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Zamietnutie reklamácie z dôvodu mechanického poškodenia

Napísal Silvia Čakajdová 18. február 2025

Hoci sa spotrebitelia v praxi stretnú s rôznymi dôvodmi zamietnutia reklamácie, obchodníci môžu pristúpiť k tomuto kroku len na základe zákonných dôvodov. Svoje zamietavé stanovisko tak často odôvodňujú mechanickým poškodením veci.


Akú vadu je možné reklamovať a ako sa môžete brániť v prípade, že zamietnutie reklamácie nepovažujete za oprávnené?

Aký nedostatok reklamovať?

Chybný tovar je možné reklamovať, pokiaľ sa nedostatok prejavil počas dvoch rokov od prevzatia tovaru. Tovar je vadný, pokiaľ nespĺňa akosť pri prevzatí. „Predávajúci zodpovedá kupujúcemu za to, že tovar pri prevzatí nemá žiadne nedostatky,“ vysvetľuje Eduarda Hekšová, riaditeľka spotrebiteľskej organizácie dTest, a dodáva: „To znamená, že predávajúci zodpovedá najmä za to, že tovar vyhovuje očakávaným a dohodnutým vlastnostiam, napríklad s ohľadom na jeho popis, druh, množstvo, ďalej tiež, že je vhodný na účel, na ktorý sa zvyčajne používa, a že bol dodaný s príslušenstvom, obalom, návodom na použitie či montáž.“

V praxi však najčastejšie pôjde o nevhodne zvolený materiál veci či inú chybu vo výrobnom procese. Naopak, nemožno reklamovať bežné opotrebenie či vadu, ktorú si spotrebiteľ spôsobil sám, napríklad svojou nešikovnosťou, tým, že s vecou zachádzal v rozpore s návodom alebo nedodržiaval pokyny predajcu ohľadom údržby. „Ak si napríklad zakúpite hodinky, ktoré nie sú vodotesné, pôjdete si v nich zaplávať a hodinky sa pokazia, predajca je pri preukázateľnom vniknutí vody oprávnený zamietnuť reklamáciu, práve z dôvodu mechanického poškodenia,“ uvádza riaditeľka dTestu.

Ako preukázať, že je vec chybná?

Ak sa vada prejaví do uplynutia doby, počas ktorej predávajúci zodpovedá za vady (2 roky), predpokladá sa, že ide o vadu, ktorú mala vec už v čase dodania. To neplatí len v prípade, že sa preukáže opak alebo ak je tento predpoklad nezlučiteľný s povahou veci alebo vady. Na vyvrátenie domnienky, že tovar bol vadný už v čase dodania, podľa nášho názoru nestačí len konštatovanie o mechanickom poškodení tovaru. Naopak, zamietnutie reklamácie z tohto dôvodu bude nutné náležite odôvodniť a prípadne podložiť príslušnou dokumentáciou,“ upozorňuje Eduarda Hekšová a dopĺňa: „V opačnom prípade nie je reklamácia riadne vybavená a spotrebiteľ tak môže odstúpiť od zmluvy alebo požadovať primeranú zľavu z ceny.“

V prípade reklamácie už spomínaných hodiniek by teda takéto zamietnutie reklamácie malo obsahovať aj vyjadrenie napríklad servisu, kde by bolo podrobne popísané, ako servis dospel k názoru, že si vadu spotrebiteľ spôsobil sám.

Príkladom mechanického poškodenia tovaru môže byť napríklad spadnutie vázy na zem a následné prasknutie, poškriabanie mobilu ostrým predmetom či rozliatie kávy na počítač.

Ako sa dá brániť?

Ak spotrebiteľ s dôvodom zamietnutia či odôvodnením nesúhlasí, jednou z možností je vyhľadať súdneho znalca a nechať si spracovať znalecký posudok. Zoznam znalcov môžete nájsť na webe Justice.gov.sk. Ďalšou možnosťou je získať odborné stanovisko od akreditovanej alebo autorizovanej osoby. Ak vyjde znalecký posudok alebo odborné stanovisko vo váš prospech, odporúčame obrátiť sa znovu na predávajúceho a rozporovať vybavenie reklamácie práve s odkazom na znalecký posudok. Predávajúci v takom prípade nemôže odmietnuť zodpovednosť za vadu. „Ak sa ukáže, že pôvodná reklamácia bola odôvodnená, cenu znaleckého posudku a odborného stanoviska môžete požadovať od predajcu ako účelne vynaložený náklad,“ uzatvára Eduarda Hekšová z dTestu.

