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Nehoja sa vám praskliny na rukách? Je pre vás každý kontakt s vodou skúška ohňom?

Napísal Pavol Hrabovský 25. marec 2024

Neustále výzvy ako sú zmeny počasia, suchý vzduch, kontakt s domácou chémiou bez rukavíc alebo nedostatočný pitný režim znáša naša koža ťažko a často to vedie k vzniku nepríjemných prasklín. Praská vám koža na prstoch rúk a v okolí nechtov?


Táto nepríjemnosť má elegantné riešenie.

Pokožka je najväčším orgánom tela a jej funkcia je v prvom rade ochranná. Je však aj orgánom, ktorý nás informuje o tom, čo by sme mali vo svojich zaužívaných rutinách, režime a životospráve zmeniť.

Prasklinami najčastejšie komunikuje nedostatočnú hydratáciu – či už z vnútra, alebo zvonka. Každodenné vystavovanie pokožky domácim chemikáliám, pôsobenie mrazivého alebo suchého vzduchu či nesprávny výber kozmetických prípravkov môže viesť k oslabeniu ochrannej lipidovej bariéry.

Čo to znamená?

Ide o narušenie prirodzenej ochrannej vrstvy a oslabenie schopnosti udržiavať optimálnu vlhkosť. To vedie k rôznym nepríjemným prejavom. Patrí medzi nich pocit napätia, svrbenie a praskanie pokožky. Praskliny sú nepríjemné a bolestivé už samé o sebe, no spájajú sa aj s ďalším rizikom. Ak sa vytvorí hlboká rana, postihnuté miesto je náchylnejšie na infekcie: „Praskliny na pokožke sú vstupnou bránou pre akékoľvek baktérie, preto by sme mali zbystriť našu pozornosť pri náznaku porušenia kožnej bariéry a ihneď začať s domácou liečbou. Akútne infekcie končia mnohokrát antibiotickou liečbou a v niektorých prípadoch až hospitalizáciou,“ hovorí dermatovenerologička MUDr. Regina Paulinyová. Ak spozorujete známky infekcie, alebo ak vám domáca liečba nezaberá po dobu dvoch týždňov, určite vyhľadajte odbornú lekársku pomoc.

Prevencia je základ

Odďaľovanie hydratácie suchej kože môže stav výrazne zhoršiť a môžu sa ukázať aj nepekné praskliny na rukách. Aj preto by ste mali mať hydratačný krém na ruky na dosah počas celého roka. Kozmetických prípravkov na hydratáciu kože je neúrekom, no ak trpíte suchou pokožkou často, váš krém by mal obsahovať aspoň jednu aktívnu látku, ako napríklad ureu, kyselinu mliečnu, lanolín, glycerín a ďalšie zmäkčovadlá s antiseptickými účinkami. Ak vám mastné krémy prekážajú, v lekárňach či drogériách sú dostupné aj vodoodolné, rýchlo sa vstrebávajúce krémy na ruky, a rovnako aj na nohy.

Príčinou suchej pokožky býva aj nedostatočný pitný režim. Je to minimum, no predsa tak veľa, čo môžete pre zdravie svojej kože urobiť. Dospelý človek by mal za deň vypiť približne 3 l vody a počas letných mesiacov až 5 l. V horúcom a rovnako aj chladnom počasí obmedzte pobyt vonku a vo vykurovaných vnútorných priestoroch používajte zvlhčovač. Pri sprchovaní si nastavte vlažnú vodu a pri umývaní riadu sa chráňte rukavicami. Oblečenie z materiálov ako bavlna a hodváb je ideálne pri problémoch so suchou kožou a pri praní vymeňte pracie prostriedky za tie bez farbív a parfumov.


