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Takmer dospelé poviedky od Zuzany Štelbaskej

Napísal Milan Buno, literárny publicista 04. marec 2018

Zuzana Štelbaská stále pracuje ako televízna dramaturgička, má veľké skúsenosti z médií, no čoraz viac sa prejavuje aj ako autorka knižiek pre deti a mladých. A darí sa jej. Ako tvrdí, príbeh, ktorý sa jej zrodí v hlave sa musí v nej aj udržať, postavy ju musia opantať. 

. „Každým príbehom žijem dlho pred tým, než sa dostane na papier,“ tvrdí Zuzka.
Výborne to potvrdzujú aj nové Takmer dospelé poviedky, ktoré pekne ilustrovala Ivana Šáteková.

Láska a zamilovanosť by mali byť romantické, ale v skutočnosti ich otrieskali o steny a chodníky.
Hrdinovia tesne pred dospelosťou zažívajú svoje trápne, tragikomické a mysteriózne zážitky prvých vzťahov, pozorovaní dvoma pouličnými mačkami. Naivná mačka Ginevra a cynický kocúr Lancelot rozprávajú príbehy Maríny Ohromnej a ďalších drzo, bez obalu a nedávajú si servítky pred ústa. Aký experiment s láskou čaká na teba?

Ako prezrádza Zuzana Štelbaská, nemá rada prílišné romanticko-nostalgické spomínanie, aké to bolo, keď sme my boli mladí. Aj súčasní tínedžeri prechádzajú všetkým možným. Len inak. Je jedno, či prvý bozk zažijú pod panelákom na prakeri, alebo pri obchodnom centre. „V tom momente aj tak pre vás neexistuje celý svet, ale len tá jedna chvíľa, jeden človek, jeden moment. To si jednoducho zapamätáte,“ dodáva autorka novinky Takmer dospelé poviedky.

Zuzana Štelbaská je autorkou kníh pre deti a mládež. Od pätnástich rokov pôsobí v médiách, vytvorila stovky magazínov, získala niekoľko novinárskych cien. Okrem mnohých stála za detskými a tínedžerskými programami ako Fidlibum, Fidlibumove rozprávky, Si v obraze? No problem, The New Teenage Europe… Dnes pôsobí ako šéfdramatugička magazínu Reflex v TV Markíza.

Prečítajte si úryvok z novinky Takmer dospelé poviedky:


