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Viete, koľko máme na Slovensku pamiatok UNESCO?

Napísal Travel to Slovakia 23. máj 2021

Už v roku 1993 boli do Zoznamu svetového dedičstva UNESCO zaradené tri lokality: Spišský hrad s okolím, Banská Štiavnica a Vlkolínec, v roku 2000 sa pridalo historické šarišské mesto Bardejov, v roku 2008 drevené kostoly Karpatského oblúka a v roku 2009 spišské mesto Levoča.


Slovensko je krajina bohatá na svetové kultúrne a prírodné dedičstvo

Najrozsiahlejšou lokalitou je Spišský hrad – najväčší hradný stredoveký komplex v strednej Európe, a jeho okolie s mestečkom Spišské Podhradie (s typickými renesančno-barokovými meštianskymi domami), cirkevným mestečkom Spišská Kapitula (s viacerými sakrálnymi pamiatkami a najmä impozantným dvojvežím katedrály sv. Martina) a gotickým kostolíkom Ducha svätého v Žehre zo 14. storočia s interiérom zdobeným freskami zo 14. a 15. storočia. Zachovalosť týchto pamiatkových súborov spolu s okolitým prírodným rámcom travertínového územia národnej prírodnej rezervácie Dreveník, vytvára ojedinelý celok. V júni 2009 sa k tomuto spišskému súboru pridalo aj historické mesto  Levoča.

Banská Štiavnica je mestská pamiatková rezervácia reprezentujúca banskú tradíciu na Slovensku,  Vlkolínec predstavuje pamiatkovú rezerváciu tradičnej ľudovej architektúry a starobylý  Bardejov sa považuje za najgotickejšie mesto Slovenska.

Výnimočnú celosvetovú hodnotu majú aj  drevené kostoly Karpatského oblúka: rímsko-katolícke kostoly v Hervartove a Tvrdošíne, evanjelické artikulárne kostoly v Kežmarku, Leštinách a Hronseku, chrámy východného obradu v Bodružali, Ladomirovej a Ruskej Bystrej.

Prírodné pamiatky UNESCO

Medzi prírodnými pamiatkami v Zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO reprezentujú Slovensko jaskyne a priepasti Slovenského krasu a Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa. V roku 2007 boli na zoznam pridané aj Karpatské bukové pralesy v Bukovských a Vihorlatských vrchoch na východe Slovenska.

Slovenský kras ležiaci na juhu Slovenska pri hraniciach s Maďarskom je najväčším krasovým územím v strednej Európe a má najviac podzemných priestorov (nachádza sa tu 1110 jaskýň a priepastí). Už v roku 1995 uspel bilaterálny slovensko-maďarský projekt pod názvom  Jaskyne Slovenského a Aggtelekského krasu (Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa, Gombasecká jaskyňa, Jaskyňa Domica, Krásnohorská jaskyňa, Jasovská jaskyňa, ...). V roku 2000 tento zápis rozšírili aj o  Dobšinskú ľadovú jaskyňu, jednu z najväčších svojho druhu v Európe.

V júni 2007 bola na Zoznam svetového dedičstva UNESCO pripísaná lokalita Karpatských bukových pralesov na území Slovenska a Ukrajiny. Pralesy Stužica, Rožok, Havešová v Bukovských vrchoch a Vihorlatský prales vo Vihorlatských vrchoch v CHKO Vihorlat sa tak zaradili medzi svetové prírodné unikáty. Prvé tri z nich sa nachádzajú v oblasti Národného parku Poloniny.

Nehmotné pamiatky UNESCO

Fujara je najtypickejším slovenským hudobným nástrojom, ktorý bol v novembri 2005 v Paríži zapísaný organizáciou UNESCO do Reprezentatívneho zoznamu nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva. Zoznam založili v roku 2001.

Fujara je vzduchozvučná hranová píšťala dlhá niekedy až 1,8 m, zvyčajne zhotovená z bazového dreva s charakteristickým zádumčivým zvukom.

Nie je známa nikde inde na svete. Za miesto jej zrodu sa považuje stredné Slovensko – oblasť Poľany a severný Gemer. Bola charakteristickým nástrojom pastierov. Fujary sa zdobili ornamentálnymi a zriedkavejšie figurálnymi vzormi.

Najdlhším hudobným nástrojom je fujara trombita dlhá až 6 m, ktorá mala hlásnu funkciu a slúžila na signalizáciu a komunikáciu medzi pastiermi na pasienkoch, pretože má mohutný a silný zvuk. Zhotovuje sa zo smrekového dreva.

