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Z histórie dámskej bielizne - podprsenka...

Napísal femme 07. február 2023

Dnes si už ani nevieme predstaviť, že by v našom šatníku chýbala podprsenka, ktorá tvaruje našu postavu. Podprsenka ako súčasť odevu, dlhé roky ako ju dnes poznáme, neexistovala. V staroveku sa používal látkový či jemný kožený pás, na ženských tunikách. 

Umiestňoval sa pod poprsie a vytvoril tak jednoduchú podprsenku, ktorá tvarovala postavu. Korzet v 16. a 17. storočí čiastočne suploval funkciu dnešnej podprsenky, ale bol veľmi nepohodlný pre svoje majiteľky. Revolučné obdobie v 18. storočí a nástup chladnejšieho počasia, odbúrava na krátku dobu zložitú konštrukciu bielizne, ktorá dovtedy mala rôzne výstuhy, podpory a vypchávky. Do módy prichádza telový trikot, ktorý priaznivo pôsobí na postavu a nedochádza k deformácii.

Po tomto krátkom období, sa opäť do módy vrátili živôtiky, korzety, spodničky a prvý prototyp plaviek, ktorý boli skôr kúpacím odevom. Koncom 19. storočia boli udelené prvé patenty na podprsenky Francúzske Herminie Cadolle a Američanke Marie Tucek pod názvom „Breast supporter“. V roku 1907 sa objavila prvá podprsenka a to hneď v americkom vydaní časopisu Vogue, zaujala hlavne Francúzov, ktorý ju volali soutien-gorge.

Za oficiálnu objaviteľku podprsenky sa považuje američanka Mary Phelps-Jacobsová, podľa iných zdrojov, však bola skutočnou objaviteľkou jej francúzska slúžka. Každopádne, za jej vznik vďačíme náhode. Vraj, keď sa chystala na ples, zo šiat jej vyliezal korzet a slúžka jej ušila z dvoch hodvábnych šatiek podprsenku, ktorá sa uväzovala stuhou. Jej prvá podprsenka niesla meno Caresse Crosby a v roku 1914 si dala objav patentovať. Ďalším medzníkom pre podprsenky sa stal rok 1915, keď bol oficiálne uznaný za súčasť odevu magazínom The Lady.


Originálny nákres na podprsenku od Mary Phelps-Jacobsovej -patent (foto: Wikipedia)

Patent v rukách spoločnosti Warnes Brother Corset Company

Novú históriu a rozkvet začína podprsenka písať, keď Mary svoj patent predáva spoločnosti Warnes Brother Corset Company. Spoločnosť zaviedla označovanie S,M,L a v roku 1935 prišla s novými veľkosťami podprseniek, ako ich poznáme dnes – A,B,C,D. Zle časy pre výrobu podprseniek priniesla druhá svetová, vzhľadom na nedostatok materiálu. Ženy však boli vynaliezave a bielizeň si šili doma. Dnes si našťastie môžeme vybrať taký typ a model podprsenky, ktorý je pre nás najvhodnejší.


Teenagerská podprsenka - vhodná pre rastúce poprsie
Trojuholníková podprsenka - vhodná na šport a oddych
Klasická mäkká podprsenka - pre veľké veľkosti a ženy s rozdielmi medzi obvodom hrudníka a obvod bokov kostica a široká bočná časť.
Klasická podprsenka bez výplne - pre veľké a strednej veľkosti
Balconettová podprsenka - vystužené košíčky s vertikálnymi záševkami, hlboký výstrih, ktorý dvíha poprsie
Push up - vystužená podprsenka, zvyčajne s vloženými vypchávkami

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    Jawmaxxing: The Ultimate Guide To Achieving A Chiseled



    The Ultimate Guide on Jawmaxxing- Improving the Jawline

    Jawmaxxing, a term often associated with aesthetic enhancement, focuses on achieving a well-defined and
    chiseled jawline. This guide explores various methods to enhance your jawline, including body fat reduction, muscle development,
    mewing techniques, facial hair styles, and more.

    Jawmaxxing Through Body Fat Reduction

    One of the primary ways to achieve a visible jawline is by reducing excess body fat.
    A defined jawline becomes more prominent when the underlying
    muscles are exposed due to fat reduction. To effectively reduce body fat, maintain a balanced
    diet rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats while incorporating regular
    exercise into your routine.

