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Habsburgovci a svadby panovníkov

Napísal femme 23. apríl 2024

Rod Habsburgovcov sa dostal k moci vďaka kríze, keď sa Svätá rímska ríša národa nemeckého ocitla bez panovníka. Písal sa rok 1273 a za rímsko-nemeckého kráľa bol zvolený Rudolf I. Habsburský. Zo začiatku to vyzeralo, že jeho vládnutie nebude mať dlhé trvanie...

Všetko zmenila až víťazní bitka Rudolfa I. pri Dürnkrute v roku 1278 a vytvorila tak, základ pre vznik veľkej ríše, ktorá pretrvala až do konca 1. svetovej vojny. Počas vlády Habsburgovcov prebiehali nespočetné vojny s rôznymi územnými ziskami a stratami. Ich vzostup, napriek všetkému vystihuje slávny výrok, ktorý hovorí o ich úspešnej sobášnej politike. Zameranie na potomstvo po meči na zabezpečenie nástupníctva sa zakladalo na dedičskom práve po mužskej línii, výnimkou sa stala po dlhšej histórii Mária Terézia. Neprítomnosť mužského dediča spravidla viedla k nárokom a konfliktom s konkurenčnými dynastiami, vypovedajú o tom vojny, ktoré sa šírili počas celej histórie Európy.

„Vojny nech vedú iní, ty, šťastné Rakúsko, sa žeň!“

Rovnako Mária Terézia (1717–1780) musela viesť vojny, napríklad proti Prusku, no podarilo sa jej upevniť postavenie svojho rodu v Európe a zabezpečiť pretrvanie dynastie tým, že porodila až 16 detí. Cestu na španielsky trón umožnil cisár Maximilián I., ktorý vydal a oženil svoje deti do Aragónska a Kastílie.


 Imperiálne svadby (c) Schloss Hof 

Od 9. marca do 3. novembra 2024 predstavia zámky Schloss Hof a Schloss Niederweiden na špeciálnej mimoriadnej výstave "Cisárske svadby" fascinujúce aspekty svadieb a manželstiev v cisárskej rodine Habsburgovcov - od výberu partnera cez zásnuby až po samotné svadobné oslavy.

Viete, že...

- Rodina nevesty po zásnubách začala zostavovať výbavu, tzv. trousseau, ktorá vypovedala o  hodnote a postavení budúcej nevesty, ako aj o dôležitost jej dynastie.

- Podľa dobových zvykov výbava obsahovala množstvo šiat na rôzne príležitosti, módne doplnky, šperky, hodinky, toaletné súpravy, stolový servis zo zlata, striebra, krištálu a porcelánu.

- Súčasť kolekcie tvorili aj svadobné šaty, ktoré boli odrazom najnovšej súčasnej módy, ako aj textilného remesla a krajčírskeho majstrovstva.

- Jemné čipky, zložité výšivky a dômyselne nazberkané hodvábne látky sa stali vizitkou domovskej krajiny a zaroven pamiatkou pre nevestu.

- od 19. storočia sa verejne vystavovalo svadobného veno o čom informovali aj printové médiá.  Zasnúbenie princeznej Štefánie s rakúskym korunným princom Rudolfom sa konala  7. marca 1880. V máji 1881 v kráľovskom paláci v Bruseli vystavovali výbavu belgickej princeznej Štefánie, budúcej manželky korunného princa Rudolfa„Užasná prehliadka nádhernych toaliet, skvostnej spodnej bielizne, trblietavých šperkov a rozprávkových čipiek."

Dôležitosť jubileí manželstiev habsbursko-lotrinskej dynastie

Od polovice 18. storočia oslávilo 42 zo 110 manželstiev habsbursko-lotrinskej dynastie striebornú svadbu a sedem párov oslávilo zlaté výročie svadby. Najznámejšou oslavou výročia sobáša sa pokladá „strieborná svadba" cisára Františka Jozefa a cisárovnej Alžbety v roku 1879, pre jej veľkoleposť a obľubu panovníckeho páru. Všetci účastníci osláv boli oblečeni v historických kostýmoch v renesančom štýle. Slávnostné podujatia (vrátane operného predstania a soirée) počas jubilea boli zároven príležitosť uvidieť cisárovnú, ktorá sa v posledných rokoch čoraz viac uťahovala do samoty. Teraz sa však objavila na verejnosti, aj v súkromnom rodinnom kruhu.

