Sladké, slané, pikantné či exotické chute?

Napísal Lucia Drevická 23. november 2024

Áno aj to je TOFU! Všetko má svoj začiatok. Ak sa vydávate na cestu objavovania nekonečných chutí a vôní, na začiatku môže stáť naturálne tofu. Práve to je kľúčom k svetu plnému nepoznaných

Aké si to urobíš, také to máš

Nezáleží na tom, či máte radi slané, sladké alebo niečo medzi tým – tofu sa prispôsobí vašej chuti. Ako nám koncom 90. rokov opakovala skupina Chinaski: “Aké si to urobíš, také to máš.” To platí aj pre tofu.

Ako teda najlepšie opísať tofu? V niečom je podobné ako kuracie mäso. Samo o sebe vo svojej naturálnej podobe nie je výrazné, no môže chutiť na nespočetne spôsobov a jeho využitie siaha oveľa ďalej, než je len náhrada za mäso. Svoje miesto si nájde pri každom jedle – od zdravých raňajok, cez rýchle snacky, až po výnimočné večere.

Ak sa nezahĺbite do všetkých podôb, ktoré ponúka, ochudobníte sa napríklad o tofu verziu sweet&sour, cheececakov, créme brulée, zmrzliny alebo dokonca tradičného slovenského jedla – halušiek. Samo o sebe otvára nekonečné možnosti.


Ak si chcete ušetriť čas marinovaním, siahnite po tofu v naleve Sweet chilli.

Oškvarky a tofulíni

Receptov je plný internet, pri pohľade na zoznam surovín, nás však môže odradiť ich dostupnosť. Vegfluencer Pavel Ovesný preto odporúča ingrediencie, ktoré vieme nakúpiť aj v najbližšej večierke.

“Tofu môžeme nakrájať na plátky alebo kocky a potom smažiť na oleji, grilovať, údiť alebo piecť. Na nátierky ho môžeme roztlačiť vidličkou alebo rozmixovať v mixéri. Prírodné tofu na slano odporúčam naložiť do marinády. Údené alebo marinované tofu chutí dobre aj bez ďalšej úpravy, ale s horčicou bude chutiť lepšie, ak strávi pár minút na panvici. Alebo ho môžete naložiť podľa vzoru českých klasík do octového nálevu či oleja a vytvoriť tak utopencov alebo tofulínov,” píše Ovesný. Vyzdvihuje, že kvalitné tofu značky Lunter sa dá v našich zemepisných šírkach kúpiť prakticky všade.

Ďalej pridáva recepty na „chlpaté knedlíky“ s tofu “slaninkou”, bezvaječné lečo alebo tofu praženicu. Nejde pritom o žiadnu novinku. O neprebádaných možnostiach tejto potraviny sa u nás hovorilo už pred tromi desaťročiami.

“Z tofu sa dajú urobiť aj oškvarky pre bryndzové halušky,” povedal pre SME Ján Lunter v roku 1996, keď ešte len rozbiehal firmu. “Dá sa použiť na špagety alebo ako rezeň. Práve to je pre tofu typické, že môže pribrať chute každej národnej kuchyne a je mimoriadne zdravé,” povedal vtedy.

Domáca srdcovka

Ján Lunter vedel, o čom hovorí a odvtedy mu za pravdu dávajú nové a nové štúdie. V tofu je množstvo proteínov, málo tuku, a nenájdete tam cholesterol. Aj Americká kardiologická asociácia uvádza, že tofu je dobré na predchádzanie problémov so srdcom.

Štúdia z roku 2020, ktorá skúmala dáta od viac ako 210-tisíc amerických lekárov, odhalila, že ľudia, ktorí jedia tofu aspoň raz týždenne, majú o osemnásť percent nižšie riziko problémov so srdcom ako tí, ktorí sa k nemu dostanú len zriedkavo. Sójové výrobky vrátane tofu v jedálničku tiež znižujú riziko úmrtia na infarkt.

Na Slovensku máme šťastie. Tofu najvyššej kvality kúpite v najbližšom obchode. Jedným nákupom tak viete naraz podporiť domáceho výrobcu, vychutnať si výborné jedlo a urobiť niečo aj pre svoje zdravie.


Tofu može pribrať chute každej národnej kuchyne a navyše je zdravé.

Je to len na vás. Tofu môže nahradiť mäso v klasických receptoch, no, ako sme už spomínali, ponúka toho oveľa, oveľa viac. Môže byť základom krémových alebo tradičných nátierok. Z výrobkov značky Lunter si vyberiete, či už máte chuť na niečo grilované, sladké chilli alebo na morské tóny.

Vybrať si môžete bazalkové tofu alebo prírodné, ktoré potom môžete dochutiť presne spôsobom, ako to máte najradšej, na sladko či na slano.

