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Kyslíková terapia nie je len wellness trend, môže byť cestou ku zdraviu

Napísal Mgr. Alexandra Štullerová 16. október 2024

Farmaceutka Pavla Horáková z MojaLekáreň.sk upozorňuje, že kyslíková terapia môže predstavovať život zachraňujúce opatrenie pre pacientov s vážnymi respiračnými problémami, ale môže priniesť aj určité výhody pre zdravých jedincov, najmä v obdobiach únavy, stresu alebo nízkej energie.


Zatiaľ čo zdravý človek nepotrebuje pravidelné aplikácie kyslíkovej terapie, môže mu krátkodobo pomôcť po náročnom dni.“ Domáca kyslíková terapia sa presadzuje ako trend, čo potvrdzuje aj záujem o prenosné inhalačné prístroje s kyslíkom medzi zákazníkmi prvej a najväčšej lekárne na slovenskom internete, MojaLekáreň.sk. Zvýšený záujem o „kyslík na doma“ sa objavil počas pandemického roku 2020 a aktuálne medziročne predaje rastú o 100 %.

Kyslíková terapia dodáva telu kyslík, ktorý sa mu nedostáva, keď dýcha vzduch. Predstavuje akúsi pomôcku pre dýchací systém. Oxygenoterapia môže byť podávaná ako krátkodobá účinná liečba na zvládnutie akútnych alebo núdzových stavov v nemocničnom prostredí, alebo ako súčasť dlhodobej starostlivosti o pacienta v domácom prostredí. Dnes ju dokonca môže mať pri sebe bežný človek vo forme spreja s inhalačnou maskou.

Pavla Horáková: „Zdravý človek by mal využívať kyslíkovú terapiu skôr v rámci wellness alebo relaxácie. Nie je potrebná pravidelná aplikácia, a ak sa človek rozhodne ju vyskúšať, odporúčam konzultáciu s odborníkom. Je dôležité dbať na to, aby nedošlo k nadmernému používaniu, pretože to môže viesť k nežiaducim účinkom, ako je podráždenie dýchacích ciest alebo dokonca riziko oxidačného stresu. Celkovo možno povedať, že zdravý človek bez dýchacích problémov kyslíkovú terapiu nevyhnutne nepotrebuje, a ak o nej uvažuje, je vhodné sa poradiť s lekárom alebo odborníkom. Nezabúdajme však na prirodzené zdroje kyslíka, ako je pohyb a pobyt na čerstvom vzduchu.

Kyslíková terapia v súvislosti s COVID-19 a inými indikáciami
Podľa farmaceutky môže byť kľúčovým nástrojom pri liečbe ťažkých prípadov COVID-19, najmä u pacientov s hypoxémiou alebo respiračným zlyhaním. Pavla Horáková hovorí, že použitie kyslíka môže zachrániť život, hlavne ak je podaná včas a monitorovaná odborníkmi. Pacienti by však podľa nej nemali túto terapiu užívať bez odporúčania lekára a jej použitie by malo byť vždy súčasťou širšej liečby zameranej na zvládnutie ochorenia COVID-19. „Kyslíková terapia sa najčastejšie používa pri pacientoch s nízkou hladinou kyslíka v krvi. To môže byť dôsledkom ochorení, ako je chronická obštrukčná pľúcna choroba (CHOCHP), cystická fibróza, srdcové zlyhanie alebo pľúcna hypertenzia. Ďalšie indikácie zahŕňajú napríklad pneumóniu, poruchy spánku, otravu oxidom uhoľnatým alebo syndróm akútnej dychovej tiesne (pozn.: tieto dva stavy sa väčšinou liečia na jednotke intenzívnej starostlivosti). Terapia musí byť vždy predpísaná lekárom, aby sa predišlo prípadným komplikáciám,“ upozorňuje Horáková.

Medzi komplikáciami aj závislosť

Farmaceutka upozorňuje na hlavné riziká nekontrolovanej kyslíkovej terapie, ako je hyperoxia, teda nadbytok kyslíka v tele. To môže podľa odborníčky viesť k tvorbe voľných radikálov, poškodeniu tkanív alebo podráždeniu pľúc, čo sa môže prejaviť kašľom alebo dýchavičnosťou. Ďalšie komplikácie môžu zahŕňať vysušenie slizníc a akumuláciu oxidu uhličitého v tele. „Pacienti s chronickou obštrukčnou pľúcnou chorobou, ktorí sú závislí na nízkej hladine kyslíka ako stimulu pre dýchanie, môžu pri nadmernom podávaní kyslíka trpieť respiračnou depresiou, čo môže viesť k zastaveniu dýchania. Je dôležité, aby kyslíková terapia bola správne indikovaná a monitorovaná lekárom. Vzniknúť na nej môže dokonca aj závislosť,“ uvádza Pavla Horáková.

