňujú osobnosť“. V každom prípade,  módne novinky a doplnky ovplyvňovali behom storočí nielen Európu ale aj celý svet.

Móda zasahovala a stále bude pôsobiť rovnako na ženy aj mužov, mladých aj starých , bohatých aj chudobných... Ženy boli v móde vždy smelšie a obliekali na seba čokoľvek, čo bolo módne a štýlové, čo podtrhovalo ich aktuálnu náladu a názor.


Vysoký spoločenský status charakterizovali husté a dlhé vlasy. Niet divu, že v móde sa uplatnili rôzne parochne, ktoré poznali už starí Egypťania. Najväčšiu popularitu však zažili v období baroka. Boli obrovské a zložité. Ich nositelia veľakrát mali na hlave parochňu, ktorá dvakrát prevyšovala ich hlavu. Doménou francúzskych šľachticov a francúzskeho kráľa Ľudovíta XIV. boli tzv. alonžové parochne, ktoré siahali až po ramená. Jeden z dôvodov sa uvádza aj ten, že francúzsky kráľ Ľudovít XIV. sa hanbil sa svoju lysinu a preto začal nosiť parochňu. Vysoká šľachta vo Francúzsku príliš nedbala na hygienu, preto bolo pohodlnejšie si vlasy ostrihať a nasadiť parochňu. V období rokoka, dámske parochne dosiahli svoju pompéznosť do extrému. Dámy z vyššej šľachty nosili na hlavách rôzne konštrukcie a modely, čo im znemožňovali pohyb.



Ako ženy tak aj muži nosili korzety.  V rôznych obdobiach histórie tento odev spodnej bielizne bol využívaný z estetických dôvodov na tvarovanie postavy. K zmene došlo vďaka Amélii Jenks Bloomerovej (27. mája 1818 - 30. decembra 1894), ktorá sa zastávala práv žien a striedmosti. Nevytvorila síce pre ženy reformný odevný štýl, sama však odhodila korzet a vymenila ho za pohodlnú tuniku a voľné nohavice (bloomers), čím vyvolala škandál. Jej nápad a odvaha našili veľmi rýchlo uplatnenie  ihneď potom, ako ženy objavili čaro bicyklovania a kolektívnych športových hier. Stala sa rovnako prvou ženou, ktorá vlastnila, prevádzkovala a upravovala noviny určené ženám.



Koncom 19. storočia boli udelené prvé patenty na podprsenky Francúzske Herminie Cadolle a Američanke Marie Tucek pod názvom „Breast supporter“. V roku 1907 sa objavila prvá podprsenka a to hneď v americkom vydaní časopisu Vogue, zaujala hlavne Francúzov, ktorý ju volali soutien-gorge.

Za oficiálnu objaviteľku podprsenky sa považuje američanka Mary Phelps-Jacobsová, podľa iných zdrojov, však bola skutočnou objaviteľkou jej francúzska slúžka. Každopádne, za jej vznik vďačíme náhode. Vraj, keď sa chystala na ples, zo šiat jej vyliezal korzet a slúžka jej ušila z dvoch hodvábnych šatiek podprsenku, ktorá sa uväzovala stuhou. Jej prvá podprsenka niesla meno Caresse Crosby a v roku 1914 si dala objav patentovať. Ďalším medzníkom pre podprsenky sa stal rok 1915, keď bol oficiálne uznaný za súčasť odevu magazínom The Lady.

Patent v rukách spoločnosti Warnes Brother Corset Company

Novú históriu a rozkvet začína podprsenka písať, keď Mary svoj patent predáva spoločnosti Warnes Brother Corset Company. Spoločnosť zaviedla označovanie S,M,L a v roku 1935 prišla s novými veľkosťami podprseniek, ako ich poznáme dnes – A,B,C,D. Zle časy pre výrobu podprseniek priniesla druhá svetová, vzhľadom na nedostatok materiálu. Ženy však boli vynaliezave a bielizeň si šili doma.

Nové pančuchy – nylonky

Objavenie nylonového vlákna v roku 1938 v Amerike sa považuje za dôležitý vo výrobe pančúch. Do Európy sa nylonové pančuchy dostali po skončení druhej svetovej vojny. V roku 1959 boli vynájdené nylonové pančuchové nohavičky Allanom Gantom v Spojených štátoch Amerických. Viedla ho k tomu jeho osobná iniciatíva. V tom čase, sa jeho tehotná manželka sťažovala na nosenie pančuchového podväzkového pásu, ktorý ju obmedzoval.  Aby jej uľahčil, v roku 1959 zaviedol výrobu v ich spoločnosti Glen Raven Mill na kombináciu nohavičiek a pančúch (pančuchové nohavičky). So sériovou výrobou začali v tom istom roku. Zaujímavosťou je, že prvá dodávka pančúch do obchodov  v počte 4 milióny kusov, sa vypredala už za štyri dni.