Pokiaľ vám nepríjemné ranky už robia spoločnosť a spôsobujú vám bolesť, pálenie a obmedzujú vás vo vašich každodenných aktivitách, je tu elegantné riešenie v podobe URGO Filmogel® Praskliny. Ide o šikovnú zdravotnícku pomôcku, ktorá si so vzniknutou prasklinou na rukách či nohách poradí rýchlejšie ako ste si mysleli. Tekutinu rozotriete jemnou špachtličkou a počkáte pár sekúnd, kým nezaschne. O malú chvíľu pocítite úľavu. URGO Filmogel® Praskliny vytvorí transparentný ochranný film, ktorý chráni prasklinu pred možným zápalom, baktériami, šúchaním, bolestivým zatrhnutím o oblečenie či ďalšími vonkajšími vplyvmi. Vytvorený ochranný film je priehľadný, čo ocenia najmä ženy, ktorým bežná náplasť viac nebude vadiť pri každodenných aktivitách. Svojím inovatívnym zložením vytvára URGO Filmogel® vhodné vlhké prostredie na urýchlenie procesu hojenia rany, utišuje tiež bolesť a bráni znovuotvoreniu rany. „URGO Filmogel® na praskliny sa aplikuje naozaj veľmi jednoducho. Ochranný film vás chráni a podporuje hojenie počas dňa, a vy sa tak môžete venovať svojej práci alebo voľnočasovým aktivitám bez akýchkoľvek obmedzení. Produkt je vodoodolný, neštípe, neotiera sa, rýchlo zaschne na pokožke, na ktorej vytvorí pružný film, pričom chráni a zároveň hojí vzniknutú ranu. URGO Filmogel® na praskliny je v mojej domácej aj cestovnej lekárničke samozrejmosťou,“ konštatuje pani doktorka.

Spravte pre svoju pokožku maximum a doprajte jej hydratáciu akú potrebuje. Ak vám pokožka zvykne praskať, majte pre istotu po ruke URGO Filmogel® na praskliny. Efektívne zabráni nepríjemnostiam, ktoré dokáže prasklina spôsobiť a poskytuje prekvapujúci komfort pri jej hojení.

5 komentárov

  • Komentár www.ngcd.center %AM, %27 %326 %2025 %06:%mar napísal www.ngcd.center

    They’re straightforward to slip on and the correct
    fit should be apparent each visually and by really feel.
    Start by folding them outward in half and sliding them up your leg to your knee.

    Then unfold them over the joint and use small
    actions to adjust them if essential. Nonetheless,
    these knee sleeves might not final as lengthy as there have been reviews of the
    knee sleeves getting tousled easily when the bar comes in contact with
    them. Rehband has been my number one alternative knee sleeves
    for the previous 6 years. I began with the 5mm model for
    the first three years but after some knee problems, I upgraded to the 7mm knee sleeves.

    For one, knee sleeves are a lot simpler to slide on and off, whereas knee wraps
    require you to spend more time correctly encasing the joint in a
    wrap job that’s effective and sturdy. Moreover, knee sleeves are
    more accommodating to other movements — when carrying knee
    sleeves, you’re nonetheless capable of stroll around or carry out dynamic exercises depending on thickness.

    Knee wraps are designed for optimum tightness, basically preserving your
    legs in a straight place until under a heavy squat.

    This can also make for a less comfortable coaching expertise if you leave the accessory on all through your complete exercise.
    Knee sleeves are an important piece of apparatus
    for weightlifting fanatics, offering stability, heat, and
    help during heavy lifts.
    Lifting sleeves are certainly one of many supportive
    gears you ought to buy to stabilize specific joints under heavy and
    dynamic lifts. Sleeves are made of strong, stretchy supplies in a tubular form
    and a number of sizes. They work by compressing target areas – improving blood flow and movement patterns.
    Wraps are a heavy-duty alternative, which are simply
    long strips of material. Quality and performance are additionally
    major keys to purchasing an excellent knee sleeve.
    If you are out there for a product that increases your strength and prevents injuries
    whereas serving to increase your confidence levels, then go for the Iron Bull Knee Sleeves.
    If you're a professional, then you realize training is much more
    than lifting weights. You must progress and beat the competitors to emerge
    as one of the best. You ought to, due to this fact,
    invest on this quality gear if you wish to realize your dreams sooner.
    There are several manufacturers of weight lifting sleeves available in the market today.

    Reinforced stitching and versatile neoprene material allow
    for increased blood circulate and better mobility good for lifting, recovery, harm prevention,
    and a bunch of energy sports activities. Sure, knee compression sleeves work well if you purchase a excessive quality product and use
    the proper size. Knee compression sleeves will help
    provide some mild help, maintain your joints warm, improve blood move,
    and aid in serving to you recuperate faster. Knee sleeves are not great for individuals coming back from
    injuries or who have had weak knees or different stability issues.

