„Ako sa donútiť nemať stále na niečo chuť“

Napísal Kristína Chudá 21. február 2025

Unavení, prejedení, a tak trochu leniví? Nevadí, to rozpohybujeme! Dopriali ste si počas sviatkov, čo hrdlo ráči? Je čas zbaviť sa napáchaných škôd, aby vám v tele zase bolo príjemne. On to s kilami navyše nie je žiadna sranda.


Lenže pri vyslovení slov ako chudnutie alebo diéta prepadne väčšinu z vás pocit, že sa budeme trápiť, hladovať alebo si odriekať, čo máme radi. Nemusí to tak byť! Toto nastavenie je totiž podľa odborníkov zle. Poďte ho zmeniť.

Chudnite rozumne

Rozumné chudnutie človeka baví a postupné malé úspechy dokážu motivovať. Problémom dokonca nie je, ak potrebujete zhodiť aj 20 kilogramov. Schudnúť a získať postavu snov je možné pri každom organizme, ale naopak, je to ľudský faktor, ktorý túto snahu hatí. Správne a zdravé chudnutie má totiž niekoľko jednoduchých zásad. Ak ich človek dodrží, nie je dôvod, aby skutočne neschudol a nezískal aj patričné ​​sebavedomie, alebo sa vďaka novému životnému štýlu z neho nestal aj nový človek.

Radšej centimetre ako kilá

Rovnako ako s akoukoľvek inou aktivitou je zásadné hneď na jej samotnom štarte vedieť, kam chcete dôjsť. V tomto prípade, na akú sa chcete dostať váhu, alebo ešte lepšie, akú konfekčnú veľkosť chcete obliecť. Samotná váha a kilogramy sú dnes už nie príliš relevantným meradlom, môžete totiž schudnúť 5 kilogramov v tuku a naopak nabrať 3 kilogramy vo svaloch, a pokiaľ nemáte špeciálnu váhu, bude vám váš úspech pripadať ako zanedbateľný. Preto je z tohto hľadiska vhodnejšie riadiť sa skôr centimetre alebo konfekčnou veľkosťou oblečenia. Dajte si svoju „chudú či hrubú“ fotku na chladničku! Na prvé si dopíšte: Takto ÁNO. Na druhú: Takto NIE. Pri každom otvorení chladničky potom zvážte, po čom siahnete.

Zdravé chudnutie zodpovedá zhruba strate pol kilogramu za týždeň, teda dvom, maximálne trom kilogramom počas prvého mesiaca.

V pokoji, žiadne fofry

Okrem toho, že si stanovíte cieľ, je ale ešte oveľa dôležitejšie si stanoviť reálny cieľ. Zabudnite na všetky lákavé reklamy, ktoré sľubujú napríklad schudnutie 11 kilogramov počas troch týždňov a ďalšie takto vysoké váhové skoky, dosť často ešte doplnené o informácie, že nebudete musieť meniť stravovacie návyky a postačia vám len kúzelné tabletky.

Dôležité je napríklad vedieť, že zdravé chudnutie zodpovedá zhruba strate pol kilogramu za týždeň, teda dvom, maximálne trom kilogramom počas prvého mesiaca. Len takýmto spôsobom môžete dosiahnuť dlhodobý efekt založený na rozumnom stravovaní, bez hladovania, ale naopak so zmenou životného štýlu i stravovacích návykov.

Majte plán a zošit

Urobte si teda základný plán. Napríklad: koľkokrát denne budete jesť, aké množstvo jedál a samozrejme ich typ, snažiť sa čo najviac vynechávať vyprážané jedlá, pečivo alebo extrémne mastné či sladké jedlá. Pomocníkom vám najskôr môže byť klasický zošit, kam si budete písať každý deň jedlá. Často si až v okamihu, keď skutočne vidíte napísané všetko, čo počas dňa zjete, uvedomíte skutočnosť, koľko toho skonzumujete a v akej kvalite.

Chudnutie verzus pohyb

Samozrejme, že sa dá schudnúť aj bez pohybu a pri niektorých štartovacích diétnych plánoch sa dokonca pohyb na začiatku neodporúča. Ale môžete skúsiť aj opak - začať športovať, a potom zistíte, že sa vám ani nechce už jesť nezdravo. Pohyb a radosť z neho vás vlastne donúti premýšľať nad jedlom, ale ani nedovolí jesť zle. Predsa si nejakým jedlom nepokazíte tú hodinu, čo ste makali? Navyše pred a po cvičení tiež budete voliť zdravé jedlá, aby vám pri pohybe bolo príjemne, a nie ťažko od žalúdka!