Okolo 5.000 pozvaných hostí obdivovalo cisárovninu róbu: perlovo sivé, striebrom vyšívané saténové šaty s prehodenou bielou mušelínovou štólou a dlhou vlečkou. Okrem nádherných šiat mala vtedy 41-ročná Alžbeta výrazné skvostné šperky, ktoré pochádzali z inventára klenotnice a boli upravené na túto priležitosť. Diadém, náhrdelnik, opasok a korzet šperkov boli posiate diamantmi a rubínmi.

Výstava na zámku Schloss Hof skúma otázku, aké kritériá musela spĺňať ideálna nevesta alebo ženích, a predovšetkým, kto bol považovaný za dostatočne hodného stať sa členom habsburskej dynastie. Na zámku Niederweiden sa všetko točí okolo ceremoniálu a veľkolepých slávností, ktoré jasne ukazujú, že svadby nepochybne patrili k najdôležitejším udalostiam cisárskeho domu a vyznačovali sa osobitnou pompéznosťou a prepracovanými inscenáciami.


Schloss Hof (c) Hertha Hurnaus (Hertha Hurnaus)

10 faktov o Habsurgovcoch

Začiatok vlády: 1273

Počet cisárov a kráľov: 24

Najdlhšie vládnuci panovník: František Jozef I. od 1848 do 1916

Posledný cisár: Karol I. (1916–1918)

Najúspešnejší vojvodca: Princ Eugen Savojský (1663–1736)

Pôvodný hrad rodu: Habsburg v kantóne Aargau, Švajčiarsko

Sídlo: Hofburg, Viedeň

Letné sídlo: Zámok Schönbrunn, Viedeň (od roku 1696)

Dôležité zmeny: V roku 1804 založil cisár František I. Rakúske cisárstvo, z ktorého v roku 1867 za cisára Františka Jozefa I. vznikla Rakúsko-uhorská monarchia. Bojovať však musel i František Jozef: jeho posledná vojna, ktorá bola 1. svetovou vojnou, viedla v roku 1918 napokon k zániku Dunajskej monarchie. Rakúsko je síce od roku 1918 republikou, no mnoho pozostatkov monarchie prežíva v každodennom živote dodnes. Odráža to i obľúbenosť rôznych titulov. Kapucínska krypta vo Viedni.

Koniec vlády: 1918

2 komentárov

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    It’s an effective way to trace your progress, gauging
    the place your strengths and weaknesses lie.
    For many, this yearly check-in on their fitness is the principle appeal of the
    Open. When you full the Open workouts, you’ll be positioned
    on a worldwide leaderboard, allowing you to see the place you rank against lots of of hundreds of different
    CrossFit athletes. You can customize your leaderboard with hashtags to see the place you rank towards others who share your
    life-style, occupation, age, location, and extra.
    Each yr, the CrossFit Open, the three-week international competition, allows us to evaluate our
    fitness and determine where we stand.
    So, things like squats, deadlifts, Olympic lifts, gymnastics skills, muscle-ups, burpees, and so forth.
    The varieties and times of workouts change from yr to 12
    months – some focus more on heavy weights, other occasions they’re extra
    endurance or skill-based. As previously stated, the workouts are introduced on Thursday and scores should be submitted
    by the next Monday evening. This means that you've 5 days to attempt
    the exercise as many times as you’d like (not that you’d need to do it each day…more on that below).
    Whether Or Not you prepare at an area affiliate or comply with PRVN programming remotely, the Open unites athletes worldwide.

    When you submit your rating each week, you’re joining hundreds of others who're embracing the challenge alongside you.

    Situated within the heart of Big Apple, Albany offers an ideal setting
    for the CrossFit Games, combining accessibility, world-class facilities, and a vibrant, welcoming environment.
    Just a brief drive from the Albany Worldwide Airport, which offers
    direct connections to main home and international destinations,
    the city is easily accessible for athletes and spectators alike.

    Identified for its rich historical past, cultural attractions, and thriving meals and arts scene, town will provide an distinctive experience
    for guests each on and off the CrossFit Games competition ground.
    Check out the "workouts" tab for workout
    particulars, scaling options, scorecards,
    and more.
    Not signing up for the Open is like having an abort button available in case issues get uncomfortable — and believe us, they will get uncomfortable.
    Or like working a 5K alongside an organized race, however by no
    means paying the registration charge. The design of the Open and its place throughout the CrossFit Games season was very intentional.
    The ultimate function of the CrossFit Games is to search out and crown the Fittest on Earth.