Zdroj foto: Freepik

1 Komentár

  • Komentár Jann %AM, %21 %335 %2025 %07:%mar napísal Jann

    One of the explanations guys don't practice shoulders, especially the overhead press,
    is it tends to be a reasonably weak movement sample and muscle group for many lifters.
    To do this we’re going to do a tri-set with cable
    machine raises. We’ll do variations for the front delt,
    the middle delt, and the rear delt.
    This move will develop shoulder size and strength, but it's not a move that must
    be abused. Upright rows are a fantastic exercise to focus on the trapezius whilst additionally integrating the anterior deltoids on the same time; it’s simply a fantastic mass and
    shoulder muscular tissues builder. The rear delts (posterior
    deltoids) play a vital function in higher again aesthetics, shoulder stability, and total pulling
    energy. Nonetheless, they're usually underdeveloped compared to the front
    and aspect delts, resulting in imbalances and poor posture.
    The motion you’re going to be focusing on is an overhead
    push press at around 50-70% of your body weight.
    Whatever you select, every minute you’re going to blast your
    weight overhead earlier than slowly reducing it again to your shoulders under control.
    If you wish to see noticeable dimension and strength positive aspects in your shoulders, place delt exercises
    at the beginning of your exercise and provides them everything you’ve received.

    Even when you don’t enhance the quantity of units you perform, you’ll nonetheless find that you’re able to perform extra reps, at
    heavier weights main to very large growth. For some
    of us, there's nothing better than putting heavy stuff overhead.

    This old-school free-weights-only shoulder exercise begins off
    with heavy, highly effective push-presses, then pumps up your lateral and rear delts with dumbbells.
    The secret to the Cable Face Pull’s effectiveness lies in the mixture of exterior rotation and horizontal pulling.

    This movement engages the rear deltoids intensely, along with
    the muscles of the upper back. The constant tension offered by the cable ensures that the rear delts are engaged
    throughout the entire vary of motion, making this exercise a comprehensive
    rear delt builder. As you pull your physique upwards, the
    rear deltoids are called into action to regulate and execute the movement.

    Focus curls are sometimes used in the direction of
    the tip of a biceps workout routine after the heavy exercises.
    It gives you a great pump and is a wonderful finisher for a good
    workout. Focus curls was hailed supreme for constructing a
    great biceps peak. Regardless of whether or not you curl each dumbbells concurrently
    or one by one, make certain you’re not utilizing upper-body momentum
    to swing them up. Cheat curls let you use heavier weights to overload your biceps,
    a recipe for muscle development, and so they may help you blast through sticking factors and plateaus.
    Entrance and heart on the higher arm, your biceps are some of the seen muscle tissue and infrequently the primary ones folks discover.

    When somebody flexes – you guessed it – it’s usually the biceps they’re exhibiting off.

    The fibers then prolong laterally, converging and attaching to the surface of the shoulder blade.
    Rest just enough between movements to catch your breath and 2-3 minutes between rounds to recuperate and reset, allowing you to attack all 5 rounds
    with focus. You’ll find all these exercises, together with many more free
    and premium workouts and coaching applications in our workout
    tracker. Nonetheless, most individuals will quickly have to start out doing
    no much less than one specific exercise for their biceps to get them to grow.

    With minimal shoulder joint stress but maximal muscle activation, it’s a good way to train your delts even in case you have painful shoulders.
    Decide a few dumbbells and stand with them by your sides,
    palms facing your body. Preserving your higher body nonetheless – that means no
    swinging – raise the dumbbells out to your side with a slight bend at your elbows.

    There have been numerous studies on done creatine on efficient it's enhancing physical efficiency as well as features in fat/bone-free mass.
    Extensive grip chin ups are virtually second to
    none in terms of increasing shoulder girdle girth
    and creating as much area as attainable between shoulder ends.
    Made for the elite athlete and the strong-willed our merchandise were
    designed to gasoline your athletic performance. Rotate from
    your shoulder and the center of your again, not your decrease again.
    Because the standing barbell shoulder press is such a big motion impacting lots of muscle groups, you should
    attempt to limit this transfer to 1-2 occasions per week.
    This train builds shoulder muscle tissue by concentrating on the deltoids, in addition to the pectoralis main. Like the common shoulder press,
    you’ll need a bench and two dumbbells to perform this exercise.