Sexy plavky - bikiny

V 20. rokoch minulého storočia, ženy do plaviek nechudli, ale skôr priberali. Strih a dĺžka plaviek sa na pláži a kúpaliskách kontroloval meraním, aby náhodou nedošlo k pohoršeniu. Keď prišiel Louis Regard s novým strihom, úsporného modelu plaviek - svetoznáme bikini, všetky modelky ho odmietli. Nakoniec 5. júla 1946 model bikini predviedla kabaretná tanečnica Micheline Bernardini.

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    Observe the coaching plan for a minimum of 8 weeks and at most 12 weeks.
    If you are a newbie, you must begin seeing physical outcomes round 4 weeks in. If
    you an skilled lifter, you will notice some good results by the time the coaching cycle is over (especially should
    you do some earlier than and after pics). What you will noticeably
    see all through the training cycle are improvements in your energy and general fitness.
    Also, when you eat right, you must be succesful of construct muscle whereas preserving
    The dips will target the lower portion of your pecs a little bit more, and in addition provide some training for adjacent,
    smaller muscles, like your pectoralis minor and serratus anterior.
    If your main focus is on gaining strength, you would possibly want to contemplate the 5x5 exercise program (intermediate
    to advanced) or the 531 program for beginners. Right Here are solutions to questions I typically get asked by
    purchasers with reference to 3-day exercise plans.
    Use these rules to design a routine that keeps you progressing and balanced in your fitness journey.
    By understanding how to combine complementary or opposing groups, you presumably can optimize restoration, improve efficiency, and obtain better outcomes.
    Circuits allow you to alternate between muscle teams quickly, decreasing relaxation time and enhancing
    stamina. Training the quads and hamstrings together ensures balanced leg energy and
    reduces the risk of harm. A superset of bicep curls followed by tricep
    extensions is a time-efficient method to hit each groups.
    Alternating between these actions not solely retains your exercise balanced
    but also improves posture and joint stability.

    The above 5-Day Exercise routine is designed to targets all of your main muscle tissue in full and from all angles.
    This program is designed to construct muscle & strength, with an emphasis on building muscle.

    However, the whole weekly quantity is similar to the Commonplace Split.

    In The End, understanding the advantages of every cut
    up will allow you to determine which 5 day workout cut up is best
    for you. This comprehensive information offers you with two distinct
    5 day workout break up packages which are equally effective.

    You would possibly begin strong however discover that your energy
    wanes as the session progresses. By the tip of your workout, you could be going via the motions rather than pushing yourself
    Why might coaching multiple muscle groups per day be extra advantageous than training only one.

    In specific in case you are at a newbie or intermediate degree within the fitness center.

    The chest is made up of a quantity of muscular tissues, but it dominated by pec main. Your pec major has muscle fibres working in numerous directions
    because it originates in a number of locations on your skeleton. Work life,
    family life and a want to relax and loosen up every now
    and then are more important than training twice
    a day, just so you'll be able to have a killer calf exercise.
    The worst factor I could be is the keto zealot of the resistance coaching world.
    Closed off to actuality and stuck with a one measurement suits all method that not often fits anybody.

    Your coaching stage or age might also have an effect on what an excellent training split is for you to use.

    This is secondary to coaching frequency, nevertheless it's still a factor to
    contemplate. Regardless, the most important
    thing is being honest whenever you decide, as
    this can considerably affect your coaching break up. When it comes to core, you can actually
    put these on no matter coaching day you assume it is applicable or matches best.
    Maintain your self to a schedule, or a routine,
    by which you repeat this workout often.
    The deltoids work along side chest muscular tissues like pectorals in addition to
    back muscular tissues corresponding to trapezius to deliver the arm to completely different features.
    For instance, the again delts work with the traps and latissimus dorsi (wrapping around the ribs to attach to the spine) to raise the arm behind the body.
    You can organize the exercises any method you need on any day you
    Whether you’re aiming to build energy, increase muscle size, or
    enhance endurance, strategic pairings could make your workouts more effective and aligned together with your aims.
    For instance, a push-up or bench press primarily works the chest but in addition activates the shoulders and triceps.

    Combining these movements lets you switch focus between your lower and higher
    physique, optimizing each strength and endurance training.
    It Is additionally very time efficient, as it really
    works only on probably the most critical motion patterns.
    So, should you're only in a place to hit the fitness center once or
    twice a week, this is a nice routine for you. For occasion, the bicep curl
    is a common train to target the bicep muscles.
    A Number Of muscle tissue assist your physique flex at the elbow, similar to your
    brachialis, which is beneath your biceps, and brachioradialis,
    which is a big muscle in your forearm.
    By combining workout routines that focus on these muscle teams, you’ll obtain a
    balanced growth that helps higher motion patterns and reduces injury risk.

