Sezónne stravovanie Slovákov od Zdenky Havettovej

Napísal Zdenka Havettová 19. január 2025

Počas zimného obdobia máme kratšie a chladnejšie dni, ktoré sa odrážajú aj na našej celkovej kondícii. V nižšie položených oblastiach už ani nesneží, len prší, čo nás nemotivuje byť od rána aktívnymi.  Ak sa chcete vyhnúť únave, skúste následovné tipy.


Začať môžete správnym výberom sezónnych potravín - ovocia, zeleniny a byliniek, ktoré vás nakopnú do "života"!


Zelenina: biela kapusta, zelená kapusta, cibuľa, cvikla, ružičkový kel, pór, mrkva, zeler, cesnak, čínska kapusta

Ovocie: hrušky, jablká


Zelenina: biela kapusta, zelená kapusta, cibuľa, červená repa, ružičkový, kel, pór, zeler, cesnak

Ovocie: hrušky, jablká


Zelenina: bazalka, cesnak, cibuľa, červená repa, kapusta, kaleráb, kel, mrkva paštrnák, petržlen, pór, ružičkový kel, tekvica Hokaido, špagetová tekvica, topinambur, zeler, zemiaky, žerucha

Ovocie: hrušky, jablká


Zelenina: bazalka, cesnak, cibuľa, červená repa, kapusta, kaleráb, mrkva, paštrnák, petržlen, pór, rebarbora, reďkovka, ružičkový kel, valeriána, zeler, zemiaky, žerucha

Ovocie: hrušky, jablká

1. TIP: Krémová polievka z červenej repy
(Olomoucký recept)

P O T R E B U J E T E: 1 cibuľa, 600 g červenej repy, olej, 2 ČL feniklu, 1 ČL anízu, sušený tymian, hovädzí vývar, soľ, 200 ml kyslej smotany, petržlenovú vňať, pažítku, 0,25 l smotany, maslo


P O S T U P:
Cibuľu nakrájate na drobno a osmažíte v hrnci na oleji, pridáte semienka feniklu a anízu, vetvičku tymianu a olúpanú a na hrubšie kocky nakrájanú červenú repu. Spoločne orestujete, zaprášite múkou a zalejete hovädzím vývarom, trochu osolíte a varíte domäkka. Polievku potom rozmixujete, ochutíte soľou, mletým čiernym korením, pridáte smotanu a maslo na zjemnenie, prevaríte a prepasírujete. Pred podávaním polievku ozdobíte lyžicou kyslej smotany a bylinkami.

2.TIP: Pečená zelenina

Príjemná obmena zemiakov. Pečieme v nákypovej keramickej alebo kameninovej forme, v ktorej ju aj podávame. Očistíme mrkvu a paštrnák a pokrájame po dĺžke na väčšie kusy. Ak máme zabudnutú, ale veľmi chutnú kvaku, pridáme aj tú. Červenú cibuľu pokrájame na mesiačiky, malé cibuľky – šalotky ošúpeme a necháme celé. Cesnak necháme v šupke a rozložíme pomedzi ostatnú zeleninu spolu s ružičkovým kelom a pórom. Jemne posolíme, posypeme čerstvo zomletým čiernym korením, tymianom, petržlenom alebo rozmarínom, pokvapkáme olivovým olejom a upečieme.

Dobrú chuť!

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    Understanding and Treating Static Wrinkles in Your Skincare Routine

    Static wrinkles are those persistent creases and lines that appear on your face due to aging,
    environmental factors, or repetitive movements. While some wrinkles are dynamic,
    meaning they form when you make expressions, static wrinkles are
    more permanent and visible at rest.