    This vary of motion from a standing place means you’ll enhance
    core stability while also hitting the shoulders with an explosive lift.
    You should contemplate performing pike pushups when working on your core
    stability or on days if you really need to hit your shoulders to boost muscle
    growth. If you’re looking for a shoulder exercise embedded in an enormous
    compound exercise or something which hones in on your rotator
    cuff muscular tissues, you’ll discover every thing you
    want under. It Is time that you just stop envying the huge shoulders of different guys at the gym
    and build your own.
    This exercise is healthier for focusing on the deltoids more specifically.
    Because you are sat down, your core doesn’t need to work as hard to stabilise you.
    This means, you won’t be succesful of carry as heavy in a seated dumbbell press than a standing one, however it
    does help to achieve muscle mass development within the deltoids extra
    You will probably discover people in the fitness center add a twisting motion on the prime of the carry.
    That small twist takes the tension off the deltoids and shifts to the lats and upper back.
    If you need to hold the concentrate on the shoulders, make certain to do that train with perfect, controlled
    Dumbbells permit for a larger range of movement in entice workouts in comparison with barbells or
    machines. This extended motion range enables more complete muscle
    fiber activation, extra activation means more potential for elevated
    development. Dumbbells additionally enable for pure movement
    patterns, accommodating particular person joint mechanics and reducing the chance of injury.

    The pike push-up is certainly one of just a few physique weight entrance delt workouts.
    It is a challenging variation of the standard push-up that primarily targets the shoulder muscle
    tissue, particularly the entrance deltoid. It also engages the
    upper chest and triceps but to a lesser extent. If your front
    delts are already well-developed in comparison, which may mean moderating the volume and intensity of any direct entrance delt work.

    This exercise creates a singular blend of muscle engagement, from
    stabilizing your shoulders to powering the rowing movement, all focusing on the rear deltoid muscles.
    Not sure how to build your deltoids utilizing cables instead of free-weights?
    Use them at the facet of barbell and dumbbell
    overhead presses or in its place. The aspect and rear delts can have
    extra direct training quantity as they don't seem to be the primary main movers for most pressing motion (i..e overhead presses, push ups).
    The entrance delts might be a primary mover for most pressing motions.

    So they can be subject to overuse should you practice them with the same volume as side and rear delts
    when doing shoulder specific workout routines.
    Keep In Mind, with TRX workout routines it’s important to keep your body in a comparatively
    straight line throughout your heels, hips, and shoulder blades.
    All of these can be utilized to load some weight if you’re
    at house and don’t have entry to dumbbells/barbells. With these workout routines you can definitely develop properly defined cap-like shoulders with full frontal, center, and back shoulder heads.
    If you've a pair of dumbbells and a TRX suspension coach, it could possibly help.
    You ought to practice your trapezius muscle tissue twice per week, with a gap of hours between classes.
    In this article, I’ve fastidiously curated the 12 finest dumbbell exercises you are capable of do at house
    for full entice growth.
    These muscle tissue stabilize the shoulder joint and
    management internal and exterior rotation. Progressive overload, the place
    each session is somewhat more challenging than the last, is a crucial predictor of continued
    hypertrophy. You can progressively overload your deltoids by including more weight, doing extra reps, bettering your type, or experimenting with tempo and pauses.
    A calorie surplus is the place the variety of
    energy consumed exceeds the variety of calories burned.

    This will present the body with more calories than it
    truly requires which can enhance muscle restoration after energy
    coaching periods. With Out this surplus, creating muscular measurement is difficult, if not inconceivable.
    Superior Hormonal Bulking Stack is a high-strength complement combination designed for
    skilled customers.
    Opposite to in style belief, relying solely
    on a chest day exercise routine to develop well-rounded shoulders isn’t enough.
    Actually sculpted cannonball shoulders require extra focused deltoid
    workout routines. Talking of overhead presses, the Arnold press is another fantastic exercise to consider
    for growing these huge boulder shoulders. You can do upright rows with a barbell,
    a pair of dumbbells, or a handle connected to the underside of a cable machine.
    The push press is a dynamic movement that mixes the overhead press with a slight knee bend to
    generate momentum. It works the identical muscle tissue but makes use of the
    legs and hips to drive the burden overhead, allowing for heavier lifts.

    Stand up explosively and use this momentum that
    can assist you pull the bar up the entrance of your body to mid-chest peak.

    To do it, hold a barbell with an overhand, barely wider than shoulder-width grip in entrance of your thighs.

    Hold a barbell with an overhand, slightly wider than shoulder-width grip in front of your thighs.