    Many folks easily confuse knee braces with knee sleeves and
    vice versa. They can be utilized within the health club throughout heavy
    lifts to stabilize the knee and scale back the risk of damage and joint pain.
    Rehband Knee Sleeves have the perfect stability between stability, help, and flexibility.
    Not solely will this make sure your knees are protected, but it'll additionally make
    sure the longevity of your sleeves.. They are additionally a great
    alternative in case you have prior injuries such as
    ACL, basic knee ache, and patellar tendonitis.
    They match very snugly, so remember to precisely measure your knees so that they aren't too tight.
    They fit super snugly, but remember to measure your knees precisely based
    on their instructions otherwise you threat being irritated by the thick stitching.

    Suppose basketball, volleyball, and even something like skateboarding or snowboarding.
    Knee sleeves take the cake over knee wraps when it comes to
    ease of use. For starters, knee wraps must be wrapped every time
    you propose to use them. Second, because you wrap them your self, it could take a quantity of makes an attempt to
    get right. Begin wrapping from the back of your knee, making sure each wrap barely overlaps the earlier one.

    After the lift is full, it’s beneficial to launch the wraps and let the joint transfer freely, earlier than retightening them on your subsequent attempt.

    They shouldn't be used as a knee accessory for gentle squats or your entire
    workout. Neoprene supplies assist and warmth which makes it perfect for actions involving lifting and promoting
    joint stability. On the opposite hand, nylon is an choice that provides better breathability, making it extra appropriate for dynamic
    actions. Are they for weightlifting, total health or
    preventing injuries? Remember, totally different
    actions might name for different kinds of sleeves.
    Knee sleeves offer one of the best help when partaking in excessive impression activities such as weightlifting,
    squats or practical health.
    If you've had an injury in the past from squatting (or some other reason), then a knee sleeve may help you to
    ease your self back into heavy squatting. Some individuals
    might want longer knee sleeves, whereas others choose to get
    them as quick as potential. Neoprene belongs to the synthetic rubber family and is a superb
    alternative of material for your knee sleeves. If maintaining your knee joints warm is your major concern then these sleeves might be perfect for you.

    These heavy duty 7mm Neoprene sleeves make powerlifting a breeze, even for these with unpredictable knees.

    Though most knee wraps are washing-machine-friendly, it’s beneficial that you hand
    wash them to keep them from tangling and getting damaged. In Accordance to a study in 2011 by the
    Journal of Power and Conditioning Research,
    knee wraps haven't any impact on the traits of the squat and
    don’t alter the biomechanics.

  • Komentár Chad %AM, %16 %199 %2025 %03:%mar napísal Chad

    I am now able to carry out workouts I would never have tried alone and proceed to see both bodily and psychological positive aspects at
    the gym. Many chest workouts, such as push-ups and chest dips, may additionally be
    carried out with none tools. Cable chest workout routines are a
    good addition to your exercise routine, but they shouldn’t
    substitute traditional chest workout routines completely. Standing cable crossover Train helps to develop and outline the lower and the Inside pectoral muscles.

    Sure, you can isolate specific areas similar to your upper chest near
    the collarbone with incline flies and work your lower chest close to the breastbone with decline urgent actions.

    For instance, units in the range of 6-8 reps with heavy weights concentrate on energy features, whereas sets
    of reps with reasonable weights stimulate muscle hypertrophy.

    While it will still work another muscular tissues similar to your front delts, triceps,
    and center chest, your higher chest will get essentially the most work.
    The cable chest fly is an isolation train in your pecs,
    and if you set the pulleys low and pull the handles in an upward movement, they aim
    your upper chest with fixed pressure. Execute Incline Cable Press appropriately and your higher chest muscles will thanks.

    Maintain your again flat against the bench, grip your handles
    and push the cables up in a controlled method. Your focus should be on sustaining a slow, steady pace that keeps
    your muscular tissues underneath pressure longer. This increases muscle fiber
    activation, which might result in more substantial muscle development.

    Under is a listing of cable shoulder workout routines with
    descriptions and recommendations on how to perform them correctly.
    You work your higher pecs by doing workout routines that have you ever transferring your arm straight forward or at a slight upward angle as these will emphasize your upper chest fibers.
    Depending on where you place your elbows, the close-grip bench press is another flat urgent exercise that works your higher chest.