Otvárajú sa vám dvere do nových zážitkov, vitajte vo svete chutí. Vitajte vo svete tofu.

Vyskúšajte tofu netradične v našom tradičnom jedle.

GAZDOVSKÉ ZEMIAKY s tofu (300 g porcia)



  • zemiaky 470 g
  • rastlinný olej 6 ml
  • cibuľa 50 g
  • údené tofu 170 g
  • mletá sladká paprika 3 g
  • cesnak 3 g
  • drvená rasca 2 g
  • mleté čierne korenie 1 g
  • kyslá kapusta 250 g
  • celá rasca 1 g
  • soľ podľa chuti


Zemiaky v šupke do mäkka uvaríme v osolenej vode. Kým vychladnú, na oleji si opečieme nadrobno nakrájanú cibuľu. Pridáme na drobné kocky nakrájané tofu a všetko spolu restujeme 5 minút. Dochutíme mletou paprikou a pretlačeným cesnakom a ešte minútku restujeme.

Z kapusty vytlačíme vodu, zemiaky ošúpeme a opatrne nakrájame na tenké plátky. Pekáč potrieme olejom. Tretinu zemiakov navrstvíme po celej ploche pekáča a jemne ich osolíme. Na zemiaky pridáme polovicu kapusty a na ňu polovicu tofu zmesi s cibuľou. Všetko spoločne utlačíme do roviny a pokračujeme posolenými zemiakmi, kapustou a tofu. Opäť navrstvíme zvyšok zemiakov, ktoré osolíme, jemne posypeme celou rascou a pofŕkame olejom. Pečieme 40 minút na 220 stupňov dozlatista. Nakrájame na porcie a môžeme podávať.

3 komentárov

  • Komentár %PM, %26 %895 %2025 %20:%mar napísal

    Though you want to explode as much as potential, to get good at deadlifts,
    you should additionally grasp the art of grinding.

    Deadlifts are extremely taxing to each your muscular tissues
    and your central nervous system. After you deadlift for a couple of months,
    constantly, you’ll discover that your back is more muscular, especially your middle and higher back.

    Most individuals who train for appears tend to focus on the quads, however neglect their hamstrings.
    The purpose might be as easy as the reality that your quads are more seen within the mirror, while your
    hamstrings are mostly out of sight. Your posterior chain is
    a muscle group that stretches from the base
    of your skull down to your heels. Romanian deadlifts have you maintain a
    slight bend in your knee as you hinge ahead at your waist, in contrast
    with the extra aggressive bend present in a standard deadlift.

    At this level, training with the entice bar deadlift may be extra useful as it increases again and leg power while minimizing back
    strain. One of the easiest ways to measure the speed of the pull is thru the Vitruve linear
    encoder that measures every repetition and tells you in case you
    are in or out of vary. Whether Or Not your consumer performs a entice
    bar deadlift, kettlebell deadlift, or dumbbell deadlift the erector spinae muscles are
    labored. This prevents damage in clients who may be learning the deadlift for the first time.

    To prep your hamstrings, she recommends good mornings,
    including that some folks even like to do a quantity of Romanian deadlifts with very gentle
    weight. Block pulls are efficient compound workout
    routines for working your back and decrease physique muscular tissues.

    Nevertheless, if you would like to increase your exercise arsenal and work similar muscle tissue,
    here's a list of different options. They’re not as stressful
    as deadlifts and require a smaller range of motion to execute.

    While the benefits of deadlifts are plentiful, it's vital to keep in thoughts that the correct kind is
    the key to unlocking these advantages. While the muscle-building advantages of
    deadlifts are apparent, their positive impacts lengthen past
    just shaping your physique. This compound exercise is more than only a gym
    fad—it's backed by science and is foundational to energy coaching programs.
    While a conventional deadlift has you start with your weight on the ground, the Romanian deadlift has you begin whereas
    holding your weight in a standing place. Another key distinction is that
    your knees are a lot straighter during a Romanian deadlift;
    when you should bend them, you only need slight flexion. In Accordance to a examine revealed in the
    Journal Of Energy & Conditioning Farley, K.

    This article discusses the benefits of deadlifts and provides a couple of deadlift variations
    to add selection and customization to your exercises. A Number Of deadlift variations offer completely different but
    associated benefits in contrast with the standard deadlift.
    These variations enable the deadlift sample to be integrated into a
    fitness program tailored towards your needs.
    The deadlift is a staple of most strength-training packages, and it’s
    one of the three lifts performed in the sport of powerlifting.
    There are some ways to incorporate deadlifts into your training if
    heavy lifting isn’t right for your physique.