    To try this, the Open casts a wide net and attracts
    numerous folks from around the world to take part on a stage enjoying area initially of competition. Maybe that’s the good thing about the Open —
    independent of health degree, the Open brings us collectively to pursue something that may not hold the same that means or possibilities if we have been just understanding on our own.
    Rising star Austin Hatfield took the win after finishing 334 reps in the 15-minute workout.
    Whether Or Not it’s just for enjoyable, otherwise you need to make it to the Games, this weblog will clarify what the Open is and provide you with ideas for your greatest efficiency.
    #CrossFitOpen and #InTheOpen are the worldwide occasion hashtags for the
    2025 CrossFit Open. Every week, #25point1, #25point2, and #25point3 will showcase
    the exercise and efforts surrounding that week’s Open workout.

    Use #Teacher to view a customized leaderboard with different academics
    in the Open. Use #Teacher and #MakeupArtist to see all teachers who're
    also make-up artists.
    The CrossFit Open is a three-week, worldwide competitors that is for anyone and
    everybody, no matter fitness stage or capability. For some, the Open is a chance to
    test their health and see how much fitter they’ve turn out to be over
    the past 12 months. For others, the Open is about placing themselves on the market, displaying up, and celebrating health and connecting with others of their
    affiliate and around the globe. For a choose few, the Open is step one in qualifying for the
    CrossFit Video Games. The athletes completed Workout 1 — Nasty Girls — at CrossFit 580 on Wednesday, and
    the second two exercises, Open Workout eleven.3 and Open Workout 24.1, during Thursday’s announcement at CrossFit Pleasanton. Moreover, a new Pairs Competitors is ready to debut in October.

    Bear In Mind, your registration and first score submission MUST be completed by
    Monday, March three at 5 p.m. Four-time CrossFit Video Games athlete Colten Mertens had everyone on the edge
    of their seats throughout the entirety of the 2025 CrossFit Open. He secured first place in the first two exercises after swiping the lead on the final second every week.
    Mertens finished 25.three in second place, bringing his
    total points to only 4. After the announcement of Open Exercise 24.1, it was the community’s flip to throw
    down. Over 340,000 athletes registered and competed in the first week of the Open.
    The Open exercises are designed to be scalable for all ranges,
    from beginners to elite opponents. Whether you're a CrossFit Video Games
    hopeful or simply starting your health journey,
    the Open is an inclusive event where every effort counts.
    Check out the top-performing athletes from each
    division and other highlights from Week 2 of the 2025 CrossFit Open. Verify out the top-performing athletes from each division and
    other highlights from Week 3 of the 2025 CrossFit Open.
    To access your competitors dashboard, go to Video Games.CrossFit.com and click on "login" at the top right nook.
    As Soon As you are logged in, click on on your profile image and you will see a drop-down menu that
    has a button on your competition dashboard. Then scroll all the way
    down to the part "Your #Hashtag Leaderboards" and
    add your hashtag within the "Service occupation" box.

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    By specializing in compound actions like bench presses or dumbbell presses, you’ll create a robust basis.
    When you’re planning your exercises, pairing muscle groups successfully can make
    a significant difference in your results. You
    won't realize it, however the best mixtures can enhance your efficiency, promote stability, and help prevent injuries.
    For instance, you might find that coaching chest and triceps collectively maximizes your higher body
    strength. Curious concerning the different combos that can elevate your fitness routine?
    If you're starting out with or wanting to enhance your power coaching, you
    are in all probability questioning ‘what are
    the most effective muscle teams to work together?
    It’s probably the greatest exercises to improve decrease physique power and
    muscle gain. You can even carry out the close-grip bench press in a
    Smith machine. Doing so removes the stability requirements and lets you concentrate on working with your triceps, which can be a benefit in case
    your aim is muscle hypertrophy. Few exercises
    are as efficient for constructing a thick back as the barbell row.
    It primarily works your lats, traps, rhomboids, and posterior deltoids
    but additionally successfully hits your lower back, biceps,
    and forearms.
    A coaching break up is just the way you divide your workout classes over the week.

    Choosing the right split may help you maximize your features,
    hold your exercises contemporary, and fit your schedule.
    There are several well-liked muscle growth splits, each with
    its personal strengths and weaknesses. StrengthLog’s Push Pull Exercise Routine is a
    4-day training program for strength and muscle development.

    Select 5-6 exercises that work well collectively (without duplicating movements), specializing in the
    identical muscle group or body space however in a singular manner.
    A 5 day break up is taken into account to be a wonderful workout break up for constructing muscle.
    It permits for max training quantity and emphasis on each
    main muscle group, while additionally providing sufficient rest
    days each week. This is particularly helpful for advanced trainees, as in the future
    of relaxation per week is usually not sufficient for most people.

