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Napísal KČ 06. november 2020

Parfumérsky a kozmetický priemysel je v súčasnej dobe veľmi rozvinutý, ale je veľmi ťažké nájsť značky, ktoré by v ňom úspešne pôsobili viac ako 150 rokov.  Guerlain je výnimkou. Vytvoril ju talentovaný mladý chemik Pierre François Pascal Guerlain v roku 1828 a svojich priaznivcov doteraz teší luxusnými výrobkami.


Očarujúce vône, ktoré potešili Napoleona III či Honoré de Balzaca, vynikajúce dekoratívne výrobky a ošetrujúca kozmetika Guerlain, to všetko vyrábajú tí najlepší svetovo uznávaní odborníci. Výrobky tejto značky si našli svojich fanúšikov v najsofistikovanejších kruhoch, pretože ich charakteristickým rysom je prémiová kvalita.

Parfumy Guerlain – oddanosť tradícii a sebavedomý pohľad do budúcnosti

Guerlain parfumová voda pre ženy a mužov sa stala príkladom elegantnej klasiky, získala si slávu medzi najnáročnejšími módnymi návrhármi a stala sa štandardom dokonalého vkusu. Zvukové a melodické skladby sú vyvíjané s prihliadnutím na želania moderných spotrebiteľov, ale nie bez oddanosti tradíciám. Parfumy, ktoré majstrovsky kombinujú nové trendy s ušľachtilými vintage motívmi, vytvárajú kompozície hodné tých najušľachtilejších mužov. Nadčasové know-how, neustály výskum, inovácie a zdokonaľovanie, odvážni tvorcovia, legendárne výtvory a kultúra krásy ako symbol značky. To všetko predstavuje luxusný parfémový dom Guerlain, ktorého história siaha až do roku 1828.

Kúpiť parfum Guerlain stojí za to kvôli:

  • Štýlovej a ušľachtilej vôni.
  • Kombinácii najvzácnejších prírodných motívov.
  • Vynikajúcej trvanlivosti.

Aby ste si boli vždy istí svojou neodolateľnosťou a krásou, stojí za to si kúpiť kozmetiku Guerlain Francúzska spoločnosť vytvára nielen skvelé vône, ale aj kvalitnú ošetrujúcu a dekoratívnu kozmetiku. Na výrobu výrobkov sa používajú výhradne bezpečné suroviny, aby spotrebitelia dostávali iba ten najlepší tovar. Účinné prípravky pomáhajú udržať zdravie a mladosť veľa rokov a zdôrazňujú krásu a dôstojnosť vášho vzhľadu.


1430 komentárov

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  • Komentár LloydPEP %PM, %03 %906 %2024 %20:%júl napísal LloydPEP

    Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors. Some are urging them to reconsider
    From its towering white steeple and red-brick facade to its Sunday services filled with rousing gospel hymns and evangelistic sermons, First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia, bears many of the classic hallmarks of a Southern Baptist church.
    On a recent Sunday, its pastor for women and children, Kim Eskridge, urged members to invite friends and neighbors to an upcoming vacation Bible school — a perennial Baptist activity — to help “reach families in the community with the gospel.”

    But because that pastor is a woman, First Baptist’s days in the Southern Baptist Convention may be numbered.

    At the SBC’s annual meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis, representatives will vote on whether to amend the denomination’s constitution to essentially ban churches with any women pastors — and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelming approval in a preliminary vote last year.

    Leaders of First Baptist – which has given millions of dollars to Southern Baptist causes and has been involved with the convention since its 19th century founding — are bracing for a possible expulsion.

    “We are grieved at the direction the SBC has taken,” the church said in a statement.
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    And in a Baptist tradition that prizes local church autonomy, critics say the convention shouldn’t enshrine a constitutional rule based on one interpretation of its non-binding doctrinal statement.

    By some estimates, women are working in pastoral roles in hundreds of SBC-linked churches, a fraction of the nearly 47,000 across the denomination.

    But critics say the amendment would amount to a further narrowing in numbers and mindset for the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, which has moved steadily rightward in recent decades.

    They also wonder if the SBC has better things to do.

    It has struggled to respond to sexual abuse cases in its churches. A former professor at a Southern Baptist seminary in Texas was indicted in May on a charge of falsifying a record about alleged sexual abuse by a student in order to obstruct a federal investigation into sexual misconduct in the convention.

  • Komentár Derrickytix %AM, %03 %487 %2024 %10:%júl napísal Derrickytix

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  • Komentár GeorgeNoiff %AM, %03 %398 %2024 %08:%júl napísal GeorgeNoiff

    Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says
    Want to reduce your risk of developing chronic disease and live longer while also helping the planet? Eat a plant-based diet, experts say.

    Does that mean you can fill your plate with boxed macaroni and cheese, deep-dish frozen veggie pizza or fast-food French fries and have a doughnut or three for dessert?
    While all of those ultraprocessed choices may be meat-free, they are not without risk, said Duane Mellor, a registered dietitian and senior teaching fellow at Aston Medical School in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
    “We can’t always assume plant-based means healthy, as after all sugar is plant-based,” Mellor said in a statement. “Many foods that do not contain animal products, which includes biscuits, crisps, confectionary and soft drinks, are technically plant-based but would not be considered essential as part of a healthy diet by the majority of people.”

    In fact, eating such plant-based junk foods dramatically raises bad cholesterol and hypertension and can lead to associated heart disease and early death, according to a new study authors call “the first” to show ultraprocessed plant foods are associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
    “Eating plant-based products can be beneficial, acting as protection against health problems, or it can represent a risk — it all depends on the level of processing of these foods,” said senior study author Renata Levy, a researcher in the Epidemiological Research Center in Nutrition and Health at the University of Sao Paulo, known as Nupens/USP, in Brazil.

    Ultraprocessed foods undergo multiple industrial processes, such as heating, fracking of nutrients and proteins, molding and compression, and have added chemicals to cosmetically alter color, smell, taste and texture. Foods in this category are formulated to be hyper-palatable to human taste buds and are often extremely convenient, requiring little to no preparation time.

  • Komentár LiamJah %AM, %03 %192 %2024 %03:%júl napísal LiamJah

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