    Get able to take your chest features to the
    next degree with these 10 intense and effective cable exercises that can allow you to obtain a chiseled higher physique.
    The standing chest press, as well as the kneeling chest press, is normally a more functional and efficient choice
    for horizontal urgent workouts compared to supine or pushup variations.
    This is as a end result of they require larger
    core power and rotary stability, as the trainee
    must keep their very own stability and alignment without
    the help of a bench or other rigid structure. Like the dumbbell fly performed on a flat bench, the cable fly targets the pecs and entrance deltoids
    in isolation. The resistance curve is flat with cables, that means you get a consistent load
    on your pecs over the whole vary. Cable machines offer several advantages for chest training,
    together with decreased threat of injury and ease on the joints.

    To start the train, you'll decrease the handles all the way to the underside of the pulleys and then press upwards, utilizing your chest muscles to lift
    the burden. This exercise can be an effective approach to
    construct power and dimension in the decrease chest, as properly as different muscle teams of the chest.

    If your chest workout with cables calls for 8-to-10 reps of the standing cable chest
    press and you get 10 reps for a set, add 10 pounds to your next set.
    Nevertheless, the flat cable bench press is an excellent cable exercise for the chest and a viable various to the
    standing cable chest press. In fact, it could presumably
    be argued that cable machines build muscle much more effectively than free weights because of the elevated time beneath pressure.

    As you push your palms inward towards each other, the primary focus shifts to the
    within of your pecs to emphasise the middle of
    your chest. The pulley peak of the cables largely depends on the precise train you
    are performing and the portion of the chest
    you are targeting. In Distinction To dumbbells or barbells,
    where there could be sure 'rest' points within the carry, cables don't let up.

    This continuous tension calls for extra out of your muscle tissue, particularly your
    pecs, each single inch of the way. One of
    the things I love about cable exercises is that they permit
    for extra controlled movements and versatile angles,
    making certain you hit every a half of your pecs.
    Whereas bodyweight training will all the time have a place in fitness for its
    versatility and performance, the cable machine has a certain edge
    for chest coaching. Please embody an applicable warm-up
    and cool-down routine around these cable chest exercise.
    Like the decline version above, the single arm incline fly puts the pecs through a full range of movement.
    The incline bench on the cables is an underused chest train,
    with most people choosing the barbell or dumbbell variation.
    Set a seated bench directly between 2 cables facing away from the machine.
    Set up in a cut up stance with one foot in front of
    the opposite to stay balanced. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows as you squeeze your chest to raise
    your arms in front of you. Muscle fibers from this whole vary come collectively into
    one single tendon that inserts on the entrance of your upper arms.

    The single arm bent over row may be even higher for your back than a daily
    barbell row because that is unilateral where you can concentrate on the working muscles, one side at a time.

    Then you need to contemplate incorporating cable exercises into your routine.

    One should incorporate the cable machine and free weights
    into their chest-training routine. There’s no cause a person has to
    choose on between them; they each have distinctive advantages.

    Thirdly, constructing muscle mass by way of chest exercises also can contribute to the next resting metabolic price, leading to extra environment friendly calorie burning even at relaxation. A lower chest
    exercise is a set of exercises that focus on the decrease portion of
    the pectoralis main and pectoralis minor muscle tissue. Focusing On the lower chest is necessary to develop a more outlined and proportional chest.

    Seated workouts assist stabilize the torso, permitting for higher emphasis on muscle contraction.
    The seated low cable chest fly is a wonderful instance
    of this, higher concentrating on the chest muscles.
    Cables vs dumbbells is like comparing apples and
    oranges – each have distinctive advantages. A cable chest exercise provides fixed pressure and a larger
    vary of movement, targeting specific muscle teams. Dumbbells,
    however, are the go-to for activating stabilizer muscular tissues,
    providing a extra versatile workout expertise.
    Selecting cable workouts enables you to attack your pecs from
    multiple angles, guaranteeing that no fiber is left behind.