Druhou nehmotnou pamiatkou UNESCO je Terchovská muzika - “nebeská” archaická ľudová hudba vyskytujúca sa v Terchovej a okolitých obciach. Typický je pre ňu výrazný viachlasný spev všetkých muzikantov. Terchovská muzika pôvodne úzka súvisela s tancom, preto je jej hudobný štýl temperamentný. Presný vznik Terchovskej muziky ako ľudového prejavu nepoznáme, pretože sa prirodzene dedí ústnym podaním z generácie na generáciu.

Gajdošská kultúra je názov ďalšieho úspešného projektu Slovenskej republiky, ktorý bol v roku 2015 zapísaný do Zoznamu nehmotného dedičstva UNESCO. Tradícia gájd je prítomná na celom území Slovenska, hoci existujú aj regionálne rozdiely. Zatiaľ čo na začiatku dvadsiateho storočia boli gajdoši v stovkách lokalít, dnes hrá a tvorí na Slovensku čosi cez 100 gajdošov. Nezameniteľný zvuk tohto hudobného nástroja, vyrobeného z kovu, dreva a kože zvierat, môžete počuť na niektorom z folklórnych festivalov, ktoré sa od júna do septembra konajú po celom Slovensku.

Pamiatky navrhnuté na zápis do zoznamu UNESCO

Limes Romanus - rímske antické pamiatky na strednom Dunaji
Gemerské a abovské kostoly so stredovekými nástennými maľbami
Komárno - protiturecká pevnosť
Pamätník Chatama Sófera
Tokajská vinohradnícka oblasť, súbor vinohradníckych pivníc
Koncept šošovkovitého historického jadra mesta Košice
Prírodné rezervácie Tatier (predpokladaný spoločný návrh s Poľskom)
Krasové doliny Slovenska (na základe výberu rôznych typov krasových dolín rozšírenie a dopracovanie nominačného projektu Rokliny Slovenského raja, predloženého 26.6.1997)
Dunajská prírodná a kultúrna krajina (predpokladaný spoločný návrh s Českom, Rakúskom a Maďarskom)
Mykoflóra Bukovských vrchov
Gejzír v Herľanoch
Veľkomoravské pamiatky - spoločná česko-slovenská nominácia (kostol sv. Margity Antiochijskej v Kopčanoch a Ducové, časť Kostolec, veľkomoravský dvorec)

Viac informácií na oficiálnej stránke www.whc.unesco.org

1 Komentár

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    The compound exercises and intensity of your exercises will stimulate
    your core. But be at liberty to do some direct ab coaching 2-3 times every
    week. Once you get into your modified-compound and isolation workout routines, your reps will steadily enhance with each train. This is to
    pump more blood into your muscles for the purposes
    of increasing their size. Additionally, these workouts will make up the ‘bulk’
    of your exercise (no pun intended). Modified-compound
    exercises add so much worth to the muscle-building course of as a outcome of they're
    a hybrid between constructing dense mass and shaping your muscular tissues.

    Apart From the muscle boosting benefits, lifting weights additionally
    makes you stronger, strengthens your immune system, builds stronger bones, protects your joints, and increases your anabolic hormone manufacturing.
    A great way to get your fiber fix without filling up, avocados
    additionally include excessive levels of monounsaturated fat.
    A study printed in Diabetes Care confirmed switching to a
    food plan excessive in monounsaturated fat can prevent the redistribution of physique fat toward your abs.
    This will allow you to maintain your midsection tight while your get
    larger. Every serving contains 400 calories, plus 31g of protein and 5g
    of BCAA's, in addition to 13g of fats, 7g of fibre and over 30 nutritional vitamins and minerals.

    Simply make certain you’re still monitoring how much weight and how
    many reps you’re doing, and try to progress this over
    time, identical to you'll with normal sets. Now as for what
    exercises to use this method with, bear in mind throughout every set you’re training to failure.

    With pump training, the remainder durations are short and
    the quantity is high. You’re going to rest lower than 30 seconds
    between sets and knockout plus reps for 4-5 units or extra.
    Get entry to the most recent exclusive on-line offers, training plans and consuming plans.
    Creatine has historically been used by athletes and people who wish to increase their efficiency.
    Some sources even declare that it began the
    complement revolution. Countless hours in the fitness center can only be so efficient
    with out being supplemented by something. Protein powder is a critically efficient
    method to bulk up and make sure your health club time isn’t
    going unsupported.
    Fats is a helpful addition to higher calorie diets as a result of it's the most
    energy-dense macro - providing more than twice as many calories per gram as the opposite
    macros. This also signifies that fat offers energy for much less volume of meals, which
    may also benefit those who have a hard time eating sufficient
    wholesome food in a bulking food plan. Extra protein is required to help muscle protein synthesis.

