Nechajte sa inšpirovať: Trendy účesy, s ktorými zažiarite

Napísal Jana Naščáková 13. február 2024

 Či už je to večera, pohár vína alebo napríklad kino, buďte pripravená. Takže poďme na to, aký styling najviac pristane práve vám? Vedeli ste, že sa wet look objavil už v 18. storočí? Už ste počuli o trende zvanom balletcore? 


1.     Mokrý look, značka elegancie a sex-appealu

V mokrom čiže wet looku môžete vyzerať sakramentsky sexy a slávnostne, keď však viete ako na to! Hranica od toho vyzerať ako zmoknutá sliepka je pomerne tenká, takže dávajte pozor. Vlasy si v prvom kroku umyte a následne pomocou bavlneného trička vytlačte prebytočnú vodu. Potom ich rozčešte hrebeňom so širokými zubami. Teraz prichádza ten najdôležitejší krok – zmiešajte vlasový krém s gélom a aplikujte do vlasov smerom dozadu. Začesané vlasy dozadu ešte pošpliechajte morskou soľou v spreji a následne vysušte fénom, nie však úplne dosucha. Pomocou týchto troch pomocníkov (krém, gél a soľ) budú vlasy pôsobiť mokrým, nie mastným dojmom.

Vedeli ste, že... sa wet look objavil už v 18. storočí? A to vďaka francúzskej kráľovnej Márii Antoinette. Tá si nechávala namáčať svoje šaty a tým inšpirovala zvyšok dám na dvore.

2.     Vlny na všetky spôsoby  

Vlny vyzerajú vždy skvele a slávnostne, či už zvolíte tie voľnejšie alebo drobnejšie. Dajú sa jednoducho natočiť na nespočetné množstvo spôsobov a pomocou najrôznejších techník. Tá úplne najjednoduchšia a najrýchlejšia je pomocou kulmy. Tú si dopredu nahrejte zhruba na 180 stupňov a nezabudnite vlasy pred samotným kulmovaním nastriekať produktom na ochranu pred teplom. Termoochranné spreje vám navyše pomôžu udržať požadovaný tvar vĺn čo najdlhšie. Vlasy si rozdeľte na minimálne dve časti, ak ich máte husté pokojne aj na tri, aby ste žiadnu časť nevynechali. Začnite s vlasmi v spodnej časti a natáčajte ich od končekov smerom k hlave. Až budete mať hotové všetky pramienky, dôkladne aplikujte fixačný lak.


Do vlasov si ihneď po natočení ešte nesiahajte. Aby udržali tvar čo najdlhšie, musíte ich nechať vychladnúť a až potom upravovať a prečesávať. Pokiaľ radi experimentujete, určite oceníte multifunkčné kulmy, ktoré majú vymeniteľné nástavce s rôznou šírkou a tvarom, teda vám dovolia kúzliť hneď na niekoľko spôsobov!

Vedeli ste, že...prvá elektrická kulma vznikla neďaleko Eiffelovej veže. Išlo o revolučný prístroj od značky BaByliss, za ktorou stojí kaderník René Lelièvre. Kulma sa stala okamžitým hitom, a tak sa zrodila nová značka BaByliss, ktorej kulmy, žehličky, fény a iné produkty nájdeme na trhu dodnes vo viac ako 60 krajinách sveta.

3.     Romantické doplnky do vlasov

Sviatok zamilovaných ako by nebol bez srdiečok a zamilovaných dekorácií! Tie však nemusia byť iba súčasťou interiéru, ale aj vašich vlasov! Ozdoby, nech už akékoľvek, perfektne zvýraznia práve navlnené vlasy, pretože sa jedná o hravejší look! Stačí keď si zopnete dva pramienky dozadu pinetkou a dekoráciu pripevníte. Uvidíte, že celkový vzhľad bude pôsobiť slávnostnejšie.

