Suchý zips

Vedeli ste, že práve psia srsť plná bodliakov priniesla  ľudstvu veľmi užitočný a praktický vynález? Stalo sa tak v roku 1941...

... vďaka štvornohému miláčikovi švajčiarskeho technika Georges de Mestrala (1907-1990). Po prechádzke v prírode jeho srsť  bola plná bodliakov. Po urputnom a nekonečnom čistení to hĺbavému technikovi nedalo. Začal študovať, akým spôsobom sa hlavičky bodliakov v srsti prichytili. Jednu z nich neskôr pod mikroskopom preskúmal. Výsledok ho prekvapil. Povrch bodliakov tvorilo množstvo drobných háčikov, ktoré umožnili, že sa semená dokonale prichytili na psiu srsť a jeho kabát.  Tým, že mal v sebe tvorivého ducha, skúsil uvažovať o ďalšom využití v praktickom živote. Natoľko si veril, že zdravo zariskoval a dohodol si úver v banke na vysokú sumu, aby mohol nerušene experimentovať. Skúšať začal s najdostupnejším materiálom - bavlnou, ktorá sa mu však neosvedčila. Jej vlákna  sa na tento účel nehodili a pri veľkovýrobe sa bavlna javila ako veľmi nákladná. Jeho východiskom bol materiál, ktorý je lacný ale pritom odolnejší.

Po niekoľkých pokusoch narazil okolo roku 1948 na syntetický materiál nylon. Vyrobil tkaninu zloženú z množstva malých slučiek. Jednu stranu nechal hladkú – zamatovú. Slučky na druhej strane rozpolil. Ožiaril ich  infračerveným svetlom, ktoré nylon spiekol a vytvoril  prakticky nezničiteľné háčiky. Keď spojil hladkú-zamatovú časť s háčikmi, potreboval vynaložiť veľkú silu, aby ich od seba oddelil. Tak vznikla nová tkanina a spoločnosť na jej výrobu, ktorú pomenoval Velcro / „velour“ – zamat a „cro“ – „crochet“ – háčik/.


V roku 1951 požiadal o patent na svoj vynález  a o štyri roky ho dostal. Suchý zips sa stal v nasledujúcich rokoch po jeho uvedení veľmi obľúbený. Puma v roku 1968 uviedla na trh prvé tenisky na suchý zips. Osvedčil sa aj v rodinách s malými deťmi, ktoré si nedokážu samé zaviazať šnúrky alebo sú veľmi neposedné. Každý rodič môže potvrdiť, že mu topánočky na suchý zips uľahčili život a, že je to skutočne veľmi praktický vynález!

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Tintinger.Org %PM, %24 %975 %2025 %22:%mar napísal Tintinger.Org

    For biceps curls, begin in a standing position and grab a light weight similar to
    a dumbbell or tin can. Let your arm drape to your aspect together
    with your palm going through ahead. A superset is whenever
    you perform two workout routines back-to-back with little to no
    rest in between. It’s a sure-fire coaching approach to extend the depth
    of your workout and save time. The commonplace dumbbell curl is likely considered one of the finest workouts for
    building greater biceps. It’s easy to study
    for the beginner and remains one of the
    best workouts for the skilled bodybuilder.
    A totally outfitted commercial health club provides a tremendous amount of choices, but all you really want to build your biceps are
    You’ll utilize this train as the final component of your shoulder and arm workout,
    specializing in achieving a most pump by way of high-repetition sets.

    Emphasizing the term "concentration," bear in mind to prioritize type and technique over ego.
    Opt for a lighter weight that permits a full range of motion, relying
    solely on the strength of your biceps. You’ll carry out a
    slightly greater rep vary to complete your biceps session with an excellent
    pump. The concentration curl stands out as one of the top dumbbell
    workout routines for successfully isolating the biceps by minimizing the involvement of other muscle groups.
    This is your shoulder and arm exercise, with detailed
    step-by-step directions and movies exhibiting how to carry out each train.
    It’s preferred by many fitness gurus and bodybuilders to train them
    collectively, since you are already working the bicep when doing back.
    Dumbbell upright rows could be done with various grip widths and hand positions,
    which may help target a number of muscle groups.
    This makes them a more versatile exercise than barbell upright rows.
    You must add this again and bicep dumbbell exercise
    to your exercise arsenal. One-arm dumbbell Row is a wonderful full-range train for building the lats muscle
    tissue. One of the biggest benefits of utilizing dumbbells for deadlifts is that you can work with a wider vary of
    movement than with barbell deadlifts.
    Alternatively, you could perform a few warm-up units
    of the workout routines you’ll be doing in the exercise.

    You ought to do the reverse chin-up initially or end of
    your exercise. Do 3-5 units of reps. Use a wide grip to focus on your internal biceps heads and a slender grip
    on your outer heads. Utilizing your chest or shoulder will cut
    back your biceps engagement. The biceps push-up is an extremely efficient bodyweight biceps
    Compound exercises work on a number of muscles simultaneously and stimulate
    the discharge of testosterone and growth hormone, which finally helps increase energy and mass.
    The SFS FIVE Resistance Band Exercise Bundle has 5 fun and
    challenging full size exercises utilizing solely resistance bands.
    Collectively, the 5 workouts make for the right weekly exercise routine.

    This just isn't going to work for reverse curls or concentration curls, so
    don’t do it with those two workout routines. Carry Out a bicep
    curl as you would with your elbow pinned to your sides.
    When you attain the top range of movement, that means you can’t
    curl it up any further, convey your elbow up and forward a couple of inches and squeeze your biceps hard.
    Focus curls work the same muscles as a daily curl, however the true good factor about them is how they do a fantastic job of
    isolating the biceps.
    Contemplate this exercise the mirror reverse of a triceps cranium crusher.
    Keep your torso upright and your elbows pinned to your sides to realize an optimal range of motion. Starting
    with a newbie exercise plan for outer biceps,
    concentrate on basic moves.
    We encourage such debate—as long as you don’t miss the principle
    level. That is, this listing as a complete constitutes
    a kick-ass collection of confirmed, reliable bicep workouts.
    Hate on a couple of if you should, however we think together they
    may make for the most effective biceps exercise you’ve ever
    done. Verify out the beneath two videos showing your visually
    how to carry out the biceps workouts beneficial here, as well
    as triceps workouts for the second instalment.

    Little mini jack knife’s will finally result in the full range of motion. If you're keen on the burn and form that
    developed shoulder muscle tissue give, then you’ll take pleasure
    in doing TRX Ys and Ts. Simply a slight change of angle for the arms,
    to hit the center and rear shoulders in a different way.
    To contract the shoulders throughout an train or when standing
    static think about squeezing your complete arm and in your mind picture that squeeze starting at the top of your arm.
    Like the biceps, it’s good to target the tricep muscles from completely different angles to get full development.
    This video will show you tips on how to do each
    tricep extensions (hammer and skullcrusher) including a third advanced version.
    Start with a weight that lets you perform the workouts with correct kind and management, whereas nonetheless challenging your muscles.
    This will let you use probably the most amount of effective quantity.
    You are capable of increase your whole weekly volume by splitting it up throughout two training sessions.
    This ought to facilitate loads of variation and good high quality

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