    Likewise, in case you are struggling to grow
    a certain muscle group with ease, it doesn't suggest you won't have the ability to obtain it with slightly further work.
    Tendons differ per particular person, nevertheless it's been found that having
    shorter tendons let you gain greater muscle tissue, while longer
    tendons make it more durable to take action.
    As Quickly As you have a Factory and a Rail Station in a
    Metropolis, and it's connected to your Commerce Network, Manufacturing Facility Sources slotted in that City will start to
    create Railroad Tycoon Victory Factors every flip. There's a bit of
    a catch, though – every Metropolis can only concentrate on one type of Manufacturing Unit Resource, and can solely
    generate points based mostly on the largest number of
    a single Useful Resource slotted. The key to achieving Financial domination over your opponents is Rail Stations and Factories.
    In Civ 7, Development is achieved when you could have enough Meals to add Inhabitants to your settlements
    – here's the way to improve it.
    Whereas many of us are specialists at gaining weight by chance, what about intentional and
    wholesome weight gain? At first, it'd sound straightforward,
    but selling muscle development may be tough for a lot of people.
    It requires an optimal steadiness of diet,
    coaching, rest, and consideration of a selection of particular person elements.

    You’ll get most of your carbohydrates early in the day (up to simply about 100g at breakfast), while your
    later meals are largely protein. This gives your physique the amino acids it requires and negates
    the carbs it doesn’t essentially want right now of
    day. Since insulin sensitivity tends to be decrease later in the day, avoiding carbs helps prevent fats achieve.

    Now earlier than I share what exercises you should and mustn't apply
    this technique to, I know what some of you could be thinking.
    There are 3 time-saving methods which have been proven to be best.
    Body recomposition strategies can be used by everybody from elite
    athletes to these simply looking for a healthy way to get in form.
    For example, someone taking 9000 steps every day would add 1.5 to their base value.

    In reality, the dumbbell bench press was truly proven by Brett
    Contreras’ examine to elicit the most effective activation for the middle chest.
    And another plus is the higher range of motion with dumbbells since your vary of movement isn’t restricted by the bar.
    However as you'll have the ability to see, even in the literature there’s plenty of individual
    variation. If that is the case for you, contemplate alternatively utilizing an train just like the dumbbell bench press.
    It has been shown to have related chest activation to the barbell
    bench press but less triceps activation. This may be a plus if your triceps are overactive when benching.

    "Different muscle fiber characteristics, Kind I and II, sluggish and fast twitch respectively can each enhance in size, however the latter can have more development potential," explains Turner.

    Though, certain well being circumstances can additionally
    be a trigger but in this case, we recommend following
    the steering of a medical professional rather than attempting
    to self-treat. Now the last step has to do with tracking and adjusting your plan accordingly.
    However what’s even more necessary than the
    workouts themselves is the next step. If you suffer from a continual medical condition consult your healthcare practitioner earlier than utilizing this product.

    Discontinue use of this product at least 2 weeks previous to any
    scheduled surgical procedures. At All Times inform your healthcare practitioner
    when you are using other medication.
    Relying on your objectives, the best way you train will influence whether or not you
    get stronger or have more outlined muscle tissue. Lifting lighter weights for greater repetitions (ranges
    from six to 15 reps) will give you a defined look, however typically you may lack power -- bodybuilders use this method.

    To obtain strength and up your muscle progress, you'll have to lift heavy weights for fewer
    repetitions (six or fewer reps) and longer relaxation intervals.

    Consistency is among the major not-so-secret ingredients within the muscle-building recipe.
    Even should you strength train, which has been proven to extend
    testosterone, not having optimum levels is playing with one hand tied behind your again 
    (51). It’s important that you just work your largest
    muscle tissue first and your smallest muscular tissues last,
    as this allows for the best muscle harm and anabolic
    hormone launch (49). One examine printed in 2019 found that having spotter improves your bench
    press performance (41). One meta-analysis showed that untrained individuals
    want extra rest and shouldn’t prepare as intensely (10).
    However, one research confirmed that untrained males confirmed a similar improve in energy from
    multi-joint movements as they did from single-joint movements (6).