Vedeli ste, že...symbol srdca vznikol z figového listu, ktorý sa nachádzal na starodávnych minojských freskách. V gréckej a rímskej dobe pripomínalo listy brečtanu, ktorým sa vyznávala láska. Najväčší rozmach tohto symbolu bol v dobe rytierskej v 13. storočí, kedy sa hojne používalo na oblečení aj erboch.

4.     Tento rok frčí „Balletcore“

Už ste počuli o trende zvanom balletcore? Pokiaľ nie, tak ste ho ale určite videli v uliciach! Ide totiž o štýl inšpirovaný svetom baletu, ktorý je plný priliehavých body, nadýchaných sukní, skinny nohavíc s pukmi, ale hlavne je o perfektne uhladenom drdole! Keď si dáte záležať, bude balletcore drdol vyzerať neodolateľne šik a sexy.

Najlepšie sa vám bude robiť s jeden deň neumytou hlavou, pretože základom je vlasy čo najviac uhladiť. Malý tip – do vlasov môžete naniesť bezoplachový kondicionér a trochu si ich navlhčiť, pôjdu lepšie skrotiť. Ďalšou možnosťou je napríklad penové tužidlo alebo vlasový olejček. Dokonale uhladený efekt potom docielite pomocou hrebeňa či kefy so štetinami. Rovná viditeľná cestička je základ. Či ju urobíte uprostred alebo na strane, záleží iba na vás. Vlasy začnite uhladzovať a zagumičkujte ich na temene alebo nízko na tyle. Vezmite hrebeň a vlasy opäť češte smerom ku gumičke. Gumičku následne zložte, prečešte hrče vzniknuté nad gumičkou a postup opakujte, kým nebudete úplne spokojné. Na Valentína sa nemusíte báť ozdobiť drdol veľkou látkovou gumičkou, šatkou alebo mašľou.


Vedeli ste, že... trend balletcore sa zrodil, keď módna značka Miu Miu predstavila saténové baletné piškóty v kombinácii s hrubými ponožkami. Spočiatku ľahko nepochopený módny štýl však následne predstavili aj ďalšie značky, ako napríklad Hermès, a nový trend bol na svete!

Nech už zvolíte na tento špeciálny deň akýkoľvek look, nezabudnite, že najdôležitejšie je si ho poriadne užiť!

Tip: Automatická kulma BaByliss 2664PRE - dokonalé vlny za pár minút

Vytvorte si nespútané vlny za pár minút a to takmer bez námahy! Unikátna automatická kulma BaByliss 2664PRE disponuje technológiou automatického vlnenia, vďaka ktorej si prameň vlasov vtiahne a navlní. Pre prirodzený vzhľad naviac sama mení smer vĺn. Pre úpravu vlasov si môžete vybrať z dvoch nastavení teplôt – keramický povrch sa postará o rovnomerné šírenie tepla a šetrný prístup k vlasom. Objemná 29mm vlniaca komora sa zahreje za 100 sekúnd pričom dosahuje maximálnu teplotu až 205°C. V prípade že máte jemnejšie vlasy, mali by ste sa pohybovať v nižšej teplotnej škále, husté a ťažšie vlasy naopak vyžadujú teplotu vyššiu.

Vaše prsty ochráni pred spálením studená špička, vďaka ktorej bude manipulácia s kulmou jednoduchšia. S pomocou poistky automatického vypnutia nemusíte mať obavy, že kulma zostane bez dozoru nevypnutá. Sama sa po určitej dobe automaticky vypne. Pohodlný je aj 1,8 metrov dlhý kábel, takže sa nemusíte tlačiť blízko zásuvky. Každá žena naviac ocení jedinečný ružový vzhľad, ktorý sa bude vynímať v každej kúpeľni!