    Analysis varies extensively on how to group your
    muscles collectively and arrange exercises throughout
    the week. With this data, you presumably can create train variations or alternative workouts that work the identical muscular tissues while reaching your desired outcome.

    Creating a practical workout routine is all about finding the
    best steadiness between muscle teams. It is crucial to carry out these workouts slowly
    and thoroughly for optimum benefit without risking damage; focusing on correct kind rather than velocity will be useful.
    The rhomboids are two small diamond-shaped muscle tissue between your shoulder blades that help pull them together when you squeeze them.
    The anatomy of the again muscle tissue consists of several main muscle groups.

    In most instances, starting with compound actions when you are
    the strongest is one of the simplest ways to structure a workout.

    You activate extra muscle fibers early within the coaching
    session, then transfer to isolation work to enhance the compound workout routines and finish with
    an excellent pump. Compound exercises are highly effective for building power, power,
    and muscle mass. They supply numerous advantages, including improved athletic
    efficiency, practical movement patterns, and, in fact, strength and hypertrophy features.

    Regularly verify your targets and regulate your cut up to maintain enhancing.

    Steadiness muscle groups, allow sufficient restoration, and blend compound and isolation workouts.
    Novices discover a 3-day split great for structured training and recovery.

    A PPL split split stands for Push, Pull, Legs, which
    is strictly what the workouts are divided into. While weight reduction is dependant on a negative energy stability,
    which you'll have the ability to create with train by burning more energy, it may not be
    essentially the most efficient route to weight reduction long run. That's a key takeaway for
    individuals who feel like they are successful at shifting these last 10lbs, but not able to maintain them off.
    Barbell rows are usually carried out utilizing an overhand grip, but you'll have the ability to swap to
    an underhand grip for variation. It targets the biceps more however can even make keeping your elbows tucked by your sides simpler.
    Nevertheless, you should take these outcomes with a quantity of grains of salt, especially
    relating to long-term features and strength progress.

    Nevertheless, a quantity of muscle tissue should still work collectively to carry out the movement.
    We can't answer that as it's 100% dependent on your private
    scenario. With that in thoughts, with no other information, we discover that
    a 4-day split using a push/pull or upper/lower
    split works great for a lot of people. If you're a newbie, there is
    no cause you should be in the fitness center 5 or 6 days a week.
    Therefore, you need to stick with a coaching split better suited for training three or four days per week.
    For instance, if you say you are going to the gym 5 days a week,
    you will get a coaching cut up optimized for coaching 5 days
    every week.
    Observe the training plan for a minimal of eight weeks and at
    most 12 weeks. If you are a beginner, you must begin seeing physical results round 4 weeks in. If you an experienced lifter, you will note
    some good outcomes by the point the training cycle is over (especially
    if you do some earlier than and after pics).
    What you will noticeably see throughout the training cycle are improvements in your power and
    general health. Additionally, when you eat proper, you must be able to construct muscle while
    keeping lean.
    You may even alternate between a heavy day, a light-weight day and somewhere in between, for each totally different muscle-group.
    For example, you could give consideration to heavy lifting on your chest and shoulders in one session while keeping it mild in your legs and
    back. Then, on the next day, switch it up with heavy squats and lighter work in your higher physique.

    Since there are 4 days to coach, you've an ample quantity of days to divide your physique components
    or movements. This means you can program a 4-day cut up particular to strength, hypertrophy, energy & hypertrophy, or fats loss.

    A 4-day workout cut up is likely one of
    the greatest options for building muscle and strength.
    Start with quadriceps isolation workouts, like
    leg extensions. These allow you to strengthen the entrance of your thighs,
    selling muscle progress and endurance. Incorporating squats and lunges may even interact your
    quads successfully while offering stability in your general leg workout.
    The Romanian deadlift is a highly effective train to strengthen the posterior chain muscular tissues, that are crucial for athletic efficiency and everyday movements.

    Even should you do build big muscular tissues in your arms, you’ll want lower-body energy to stop turning into too top-heavy.
    This straightforward train is an essential part of any coaching program that aims to construct core strength.
    All you want to do is lie down on the bottom with
    the soles of your ft planted hip-width apart and your backbone and head
    aligned. When performing a power coaching program, people could find it helpful to coach sure muscle
    teams together. …I wished to reiterate that there are a selection of different
    workout splits that superior weightlifters might follow once
    in a while for particular coaching purposes.
    You’re nonetheless working fairly a quantity of major muscle teams in a single exercise, which could be fatiguing for the accessory movements added onto the top.
    Target every muscle group with the collective power
    of compound workouts. The supinated lat pulldown is a superb train on your lats, however it’s also an excellent biceps-builder.

