Skúste stredomorský jedálniček

Napísal NATURE HOUSE 25. január 2019

Pravidelne sa objavujú nové druhy diét, nové trendy v stravovaní, moderné alternatívne smery.  V domnienkekonečne efektívneho spôsobu stravovania s výsledkom rýchlej redukcie hmotnosti sa púšťame často do drastických diét. 

naturehouse mediterane19

Neprirodzené stravovanie nás však stojí veľké úsilie a riskujeme vlastné zdravie aj psychickú pohodu. Najefektívnejšie je pritom dlhodobé stravovanie sa pomocou ľahkého, chutného a pestrého jedálnička, ktorého korene pochádzajú zo stredomorskej kuchyne. Medzi všetkými možnými diétami je to overená stálica.

Bez pravidiel a striktných zásad

Pri držaní diét sme zvyknutí na dodržiavanie určitého systému stravovania, počítanie kalórií, riešenie toho, čo si kedy smieme dať a v akom poradí. Takéto pravidlá nás nakoniec zväzujú a obmedzujú. A nakoniec danú diétu aj tak vzdáme. Pritom stačí racionálny prístup k stravovaniu, ktorý prináša práve stredomorský spôsob stravovania. Nespočíva v striktne danom jedálničku a pravidlách, ale skôr v usmernení zdravého stravovania, ktoré prináša komfort a pestré suroviny.

„Nejde o drastickú diétu, takže nemožno očakávať radikálne úbytky hmotnosti v rekordnom čase. Môžete sa ale tešiť z primeraného chudnutia, ktoré bude trvalé, komfortné a bez jojo efektu. Prospejete tak svojmu zdraviu celkovo a budete sa lepšie cítiť.  Nebudete mať pocit prejedenia sa, alebo ťažkého žalúdka. Stredomorský spôsob stravovania vychádza zo všeobecných zásad zdravého stravovania. To znamená jesť pravidelne a pestro, 5-6 jedál denne. K tomu vypiť aspoň 1,5 l vody. K tomuto spôsobu stravovania vedieme aj našich klientov, " opisuje Mgr. Zuzana Bohátová, hlavná nutričná poradkyňa NATURHOUSE.

ing zuzana bohatova naturhouse

Pestré, čerstvé, ľahké

Spomeňte si na dovolenku pri mori. Tamojší obyvatelia sú vitálni v akomkoľvek veku. Sú pozitívne naladení, plní energie a čulí. Určite za to môžu aj slnečné lúče, ale predovšetkým je to vďaka ľahkej skladbe stravy. Samozrejme, najviac čerpajú z čerstvých rýb, ktoré sú bohaté na esenciálne mastné nenasýtené kyseliny omega-3 a omega-6. Preto by sme aj my mali zaradiť ryby a morské plody do jedálnička aspoň 2x týždenne. Jedálniček vychádzajúci zo zásad stredomorskej kuchyne je ďalej bohatý na významné minerálne látky, vitamíny a ďalšie, ktoré sa nachádzajú predovšetkým v čerstvých a kvalitných surovinách.

Chcete vedieť, prečo sú obyvatelia Stredomoria čulí až do vysokého veku, prakticky bez zlého cholesterolu, vysokého krvného tlaku, cukrovky a iných neduhov civilizačných ochorení? Pretože okrem toho, že sa minimálne stresujú a vedia odpočívať, sa tiež stravujú podľa jednoduchých zásad. A vy môžete začať tiež.

7 zásad stredomorskej kuchyne

1.      Všetko čerstvé - v stredomorskom jedálničku nehľadajte polotovary, konzervované produkty, ani najrôznejšie umelé dochucovadlá. Nesnažte si prácu uľahčiť a nakupujte neupravené produkty. Vrecúško so sušeným korením vymeňte za kvetináč s bylinkami. Oproti takým Španielom či Talianom máme nevýhodu, že nie všetky suroviny sú k dispozícii čerstvé a často k nám putujú tisíce kilometrov. V našom prostredí je ale teraz veľký trend BIO produktov, ktoré tiež stoja za pozornosť.