Dobré sú aj aplikácie

Staviť môžete aj na najrôznejšie aplikácie, ktoré vám vaše stravovanie pomôžu ustrážiť a vy v nich len zadávate dané jedlo. Jednoducho v nich zadáte aj svoju aktuálnu telesnú váhu, životný štýl a aplikácia vám už samy spočítajú optimálny energetický príjem a výdaj vedúci k chudnutiu. Táto forma stráženia vlastnej stravy má výhodu v tom, že vám presne spočíta jednotlivé zložky jedál, ako je množstvo sacharidov, vlákniny, tuku a bielkovín. Na druhú stranu je trochu náročnejšia na váš čas, kedy vyžaduje vašu spoluprácu, a to ako samotné zapisovanie, tak aj váženie jednotlivých porcií a častí jedál.

Možností je veľa

Staviť ale môžete aj na ucelené diétne plány a programy, ktoré vám nielen odporučia vhodné pokrmy, ale aj jednotlivé typy jedál alebo priamo špeciálnu stravu určenú ako náhradu klasických potravín. Je len na vás, či siahnete napríklad po krabičkových diétach, ktoré na rozjazd určite pomôžu, alebo sa objednáte u niektorého výživového poradcu, ktorý vás bude aj povzbudzovať, čo je mimochodom snáď najlepší spôsob, pretože na to nie ste sami.

Zdroj foto: Shutterstock

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    Of course, but once more, there are a handful of smaller components taking part in smaller yet-still-meaningful roles in how things go.
    And if you’re seeking to get the most effective outcomes potential, they warrant making
    adjustments for as nicely. It’s just as essential – if not more so
    – when you’re cutting and making an attempt to
    take care of it. Then you’re either shedding fat slower than you have to be (which will simply extend the method for no good reason), or not dropping any fat
    whatsoever. Which is to say that the objective nows to lose "weight" as fast as possible by doing all
    the issues believed to be good for making that occur. They are what's going to account for the majority of your bulking outcomes.

    And if you’re at present above these ranges, you must reduce first.

    But if your food regimen is somewhat dialed in and you're making progress, supplements can help.
    A strong pre-workout may give you more energy and focus, protein can be a fast digesting post-workout drink to assist
    with restoration, and creatine will improve your exercise performance.
    As 2021 comes around, there’s no higher of a time to construct muscle mass and get in form.
    If you’re having a tough time keeping your legs from coming forward, you
    can lean in opposition to a wall and have your prime leg slide to appropriate any slanting
    of your physique that may happen. Take meals from this listing to craft meals and
    snacks that can assist you to bulk effectively and healthfully.

    Cable pushdowns are arguably the most popular triceps exercise on the planet.

    Newbies ought to give consideration to a structured program with compound lifts like squats,
    deadlifts, and bench presses. Begin with manageable weights, prioritize type, and
    progressively increase resistance. A year-long strategy allows regular progress while minimizing
    the chance of damage or burnout. Include endurance
    and adaptability exams to spherical out your analysis.
    For example, take a look at your maximum number of push-ups or pull-ups and measure your range of movement in key joints.
    This comprehensive strategy ensures your year-long bulking phase delivers
    balanced enhancements in strength, muscle progress, and overall fitness.
    Implement them to make sure your exhausting work pays off all through your bulking journey.

    As you’ll see, chest and triceps are paired up, as are back with biceps and quads with hamstrings, each a very
    common pairing among novice and advanced bodybuilders.
    Shoulders are trained roughly on their own, and you’ll alternate hitting calves and abs—which reply properly to being educated a quantity of times per week—every other workout.
    No new workouts are introduced in Week 4 so as to give attention to depth in your exercises as a substitute
    of studying new actions. All in all, you possibly can bulk up (build muscle) with body weight coaching,
    it’ll simply be tougher and you’ll have to actually get creative as you become more advanced.
    You’ll have a much simpler experience (although nonetheless not easy) reaching your genetic muscle mass potential
    with weight lifting. Our program is a weight training bulking
    program, so when you only need to do body weight coaching, you’ll should look elsewhere when it comes to the workouts but food plan information will nonetheless apply.