    Put the most challenging movements near the beginning of each exercise and
    the simpler ones near the top. Bear In Mind, all workout routines are listed in approximate order of problem.
    This will be positive that you’ll be able to put most effort into each
    part of your program.
    Pull muscle tissue are the muscular tissues that require
    you to drag yourself to the weight or to tug the weight in the course
    of you. For example, again and biceps are what you'd train during an upper-body pull workout as a
    result of all those workout routines contain pulling the load or your self someplace.
    It must be designed in a method that is intense and efficient sufficient to see nice results yet permits each muscle group
    enough restoration time. This takes a much more
    nice tuned balance between the 2 than it does with 3 or four day splits.

    The dips will goal the decrease portion of your pecs a little bit more,
    and also present some training for adjacent, smaller muscle tissue, like your pectoralis minor and serratus anterior.
    If your major focus is on gaining energy, you would possibly
    want to consider the 5x5 workout program (intermediate to advanced)
    or the 531 program for beginners. Here are answers
    to questions I typically get requested 
    by purchasers with regard to 3-day exercise plans.
    A 3-day cut up is any routine that divides your training days or muscle teams into three separate exercises per
    week. Nonetheless, there are several 3-day split routines which are tried and true, and you
    really can't go wrong with any of them. The most incessantly used technique
    to separate up your muscle groups for coaching is named P/P/L,
    or push/pull/legs. A somewhat simple approach to construction a routine, it revolves around the concept of understanding complementary muscle
    teams which have the identical motion sample on the identical day.
    The first to go is the single muscle group a day routine (which contains biceps and
    triceps in one day, but not leg day).
    Nevertheless, the exact frequency of coaching is decided by your particular person goals and fitness degree.
    The muscle group workout split means training only one muscle in a single session. It is completely different from push-pull-legs (PPL) and
    upper-lower cut up, the place you practice multiple muscular
    tissues collectively in a day. I really have two workouts every week where I practice chest (sometimes three depending
    on what I’m doing).
    What you do outdoors of the fitness center can significantly influence
    your efficiency inside the fitness center. Here are the four practices that you are able to do to use this time correctly.
    Obtain StrengthLog free of charge, hold track of your weights and reps, and attempt
    to beat your previous numbers every exercise. Prioritize form and range of movement
    instead of utilizing as much weight as attainable to get the utmost
    profit from the leg press. There is no official definition of grip width for performing the close-grip bench press.
    However, most studies sometimes place the palms on the bar at 95–100% of the biacromial distance.
    I don’t assume anyone truly believes you'll be able to
    turn out to be an excellent powerlifter by only training leg extensions as a
    substitute of squats.
    You can use your rest day back-to back or you can put
    one rest day between day 2 and 3 or three and four to the identical impact.
    This is a good plaxce to ebvaluate your schedule to maximise fitness center and private time.
    This guide helps you practice more successfully and see better outcomes.
    Keep on monitor of your fitness with these fast however laser-focused
    workouts. These workouts are straightforward to observe and may
    be carried out in roughly half-hour (rest as you're feeling fit) and will
    hit each pattern.
    Strength training is essential for giving extra energy and toning your body.
    Here, you'll learn about the most effective muscle groups to
    train together. Enter your e mail address beneath to get 12 weeks’ value of three, 4,
    and 5-day per week workouts for developing each muscle group in your body, all expertly specified by Google Sheets.
    In this text, you’ll learn what muscle groups to work
    collectively based mostly on your preferences, one of the best workout routines for every
    major muscle group, how to put this information into follow,
    and extra.
    Additionally, overcomplicating the split can result in confusion.
    Stick to a structure that lets you focus in your lifts and progress without
    pointless complexity. The Light Heavyweight belt-holder breaks down his training ahead of
    another title protection. With the proper plan and the proper self-discipline, you can get seriously
    shredded in simply 28 days.
    While you would possibly be coaching muscle groups 3x every week, the amount is usually low enough as you’re training
    every muscle. In other words, you don’t have the time or power
    to train a muscle too much. That being stated, we’d begin the day with the largest actions and go from there.
    Upper/lower training additionally allows you to concentrate your whole efforts into one space,
    which can be useful.