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Rusko, Ukrajina, Putin a svet na pokraji jadrovej katastrofy.

Napísal Milan Buno, knižný publicista 12. november 2023

Je tu triler Zberateľ. Zaoberá sa najnebezpečnejšou a najzávažnejšou témou, ktorej dnes svet čelí: či Rusi premýšľajú o použití jadrových zbraní alebo ich plánujú použiť, aby ukončili túto katastrofickú vojnu na Ukrajine.


Aj o tom je nový globálny triler Zberateľ z pera Daniela Silvu.
Román sa odohráva v rozpätí niekoľkých týždňov na jeseň 2022. Vecné pozadie tohto obdobia – vojnová situácia na Ukrajine, sankcie a zákazy cestovania, odchod západných ropných spoločností z Putinovho Ruska – je z väčšej časti vykreslený verne...

„V tejto časti spojí sily s krásnou a geniálnou profesionálnou zlodejkou, aby našiel najvzácnejší zmiznutý obraz na svete. Narazí pri tom na sprisahanie, ktoré môže priviesť svet na pokraj jadrovej katastrofy,“ hovorí v exkluzívnom videu pre slovenských čitateľov autor Daniel Silva. Video si môžete pozrieť nižšie.

Ráno po každoročnom slávnostnom večierku Benátskej pamiatkovej spoločnosti Gabriel Allon vojde do obľúbenej kaviarne na ostrove Murano, kde už naňho čaká veliteľ Umeleckého komanda generál Cesare Ferrari. Vo vile zavraždeného juhoafrického lodiara v Amalfi čakal karabinierov prekvapivý objav: tajný trezor s prázdnym rámom s rozmermi zodpovedajúcimi najvzácnejšiemu zmiznutému obrazu na svete.

Generál Ferrari požiada Gabriela, aby umelecké dielo nenápadne vypátral, skôr než stopa vychladne. Stratený obraz je Koncert od Johannesa Vermeera, jedno z trinástich diel ukradnutých v roku 1990 z bostonského Múzea Isabelly Stewartovej.

S pomocou toho najnečakanejšieho spojenca – krásnej dánskej hackerky a profesionálnej zlodejky – Gabriel čoskoro zistí, že obraz zmenil majiteľa v nelegálnom miliardovom obchode, do ktorého je zapletený muž s krycím menom Zberateľ, riaditeľ energetickej firmy s úzkymi väzbami na najvyššie poschodia ruskej moci. A tak sa vzácne majstrovské dielo ocitne v centre sprisahania, ktoré by mohlo uvrhnúť svet do vojnového konfliktu apokalyptických rozmerov. Aby tomu Gabriel zabránil, musí sám spáchať trúfalú krádež, od ktorej závisia milióny ľudských životov...

Pozrite si video s Danielom Silvom:

Vražda, krádeže umeleckých diel, medzinárodné intrigy a sprisahania – v tom je Silva ako doma. K tomu si pridajte neraz zábavné a svieže dialógy, prekvapivé momenty, rôzne svetové lokality a jemné detaily, ktorými vie vyšperkovať svoje príbehy.
 Zberateľ je jedna z najlepších kníh Daniela Silvu, a to nielen kvôli pozadiu v podobe vojny na Ukrajine, nenásytného Ruska a hrozbe jadrového konfliktu. Silva je majstrovský rozprávač, takže to celé vtesnal do pútavého a zaujímavého príbehu o tajomnom zberateľovi.

„Ľudia znásilňujú, kradnú a vraždia sami od seba,“ povedal Gabriel s pohľadom upretým na pamätník holokaustu. „A mnohé z najhorších zverstiev v dejinách ľudstva spáchali takí, ktorých nepoháňala oddanosť Satanovi, ale viera v Boha.“

Vypočujte si úryvok.
Z knihy číta Boris Farkaš:

Petrov sa pripravil na všetky scenáre, s matematickou presnosťou vypočítal pravdepodobnosť všetkých možných výsledkov. Bol presvedčený, že Američania by nikdy nepoužili jadrové zbrane proti Rusku a neriskovali zničenie svojich miest a stratu miliónov nevinných životov. Určite nie pri obrane krajiny, ktorú by väčšina amerických občanov nedokázala ani nájsť na mape. Výsledkom krízy teda bude ruské víťazstvo na Ukrajine, ktoré povedie k rozsiahlym občianskym a politickým nepokojom na Západe a rozpadu NATO. Konečným výsledkom týchto epochálnych otrasov bude nový globálny poriadok, v ktorom nebudú vládnuť Američania, ale Rusko.