    Establishing these massive core competencies
    will let you practice harder and extra often- which may help more muscle development in the lengthy run. In addition, being able to prepare with a full range
    of motion (ROM) engages extra muscle tissue and will assist higher
    hypertrophy training (23,24). For some, especially ladies and seasoned
    lifters, the rate of muscle acquire may be much slower
    (17). In actuality, there could be only so much meals your physique can course of and turn into muscle,
    and gaining multiple kilos of muscle per week just isn't realistic for many, particularly long term.
    Not to mention the quicker you are attempting to gain,
    the more probably you'll see gains from water retention and will increase in body fats, not just muscle.
    Building muscle sometimes requires total body weight gain, however not at all
    times - it's possible to achieve muscle in a calorie deficit.

    You may primarily use this as your mass-building grocery record and be simply fantastic.
    Extra importantly, some of this junk can result in health issues.
    First, let’s begin with the forms of foods you need to
    restrict or avoid altogether. The solely exception can be if you’re lively
    in other sports or activities where you’re burning a substantial quantity of
    energy. For shoulders, you'll be able to at all times mix it
    up by doing completely different variations of these exercises
    (as explained on again day).
    Many meta-analyses have found periodized resistance training to be more practical for increasing muscular strength than non-periodized resistance coaching (43).

    If you don’t have access to heavy weight, this is a superb software to utilize.
    Casein is a form of protein that’s beneficial to gaining muscle.
    As A End Result Of it’s an animal protein, it has all of the essential amino acids, together with
    excessive amounts of leucine which provoke protein synthesis (15, 16).
    Protein is the constructing block of muscle, and you should devour an sufficient quantity of it
    to maximise muscle development and support recovery.

    The all-in-one mass gainer for excessive dimension,
    energy and power increases.
    The quantity you get per serving is 710 for four scoops added with 16oz of water.
    MuscleMeds accommodates no cholesterol, sugar,
    or gluten, but people with diabetes should nonetheless seek the guidance of their physician before consuming this as it’s such a high-carb protein powder.

    Luckily, MuscleMeds got here up with a mass gainer that's lactose-free.

    This is the one for you if you would like to gain muscular tissues with out experiencing flatulence.
    If you miss the prescribed variety of reps one week, you'll use
    cluster units to get the remaining. Relaxation sec and perform one other set of 1-3 reps.
    Then, repeat this two extra occasions.
    This creates a catabolic surroundings where muscle loss can occur as well as fat storage in cussed
    areas. Their meals usually encompass chankonabe (a stew made up of fish, vegetables, tofu, and meat), accompanied by a
    number of bowls of rice and copious amounts of beer. Early positive aspects in energy are more
    than likely as a outcome of neural diversifications. Strength training plays a significant position in most sports activities and
    everyday life.
    When a person initially will increase their calories dramatically, water retention often follows (as quickly as
    overnight). Nonetheless, when bulking ceases,
    this water will flush out again. Thus, if you would like to
    gain 10 lbs of lean muscle and acquire 5 lbs in a single day,
    you may need to modify the goal total to fifteen lbs as an alternative, accounting for such momentary fluid.

    Mayonnaise is a wonderful supply of unsaturated fats and
    is excessive in calories.
    Mass gainers also play a vital role in stopping muscle
    breakdown by providing important nutrients all through the day.
    This constant provide of vitamins helps preserve muscle
    mass, particularly during times of intense coaching or when it’s tough to eat enough food.
    Shoot for 3 to 5 sets of 6 to 8 reps at a high depth to maximise muscle growth.
    In this post, I’m going to level out you exactly how
    to acquire muscle mass without getting fat.
    You’ll study every thing you have to do from the means to construction your exercises, methods that give each mass and muscle separation, and I’ll even inform you what (and how) to eat.

    Interestingly, ladies may recover faster than males since estrogen is assumed to play a
    task in recovering from sore muscular tissues (88). Recovering from sore
    muscular tissues can involve some light activity, stretching, foam rolling, and correct vitamin. However more so, it just
    takes time for the soreness to go away. It is often found in pre-workouts, coupled with some other
    ingredients, or as a single complement. It
    has restricted research to again up claims however stays in style in the health world.

    Its a great product, retains you full great meal replacement, tastes good too.
    Develop this sort of mental focus and each exercise will be the greatest
    workout of your life. Use a heavy weight and concentrate on the eccentric
    with a 3 second lower of the rep. Focus on absolutely stretching and elongating
    the lats throughout this unfavorable portion of the rep.
    That Is since you'll be making use of slightly known method called Devil Sets.
    Dr. O’Connor has over 20 years of experience treating women and men with a history of anabolic steroid, SARM, and PED use.

    He has been a board-certified MD since 2005 and offers guidance on harm discount methodologies.
    You also needs to keep away from lifting more weight than you'll find a way to handle,
    as this may lead to injury.