Terapia ako podpora pri psychickej záťaži
Kyslíková terapia môže byť užitočná ako doplnková liečba pri strese alebo úzkosti, pretože zlepšuje okysličenie a prináša krátkodobú úľavu. Farmaceutka Horáková však upozorňuje: „Nie je to dlhodobé riešenie, ktoré by malo nahradiť osvedčené techniky zvládania stresu. Ak niekto trpí dlhodobým stresom alebo úzkosťou, mal by sa obrátiť na odborníka.

Zdroj foto: Freepik

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    The shut grip bench press works on urgent from a narrow hand place.

    It supplies you with probably the most vary of motion since you move
    the bar further to finish a rep. This limits your loading
    potential. Subsequently you most likely won’t set your private document using a detailed grip.
    The standard bench press grip width is the most balanced way
    to perform the bench press, making it suitable for beginners and superior
    lifters alike. This width evenly distributes the workload between the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
    It’s a go-to grip for general energy and muscle progress, helping you
    develop a stable foundation. Traditional bench press is amongst the most commonly performed exercises for
    muscle constructing in bodybuilding.
    One research discovered that the strongest bench press came out at two instances the clavicle length grip width.
    You’re going to put your first fingers on this line as you arrange.
    Strive to do the thumbless grip bench press solely after you
    have lots of experience in the medium grip bench press.

    Both means, listed here are a couple of options to Shut
    Grip Bench Press that you would possibly be capable of strive.
    In this guide, I will teach you tips on how to do Shut
    Grip Bench Presses together with essential teaching ideas, what muscles are being worked and a
    few variations you possibly can attempt. This is an train that should be accomplished with a
    spotter handy, especially if you’re new to the move, but in case you are flying
    solo be positive to use a significantly lighter weight.
    Experiment with totally different grip widths to seek out the
    optimal position on your body. To keep protected when first beginning weightlifting, it is
    advised to make use of a spotter or smith machine. Without
    a spotter, be cautious with the number of weights you’re
    lifting as you continue working towards correct kind and method.
    If you’re simply getting began understanding this
    muscle group, it’s a good suggestion to start with dumbbells instead of
    a barbell. As you hold the weights in this case, your palms might be facing each other.

    The key to achieving optimal strength and fitness lies in finding what works finest for you, not just selecting a
    facet in a single exercise debate. The purpose
    of this research was to extend the body of data regarding
    the biomechanics of the bench press as performed by novice lifters.

    Muscular activity and the kinematics of the lifter, in addition to
    the kinematics and kinetics of the bar, had been assessed during completely
    different variations of the exercise. The flat bench press is
    superior for total chest development as a end result of it allows you to raise heavier weights, partaking a broader vary of the pectoral muscles
    along with the triceps and deltoids. These who've shoulder issues or discover the usual bench press uncomfortable could use the close grip as an alternative which offers a good shoulder-friendly alternative.

    Whereas we love the tight grip bench press and have used it to
    emphasize our triceps for years, it isn't the best exercise for everybody.
    While performing this exercise, a number of basic
    guidelines must be followed. Even a slight error may shift emphasis to areas that
    you are in a place to do with out. The Bench Press is the head of upper-body energy coaching.

    It is a vital compound train generally thought to be the foundation of pec
    growth. Nevertheless, the tight grip bench press, a sister of the strange
    bench press, has recently gained recognition. It doesn’t help that several self-proclaimed health specialists have
    been talking about how that is undoubtedly the key sauce you’ve been lacking all alongside.

    You are going to grab the barbell with a supinated grip when palms facing upwards.
    The wider you grab the barbell with the reverse
    grip, the extra comfy it is to carry. Avoid letting the dumbbells separate in the course of the movement,
    which reduces rigidity on the chest.
    By narrowing your grip width, you'll have the ability to have interaction and problem your muscles differently, resulting in improved strength and muscle growth.
    The close grip bench press is a typical variation of the bench press utilized by regular gym-goers, energy and basic sport athletes.
    It is used for building power and muscle in the higher physique
    and is most commonly known to target the triceps; however,
    there are extra reasons to attempt an in depth grip bench
    After all, success leaves clues, and millions of lifters
    have built spectacular muscle size and strength with these two strikes.
    However, despite this, most individuals need more variety in their
    workouts. When it comes to constructing larger pecs or rising upper body power,
    most people’s go-to train is the bench press. It’s a well-liked train with bodybuilders and
    powerlifters and is even a half of the NFL mix. Monday is laughingly often known as National Bench Press Day, and
    plenty of exercisers like to begin their coaching week with this basic barbell transfer.
    A nearer grip can ease the discomfort many lifters feel of their
    shoulders when utilizing traditional presses. A narrower grip not only reduces pressure
    on the shoulder but additionally allows lifters to bench a heavier load.