Daniel Silva je americký spisovateľ, ktorý pôsobil ako korešpondent na Blízkom východe. Videl zblízka skutočnú vojnu i vojnu tajných služieb. Oženil sa s novinárkou, svoju prácu v médiách zavesil na klinec a stal sa profesionálnym spisovateľom. Vo svojom prvom románe Prísne tajné zobrazil boj tajných služieb na pozadí jednej z najväčších operácií 2. svetovej vojny – vylodenia Spojencov v Normandii. Daniel Silva napísal sedemnásť kníh, z toho v dvanástich je hlavnou postavou Gabriel Allon, reštaurátor obrazov starých majstrov, špión a atentátnik. Je to tak aj v jeho najnovšom románe Padlý anjel, ktorý práve vyšiel v slovenskom preklade.


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    He also created a fitness clothing line (Faremon) and complement line (Formula 1).

    Most of the shops have been finally closed, whereas the clothing and complement
    line was sold or discontinued to focus on the core business of book and magazine publishing.
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    Native, impartial journalism wants YOUR help to outlive
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    He had no previous expertise with journal publishing and MuscleMag wouldn't flip a profit for 15 years, forcing Kennedy to dodge creditors and even promote his home
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    ceased publication on June 7, 2013 after Robert Kennedy
    Publishing declared bankruptcy,[2] and somewhat over a 12 months
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    With just a few days left in his high school career,
    Michael has neglected to give you his senior science project, a procrastination that can yield him a failing mark, thus forcing him to repeat twelfth grade.
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    Discover out what your favorite bodybuilders, each past and present, are wanting to accomplish this yr.

    He responds to what his subjects deliver to the second and loves meeting each new particular person and the journey that's usually concerned.
    The blower’s butterflies, pink backlighting, and belt drives had
    been all powered by an electric motor that could presumably be actuated by the stunt driver
    inside the cabin. It was in no way linked to the engine,
    nor did it generate any energy that went via to the rear wheels.
    The car is also fitted with a set of 15-inch, gold-colored
    "snowflake" wheels, which appear to have been sourced from
    a late Seventies Trans Am, and has had its rear bumper painted body color.
    Making its first appearance early in the movie,
    Michael’s hardtop GTO receives fairly
    a little bit of screentime, and appears splendid throughout draped in Photo Voltaic Purple paint with a black vinyl inside.

    To make the car more nimble, the overall length of the GTO was decreased by shut to 6 inches
    from the earlier model.
    This mineral additionally helps restore muscle tissue harm, removes lactic acid that accumulates when heavy exercise is carried out and causes post-workout soreness.
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    Magnesium glycinate, the main ingredient of Nature Made Magnesium Glycinate is a chelated type of magnesium known for its exceptional absorption and minimal risk of digestive upset,
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    Postal Service within the 1950s and Sixties, and some of them—Mizer included—served jail sentences.
    After a police raid on physique collectors in Northampton, Massachusetts, Smith School English professor Newton Arvin was pressured to
    testify against pals and colleagues and tried suicide.
    Supreme Courtroom heard an obscenity case centered on physique magazines in MANual Enterprises v.
    Day, and ruled 6-1 within the magazines' favor, thereby easing restrictions on what
    could probably be distributed in the mail. Inform your physician if signs of low magnesium blood levels (such as muscle cramps, tiredness,
    irritability, depression) last or worsen.
    Waugh traces the origins of the physiques again to
    the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