    Old school lifters cultivated pure muscle mass with the stuff that works
    – presses, pulls and squats. They’re useful movements that build power and aesthetics – more
    hypertrophy but higher athleticism too. In this plan you’ll be
    performing multi-muscle, compound exercises, with one or two supporting accent lifts.
    They’re more productive, goal extra muscle fibers
    and result in a greater anabolic response by elevating both development hormone and testosterone.
    Now since we are not slicing, burning a large amount of calories in a short time
    is obviously unnecessary and in opposition to our goals.
    Doing cardio for elevated endurance is the only cause you'd need to do
    cardio on a bulk.
    If you’re not a sort of people who are born genetically
    blessed with the flexibility to pack on the kilos of
    muscle, then bulking up is normally a HUGE challenge.
    Some cardio is all the time an excellent thing for health causes, however restrict
    it to not extra than 20–30 minutes of low-to medium-intensity cardio
    2–3 occasions per week. That’s sufficient to keep up your cardiovascular well being without burning too many
    calories. It continues to be a good suggestion to restrict the amount of cardio you do
    to minutes of moderate-intensity cardio 3–4 times per week.

    Spend a quantity of weeks monitoring your consumption and weight adjustments.
    Once established, start by adding 200 calories above your upkeep.

    Year-long bulking is a strong strategy for serious
    lifters. It allows you to concentrate on muscle growth without the fixed cycle of slicing.

    If you need to really rework your physique, committing to a full yr of bulking may be
    the key. In this expert evaluation, we analyze, critique, and broaden on Dr.
    Pak’s method to year-long bulking.
    You can push your training depth and volume whereas persistently working
    exhausting. With a year to work with, you'll find a way to set
    sensible objectives and monitor your progress more effectively.

    The program revolves around "straight sets" versus using "super-sets" or "tri-sets".
    Once you full a set of an train, you’ll relaxation, then repeat for the prescribed variety
    of units that comply with. The solely time "tri-sets" will be used
    are for brief ab/core workouts at the finish.

    This is an enormous commitment, and you’ll need to prioritize your exercises
    to make certain that you full all of them every week.
    If stress is your nemesis, it’s most likely greatest to place off
    beginning a 6-day workout split. Wait until issues are a little calmer to stack the percentages of success extra in your favor.

    As A End Result Of you eat virtually no carbs on keto, your muscles can’t rely upon glycogen to gasoline
    exercises. Fortunately, your body adapts to a low-carb food
    plan, and after a few weeks, it’ll have learned to use fat and ketones as
    a substitute. Your body does not take up and use protein from plant-based sources fairly in addition to
    from animal-based. Because of that, you wish to improve
    your protein intake by 25% when you solely eat plant-based meals to offer you as
    many muscle-building amino acids as someone who eats
    meat and eggs. Weight gainer shakes are designed to assist people gain weight and muscle mass.
    They are principally a really calorie-dense
    meals in powdered type. Creatine is a natural substance found in your muscle
    Generally compound lifts end up neglecting certain muscle tissue.

    All three are very important in your bulking journey.

    Keep In Mind, as you acquire weight, your maintenance degree will improve, however this doesn’t mean your surplus
    will increase. To construct muscle, you should eat extra
    energy than your physique uses.
    With that mentioned, not all carbs are created equal and it’s simple to overeat carbs as
    they're in pretty much every little thing. A meals calculator will let you understand how much carbs you
    are consuming as it's going to tell you how a lot are in each sort of meals you put in your plate.
    Although there is no "bad" protein like there is with carbs and fat, not all sources of protein are good.

    A quality gainer can be the game-changer that lastly makes the size go up.

    Now after all there is no method to count your calorie consumption to an ideal tee, so simply estimate.
    If you eat a meat pie that the field says has 410
    energy a serving with a glass of milk that has 80 calories per serving, then 490 is shut enough
    of a quantity. You don't have to seek for
    a tootsie roll to fill in the other 10 calories.

    So how will we learn the way many calories we ought to always eat every meal?
    Easy, simply divide the entire variety of
    calories with the quantity of meals you get in a day. Suppose of
    your physique as a car that you must replenish with fuel (food), before you begin it.

    If you’re new to train or haven’t trained in nicely over three months
    we’d recommend you go for a unique exercise plan corresponding to our 12 week muscle building program for novices.
    Welcome again, health fanatics, to Week 2 of MusclePharm's 10-Week Bulking Blueprint Challenge!
    If you conquered Week 1, get able to elevate your game.
    This week focuses on more sets, reps, and strategic relaxation for an intensified bulking journey.
    Let's delve into the main points of this week's routine designed to propel your gains to the next degree.
    "Remember, we weren’t coaching to actually box three-minute rounds, but to drop body fats and add most muscle bulk in a relatively brief house of time," says Thurston.
    This second workout begins with huge bulking workout routines, then shifts into easier workouts on your
    core and posture. The exercise sheets let you swap these exercises
    for muscle-building workout routines, but when you’re nonetheless comparatively new to lifting,
    I’d hold the exercises as is. When Marco was coaching faculty, skilled, and Olympic athletes, he had most
    of them on considered one of these Upper/Lower splits.
    Having two lower-body days per week helps athletes run sooner and bounce larger.