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    Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) Guide for Bodybuilding


    Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a process used by bodybuilders,
    particularly those who have completed a steroid
    cycle, to maintain muscle gains and promote recovery.

    Unlike traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), PCT focuses on natural recovery and restoration of hormonal balance.

    What is Post-Cycle Therapy?

    PCT involves using specific supplements after
    a steroid cycle to help the body recover and sustain muscle mass.
    These supplements are designed to kickstart the body's natural hormone production,
    particularly testosterone, while reducing estrogen levels,
    which can lead to muscle loss if not addressed.

    Benefits of PCT

    Maintains muscle mass and strength post-cycle

    Supports recovery and regeneration

    Helps restore natural testosterone production

    Reduces estrogen levels that can hinder gains

    Promotes a more natural physiological state

    How is PCT Done?

    PCT typically lasts around 4-6 weeks and involves the use of medications such as Clomid, Nolvadex,
    Arimidex, and sometimes Letrozole or Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
    The choice of medication depends on the individual's specific needs
    and the results desired.

    When to Use PCT

    PCT is most commonly used after a steroid cycle, particularly when using anabolic steroids that can suppress natural hormone production. It's also beneficial for those using high doses of synthetic hormones
    to aid in recovery and muscle retention.

    Common Misconceptions

    PCT is only necessary after using steroids: Incorrect; natural bodybuilders
    can benefit from PCT-like practices

    PCT should be used indefinitely: Incorrect;
    it's designed for short-term use to aid recovery

    PCT cannot be self-administered: Incorrect; many supplements are available over-the-counter or with a doctor's prescription


    PCT is an essential part of bodybuilding for maintaining muscle mass and health after a cycle.
    Proper use of supplements and understanding the science behind recovery can help
    achieve desired results while promoting natural
    hormone balance.

    What is Post Cycle Therapy in Bodybuilding (PCT Guide)

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a crucial phase for bodybuilders who have completed a
    steroid cycle. During this period, the goal is to restore the
    body's natural hormonal balance and suppress any adverse
    effects caused by the use of anabolic steroids or

    TL;DR: What Is Post Cycle Therapy And Who Is It For?

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a recovery phase designed to
    aid in restoring your body's natural hormonal production after
    a steroid cycle. It's essential for individuals who have used performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids
    or prohormones, to maintain and recover their health and hormonal equilibrium.

    Post Cycle Therapy

    After completing a steroid cycle, it's important to initiate Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
    to aid in recovery. PCT typically involves the use of specific medications
    that help in restoring natural hormone production and preventing the body from
    going into a catabolic state, which can lead to
    muscle wasting and other health issues.

    Best Post Cycle Therapy

    Several medications are commonly used in PCT, including Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

    These drugs help in stimulating the body's natural hormone production and mitigating the negative effects of steroid

    Clomid vs Nolvadex

    Two of the most popular medications used in PCT are Clomid and Nolvadex.
    Both serve different purposes but work together
    to restore hormonal balance. Clomid is primarily
    used to stimulate testosterone production, while Nolvadex helps in reducing estrogen levels, which can be a side effect of steroid use.

    Clomid for PCT

    Clomid is one of the most commonly recommended medications during PCT due to its ability to boost
    endogenous testosterone production. It works by inhibiting the hormone 17-hydroxy-4-acetone (A4E), which can negatively impact steroid metabolism.

    How Does Clomid Work?

    Clomid works by suppressing the enzyme 17α-hydroxylase, which is responsible for
    converting steroids into inactive metabolites.
    This action leads to an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
    which stimulate the testes to produce more testosterone.

    Clomid dosage

    The typical dose of Clomid during PCT varies depending on the individual,
    but it usually ranges from 100-150mg per day. It's often taken in a split
    regimen, where a portion is taken in the morning and another in the evening,
    to maximize its effect.

    When to Take Clomid

    Clomid is most commonly taken during the post-cycle phase, starting
    2-4 weeks after completing the steroid cycle. It's important to follow a proper schedule to ensure optimal effectiveness and minimize side effects.

    Clomid Cycle

    The Clomid cycle typically lasts for 4-6 months. During this time,
    you'll need regular blood tests to monitor hormone
    levels and adjust the dosage as needed. This ensures that the
    therapy is effective while minimizing any potential negative effects.

    Side Effects of Clomid in Men

    While Clomid is generally well-tolerated, it can cause some side effects,
    such as nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and acne. These side effects are
    usually mild but can be uncomfortable for some individuals.

    Clomid Cost

    Clomid is relatively inexpensive compared to other medications used
    in PCT, with costs ranging from $20-$50 per month, depending on the dose
    and brand.