Ráno čakala netrpezlivá Ginevra pri Maríninom balkóne. Marína rozospato odhrnula záclonu a Ginevra okamžite začala nakúkať do izby. Nikoho okrem Maríny v nej nevidela.
„Tak asi predsa len prišla včera sama domov,“ zamraučala.
„Nemrauči. Musíš počkať na Lancelota,“ povedala cez okno Marína mačke a zase nechala záclonu padnúť dolu. Ginevra stratila výhľad aj záujem. Lancelot nepríde skôr ako o hodinu. Rozhodla sa teda ísť pozrieť do vedľajšieho bytu, v ktorom bývala rodina s dvoma deťmi.
Preskočila z Maríninho balkóna na jedľu, vydriapala sa na pevný konár a cupkala až na jeho samý kraj. Ihličie ju bezpečne doviedlo na parapet okna detskej izby Šimona a Vandy Lopčíkovcov.
Šimon Lopčík práve vstával. Sedel na posteli a šúchal si oboma rukami líca. Mal päť rokov a chystal sa do škôlky. Ginevra ho nemala rada. Strašil ju. Dupal na ňu a rehotal sa, keď od neho splašene bežala preč.
Zato jeho sestra bola omnoho zaujímavejšia. Šestnásťročná Vanda Lopčíková chodila prvý rok na poštové učilište. Nie že by chcela byť poštárkou, ale vedela, čím nechcela byť – pekárkou ako jej mama, šoférom ako jej otec. Iná vhodná škola pre ňu v okolí nebola, tak chodila tam.
Nemala ešte ani riadne rozlepené oči, keď sa natiahla po mobile na nočnom stolíku. Nechcela kontrolovať čas. Po odblokovaní sa jej okamžite otvoril Facebook. Nikdy ho nezatvárala. Iba v akútnych prípadoch, keď potrebovala volať mame, či má kúpiť chlieb alebo rožky. Hoci bola jej mama pekárka, poslúchala rady svojho obľúbeného ženského časopisu, kde sa jasne písalo, že práca sa nemá nosiť domov!
Vanda Lopčíková bola od Facebooku chorobne závislá. Nedokázala žiť s vedomím, že nevie, čo sa na Facebooku deje. Nedokázala žiť s tým, že by jej niečo v tomto paralelnom živote uniklo. Nie že by sa v jej skutočnom živote nič nedialo, ale nedialo sa nič také, čo by Vandu akokoľvek zaujímalo. Bola posledná z triedy, kto od rodičov dostal smartfón, a keď prišla na strednú, bolo jej hneď jasné, ako veľmi sa toto omeškanie podpíše na jej šťastí. Všetci riešili svoj život na Facebooku. Všetkým časové osi prekypovali aktivitou. Všetci niečo zdieľali.
šetci všetko lajkovali. A po lajknutí všetkých správnych vecí ich potom všetci riešili v triede. Vanda pochopila, že o tomto je život. Pochopila, že aby aj ona mohla byť šťastná a začať plnohodnotne žiť, lajkov musí rozdať oveľa viac, než doteraz stíhala. Preto svoj telefón za žiadnych okolností nepúšťala z ruky. Vanda Lopčíková však nemohla tušiť, že ešte v ten deň ju telefónu zbavia tajomné pokrivené čiary pochádzajúce od jej spolužiaka. Nemala odkiaľ vedieť, že úzkosť, ktorú v toto nervózne ráno prežívala pri pohľade na svoju časovú os, už čoskoro vymení za lúštenie nezmyselných čiernych čiar, ktoré ju možno dokonca urobia... šťastnou.
Prv než sa to všetko stalo, siahla Vanda po mobile, otvorila Facebook a pozerala sa na svoju časovú os. Jasne si pamätala, že posledný včerajší príspevok (skontrolovaný o 01.48) bol zo stránky Obleč sa! Ukazoval, ako sa majú ženy na druhý deň obliecť a kde si to kúpia. Teraz jej tam svietil odkaz dvojhviezdičkového penziónu Víťaz z Dobšinej, ktorý ponúkal víkendovú zľavu. Rolovala nižšie. Levy zo stránky Animal Friends. Mačky zo stránky Ľúbime mačky. Psy zo stránky Ľúbime psy. Kôň zo stránky Ľúbime kone, bože, to tí ľudia v noci nespia, ale ľúbia kone – mačky – psy?! A potom odkaz zo stránky Obleč sa!
Klikla na ikonku Priatelia. Dala refresh. Žiadna nová žiadosť. Potom refresh ešte raz. Pre istotu. Nič. Pozrela sa na počet svojich priateľov. 30. Už týždeň rovnako trápnych 30. Všetko jej spolužiaci, pár kamošiek z bloku a teta.
Na jej časovej osi sa toho dialo žalostne málo. To nikto nič nerobí? Nezdieľa? Nerieši?
Dala refresh. Na časovej osi sa jej objavila pozvánka na stránku Black Cat Café. Kaviareň bola v meste, o ktorom si Vanda ani nebola celkom istá, kde je. Like.