2.     Veľa zeleniny- väčšinu jedálnička a samotných pokrmov tvorí práve zelenina. Ako príloha, ale aj ako samotný chod. Zelenú listovú zeleninu môžete jesť každý deň bez obmedzenia. Základom šalátov, ktorých by ste mali mať veľké porcie, môžu byť reďkovky, kel a špenát. Ideálnou zeleninou je uhorka. Tvorí ju predovšetkým voda, bez žiadnych kalórií navyše. „Sú ale druhy zeleniny, ktoré sú bohaté aj na cukry, a ktoré teda je možné zaraďovať príležitostne. Je to napríklad kukurica, fazuľky či hrášok. Šaláty tiež budú strácať svoj zmysel s najrôznejšími vylepšeniami. Napríklad v podobe majonézy, kupovaných dresingov, omáčok, dochucovadiel, vyprážaného mäsa alebo vyprážaných krutónov," upozorňuje Mgr. Zuzana Bohátová, hlavná nutričná poradkyňa NATURHOUSE.

3.     Ovocie - zabudnite na sladkosti. Maximálne sa ich snažte nahradiť ovocím. Čerstvé ovocie dodáva celý rad vitamínov, vlákniny a pomáha hydratovať. Doprajte si 2 porcie ovocia denne na desiatu a olovrant a uvidíte, ako sa po krátkej dobe začnete skvele cítiť. Ak vás surové jablko či hruška nadúvajú, uvarte si ich napríklad s klinčekmi a štipkou škorice. Chutia potom vynikajúco a v chladných mesiacoch navyše krásne zahrejú. Nevyhýbajte sa ani citrusom.

4.     Kvalitné tuky - uprednostňujte tie kvalitné, napríklad konzumáciou rýb, orechov a semienok. Na studenú kuchyňu je najvhodnejší kvalitný olivový olej. Repkový olej je zasa vhodný pri tepelnej úprave jedál. Prísun živočíšnych tukov sa snažte obmedziť. Na druhú stranu, raz za čas namazaný krajec ražného chleba smaslom je lepší než použitie margarínu.

5.     Zdravé varianty príloh - klasickým českým prílohám ako 6 žemľových knedlí sa skôr vyhnite. Skúste ich obmeniť za ľahké a chutné typu bulgur, kuskus, quinoa či divoká ryža. Cestoviny si vyberajte celozrnné a z pečiva kváskový ražný chlieb.

6.     Kyslomliečne produkty - do pestrého jedálnička patria aj 1-2 porcie kyslých mliečnych produktov z dôvodu doplnenia vápnika a zdraviu prospešných laktobacilov. Skôr než samotné mlieko uprednostňujte radšej kefír, acidofilné mlieko, tvaroh, tvarohové syry. Snažte sa vynechávať najrôznejšie sladené mliečne dezerty, pudingy, ale napríklad aj údené syry. Mlieko naopak alemôžete využiť pri varení ako náhradu za smotanu. Spomínané laktobacily patriace medzi tzv. probiotiká, ktoré pomôžu posilniť imunitu a prispievajú k správnej funkcii tráviaceho ústrojenstva.

7.     Bez vody to nejde - neodmysliteľnou súčasťou stredomorskej kuchyne je dostatočný prísun tekutín. Za deň by sme mali vypiť minimálne 1,5 litra čistej, neperlivej a nechladenej vody. Pre lepšiu chuť môžeme pridať ovocie, zeleninu aj bylinky. V chladných mesiacoch potom krásne zahrejú jemné bylinkové čaje.

Pre viac informácií prosím navštívte  

Zdroj foto: Ing. Zuzana Bohátová, NATURHOUSE

3 komentárov

  • Komentár Www.Tempd.Ru %AM, %27 %123 %2025 %01:%mar napísal Www.Tempd.Ru

    They are not substitutes for consulting a professional medical
    skilled. Preserving your arms close to your physique is a really safe position in your shoulders since you aren't placing them in external rotation.
    This is unquestionably the greatest choice for novices or anybody with
    shoulder concerns.
    The greatest approach to determine which train is right for you
    is to attempt both and see which one you prefer. If you’re new to
    weightlifting, begin with push ups and progressively add weight as
    you get stronger. If you’re already skilled with weightlifting, you can begin with the dumbbell flooring press and
    modify the load accordingly. The limited vary of motion additionally permits you to keep constant rigidity
    on the triceps, which is important for muscle growth and strength growth.