    Where to Buy Clomid

    Clomid can be purchased legally from pharmacies or online suppliers
    that are regulated by appropriate regulatory
    bodies. It's important to ensure that you're obtaining a legitimate
    product to avoid purchasing counterfeit medications.

    Nolvadex PCT

    Nolvadex is another commonly used medication in PCT,
    primarily for its anti-estrogen properties. It helps in reducing the conversion of
    androgens to estrogens, which can occur during steroid use.

    How Does Nolvadex Work?

    Nolvadex works by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase, which
    is responsible for the conversion of testosterone into estradiol.
    This reduces the risk of estrogen-related side effects and promotes
    a more favorable anabolic environment.

    When to Take Nolvadex

    Nolvadex is usually taken during the post-cycle phase, starting 2-3 weeks after completing the steroid cycle.
    It's often taken daily in the morning or evening, depending on the preference
    of the user.

    Nolvadex PCT Dosage

    The typical dosage of Nolvadex during PCT is 10-20mg per day.
    The exact dose may need to be adjusted based on blood test results and individual response.

    Nolvadex Cycle

    The Nolvadex cycle typically lasts for several weeks, with some users taking it for up
    to 12 weeks. Regular monitoring of hormone levels is essential to ensure that the therapy is effective and safe.

    Nolvadex Side Effects

    While Nolvadex is generally well-tolerated,
    it can cause side effects such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, and
    fatigue. These are usually mild and temporary but may require medical attention in some cases.

    Where to Buy Nolvadex

    Nolvadex is also available legally from pharmacies
    and online suppliers. It's important to ensure that you're purchasing a high-quality product from a reputable source.

    HCG for PCT

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is another hormone used in some PCT regimens,
    particularly in combination with Clomid or Nolvadex. HCG helps in maintaining testicular function and promoting
    natural testosterone production.

    HCG PCT Dosage

    The dosage of HCG during PCT varies depending on the individual and the other medications being used.
    A common regimen is 500-1000IU per week, usually administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

    HCG and Clomid

    Combining HCG with Clomid can enhance the
    effectiveness of PCT by stimulating multiple pathways
    involved in restoring hormonal balance. This combination is often used for individuals who have not seen optimal
    results from Clomid alone.

    HCG and Nolvadex

    HCG is also commonly combined with Nolvadex to achieve a more comprehensive effect on hormone
    regulation. This combination helps in managing estrogen levels while promoting testicular function.

    Where to Buy HCG for PCT

    HCG can be purchased from pharmacies or online suppliers, but it's important to ensure
    that you're obtaining a product that has been tested for potency
    and safety. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new

    Take-Home Message

    Post Cycle Therapy is a crucial phase in bodybuilding that helps in restoring natural hormonal
    balance after steroid use. While Clomid, Nolvadex,
    and HCG are commonly used medications in PCT, it's important to follow a well-planned regimen and consult with a healthcare professional before starting
    any therapy.

    Comments and questions?

    Your thoughts and questions are always welcome!
    Please feel free to share your experiences or ask for further
    clarification on any topic related to Post Cycle Therapy in the
    comments section below.

    Best Cycle Support – Liver, Kidney, Cholesterol Support

    During a steroid cycle, the liver, kidneys,
    and cholesterol levels can be significantly impacted.
    It's essential to support these systems during and after the cycle to maintain overall
    health and well-being. supplements like milk thistle,
    NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), and statins can help in supporting liver health, reducing inflammation, and managing cholesterol levels.

    Most Dangerous Anabolic Steroids

    While steroids are regulated and illegal without a prescription in many
    countries, the use of certain anabolic steroids can pose serious health risks.

    These include hepatotoxicity, cardiovascular damage, and potential for
    hormonal imbalance.

    Arimistane Review

    Arimistane (also known as etomidazole) is another medication used in PCT.
    It works by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase, reducing estrogen levels and promoting a more favorable anabolic environment.

    Best Prohormone Companies

    Prohormones are legal supplements that can help in improving muscle
    growth and strength. However, it's important to choose reputable
    companies that provide high-quality products and are transparent about their formulations and testing.

    PCT for Testosterone Cycle: Your Guide to
    Reclaiming Natural Levels

    A testosterone cycle is one of the most common cycles in bodybuilding due to
    its ability to promote significant muscle growth and
    strength. After completing a testosterone cycle,
    it's crucial to follow a well-planned PCT to reclaim your natural hormone levels and ensure
    overall health.

    Turkesterone vs Ecdysterone

    Turkesterone and Ecdysterone are two of the most popular prohormones
    used in bodybuilding. Both can provide significant benefits, but they work
    differently and have distinct effects on muscle growth and


    Steve Theunissen Writer

    Learn More On This Subject...

    For more information on Post Cycle Therapy and other bodybuilding
    topics, you can visit our website or check out some of the linked resources below.