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“Kým dýcham, žijem” - knižná novinka, ktorú napísal sám život

Napísal Katarína Benková 09. december 2023

Krst knihy “Kým dýcham, žijem” bol naozaj nezabudnuteľným zážitkom pre všetkých zúčastnených. Bol nielen plný emócií, sĺz vďačnosti a dojatia, objatí a vzdania úcty hlavným hrdinom knihy, čo k tejto téme knihy určite patrí. 


Ale zároveň počas krstu bola cítiť vo vzduchu obrovská ľudskosť a prítomní sa trochu aj pobavili. Veď radosť a smiech sú korením života. Krstu sa zúčastnili onkologickí pacienti, ktorí cez svoje životné príbehy sú hlavnými hrdinami knihy, ich príbuzní, tiež zástupcovia najznámejších organizácii pomáhajúcich onko pacientom ako napríklad Liga proti Rakovine, Nie Rakovine, Lymfoma a Leukémia Slovensko. Na krst prišli nielen priatelia, ale aj ľudia, ktorých táto téma zaujíma, ba dokonca sa počas krstu pristavili aj náhodní okoloidúci, lebo ich pritiahli vyrieknuté slová.

Kto napísal túto knihu a prečo?

Celý príbeh začal v roku 1991, keď malé len deväťročné dievčatko Katka si prechádzalo rakovinou svojej mamy. Diagnostikovali jej karcinóm prsníka v terminálnom štádiu. Popri diagnóze jej lekári uštedrili aj nepriaznivú prognózu: „Máte tri mesiace života”, znela prognóza lekárov.
Z troch mesiacov bolo sedem úžasných rokov, kedy Katkina mama mohla byť pri svojej dcére a jej dvoch súrodencoch.

Počas daných siedmych rokov sa Katka od svojej mamy učila ako zvládať rakovinu, ako ju prijať, pochopiť a ako si sám človek vie popri medicínskej liečbe pomôcť vo svojom uzdravovaní.

Neskôr, keď mala Katka takmer tridsať rokov, sama si prechádzala vážnym ochorením lymfatických uzlín, kedy sa takmer rok liečila. A práve pri svojom procese uzdravovania začala využívať všetko, čo sa kedy od svojej mamy pred rokmi naučila.

A aby toho nebolo v živote Katky málo, o pár rokov po jej vlastnej diagnóze, bola diagnostikovaná aj Katkina sestra. Agresívny mozgový nádor znela diagnóza. No ešte to nebolo všetko a diagnostikovaných na rôzne typy rakoviny bolo tiež niekoľko jej blízkych priateľov..

Jeden z jej blízkych priateľov, Andrej, ju pri recidíve svojho mozgového nádoru požiadal o pomoc. Súhlasila okamžite, pretože to bol jeden z jej blízkych priateľov.

Aby zistila, ako presne Andrej vníma svoju chorobu, ako vníma samotný život, ako posledné roky žil a ako sa o seba staral alebo skôr nestaral, veľmi veľa sa spolu rozprávali. Na základe ich rozhovorov mu Katka vytvorila akýsi manuál, kde mu presne popísala krok za krokom postup a možnosti ako sa postaviť k tejto neľahkej situácii a čo všetko môže Andrej urobiť, aby si popri medicínskej liečbe pomáhal uzdravovať sa.

Andrej jej rady a tipy z manuálu začal praktizovať a svojím procesom uzdravovania prechádzal s oveľa väčšou ľahkosťou. Veľa sa počas tejto cesty sám o sebe dozvedel, veľa vecí si uvedomil, veľa vecí vo svojom živote zmenil.

Vnímal, ako mu všetky rady v manuály pomáhali, a preto Katku začal jemne nabádať k tomu, aby z jeho manuálu vytvorila naozajstnú knihu, ktorá by tak, ako jemu, mohla pomáhať stovkám ďalších ľudí.