    This will in the end enhance efficiency in the bench press
    and other urgent movements.
    They may even be more lively should you choose to have extra
    of an elbow tuck, the place the elbows are placed in entrance of the
    barbell. The mendacity down dumbell press is considered a ‘partial range of motion’ movement.
    This exercise can additionally be easy to regulate in your own personal energy
    degree. You can easily add extra of a challenge whenever you really feel it getting too straightforward.

    It’s a great different to the dumbbell chest press when you prepare
    at house and don’t have a weight bench.

    In addition to the impartial grip press, which also reduces
    shoulder stress because of joint positioning, the floor press may be done in place of the bench
    press on pressing days. Let’s dive into the biomechanics to know how floor presses forestall excessive joint stress and its different benefits.
    The broad consensus is that you have to bench press—more specifically, to barbell bench press—as a lot weight as attainable,
    and let the positive aspects pile up. To do that, typically you have to change implements (and even your base
    of support) to focus on different features of the carry with workouts
    like the ground press.
    A bottle of prescription thyroid medicine was on the bathroom counter,
    loose pills unfold across the countertop. Mertz mentioned he
    was treating a affected person as soon as with hantavirus at
    University of New Mexico Hospital. The patient
    was sitting on a hospital mattress and started complaining about feeling unwell.
    The virus is difficult to detect, as many of the symptoms are
    akin to the flu, he mentioned.
    The floor press is more durable since you restrict the leg drive and higher body arch you'll otherwise
    get in the regular bench press. As such, the muscular tissues
    in your upper physique should work more durable to stabilize the motion. You can count on to do
    5-10% less weight on the floor press vs bench press.
    Whether Or Not the floor press is nearly as good as the bench
    press is dependent upon your goal, present coaching
    capacity, and equipment entry. For a competitive powerlifter,
    specificity is king, and to be prepared optimally for competitors, it could be best to proceed on a full vary of motion bench pressing.
    For training your lockout, with fewer gear necessities, the floor press is a incredible choice or addition to a coaching program.
    Dumbbell floor urgent additionally gives you extra flexibility to place your hands and elbows in a extra pure movement
    However this highlights the necessity for variation and understanding of why you’re choosing every exercise and variation. We can take advantage
    of this with a full range of motion chest workout routines as a result of we will load the chest
    in its fully stretched state. Reducing a weight all the way to your chest and holding for two seconds, whereas
    actively pulling the weight down with your upper again muscle tissue, has this impact.
    The kettlebell flooring press simply involves mendacity on the ground and urgent the kettlebell straight above your chest.

    There are several advantages to the ground press, which we’ll
    discuss in this article. The aim is to make sure you know how to perform this train correctly and perceive
    if it’s a bench press variation you want to add to your training
    program and, if that is the case, how to do so.

    If you're training to do a huge bench press, working in your floor press can truly help you.
    Many individuals additionally just favor this exercise as
    a result of it limits the range of movement in your shoulders and arms.

    A again door was propped open, allowing the canines to go
    out and in of the house. She grabbed her knee and writhed in pain as
    her teammates surrounded her. It’s usually a sign of the
    burden being too heavy, so you convey the shoulders in to help.
    It’s the worst when you get to the health club able to smash out a workout, and
    all of the benches are taken within the free weights section.