    He also describes the importance of technological and marketplace advances
    to the development of physique photography, specializing in the popularity of postcards, magazines,
    and relatively low-cost cameras on the flip of the twentieth
    century. Though the viewers for this early form of beefcake images was overwhelmingly male, the orientation of "bodily culture" in this period was predominantly heterosexual.
    Magazines like Bernarr Macfadden's Physical Culture confused a Victorian perfect
    of the muscleman because the mannequin for a virility that might
    resist the draining influences of city life and middle-class gentility.
    However, Waugh is prepared to show that even on this period gay males have been utilizing heavily coded private
    advertisements in Physical Culture to meet each other and had
    been avid collectors of physique photographs from the magazines.
    The WOWMD Magnesium Glycinate capsules are designed to help people
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    An hour-long DVD can be included, containing 18 films made by Bob Mizer between 1954 and 1968,
    in black-and-white and colour, all edited specifically for this book.
    Mizer's take on Dr. Frankenstein's monster, in posing straps, is a standout.
    In 1951 Mizer launched Physique Pictorial,
    America's first indisputably homosexual journal, bringing his photos of top bodybuilders to grateful
    readers worldwide. In 1957 he printed a catalog featuring all his men, titled a thousand Mannequin Directory.
    A second one thousand Mannequin Listing followed
    in 1968, with the men photographed within the intervening years.
    The little 98-page books became prompt collectibles, but the pictures were so small, 12 to a page, that they were as frustrating to
    view as they had been titillating. Bob Mizer began taking images of strapping younger males on Muscle Seashore in L.A.'s Venice Beach again in 1945.

    In December of that year he formed the Athletic Model Guild to market his
    photos, and "physique pictures" was born. Earlier Than Mizer there were bodybuilders and men who photographed them, but AMG pictures, even those of the
    identical men, were totally different, subtly provocative, discreetly aimed toward a gay viewers.
    They weren't nude but confirmed as much as the law
    allowed in 1945. For the most recent in training information,
    MuscleNet has one of largest collection of bodybuilding articles on the Internet, aimed to assist enhance your weight lifting
    routine. There are also loads of articles covering proper diet methods together with recipes
    on the method to make your favourite responsible pleasure right into a wholesome meal.
    Most people who observe bodybuilding are acquainted with the
    well-known Muscle & Health journal that it’s been round almost endlessly (nearly 85 years) and has featured
    the world’s biggest stars in health and bodybuilding.
    Being closeted themselves, most gay men in the Nineteen Fifties and Nineteen Sixties had extra in widespread with the "closeted" beefcake mags than with the rising homophile motion. Physique
    Pictorial constantly outsold "political" publications like ONE and the Mattachine Review.
    According to Hooven, by the mid-fifties "Physique Pictorial and Tomorrow’s Man routinely bought over forty,000 copies every. Lab and/or medical exams (such as magnesium blood levels, kidney function) should be done while you are taking this treatment.
    Magnesium supplements are an efficient way to enhance well being and fill nutritional deficiencies. Be it bettering sleep, preserving stress at bay, or aiding in muscle restoration, the right magnesium complement could make all the distinction. Analysis on magnesium dietary supplements doesn't typically specify gender as a figuring out factor for choosing a selected form of magnesium. The best form of magnesium to take is decided by the specified benefit.
    Whether Or Not you’re a beginner, intermediate, or superior athlete, you’ll find every little thing you should succeed here. Construct Muscle Mass & Add Bulk To Your Legs The finest exercises for rising leg muscle mass. Muscle and Well Being participates in affiliate net marketing programs, which implies we might get paid commissions on editorially chosen products bought through our links to retailer sites. Make legday each efficient and efficient with this underutilized piece of kit.
    At one point, it is sadly vandalized by a bunch of rival high school students who are jealous of Michael’s experience, but thankfully their assault consists solely of spraying shaving cream everywhere in the car’s exterior. A second GTO, available for rough stunt driving, was made to look identical to the Hero Automobile, however it's unclear if it was ever actually used during the production. Right Here we offer the tools to simplify your health journey and attain your targets. Our website is full of articles, fitness tutorials, reviews, suggestions, and motivation to maintain you motivated and on observe. The Rise and Fall of Lee Priest One of the more controversial figures in the world of bodybuilding.
    Monster Muscle is the writer of the business's main bodybuilding, powerlifting and strength coaching magazine. Monster Muscle also carries an entire line of supplements, books and accessories out there for direct buy or resale. It’s necessary to talk to a healthcare supplier when you notice indicators of a magnesium deficiency. They can run a blood take a look at or verify your calcium and potassium ranges to assist pinpoint the issue. Magnesium L-threonate is a new technology of magnesium to make extra enhancements in cognitive capability and reminiscence. In Accordance to Bentham Science Research, this type effectively crosses the blood-brain barrier, increasing the levels of magnesium inside the brain.