Katka sa rozhodla a vytvorila koncept knihy. Vedela z vlastnej skúsenosti ako dôležité sú rady a tipy vychádzajúce zo skúseností skutočných ľudí, ktorí si rakovinou prešli. Preto si do svojej knihy prizvala šesť silných ľudí s ich príbehmi o zvládaní rakoviny.

Knihu písala od srdca a čerpala z vlastných bohatých skúseností a písala ju pre všetkých ľudí akokoľvek dotknutých rakovinou. Písala ju nielen pre pacientov, ale aj pre ich príbuzných a priateľov. Veľmi dobre totiž vedela, ako zložité je byť v pozícii pacienta, ale tiež aj v pozícii príbuzného či priateľa.

Táto kniha je plná inšpirácie, tipov, rád, ktoré môžu pomôcť nielen onkologickým pacientom, ale aj všetkým ich príbuzným a priateľom.

Pre príbuzných a priateľov je v knihe venovaná špeciálna kapitola. Pretože ľudí, ktorí nevedia ako majú pristupovať či komunikovať so svojím blízkym onko pacientom, je stále viac a viac.

Kniha je písaná veľmi zrozumiteľnou a láskavou rečou, aby jej porozumel každý čitateľ. Nie je to žiadna náročná psychologická kniha, ani žiadna ezoterická kniha. Autorka ju napísala veľmi ľudsky pre bežných ľudí, ako je ona sama.


Foto: (c) Katarína Benková

V knihe nenájdete žiadne odstrašujúce detailné popisy diagnózy. To je totiž to posledné, čo si chce čerstvo diagnostikovaný onkologický pacient alebo jeho príbuzný prečítať. Kniha je zameraná na povzbudenie a podporu, aby ich neľahkú situáciu zvládli s odhodlaním, vierou a aj kvapkou humoru, ktorý je autorke tak vlastný.

Podľa údajov získaných z Ligy proti Rakovine za uplynulý rok pribudlo skoro 40 000 novodiagnostikovaných onkologických pacientov. To je zhruba 109 nových pacientov denne. Z nich každý má niekoľkých svojich príbuzných a blízkych. Pre týchto všetkých ľudí bola kniha napísaná. Aby všetkým podala pomocnú ruku a pomohla psychicky ľahšie zvládať rakovinu.

Viac informácii nájdete na www.kymdychamzijem.sk 

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    Grab the dumbbells in order that the handles sit on the decrease part of your palm just above your thumb, versus up larger by your fingers.

    Get a agency grip on the handles and squeeze tightly to keep them in place.
    It's additionally attainable to lower the weights ‌too‌ far.

    Raised heels are much less steady for the same cause standing on your toes
    is much less secure than in your entire foot. More foot floor against the floor is healthier.
    Some powerlifters Bench Press with raised heels. But the Worldwide
    Powerlifting Federation (IPF) doesn’t permit it.
    This is the definitive guide to correct type on the Bench Press.
    Additionally, you must have a greater understanding of the means to add them
    to your individual exercise routines. As I write more train guides,
    I will like these variations to their articles.
    We recommend the Alpha Omega Stack T-Boosted Muscle Builder for fats loss, pump, and
    deep sleep restoration. This is a mixture of five of our best products
    to help you improve lean muscle mass whereas dramatically enhancing your power and energy.

    When a specific amount of volume stops being efficient and your progress stalls, you can add units
    to extend volume and use that as a driver of
    renewed progress. The hammer grip variation places the emphasis on a different part of the chest
    and can scale back strain on the wrists.
    Push your self off the ground by straightening your arms.
    Maintain a straight line out of your shoulders to your ft.
    Benching 100kg/225lb is within attain of most guys.
    First you want to carry them off the floor in your chest.

    Lock your elbows on the high of each rep, but don’t
    hyper-extend. Don’t grip the bar mid palm or close to your fingers
    like on the Deadlift. Gravity will pull the bar down if you Bench Press.
    It will bend your wrists and damage them except you grip the bar low palm.
    Setup for the Bench Press by gripping the bar low and near your
    wrists. Use the Bulldog Grip to rotate your palms in earlier than you close your hands.