    Compared to common barbell squats, the Bulgarian squat variation entails your hamstring to a
    significantly higher diploma. Most bicep workouts, just
    like the barbell and dumbbell bicep curl, are isolation movements.
    Chin-ups are one of the few compound actions that emphasize your biceps,
    making them an excellent addition to your compound
    exercises. Like the pull-up, the chin-up is an effective train for building your upper
    back muscle tissue.
    Now that you understand what muscle groups to workout together, let’s have a look at what exercises you must
    use to train them. A "muscle group" is a collection of muscles located close to one another that work together to carry out a specific
    motion or perform. Begin by assessing strengths, weaknesses, and what
    you wish to achieve.
    Keep studying to study more about optimal muscle group combinations and methods to set up
    your weekly coaching schedule. But the truth is, irrespective of which way split
    up the physique in principle, as quickly as we start lifting
    weights in practice it gets incredibly tough to really isolate any single muscle.

    Working out muscle groups collectively could be helpful in several ways.

    The muscle group exercise break up, also called the Bro split, is
    the preferred coaching program on the planet.
    It is straightforward and lets you prepare every muscle group separately.
    This is a popular break up as a outcome of most chest workouts work the
    triceps and entrance portion of the shoulders too.

    Bust out your anatomy chart as a outcome of you’re about to
    find out about your muscular tissues and the best muscle
    group mixtures. However, because the chest and back are giant muscle groups,
    this exercise might be both time-consuming and tiring.
    There are 206 muscular tissues within the human body, and
    every one has an essential perform. They vary from minuscule, just
    like the stapedius, found in your inner ear, to your gluteus maximus, the biggest
    muscle. Management – cease leaving your exercise progress to the
    plans of others!
    One 2019 systematic evaluate discovered that the
    distinction in muscle mass was modest for individuals who labored
    the identical muscular tissues more every week. The authors additionally counsel that individuals can choose a weekly workout frequency per muscle group based
    mostly on personal desire. Many workouts targeting
    these muscles work to drag resistance toward the body.
    To help enhance these outcomes, there are a selection of muscle teams that may be finest to work out collectively, while letting different muscle teams relaxation. This ensures that the body has isolated
    train and plenty of time between exercises to get well. That is how you’ll get
    essentially the most out of your power coaching periods.

    All muscular tissues require restoration time after a serious exercise, so working a muscle group every single day is
    not really helpful.
    The principle of training certain muscle groups collectively is rooted within the concept of maximizing your exercise efficiency.

    For instance, when you train your chest, your
    shoulders and triceps are additionally involved. Due
    To This Fact, grouping these muscle tissue in a single exercise can lead to more effective strength constructing and
    time administration.
    As long as every session incorporates sufficient quantity and intensity, 2-3 exercises per week is ok.
    This cut up lets you focus more intensely on specific
    muscle teams each day. This makes it appropriate for superior lifters who can dedicate more time to their health club classes.

    In a full body cut up, you will probably end up only doing 1-2 exercises per muscle group.

    In Any Other Case, you may be in the fitness center forever doing
    a ridiculous amount of complete units. Or, you will not be doing a full physique workout because you will
    not be succesful of fit in every muscle group.
    That’s to not mention the fact that your triceps are going to be engaged
    on each of these days, before you’ve even made it to your
    devoted arm day. A 6 day split is certainly one of
    the handiest workout splits for accelerating and maximizing muscle progress and
    power. However, that is usually only true for these who have a
    strong foundation in fitness.
    Most exercises that concentrate on the triceps effectively are isolation movements, however a
    couple of exceptions are shoo-ins for this compound workout routines list.
    The back consists of a number of powerful muscular tissues finest educated with multi-joint actions.
    This listing of one of the best compound exercises consists of each pulldown- and
    rowing types of lifts. You can carry out the barbell incline bench press as a
    substitute, but many lifters discover utilizing dumbbells extra comfy and simpler on the shoulder joints.
    In addition, they allow you to get a full vary of motion each at the backside and high of the motion.
    An example could be an elite lifter who has a lagging muscle that needs lots of additional consideration. That being stated, that’s
    an exception to the rule and most lifters have to comply with
    the rule. That is, have your coaching cut up evenly throughout all of your
    muscles. With so many alternative muscle group training combos to choose
    from, it’s straightforward to see why designing your own exercises could be a daunting prospect.
    Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that, aside from the combos to
    avoid, nearly any muscle group pairing will work.
    If the chest and shoulders combo doesn’t be just right for you,
    try pairing your chest together with your again.
    Comply With this schedule outlined by Ben or adapt it to go nicely with your personal life-style
    (for example, if you’re training for a marathon,
    you could put leg day additional away from your Saturday long run).

    Make sure each muscle group enjoys a wide range of movement patterns—that is, you’re incorporating
    each push and pull motions. Start with three sets of
    10 reps of the movements you select, adjusting as needed based mostly on your goals.

    To begin, goal to hit every muscle group a minimum of once through the week.

    This kind of schedule is recognized as a physique part break up, that means a power training schedule by which you separate your muscle groups
    into workouts on different days.

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