Automatická kulma BaByliss 2664PRE s trojročnou zárukou je k dostaniu na

Zdroj foto: Freepik, BaByliss

1 Komentár

  • Komentár none %PM, %20 %993 %2025 %22:%mar napísal none

    As a private coach, I’ve trained dozens of
    individuals in their residence gyms. Pairing one arm
    dumbbell row alternate options with vertical pull movements, such as pulldowns or pull-ups will make
    for an efficient again workout. Many powerlifters and
    cross-fitters are in search of barbell row alternatives, as the barbell row
    may be tough on your lower again if not carried out correctly.

    I Am going to give you the 9 finest barbell row different workouts that
    I hit every time I really feel like altering my again and core exercise.
    The pendlay row is a superb t-bar row alternative for powerlifters because it targets the exact opposite muscular tissues of the bench press, which allows for greater stability when performing heavy
    presses. Some lifters expertise lower back pain when doing traditional bent-over rows.

    Also generally identified as the center delts,
    this deltoid head is labored everytime you raise your
    higher arm out and away to the aspect of your body,
    e.g., dumbbell and cable aspect raises. This is among the
    few workout routines which will assist work your hip flexors while also
    loading your leg muscular tissues, very similar to the rowing machine.
    Maintain your toes identified barely whereas performing this move for stability and don’t attempt to carry too heavy;
    the focus is extra on the number of reps, quite than the burden. Additionally,
    in your upper again muscles, renegade rows are a unilateral exercise.
    Stronger people might want to select a cable machine with one thing like a D-grip
    handle to realize sufficient resistance.
    Lower the burden again down in a managed method, and repeat for the desired variety of reps.
    The single-arm dumbbell row is a bent-over row alternative for the lats and biceps for
    bodybuilders and gym rats with limited equipment or lower again issues.
    The single-arm dumbbell row is principally one other name for the one-arm dumbbell row.
    The inverted row is a safer various to the barbell row
    that also helps you build core energy, as it’s a bodyweight train. The
    reverse grip row with a barbell is a bent-over row
    different that focuses on the lats for bodybuilders and powerlifters.
    It includes utilizing an underhand grip versus an overhand grip when rowing.

    Alternatives like the chest-supported row scale back the danger of damage as a end
    result of your torso has support through the train. But others may not require the same gear,
    making it easier to perform them at house and nonetheless get a full back exercise.
    This compound back motion is supposed to be a more explosive model of a bent-over barbell row, so it’s great for athletes that may profit from coaching their fast twitch muscle fibers.

    Furthermore, you’re less prone to cheat performing a
    pendlay row compared to the barbell bent-over row as a result of it’s more difficult
    to make use of momentum to raise the load. Bent over rows are generally carried out for building muscle mass in muscle teams like the lats, trapezius,
    rotator cuff muscular tissues, biceps brachii and posterior deltoids.
    Nonetheless, additionally they serve a practical objective as being one of the heavier pulling movements
    exterior of the deadlift. Verify out our cable row options
    to help strengthen your higher back muscular tissues.
    As you probably can see, your grip, angle you bend over at,
    and the place you row the bar in relation to your torso
    will heavily influence the muscular tissues that you just
    primarily work. Just keep in mind that that is nonetheless a
    compound train and it will due to this fact work the entirety of your upper posterior chain to some extent.
    The barbell row is certainly one of the greatest again constructing workouts
    that you could possibly add to your routine. It offers an excellent route when it
    comes to progressive overload and for that cause, it's typically thought of a compound exercise (alongside
    the fact that it engages a number of muscle groups).
    Learn on to learn about options to the seated cable row that may have your again getting wider, thicker, and extra outlined very quickly.

    In this article, we lay out 9 alternatives to the Hammer Energy high-row machine.
    To be sincere, none of them are as efficient as doing the train on an precise Hammer Strength machine.