  • Komentár %AM, %25 %312 %2025 %06:%mar napísal

    If you’re trying to target your decrease physique (quads,
    glutes, hamstrings, and more), the Hack Squat could be your
    go-to. On the opposite hand, when you seek a extra complete engagement of quads
    and glutes, the V Squat might be the perfect alternative.
    Now that we’ve explored the nuances of V Squats and Hack Squats, let’s delve into
    how you can seamlessly combine these exercises into your existing workout routine.
    Whether Or Not you’re a seasoned health fanatic or a beginner, strategic planning is vital to
    maximizing the advantages of these variations.
    As a outcome, they’re higher for not only rising your hip vary of motion, but also strengthening
    the hip muscle tissue by way of the complete squatting movement.
    Your posture throughout hack squats reduces knee flexion and removes the decrease again from the equation,
    which means your knees end up doing the overwhelming
    majority of the work during the squat. This isn’t the
    case throughout the board, as hack squat/V squat machines are available each inclined and vertical design.
    Squatting motions really require you to face by way of the
    again half of your foot (midfoot to heel), weight in your heels, and essentially push your butt
    back. If you wish to load on some weight and build confidence by way of decrease physique mechanics, the hack squat is a good move to have in your exercises.
    Slowly study to drive through the again half of your foot and master your leg power.
    On the other hand, hack squat machines often have improved security features and some different benefits over squatting with a barbell.

    Understanding the nuances of these two power players can illuminate which one matches together with your coaching targets and preferences.

    Possibly it is the belt squat's appeal for a extra
    pure squat expertise or the precision and assist supplied by the hack squat machine
    that resonates with you. Choosing between hack squats
    and V squats depends on individual preferences and objectives.

    It also provides greater assist, decreasing the danger
    of harm whereas sustaining correct type.
    In conclusion, how a lot weight is the hack squat machine
    can differ, however it sometimes ranges from forty five
    to one hundred pounds for fixed-weight machines, with plate-loaded machines offering even more flexibility.
    Whether you’re a newbie or an advanced lifter, understanding the load of the hack
    squat machine is important for maximizing your workout.
    By choosing the proper weight, focusing on proper kind, and steadily rising resistance,
    you possibly can successfully target and strengthen your lower body muscular tissues whereas minimizing the chance of harm.
    The hack squat machine is a fantastic device for anyone trying to construct leg energy,
    enhance muscle definition, and get essentially the
    most out of their fitness routine. Each the hack squat machine
    and traditional squats are great for constructing leg strength, however they
    offer different advantages.
    When you attain the angle mentioned above, push the floor down by extending your legs again until you
    come to the beginning position. Many folks don't know, or don't want to know, the
    method to train them correctly to optimize their results. Read up on some health blog articles that can allow you to understand the equipment you want to use earlier than you set foot in a gym.
    Regardless of which equipment you select, be positive to totally understand the specifics of how to use a machine earlier than getting on (or
    under) it.
    Known for its unique design, it helps to
    mimic the pure squatting motion while offering support and stability.
    The major function of the V Squat Machine is to focus on the quads, glutes,
    hamstrings, and calves simultaneously. Selecting the best piece of equipment on your leg day could make a big difference in your workout outcomes.
    Whether you are a newbie or a complicated gym-goer, the controversy between the V Squat Machine and the Hack Squat typically comes into focus.
    In this article, we dive deep right into a complete comparison between these two
    in style machines. We’ll discover the mechanics, benefits, and potential downsides of every
    – helping you make an informed decision in your subsequent
    leg exercise.
    A flat spine with a heavy barbell means your spinal discs are placed
    underneath a lot of pressure. Since some individuals won’t have the flexibility to preserve a impartial backbone decrease than parallel, that’s the purpose at which
    they’ve reached their own private depth. It doesn’t matter when you
    squat to parallel or to depth since each individual is completely
    different and everyone’s anatomy isn’t the same.
    There are different squat variations commonly in contrast with hack squats,
    such as the back squat, Smith machine squat, Bulgarian split squat, and goblet squat, among others.
    Core power is necessary on your every day actions together with athletic activities.
    The lower again muscular tissues and belly muscular tissues will be actively working whereas doing hack squats to keep the body stable.

    It is a really useful movement that everyone for years of age
    can profit from. When carried out with out the support of a machine, it requires a significant amount of coordination and core strength.
    In a hack squat (vs. squat), you retain your torso more upright than in a standard
    barbell again squat.

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