Objavila sa jej pozvánka na stránku Filmový festival European Films in the East. Like.
Objavila sa jej pozvánka na stránku Seniori. Like.
Objavila sa jej pozvánka na stránku Teenage fun. Like.
Objavila sa jej pozvánka na stránku Hemoroidy. Like.
Objavila sa mama.
„Vanda, poď už. O desať minút odchádzame.“
Nahrbená Vanda neodtŕhala oči od telefónu. Po pamäti vošla do kúpeľne.
National Geografic. Like. Voľnou rukou si umyla zuby. Pľuvla trochu pasty na displej. Utrela ho do gatiek.
Megadeath. Like.
Kikuška Zlatuliq Nováková poslala fotku seba, ako stojí pred zrkadlom v kúpeľni len v tieločku. Neučesané vlasy jej zakrývali prsia. Like.
Vanda sa na seba do zrkadla nikdy nepozerala. Načo aj. Svoj špicatý nos nenávidela. Voľnou rukou si ho trikrát silnejšie pohladila. Aby tú špicatosť trochu obrúsila. Zatiaľ to nepomohlo.
Kikuška Zlatuliq Nováková na fotke označila svojho frajera Mima Mimoňuška. Vandu striaslo. Zmenila názor a dala Unlike. Ale zase, keď sa chcela s Kikuškou Zlatuliq Novákovou kamarátiť...
Ale čo. Veď Kikuška už má frajera.
Vanda si voľnou rukou opláchla oči. Frkla trochu vody na displej. Utrela ho do gatiek.
Objavil sa sponzorovaný link na Inštitút sociálnej práce. Like.
Vrátila sa späť k fotke. Bol na nej jeden Like. Od Vandinej naj spolužiačky Dominiqy Šišiny Kráľovej. Vanda stisla pery a dala Like.
„Vanda! Odchádzame!“
Vanda prepchala telefón cez úzky rukáv na roláku. Jednou rukou si natiahla rifle, ktoré chcela dať už včera mame do prania, lebo boli od omáčky (ktorá jej na ne kvicla na obede, keď sa jej na časovej osi objavila pozvánka na stránku Vtip na každý deň a dala jej Like). Schmatla tašku so včerajšími učebnicami.
V aute prebehla časovú os. Pribudol komentár od Mima Mimoňuška pod fotkou Kikušky Zlatuliq Novákovej: „:-*“
Dominiqa Šišina Kráľová dala komentáru Like.
Vandu išlo roztrhnúť od jedu! Dominiqa Šišina Kráľová Kikuške Zlatuliq Novákovej všetko lajkovala. Ale žeby dala aspoň jeden Like aj Vande, to nie! Nelajkla jej ani fotku s jej tetou, šéfredaktorkou mestských novín. Vanda klikla na jej profil. Lucia Zinková. 657 priateľov. 657! O 13 viac ako pred týždňom! 13!!! Rolovala po jej časovej osi. Fotka z recepcie hotela Triple Bed. Like. Pozvánka na tlačovku ku koncertu Lucie Bílej. Like. Linky na články. Like. Like. Like. Odkazy od kamošov. To preskočila. Lucia Zinková sa práve spriatelila s Petrou Polnišovou. Vande skoro oči vypadli! Like.
„Vanda, si hluchá? Vystúp!“
Pred školou hlúčik poďobaných štvrtákov fajčil lacné cigy. Vanda prebehla okolo. Jednou rukou sa prezula. Na časovej osi sa objavila fotka z ich triedy. Bola na nej Dominiqa Šišina Kráľová v objatí s Kikuškou Zlatuliq Novákovou. Like.
Komentár fotky bol: „:-*“.
UNLIKE! Kravy!
So sklonenou hlavou a mobilom v ruke kráčala do triedy. Bola si istá, že tam bude nuda. Včera sa na časovej osi nedialo nič, len kone – mačky – psy. Určite nebude o čom. Určite sa nebude nikto s nikým baviť. Veď nebude o čom. Určite.
Tak určiteeeeeeee. Like.
Vanda Lopčíková sedela v predposlednej lavici. Všetci jej spolužiaci boli napchatí pri katedre a riešili včerajší Facebook. Rehooot! Ohováračky. Muzika. Video. Bulvárky. Showky. A toto ste videli? A hento ste počuli? Počkaj, toto ti pošlem! Tamtú haluz musíš vidieť!
Do Vandy vošla zlosť.
Na prvej hodine nejaký učiteľ niečo hovoril.
Vanda zúrivo rolovala časovú os. Kde to všetko bolo?? Kam sa stratili všetky haluze, super veci a rehoty z jej časovej osi??? O čom to všetci točili???
Vandin ukazovák švihal po displeji. Ako atlét vo vrcholnej forme chcel dohnať Vandiných spolužiakov, ktorí tam kdesi spolu žili. Bez nej! Zatiaľ.
Vanda si dala telefón ešte bližšie k hlave a hľadala. Hľadala svoj budúci život ako o život. 