    This exercise is nice for folks to construct up the power to
    have the ability to do weighted rowing workout routines. The single-arm dumbbell row is a decrease back-friendly barbell bent-over row alternative.
    This can be a unilateral movement, where you are
    coaching both sides of the again by itself. This overcomes the problem
    of the stronger facet taking over, which regularly occurs with barbell workout routines.
    These workout routines will work the latissimus dorsi and
    center trapezius muscle tissue in an analogous way to the seated
    cable row.
    It is an excellent exercise that may let you move plenty of weight and develop some critical again density.
    The half-kneeling high-band row does an excellent job of moving the
    lats by way of its full range of natural movement,
    from the fully prolonged arm place down and toward the hip.
    It’s additionally a unilateral move, permitting you
    to target each lat muscle separately.
    You also can get larger muscle activation by exaggerating the different phases of the raise.
    By reaching your shoulder forward on the backside
    you can get a greater stretch, by throwing your elbow further back you can get higher lat activation. The banded row is a extremely versatile
    banded train making it useful for any lifter’s training protocol.

    You can do that train with excessive reps
    and high units while causing minimal fatigue to the nervous system.
    Band Rows aren’t going to exchange a One Arm Dumbbell Row
    for developing energy, however they'll work
    nice in a pinch if you’re touring. Even when you don’t
    have something sturdy you can attach the resistance band
    to, you'll find a way to at all times wrap them around your ft if want be.

    It allows you to emphasize the upper back whereas relieving rigidity on the lower back,
    a common draw back to many barbell again workout routines.
    Usually speaking, seated cable rows provide a higher
    vary of motion than bars or dumbbells. Most rowing exercises need some gear to add resistance and make the
    movement most effective. Some rowing workouts use minimal tools, just like the inverted bodyweight row.

    Although they don’t generate the facility or measurement of typical weights, they are a great
    addition to any back routine, and can assist you to correct your kind, and humility,
    very quickly. The seal row has emerged as a preferred variation of the row
    that may serve as a near good substitute to the
    cable row. You perform this mendacity face down on a bench, which takes virtually all the strain off the lower again, and maximizes pressure on the higher again, significantly the traps and rear delts.
    The dumbbell row is a great way to isolate all
    sides of the back whereas additionally maintaining the load heavy.
    The dumbbell single arm row is an isolateral movement,
    that means you presumably can management the vary of movement and tension on either facet.

    By using dumbbells as an alternative of a barbell, each side of the back is engaged independently, serving to to right
    any imbalances and enhance total power. Dumbbells goal your muscular tissues from different angles than a
    barbell, however you will nonetheless get an excellent again and lat exercise.
    Variations like single-arm dumbbell rows assist you to stability the energy
    in your left and proper facet.
    Resistance bands are an often overlooked piece of kit in the fitness center, however they
    have lots of potential makes use of. Resistance bands are nice at mimicking weighted exercises with none cumbersome equipment.
    You can take a resistance band with you anywhere to do your exercise at residence or while traveling.
    Performing rows with a band may give you an excellent stimulus without fatiguing the nervous system so as to do them extra often and
    with greater quantity. Inverted bodyweight rows are nice for strengthening the back for more advanced exercises
    like pull-ups. You can use this train to target the back from different angles
    by varying your grip width or experimenting with a supinated (underhand grip).

    If you don’t have access to a T-Bar Row machine with a chest pad, you can also perform this train by lying face down on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand and pulling them towards your torso.

    Relying on the machine, you can either use a double overhead (pronated)
    grip or a neutral grip. The pronated grip will goal the upper/middle back more, whereas the neutral grip will
    engage extra of the lats. You can carry out this movement anytime throughout a back or higher body workout.
    T-bar rows are a variation of barbell row where a T-bar handle is affixed to one finish of the
    barbell, retaining the pronated grip, a somewhat greater degree of
    hip hinge and a singular angle of resistance. Finally, bent over rows aren't the heaviest variation of row one can carry out, and neither feature the largest range of motion. This can limit
    the extent of the athlete’s coaching, especially on the greater levels where specificity and
    issues like sticking factors are vital obstacles.

    There is nothing mistaken with this, but, for variety, it’s typically helpful to
    train one aspect at a time – a unilateral exercise.