    It helps powerlifters get robust at squats and deadlifts.
    And it provides bodybuilders the covetted X-Frame physique, with broad
    shoulders and thick thighs. Full-body workouts additionally let you
    benefit from supersets, the place you alternate between training completely different muscle groups.

    Simply persist with the above carbs and eat them around your exercise instances (before and
    after) and a little at night time and you would possibly
    be good to go. All in all, you will not see us
    condemning white rice or fruits because they are
    easy carbs. We won't, nonetheless, promote eating sugary junk food like candies,
    cakes and chips. So, your whole energy on the day
    must be made up of the above percentages. The TDEE calculator will take all
    issues under consideration, corresponding to your gender, age,
    peak, weight and exercise stage. Of course, it isn't going to be exact,
    however generally it's fairly correct, so it’s the way most
    people decide on their upkeep stage. Something much less and you won’t see much in the method
    in which of outcomes.
    With low depth long period, purpose to do minutes at a pace that makes you comfortably tired.
    Low depth might be untaxing, so you mustn't have any issues
    with it when on a 5 day weight lifting routine. It may even help with recovery from your weight lifting sessions.
    If you need, you possibly can move both rest days to day 6 and seven so you have
    the weekend off! Whereas you're going to get creatine from certain meals like fish
    and beef, it is in all probability not sufficient. It can’t hurt to have more
    creatine, simply to ensure you are getting enough, so many bodybuilders add this to
    their complement stack.
    If you’re out of steam, saving your calf exercise to another
    day may be a good suggestion. Squat-type exercises are the mass- and power builders of your leg training,
    and by including leg extensions, you lay the foundation for optimal quad
    growth. Broad shoulders, flaring lats, a comparatively slender waist, and
    huge, sweeping leg muscle tissue full the "X" physique many
    bodybuilders want.
    While intermittent fasting is well-liked today,
    don’t do it when you're trying to bulk. Your body solely needs so much and might take in a lot at
    a time. Also, don't forget to avoid wasting of your allotted energy
    in your post-workout meal, which will assist help your muscle-building targets.
    If you need something easy post-workout, grab considered one
    of these 7 Finest Meal Replacement Bars - we have choices for all dietary preferences.

    An effective exercise plan for gaining muscle over a yr combines a slight caloric surplus with consistent, progressive training.
    Compound actions should kind the muse, supported by sufficient protein consumption (1.6–2.0 grams
    per kilogram of body weight).
    They respond finest to average weights and
    high coaching volume. To increase the coaching intensity, Ritchson combines arms coaching with abs workout.
    Following Chris Bumstead's training and diet plan will not guarantee a Sandow trophy, however it'll definitely get you features.
    And when you're not ready for an 8-day training schedule, there are
    many other nice workout splits based on how often you practice that will
    help you see outcomes. It’s a fantastic assistance exercise
    for the deadlift, and it’s nice for bulking up your hamstrings and again.
    Hold track of your waist circumference and total health. This will help ensure that your bulking technique is efficient and sustainable.
    Keep reading to find tips on how to successfully
    navigate your year-long bulking journey. Every tip is rigorously
    reviewed and fact-checked by experts, so you can belief this information to deliver results.
    To help individuals get stronger, healthier, and extra assured
    – all with a enjoyable, no-nonsense method. Beans and nuts have lots
    of protein; if you’re vegetarian you presumably can nonetheless use dairy
    to your benefit (whey protein, whole milk, cheese, and so forth.).

    You must adapt to changes in your body and your life.
    This adaptability can make a big distinction in your overall
    success. Additionally, figuring out you have a year to
    work can cut back stress. If you miss a workout
    or a meal, it’s not the end of the world.
    Sit on an incline bench and curl dumbbells up towards your shoulders.
    Hold your higher arms nonetheless and give attention to squeezing on the prime.
    Stand in front of a cable machine with a bar
    attachment, curl the bar towards your chest, and squeeze your biceps
    on the prime.
    Shane Duquette is the founding father of Outlift, Bony to Beastly, and
    Bony to Bombshell, every with hundreds of thousands of readers.

    He's a Licensed Conditioning Coach (CCC), has gained 70 pounds,
    and has over a decade of experience helping more than 15,
    000 people construct muscle. He also has a degree in fine arts, but those are inversely
    correlated with muscle development. At first, your coordination will enhance, allowing
    you to lift extra weight. You’ll also get higher at
    pushing tougher and grinding by way of the sticking point, permitting you
    to get extra reps. But your coordination won’t enhance eternally.
    Soon, succeeding at adding weight will mean you’ve
    succeeded at constructing muscle.

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