    End your session with chest and shoulder stretches. This helps
    reduce muscle tightness and improves flexibility over time.
    This permits your muscles to recover without shedding the intensity wanted for the next spherical.
    If this begins occurring, cease the set and lower
    the load.
    The single-arm dumbbell bench press helps to enhance unilateral power and steadiness.

    Perform the train with one arm at a time, whereas keeping
    the other arm prolonged or holding a dumbbell at your aspect
    for added stability. Microloading is extra useful on the Bench Press
    than on the Squat or Deadlift. The Bench Press works smaller muscle
    tissue like your shoulders, chest and arms. Squats and Deadlifts work your bigger thighs
    and again muscle tissue. Larger muscular tissues are stronger and might raise heavier weights.
    You can add 2.5kg/5lb every workout longer to your Squat and Deadlift.

    In addition to the pec muscles, the front deltoids
    of the shoulders and the triceps are worked as well.

    Jeff Cavaliere is a Physical Therapist, Power Coach and creator of the ATHLEAN-X Training Packages and ATHLEAN-Rx Dietary
    Supplements. This works as a outcome of the arms and wrists are connected to the relaxation of our arm,
    and by changing their position we get a different response from the higher arm.
    However the way you push the weights up over your chest actually determines
    which of those muscles get the eye. The eccentric,
    or reducing, phase of the raise is arguably extra essential for muscle development
    than the press.
    It Is widespread to allow your elbows to flare out away out of your sides or drift up toward your shoulders when performing the dumbbell bench.
    This limits how much weight you'll be able to lift
    and can even result in discomfort in the shoulders, elbows or wrists.
    Not everybody has entry to barbells, however almost
    all gyms have a dumbbell rack.
    After unracking the barbell, position your arms so they're completely vertical.
    This is the most secure and strongest position to be in. In this article, we’re going to cowl
    every little thing you need to know concerning the Incline Bench
    Press that will help you build a stronger and greater
    upper body. On StrongLifts 5×5, you can do the Paused Bench Press
    at the end of workout A. Three sets of 5 with about 20% less than you Bench Press.

    And in some gyms the lightest plates are 2.5kg/5lb.
    This forces you to add 5kg/10lb every workout.
    On a 50kg/110lb Bench Press, that’s a 10% improve. It
    will work in your Squat and Deadlift for a while as a result
    of they use bigger muscular tissues. Switch your Bench Press from 3×8 or 3×10 to 5×5.
    Your Bench Press will slowly increase to the heaviest weights you’ve ever
    lifted. And if you miss 3×8, you'll have the ability
    to always change later.
    Maintain the bar in the bottom of your hands, right over your forearm bones.
    Then squeeze the bar so it can’t move in your palms.

    Your wrists will keep straight when you Bench Press.
    The wrist pain will cease and the burden will be simpler to Bench
    Press. Your wrists will damage if you Bench Press with bent wrists.

    This workout could be accomplished on a designated chest day exercise, on a
    push day as part of a push-pull routine, or on another higher body day.
    Bear In Mind to make use of good kind and concentrate on correct method
    when doing these workout routines to keep away
    from injury and get the most out of your exercise.

    It's also essential to seek the advice of with a fitness professional or coach should you're not sure tips on how to perform these
    workout routines correctly. A convenient, body weight incline press variation, these
    push-ups are carried out on a bench or some other elevated surface.

    Want to isolate the higher chest even further?

    That implies that to get essentially the most out of your incline press, structure
    your workout so that you do it initially, particularly when going for max weight.
    We suggest doing all of your incline dumbbell press inside the first two
    or three workout routines. Since it provides a pulling movement to your incline dumbbell press, use this dumbbell pullover variation to have interaction the shoulders,
    lats, and chest. You can also carry some pretty massive numbers with the decline bench press thanks to a
    little things called mechanical benefit. It also uses a barbell,
    making it good for building strength and general muscle development.
    As the name suggests, it's accomplished with the bench on a slight
    decline, working the muscle fibers of the decrease
    When first studying how to master the dumbbell bench press, an athlete
    must use an appropriate weight. Making An Attempt to lift an extreme amount
    of weight can cause an athlete to develop bad habits and learn improper form.
    Additionally, it might be dangerous and dangerous to raise too much weight.
    Many athletes perform the dumbbell bench press with no spotter.