    The deadlift teaches the body to produce very high ranges
    of force in a really short time. Whether you’re a runner, bicycle owner, or CrossFit
    enthusiast, deadlifts can improve your power, pace, and endurance by strengthening the muscles you depend on most
    during these actions. If you're seeking to put
    somewhat extra stress on the posterior chain, check out the
    Romanian deadlift, or RDL. This variation reverses the conventional deadlift—the
    motion begins within the standing position, which is the place the conventional version finishes.
    Some folks think about the deadlift a secondary again train due to
    its major recruitment of the spinal extensors and the latissimus dorsi.

    Variations corresponding to sumo or Romanian deadlifts additionally enable focused activation of specific
    muscle tissue, enhancing their versatility. Latest evidence additional
    emphasizes deadlifts’ capability to optimize neuromuscular coordination and stimulate hypertrophy by way of progressive overload.
    The advantages of deadlifts extend far past the gym, promoting
    practical energy that makes every day actions easier.
    As you age, sustaining energy through deadlifting supports balance,
    stability, and mobility, which are crucial for
    general well-being.

  • Komentár Bernie %PM, %24 %799 %2025 %18:%mar napísal Bernie

    Something about loading 405 on the bar and driving out of the outlet makes you are feeling invincible.
    The Steelflex PLLP Leg Press is a high-performance leg press
    machine that can press as a lot as 500lbs. Its again pad adjusts to angles of 114
    levels, 121 levels, and 127 degrees. The Steelflex PLDP Plate Loaded Decline Leg Press is one
    other solid alternative for a plate-loaded machine.
    It has a 12 gauge steel body with an electro-statically utilized powder coat, and industrial rated bearings which would possibly be sealed in any respect pivot factors.
    With this machine, springs make it straightforward to make changes to the seat
    and weight. Here Is a complete look into the most effective 16 leg press machines of 2023.

    Begin with a weight that permits you to complete reps with good form.
    If you can easily complete the set, gradually improve the load.
    As you presumably can see, there are numerous different sorts of
    leg exercisers out there right now. Simply just make
    sure you read reviews about each product earlier than buying it.
    It will help you decide which ones have been proven to be handiest.
    They also work on the cellular degree and contribute to capabilities
    like collagen formation, discount of oxidative stress and membrane
    This may be accomplished by working each legs on the same time,
    or by working unilaterally to balance your left and right sides.
    If you would possibly be critical about resistance coaching and you've got got the area, a home leg press machine is an effective funding for decrease body muscle growth.
    Whereas you are limited to concentrating on the leg muscle tissue,
    leg presses are a great exercise to build energy in the decrease body muscle tissue.

    Titan’s tackle the leg press/hack squat additionally comes with 2
    weight storage horns, so you presumably can all the time keep
    your plates within attain. Long-story-short, they’re top-of-the-line within the biz when it comes to energy training machines and their GLPH1100 provides the proper mixture of high quality and affordability.
    Everybody has had a leg press machine that is finest for them,
    it simply depends on your preferences and budget. But rest
    assured that no matter you choose, it has you lined for a strong leg day.
    As you'll find a way to see, all of those leg press machines are superior but have some variations.
    Not certain should you ought to get the hack squat machine or the 45-degree angled machine?

    And after we discuss passive leg exercisers, it turns into crucial to speak about it.
    Make certain that you are properly conscious of the size of that exact leg exerciser.
    How often you must use a leg compression machine is dependent upon a variety of
    factors, such as why you’re using it and your total well being and mobility.
    Your well being care provider ought to give you particular use directions.

    Be positive to read the owner’s guide of your chosen machine as
    Due to the above mentioned security locks and rail-based methods beginners can simply check out the machines and be guided by way of the
    movement. This implies that when you fail during your set, the load will drop down to
    the stack or you possibly can lock off using the security lock, greatly reducing the chance of harm.
    When you employ free weights, a degree of warning must be taken to ensure you don’t drop the weight.
    As a general rule of thumb, full three units of
    10 to 12 reps when using every leg machine.
    These muscles are responsible for dorsiflexion which is
    what brings your toes closer to your ankle. You want this when strolling to
    get your leg off the bottom in the course of the swinging movement when strolling.

    The Leg Extension Machine is a bit of gym gear designed
    to focus on and isolate the quadriceps muscular tissues.
    Relying on the machine, you would build extra muscle depending on the action of the movement and what that train recruits the most.
    Understanding the features of those muscle teams is crucial for designing
    effective leg exercises that promote strength, stability, and general decrease physique improvement.
    In Contrast To free-weight exercises, leg machines don't
    demand intricate coordination, making them accessible to a wider range of
    health levels. The Seated Leg Press Machine is similar to the extra frequent leg press machine however you’ll sit and press horizontally instead of being reclined forty five degrees.

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