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    These sessions might not need to be as lengthy as full-body sessions.
    When it involves deciding which muscle teams to workout, you should also determine
    whether or not you’ll go for a full-body workout
    or split coaching. Whereas a full-body workout targets your whole muscle groups during a single
    workout, cut up coaching targets separate muscle groups.

    You see, when you’re beginning out on a training programme for the first
    time, it’s important to construct your coaching up via phases.

    Rising coaching quantity over time is a key side of the muscle constructing
    course of.
    Each of those muscles run along the whole size of your
    spine, but they are at their thickest in your lumbar area.
    Opposite to in style perception, your trapezius is way bigger than what you'll have the ability to see above your
    shoulders when you are looking within the
    mirror. The muscle runs up along your rib cage and inserts on the inside,
    virtually to the entrance, of your humerus, your upper
    arm bone. Let’s take a closer have a look at
    each of those muscle groups and how to prepare them.

    This period gives your muscular tissues enough recovery time in between classes.
    Private trainers tailor most exercise plans for individual our bodies and
    unique fitness levels and objectives. If you’re exploring health routines, starting with straightforward, uncomplicated exercises is finest.
    We’ve compiled a pattern weekly exercise plan to assist you get began.
    The trapezius is a big triangular-shaped muscle that runs from the bottom of your neck
    to your mid-back. The trapezius is a big diamond-shaped muscle situated on the base of your neck,
    which helps assist posture by connecting to both shoulders and spine.
    The rotator cuff includes of four small muscles that stabilize the humerus in its socket while allowing
    it to rotate freely. These include supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.
    Working out these muscular tissues can even assist reduce
    again ache brought on by weak core/abdominal muscular tissues or poor posture habits.

    We'll first go over the 5 major splits which might be used within the health club.

    The core is engaged during many leg workout routines, which increases the efficiency of the workout.
    Moreover, this combination helps in building total body energy
    and stability. Creating a exercise plan that completely fits is like
    crafting a bespoke swimsuit.
    I would have thought you’d be lying in a heap in the nook of
    the fitness center. Strategically pairing muscle groups in your
    workouts can lead to extra environment friendly classes and balanced muscle growth.

    Experiment with totally different combinations to find what works finest for your body and fitness objectives.

    Designing an efficient exercise routine includes understanding which
    muscle teams complement each other when trained in the same session. By
    strategically pairing muscle teams, you can enhance workout
    efficiency, promote balanced muscle growth, and allow for sufficient recovery.

    Just like incline dumbbell presses emphasized your higher chest,
    so will bar dips emphasize your decrease chest. Peak resistance
    for your pecs happens while they are in a stretched position, which
    is likely optimistic for your chest muscle development.

    In Any Other Case, you'll be working a nine-day break up, which just wouldn’t be smart.
    In this text, we will talk about the most effective muscle teams to work together, that means you can create essentially the most optimal training routine.
    After 8-12 weeks, take a relaxation interval of 1-2 weeks,
    then begin a new plan. You can maintain the identical
    plan if you’d like as well, or just make
    small adjustments like the order of your exercise or the rep scheme.
    For example, you may merely simply wish to do
    reps of for you massive lifts somewhat than reps of 5-8.
    The cause this works is that you'll nonetheless train your again on the
    deadlift days which might satisfy your twice-a-week coaching.
    This is as a end result of while the deadlift 
    is a lower body exercise, the back can additionally be
    heavily involved, particularly the upper again. In fact, any deadlift variation, similar to the Romanian deadlift, goes to work the again. Additional, the back has lots of totally different muscular tissues and motion patterns so giving it its
    own day is sensible.
    As Soon As you’ve accomplished 10–12 reps, instantly limp (because your quads are so pumped) over to the leg press.
    The leg extension is the final word train to isolate
    all 4 muscular tissues that comprise your quadriceps.
    The finest method to ensure your rear delts do the work
    is to select a comparatively light weight and perform three sets of 10–12 for a pleasant pump.
    If you are strong sufficient to do ten or more 
    pull-ups, feel free to do this traditional bodyweight exercise instead of the
    pulldowns. In addition, it's extremely effective for constructing your biceps as well.
    Hold your knees barely bent when performing the Romanian deadlift,
    prioritizing full motion and attaining a pleasant stretch at its lowest level.

    However, don’t decrease your self to where
    you can’t maintain a straight backbone and correct posture.

    ’ Some folks select to do full-body some days or concentrate on pure cardio different days.
    If you are trying to lean out, tone your physique or build muscle it
    is useful to focus on training particular muscle groups collectively for efficient power coaching sessions every time.
    It’s not even about your muscular tissues, since you are coaching particular muscle
    teams each day with a split. As an entire newbie, a workout with 16-20+ units
    per muscle group may be too taxing, particularly should you nonetheless haven’t dialed in on good nutritional
    practices or aren’t getting enough sleep. So, we advocate most newbies to go for a 3 day break up or four day
    split that trains 2-3 totally different muscle groups per exercise with 6-10 sets every muscle group.

    Use these rules to design a routine that keeps you progressing and balanced in your fitness journey.
    By understanding the method to mix complementary
    or opposing groups, you presumably can optimize restoration, improve efficiency,
    and obtain better results. Circuits let you
    alternate between muscle teams quickly, decreasing relaxation time and
    enhancing stamina. Training the quads and hamstrings collectively ensures balanced leg power and reduces the chance of
    damage. A superset of bicep curls adopted by tricep extensions is a time-efficient method to hit both groups.
    Alternating between these movements not only keeps your workout balanced but also improves posture and joint stability.