    Prioritize correct type over lifting heavy, making certain consistent progress without injuries.

    By incorporating these variations, you’ll continually
    challenge your muscles, promoting efficient and dynamic exercises.
    Keep dedicated, and watch your upper physique energy and aesthetics soar.

    The incline bench press with dumbbells stands out among chest workouts
    as a end result of it allows for a natural vary of
    motion whereas focusing on the upper chest.

    Not Like a barbell, which locks you into a exhausting and fast place, dumbbells move independently, giving your
    shoulders and wrists the liberty to comply with a more pure path.

    Your ideal angle will vary primarily based on health level, mobility, and harm historical past, as properly as the precise muscular tissues you wish to goal.
    In general, an adjustable bench angle of levels is an efficient start line.
    This angle will give you a good stability of upper chest and shoulder
    training. You can lower the incline for more chest work,
    or enhance the angle to focus on your shoulders.
    As always, it is crucial to have correct kind to avoid harm and adequately work the muscles.

    Tons of different folks damage their shoulders, wrists or again as a end result of they
    Bench Press with dangerous type. This isn’t a newbie and he used the full grip, yet by some means
    the bar slipped. Weight drops quick, the two spotters didn’t react in time.

    If you are in a place to do more than 30 repetitions, use
    a heavier weight. That will assure that the workout is helping
    you gain muscle size and energy, not making endurance adaptations.
    But your strengths and the weights you've available will vary, so some flexibility will go
    a long way. Shane wrote a deep bench press information over on Outlift, but I wished to put in writing a bench press information particularly
    for ladies. After all, men and women tend to approach this lift fairly in another way.
    Many ladies don’t do it at all, sticking to pushing workouts
    like push-ups.
    If your elbows are exterior your wrists at the backside,
    the load is more durable to bench (it’s like doing a triceps extension).
    If your elbows are inside your wrists, the weight is tougher in your shoulder joints.
    Bench Press with vertical forearms at the backside by adjusting you
    grip width. The Bench Press is a full body, compound train. It works your chest,
    shoulders and triceps most.
    These muscles are stronger after a pushing exercise.
    If you've a personal trainer, remember to have them help you with the correct
    form for these exercises. Although the reverse grip bench press is fairly secure when carried
    out correctly, there are some security considerations you’ll
    want to be aware of. The largest issue is that your grip will be less mechanically safe compared with the normal
    bench press. This can enhance the risk of dropping
    the weights or having them slip out of your palms. If your gym permits it, placing some weightlifting chalk in your arms can really improve your grip and forestall
    this from taking place. The reverse grip presents a special kind of stimulus to
    your muscle tissue.
    And, over time, can create fairly a bit of stress in wrists, elbows, and shoulders.
    It’s beneficial to set the incline bench to 30 levels
    to focus on the higher chest. Larger angles nearer
    to forty five degrees will goal the shoulders extra, making the motion more
    like an overhead press. It’s best to experiment with the bench place to see what works on your body and fitness targets.
    Besides targeting lagging higher chest muscles, the incline dumbbell press
    may be advantageous for addressing power imbalances. The incline
    dumbbell bench press is used to develop muscle mass in the chest,
    so it’s a fantastic addition to a balanced chest exercise routine.
    The Incline Dumbbell Press is a variation of the standard incline barbell bench press.

    Or you need to throw the dumbbells on the floor and piss off the fitness center manager.

    Bench Pressing within the Energy Rack is safer as a result of the safety pins catch the bar if you get caught.
    The weight can’t drop in your face or on the ground.

    Many people who get shoulder pain on the Bench Press
    can do Close Grip pain-free. You’ll Bench less weight, but it’s better than not benching in any respect.
    Bench Pressing with a grip too broad in your build can cause wrist ache.