    The Bradford press combines regular with behind-the-neck barbell
    presses. Prolong your legs powerfully and use this momentum to help you push the
    weight up and overhead.
    Lifting heavy weights is crucial for constructing power,
    but cutting your range of movement quick or neglecting
    proper form will only delay reaching your goals. For example,
    if accomplished accurately, the dumbbell lateral raise
    is probably one of the best workouts for building wider medial (side) delts.

    The seated barbell shoulder press is the king of shoulder workouts.
    The barbell shoulder press primarily targets the deltoids,
    particularly the anterior deltoids (front). It additionally works the lateral deltoids (middle) however to a
    lesser extent than the entrance shoulders. To do the face pull, connect
    a rope attachment to the pulley of a lat pulldown station.
    That’s as a end result of, in addition to being involved in plenty of shoulder workout
    routines, it’s also worked if you train your chest. Your deltoids, or delts for brief, are your main shoulder muscular tissues.

    Nonetheless, somewhat than being one single muscle, the deltoids are made
    up of three units of fibers, sometimes known as heads. Whereas these three heads perform together to
    control your shoulder joints, you can also emphasize and develop each one in turn (1).
    While there's nothing mistaken with dumbbell lateral raises, cables hold constant rigidity in your
    muscles, which may produce better hypertrophic results and a extra intense pump.
    This exercise works finest as a high-rep finisher, e.g., reps, so
    you really feel the burn. Many so-called functional health consultants are very fast to throw shade
    on the shoulder press machine.
    The shoulder press, or overhead press, is often ignored in a muscle-building
    program in favor of shoulder isolation exercises. Because shoulder
    urgent is highly fatiguing, you’re already urgent typically when training the chest.
    Further, you can’t isolate any of the three muscle
    heads to maximise development. In this exercise, you'll do them before the other
    two, whilst you have a bit more vitality within the tank.
    Feel free to rearrange the order of the single-joint strikes based mostly on your weaknesses, though.
    If you judge your delts to be fairly balanced, simply
    rotate the order of the single-joint movements from one exercise to the next.

    As with the opposite shoulder exercises, start off with a lightweight weight, as you’ll slowly but surely really feel more and more fatigued as you're employed your way via the repetitions.
    The dumbbell shoulder press primarily works the entrance deltoids.
    By utilizing dumbbells, you drive both sides of the muscle
    to work independently whereas additionally recruiting the stabilizer muscular tissues of the shoulder joint.
    Constructing robust, well-defined shoulders is essential to reaching
    the iconic Alpha male physique. Broad shoulders provide the width
    that enhances the hanging V-shaped upper physique. With all three deltoid muscle heads absolutely developed, you’ll appear highly effective and broad, whether or not you’re
    rocking a t-shirt or dressed up in a go properly with. Instead, you wish to elevate your arms keeping them straight with palms facing the floor, and carry them
    out to the aspect by initiating the contraction from the
    Begin position is together with your arms slightly more than shoulder width aside on the bar, palms going through forward.
    Then decrease the load to approximately shoulder height before starting once more.
    As A Result Of of this, you could develop a shoulder imbalance with out a minimum
    of some rear delt workouts in your workouts. That doesn’t mean anything is particularly mistaken with isolation exercises like the dumbbell lateral
    increase or front raises. Strengthen your shoulders, arms, and a contact of the higher
    back with upright rows. The hand place for upright rows is exclusive and can feel completely different for everybody.
    A wider grip limits the quantity of inside rotation of
    the shoulders.
    The most necessary factor to remember about your shoulders is your skeletal construction. If you want to set this up as a workout,
    here’s a plan for you. Grab a strap in each hand and lean back spreading your arms to your sides.

    Whereas doing this remember to keep the elbows slightly bent the whole time.
    Open your arms in an arch-like path, aiming to deliver your hands up
    and out to your sides. One Other exercise that you can perform with basic household items is the regular bent-over reverse
    fly. Get down on the ground on all fours and raise your hips up
    into the same old downward dog place.
    The weight used should trigger you to reach muscular failure someplace within your chosen rep vary.
    We love them as a result of you have to use so much selection when busting out some sets.
    A simple slight lean ahead can change the feeling of the exercise.

    Who doesn't need shoulders that look like they may carry the
    world? Carry the dumbbells vertically till they're according to your collar bone, with your elbow pointing towards the ceiling.
    He spends his free time on the gym, on his surfboard or
    staying up late watching sports activities in incompatible time zones.
    And if you’re ever hungry for more high quality
    workout tips and recovery routines, make sure to verify out the
    CrazyBulk weblog and YouTube channel.