    While that is more of a variation than another, it’s nonetheless a valid train. That mentioned, if you can do pull-ups or chin-ups, they are both nice lat pulldown alternative workout routines.

    Bear In Mind, essentially the most essential muscle to engage whereas performing again train is the core.
    This is essential as many again movements place a substantial quantity of stress on the
    decrease again and backbone, so preserving the
    core fully engaged all through the motion prevents harm
    from occurring. The cable row or completely different movements such as the
    one-arm row is classified as "pulling" actions.
    The vast majority of high quality trainers and coaches will implement each "pushing and pulling movements" into
    their shopper routines. Nonetheless, more often than not, the pushing
    actions far outnumber the pulling.
    A seal row is a variation of the row exercise that's carried out with your chest supported
    on a bench. The real reason I like this motion, nonetheless, is as a result of the chest assist provides you something to brace towards to have the
    ability to produce more drive and mechanical pressure.
    This is something that is not potential on the normal bent over barbell row as you should stability your torso in opposition to the weight being held out in front of you.

    Keep reading to seek out out why every one was included, the way to perform them,
    and some tricks to get the most out of the exercise.

    The bent over dumbbell row is a barbell row variation that, although being a bilateral
    move, forces each side of the physique to hold its personal load.
    This overcomes a standard drawback when rowing with a barbell of the strongest facet taking the majority of the load.
    Utilizing dumbbells on workouts like this helps in achieving balanced strength and muscular improvement.

    Many because of for their in depth train picture & video collection. Make certain to at all times use
    weight clips whenever you use a barbell, to prevent the
    plates from sliding off. It is widest within the middle, forming a diamond
    shape that connects the middle of your again to each of your shoulder blades and the upper portion of your neck.

    Discover out which ones work finest for you, and consider implementing them in your workout routines.
    When experiment with completely different hand
    positions, I’ve found that should you hold your elbows tucked, you’ll get more lat activation, making it extra a again exercise.

    Some will debate that this is extra of a chest exercise, whereas others will
    say it’s a again movement. For an train that requires extra core energy and stability, the chook dog row is a superb option.
    Novices ought to embark on their journey with lighter weights and incrementally add extra as they grow stronger.

    This technique helps forestall injuries while making certain that
    correct type is maintained all through. This different targets the upper back muscular tissues and
    can help build total upper physique strength
    for other pulling and even pushing exercises just like the bench press.
    Not to mention that the resistance band is versatile and
    straightforward to use, making it an excellent option for lifters of all fitness ranges.
    To perform T-bar rows successfully, start with a weight that challenges you but allows for correct kind.

    Nonetheless, because you don’t should support
    the burden of your head and higher physique, it’s nonetheless so
    much simpler on your lower again than the barbell row.
    With the inverted row, you carry out a rowing motion whereas hanging from a suspension coach, gymnastic rings or perhaps
    a barbell supported on an influence rack. If wide-grip pull-ups are very troublesome for you, you can replace this train with lat pulldowns.
    The form could be very comparable and both exercises work the identical muscle teams.

    The major muscles trained throughout lat pulldowns are the latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii,
    forearms, decrease trapezius, middle trapezius, rhomboids, posterior deltoids, and pectoralis minor.
    You also can sit on the ground and loop a resistance band over your ft.
    Whereas we now have plenty of love for all sorts of bent-over rows, there is no escaping
    the fact that they can be exhausting in your decrease back.
    Seated cable rows, one other helpful lat pulldown alternative, put lots less stress in your back while
    working the very same muscles.
    The name hints on the key difference, but the perks might not be crystal clear.

    Sure, it hits the identical muscle crew as its barbell counterpart, but here's the plot
    twist—it ropes within the core and shoulders for a
    stabilization get together. The chest-supported cable delt row is performed on a 
    weighted horizontal cable machine with a bench.
    This train is much like a basic one-arm dumbbell row for the lats, aside from some important modifications.

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