    Standing cable crossover Exercise helps to develop and define the decrease and the
    Inside pectoral muscles. These machines are built from
    high-grade metal and include varied attachments, such as bars,
    handles, and straps, to help you carry out a extensive
    range of exercises effectively. First up is the dip, one of the basic workouts found in all good lower
    chest exercises.
    The Dumbbell squeeze press is a superb option for including to your 
    chest workout routine to increase muscle hypertrophy and create chiseled and defined pectorals.
    The dumbbell fly utilizes a chest fly
    movement sample to isolate the chest muscles, serving to the muscle tissue to grow better and
    turn into stronger. Utilizing dumbbells during a decline bench press
    permits you a higher range of movement through the train. As the name suggests, you have
    to use a bench at a declined angle to perform the bench presses.
    The Barbell Bench Press doesn't have a full range of movement, which the
    dumbbell bench press can overcome.
    If you’d like to train with Barbell Medication, attain out to us to get a customized health program delivered
    right to your inbox. We welcome the opportunity to be
    taught more about your individual coaching targets and expectations and
    assist you to achieve them. You’ll really feel the burn sooner and with far less weight, however you’ll see strength gains notably sooner.
    For muscle progress, working at intensities that deliver you near, but not all the time to, failure may be useful.

    The hammer press is an exercise that entails pressing weights (such as dumbbells
    or utilizing a machine) with a hammer grip. A hammer grip is a performed with the
    palms dealing with each other all through the movement.

    The hammer press primarily targets the chest muscular tissues, shoulders, and triceps.
    The hammer press allows for a extra natural vary of movement and grip in comparability with conventional pressing workout routines.

    This key distinction engages the muscular tissues from
    totally different angles and promotes balanced muscle growth in the chest,
    shoulders, and triceps.
    It is important to do that regularly to enhance your posture and shield
    yourself from harm. The subsequent two workout routines help you get extra adduction on your decrease chest.

    Focus on creating that thoughts muscle connection in these two workout routines as a end result of it'll carry over to assist you get higher pec muscle
    improvement and an outlined decrease chest in the
    lengthy run.
    The seated cable press is an train that
    entails using a cable machine to perform chest presses while
    seated. This exercise may help to isolate the pectoralis major muscle and is often a good choice for those trying to concentrate on this muscle group.

    Another variation of the cable fly, the seated
    low cable chest fly is another glorious addition to any
    cable chest exercise.
    This exercise successfully isolates and prompts your lower chest
    muscles whereas also engaging your shoulders and triceps for stability and help.
    Executing this train effectively and persistently can result in increased power and definition in your upper chest.
    It additionally helps improve shoulder stability and total higher physique muscle
    balance, making it a valuable addition to any
    higher physique workout routine. The dip scored 69% for overall pec stimulation in one of
    many two research charted above, but the third research rated weighted
    dips the very best of all workouts for lower pec stimulation.
    As you progress to the intermediate degree, improve to 3-4 units and aim
    for reps. Superior lifters can push additional with 4-5 sets at reps.
    Modify the cable machine settings based mostly
    in your top and level, allowing for consistent resistance through both the lowering and lifting phases.
    Hold your shoulders relaxed and retract your shoulder blades as you carry out each train to keep away from unnecessary pressure.

    Free-weight shoulder exercises may help you construct shoulder
    power and muscle mass. However, you need cable exercises for
    total improvement and constructing 3D shoulders.

    As a end result, you’re not simply lifting weights; you’re sculpting your chest with
    precision that solely cables can provide. With progressive overload and proper approach, these workout routines will help transform your
    upper physique right into a powerhouse of each kind
    and useful capability. However one more research looked at chest activation during flat, 30-degree incline, 45-degree incline, and
    15-degree decline barbell presses.
    Choosing dumbbells which would possibly be suitable on your power and
    health stage and progressively growing the load as you progress will
    maintain you from overworking your muscles or injuring your self.

    Ensure that the floor used for support is steady
    and safe, able to withstanding the burden and movement with out slipping or
    shifting. Remember to hearken to your physique, interact in proper warm-up
    workouts, and modify or discontinue any exercise that elicits ache or
    discomfort. Performing chest dips requires you to help your body weight
    with straight arms, then decrease your physique by bending your
    elbows and pushing again up.

  • Komentár JamesRib %AM, %08 %134 %2025 %02:%mar napísal JamesRib

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