    Causes of Static Wrinkles

    Static wrinkles can be influenced by several factors:

    Sun exposure


    Genetic predisposition

    Loss of collagen and elastin over time


    Poor lifestyle habits

    Types of Static Wrinkles

    Static wrinkles can be:

    Fine lines around the eyes

    Deep creases under the eyes or on the cheeks

    Lines on the forehead or between the brows

    Treatment Options for Static Wrinkles

    There are several ways to address static wrinkles, depending on their severity and
    your personal preferences:

    Lifestyle Changes: Increased sun protection, avoiding smoking,
    reducing stress, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the
    appearance of static wrinkles over time.

    Topical Treatments: Products containing retinol, antioxidants, or hyaluronic acid can help improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkle depth.
    Sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection is essential for preventing wrinkle formation.

    In-Office Procedures: More advanced treatments like laser therapy, chemical peels, or injectable treatments
    (e.g., botulinum toxin) may be considered for deeper or more persistent wrinkles.

    Prevention Tips

    To reduce the likelihood of developing static wrinkles,
    incorporate these habits into your skincare routine:

    Use sunscreen daily

    Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh environments

    Stay hydrated

    Eat a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E

    Get adequate sleep

    Practice facial exercises

    Key Takeaways

    Understanding the causes and types of static wrinkles is the first step toward managing them.
    Incorporating targeted treatments and preventive measures into your skincare routine can help maintain a more youthful and radiant appearance.

    # Static Wrinkles: Understanding And Treating Them In Your Skincare

    ## Introduction
    Static wrinkles are a common aesthetic concern, often appearing as fine lines around the eyes, lips,
    and neck. These wrinkles develop due to repetitive
    movements, aging, or environmental factors.

    ## What Are Static Wrinkles?
    Static wrinkles are permanent folds or lines that form in the skin.
    They are typically caused by frequent expressions like smiling, frowning, or squinting.
    Over time, these creases become visible and can make you
    look older.

    ## Causes of Static Wrinkles
    The formation of static wrinkles is influenced by:
    - **Genetics**: Some individuals are more prone to wrinkling due to their genetic makeup.

    - **Environmental Factors**: Prolonged sun exposure accelerates wrinkle formation by damaging collagen and elastin.
    - **Lifestyle Choices**: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and
    poor diet can contribute to skin aging.
    - **Stress**: High-stress levels can lead to the breakdown of collagen, causing wrinkles to appear more rapidly.

    ## Prevention of Static Wrinkles
    Preventing static wrinkles involves adopting a proactive approach:
    - **Sun Protection**: Use sunscreen with broad-spectrum UV protection daily.

    - **Antioxidants**: Incorporate antioxidants like Vitamin E into
    your skincare routine to combat free radicals.
    - **Moisturizing**: Keep skin hydrated to maintain its elasticity and prevent dryness.

    - **Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol**: These
    habits can accelerate skin aging.
    - **Manage Stress**: Practice stress-reducing activities such as yoga or
    meditation to preserve skin health.

    ## Treatment of Static Wrinkles
    While prevention is key, treatments can help reduce the appearance of
    static wrinkles:
    - **Topical Retinoids**: Products containing retinol can improve
    skin texture and reduce wrinkle depth.
    - **Laser Therapy**: Procedures like fractional laser therapy can stimulate
    collagen production and smooth out wrinkles.
    - **Injectables**: Treatments such as Botox or Dysport can temporarily relax muscles, smoothing out lines.

    ## Skincare Products for Static Wrinkles
    To address static wrinkles effectively, consider incorporating these
    products into your routine:
    - **Hyaluronic Acid**: Hydrates skin, plumping it and reducing the visibility of wrinkles.

    - **Peptides**: Stimulate collagen production, which helps
    in skin repair and rejuvenation.
    - **Sunscreen**: Protects against UV damage that can worsen wrinkles.

    - **Exfoliants**: Remove dead skin cells, allowing for better
    product penetration and skin renewal.

    ## Conclusion
    Understanding static wrinkles begins with recognizing their
    causes and adopting preventive measures. By protecting your skin from environmental harm, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using targeted skincare products,
    you can minimize the appearance of static wrinkles and preserve your youthful complexion.

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