    So, perform your chosen workouts with the absolute best form and regress any actions
    you can not do accurately. You can learn more about how to heat up for power training right
    here. It helps make your training more enjoyable and can help facilitate sooner progress.
    Nonetheless, it is important to not get
    too caught up in little particulars like this. If you need to be taught extra about tips on how to prepare properly check out some of our related articles under.
    You will need extra power and strength in your huge compound movements as you'll be using heavy loads and these are the actual outcome producers,
    so that you need to put your all into them. Here are a
    couple of last things to know about your six day exercise plan...

    And, by cycling the three days over four periods each week,
    you’ll nonetheless hit every muscle group 5 times a month.
    Do plenty of people still make large positive aspects
    from this fashion of training? With three days to play with you
    might select to stay to a full-body plan, but unfold your total units out throughout the week
    and add much more variety to your coaching routine.
    By combining exercises that target these muscle groups, you’ll achieve a balanced
    growth that helps better movement patterns and reduces
    damage threat. In Contrast to regular barbell squats, the Bulgarian squat variation involves your hamstring to a considerably greater degree.

    Most bicep workouts, like the barbell and dumbbell bicep
    curl, are isolation actions. Chin-ups are one of many few compound movements that emphasize your biceps,
    making them a superb addition to your compound exercises.

    Like the pull-up, the chin-up is an effective exercise for building your
    higher back muscles.
    Your coaching degree or age might additionally affect what an excellent
    coaching split is for you to use. This is secondary to coaching frequency, nevertheless it's nonetheless an element to suppose about.
    Regardless, an important thing is being honest when you decide, as
    this can considerably affect your coaching cut up. When it involves core, you probably can really
    put these on no matter coaching day you think it's appropriate or fits finest.
    Maintain yourself to a schedule, or a routine, by which you repeat this
    workout frequently.
    Whereas you'll have the ability to (and should) format the workouts in the identical way you do a weight lifting split, you may also use interesting protocols like circuit exercises and AMRAPs.
    Ideally, you need to persist with a workout plan for 8-12 weeks, but you'll have
    the ability to go longer. As Soon As you start to see diminishing returns,
    you realize it's time to reassess. Now, you may not have access to a barbell otherwise you may not be ready to
    make use of a barbell for a few of these workout routines.

    Perform three units utilizing a weight you are able to do 5–6 strict reps
    with. Avoid utilizing extreme momentum or leaning again, as this transfers
    extra of the work to your legs and can strain your decrease again. Understanding the different muscle groups and the
    way they work collectively helps you create a routine specific to your body’s wants.
    You’ll see how sensible your health classes
    are when you practice complementary muscle teams instead
    of arbitrary parts.
    As long as every session accommodates enough volume and depth, 2-3 workouts per week is
    fine. This cut up permits you to focus more intensely on specific muscle teams each
    day. This makes it suitable for superior lifters who can dedicate more time to
    their gym sessions. In a full body split, you will probably find yourself solely doing 1-2 workout routines per
    muscle group. Otherwise, you may be within the gym forever doing a ridiculous amount of whole sets.
    Or, you gained't be doing a full physique exercise
    because you won't be able to slot in each muscle group.

    Welcome to the land of the five-day split, residence of numerous bodybuilding giants who know the method to direct the massive damage
    to the goal muscular tissues they practice each day.
    If you are severe about your training and making gainz, and the health club is your
    second residence (bordering on the first), this is exactly the
    place you wish to be. Whether it's rising weight, reps, sets,
    or time under tension ... The longer you've got been training, the more durable it's to keep seeing
    results doing the same workouts. While the primary focus right here is on strength coaching, incorporating cardiovascular workout routines is
    important for general health. Cardio improves heart health,
    aids in weight management, and can enhance restoration by rising blood move to
    the muscles. For those that choose or are limited to fewer workouts per week, full-body routines could be an option.
    That does not imply they are easy, however they are less
    taxing than the most important huge lifts. That said, any exercises carried out incorrectly may cause
    damage, and that includes bodyweight coaching.
    Skill-based movements like muscle-ups and front levers
    are hazardous. Whereas most calisthenics packages normally
    contain 3-5 weekly exercises, others contain the next frequency – even every day.

    Whereas these approaches can work, they do so
    by preserving day by day training quantity very low,
    often simply 1-3 exercises per exercise per day.
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