    How to Reduce Body Fat for Jawmaxxing:

    Chewmaxxing: Developing the Jaw Muscles

    Chewing is not just about eating; it’s a practice that can help strengthen and define
    your jaw muscles. Chewing slowly and thoroughly ensures
    that you engage your jaw muscles, contributing to their development
    and visibility.

    What to Chew for Chewmaxxing:

    Chew on items like nuts, fruits, vegetables, or chewable foods to
    stimulate your jaw muscles. The act of chewing
    enhances muscle tone and helps in achieving a
    more angular jawline.

    Proper Chewing Techniques:

    Focus on slow, deliberate chewing. Avoid excessive gumming or
    rapid swallowing, as these habits can hinder muscle
    engagement. Pay attention to how your jaw moves when you chew and ensure it’s fully
    engaged for each bite.

    Mewing: The Non-Invasive Method for Jawline Improvement

    Mewing is a technique that involves coordinating breathing with chewing
    movements to engage the tongue and jaw muscles. This practice can help in toning the lower face, creating a more defined jawline
    without surgery.

    How to Mew Properly:

    Start by placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
    Inhale gently through your nose, then exhale while slowly chewing a
    non-edible object or simply moving your jaw as if you’re about to chew.
    This coordinated breathing and jaw movement helps engage the muscles for a more defined

    Enhancing Jawline Definition with Facial Hair

    Facial hair, such as beards, goatees, or mustaches, can complement a chiseled jawline.

    Proper maintenance is key to ensuring your facial hair enhances rather than obscures your jawline.
    Keep your beard trimmed and styled to highlight your jawbone’s angles.

    Facial Hair Styles for Jawmaxxing:

    Goatee or stubble styles can emphasize the lower jaw, while a clean shave or
    light beard trim can make your jawline more
    pronounced. The key is to choose styles that frame your face without overwhelming

    Beard Maintenance for a Chiseled Look:

    Regularly groom your beard using scissors or a trimmer.
    Aim for a natural, well-groomed look that complements your jawline rather than detracting from it.

    Jawline Trainers: Do They Work?

    Jawline trainers, such as devices designed to shape
    and tone the jaw area, are popular among individuals looking for an aesthetic enhancement.
    While results may vary, consistent use can help in toning the
    muscles beneath the jawline.

    How to Safely Use Jawline Trainers:

    Use these devices as directed, starting with short sessions and
    gradually increasing their use. Pairing them with proper diet and exercise
    can enhance their effectiveness in defining your jawline.

    Conclusion: The Power of Jawmaxxing for Looksmaxxing

    Jawmaxxing is a powerful tool for looksmaxxing, combining body fat reduction,
    muscle engagement, and facial hair aesthetics to achieve a chiseled jawline.
    By adopting healthy habits, proper chewing techniques, mewing exercises,
    and maintaining facial hair, you can enhance your jawline’s definition and overall facial symmetry.

    Looksmaxxing & Mewing Course Bundle

    For comprehensive guidance on achieving the ultimate chiseled
    look, consider enrolling in our Looksmaxxing & Mewing Course Bundle.
    This course offers expert tips and techniques to help you master mewing,
    body fat reduction, and jaw muscle development for a more defined and
    attractive jawline.

    More Mewing Blogs

    Explore our collection of mewing blogs for additional insights
    on enhancing your jawline through proper techniques, diet, and exercise.

    From mewing exercises to facial hair maintenance, these blogs provide valuable information to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

    Mewing vs Chewing: Why These Should Be Done Together

    Combining mewing and chewing techniques can amplify your
    jawline’s definition. Mewing works on the lower
    face muscles while chewing strengthens the jaw muscles, making them a powerful combination for
    achieving a chiseled look.

    Why Is Tongue Posture Important? A Comprehensive Guide

    Tongue posture plays a crucial role in maintaining proper jaw alignment and muscle tone.
    Keeping your tongue correctly positioned can prevent issues like jaw misalignment and aid in mewing exercises for a
    more defined jawline.

    Mewing and Singing: A Natural Way to Enhance Your Voice and Jawline

    Mewing not only benefits your jawline but also enhances your
    vocal range. By practicing mewing while singing, you can improve both your voice and facial aesthetics for a more polished look and sound.

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